21 Februari 2017

Bakker Sliedrecht Delivers Electrical Auxiliary Propulsion System for First of Two PKR Guided Missile Frigates Designated for the Indonesian Navy

21 Februari 2017

Damen Sigma PKR 10514 (photo : Damen)

Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding has delivered the first of two Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) guided missile frigates designated for the Indonesian Navy. Bakker Sliedrecht was responsible for the electrical auxiliary propulsion system. The frequency drives of this propulsion system are directly connected to the power grid while complying with the EMC regulations.

Water-cooled frequency drives
Key components of the electrical auxiliary propulsion system are two electric propulsion motors and two water-cooled variable-frequency drives with active front ends. Both frequency drives are cooled by one water-cool unit to save weight, space and costs.

Installation process
After assembling the electrical drive systems in our workshop, the installations were delivered to Damen Shipyards were one of the ship segments was build. Damen installed the electrical propulsion system after which Bakker Sliedrecht conducted an installation check on the finished ship segmented. Then, the ship segment was shipped to Indonesia were all ship segments were connected to each other.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Control (EMC)
Each frequency drive is connected to the vessel’s power grid, without the use of a transformer, to save weight and space. Without certain measures, this direct (conductive) coupling can cause unwanted effects on sensitive operational equipment connected to the grid.

Bakker Sliedrecht created smart filter techniques to mitigate the disturbance levels in order to comply with the IEC- and Navy regulations. Prior to realization, model based simulations were used to prove this brand new design. A selective earth fault detection is also included in this design.

Sea trials
Bakker Sliedrecht participated in the sea trials that took place in Indonesian waters. During the sea trials, the electrical auxiliary propulsion system performed perfectly.

(Bakker Sliedrecht)

19 komentar:

  1. senjata udah lengkap dibeli belum????masak dari dulu fit but no with???

  2. Gimna kalo a'a aja yang berdiri didudukan millenium sambil bawa tumbak....kan sayang kalo dianggurin

  3. Saya berharap mesin listrik tamnbahan dan kompling kek ginian sudah bisa dibikin di dalam negri juga . Nggak canggih-cangih amat kok....

    1. coba tunjuk perusahaan yg bisa bikin buat bantu pt pal, soalnya ente blng gak canggih2 amat kok?dan bisa dibikin. bikin loh jgn ngerakit yach om haha!

    2. wah krng kata lokal haha...muup
      hrsnya perusahaan lokal

  4. Setelah sea trial baru melengkapi armament dan sistem elektronik yang dibutuhkan untuk peperangan.
    Yaa kita harus sabar kan gak mungkin simsalabim langsung lengkap... emang pake duite mbahmu... 😁

    1. @lutfi

      Trus gmn bang...kita tukar sama pripot aja?

      Sudah puluhan yang jabat mentri esdm/mentamben...baru. skr tau (setelah dipimpin Pak Jonan), pripot bayar pajak 8T/tahun aja rewelnya 1/2 mati. Lha dari cukai rokok sj pemasukan negara hampir 140T/thn, dari devisa TKI thn 2015 sdh 122T...lha kok dia masi bertingkah?

      Rupanya selama ini pemasukan pripot hanya utk memakmurkan "bangsaku" oknum pejabat sma bayarin "hantu sawah domestik" yang suka nakut2in, papua bakal lepas dr NKRI kalo pripot diganggu2

  5. The stealthiest ship in SEA. Great work Pt Pal and Damen for designing and building one of the greatest frigate in the world.

    1. Moga bang suwandaru ga komen:"saking silumannya,sampe2 senjatanya ga kelihatan..."

  6. Anybody knows about these electric propulsion motors and frequency drives?

    What is CODOE?
    Is it related to this news?

    1. sama om, guwe jg lagi nyari2 benda apaan ini. pnampakannya kyk gimana.

      mungkin jg ada korelasi antara barang diatas sm codoe systim

      spek propulsi mesin sigma:
      CODOE 2x10000 kW + 2x1300 kW, CPP

      kalo pake mesin listrik gini apa bisa lbh stealth kayak kapal selem diesel listrik ato bukan yak? ada yg bisa kasi pencerahan?

    2. Dapet dua2nya...selain propulsinya lebih senyap (cocok utk berburu kasel) juga lebih hemat bbm pd kecepatan jelajah(lebih irit sekitar 15% dibanding pake mesin disel).

      Tapi ga bisa dipake buat ngebut !!!

    3. mantep, daya jangkaunya pun lbh luwas ini kpl yak dibanding sejenis dia

    4. Tinggal gimana kebutuhan dan kondisi geografi negara operatornya...seperti Milgemnya turki(yang sekelas dg PKR).

      Turki yang perairannya tidak luas, lebih pilih propulsi kombinasi diesel&turbin spy bisa ngebut...tapi daya jelajahnya lebih pendek
