03 Februari 2017

Duterte Eyes ‘Precision-Guided’ Weapons from Russia

03 Februari 2017

Russian precision-guided weapons (photo : sputnik)

President Rodrigo Duterte is eyeing to buy “precision-guided” weapons from Russia amid the government’s offensive against Islamic extremists in Mindanao.

Duterte, in his speech during the traditional dinner with Armed Forces of the Philippines Council of Sergeant Majors in Malacanang on Tuesday night, confirmed he would visit Russia sometime in March or April.

“I will make friends with everybody. So I will go to Russia in springtime. They are preparing for my visit,” he said.

The President said he and Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana would meet with their Russian counterparts and discuss the possible acquisition of “precision-guided ” armaments.

“We are talking about precision-guided [arms]. Hindi ko kailangan ng (I don’t need) anti-aircraft. Rebelde lang naman ‘to (They’re just rebels). But we are facing a very serious threat…,” he said, addressing Lorenzana.

During his late night press conference on Sunday, Duterte said he had sent “urgent message” to China to help the country by providing “precision-guided arms.”

During the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting in Peru in November 2016, Duterte was invited by Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Moscow.

In January, the President visited Russia’s large anti-submarine ship, Admiral Tributs.


20 komentar:

  1. Mau dipasangkan di mana ? Sementara kita tahu tidak ada satu pun pesawat tempur atau kapal Pinoy buatan rusia ?

  2. Where the hell are their going to fit it at? Im prety sure Fa50 cant fit anything larger than Sidewinder.

    1. Nggak segampang itu mengabungkan tehnologi amerika dan rusia. Harus ada link dengan bahasa yang sama antara rudal dan pesawat tempur .Emang sesederhana menjatuhkan buah dari pohon?

    2. To worldstar: are you jealous of the philippines?tell your president and your country to buy also an ICBM for you to shut up. It is obvious that your thinking is just like a grade pupil.

    3. @unknown

      Enggak paham maksudnya "harus ada link dg bahasa..."?

      Precision guided weapons ini ditujukan utk menggempur pemberontak, bisa rudal berpemandu TV/IR ato smart bomb...yang paling dibutuhkan adl instrument pentargetan/FLIR.

      Heli AW-109 (yg sdh dilengkapi FLIR) milik AL Philipina yang paling siap utk mengakomodasi rudal/smart bom tsb

    4. @Smilinghari ,rudal sebelum di luncurkan dari hely atau pespur ,diprogram dulu lewat data yang ada di pesawat ,misal jarak target dari pembawa rudal,arah angin .Data tersebut di kirimkan pada rudal yang bakal di luncurkan .Kalau cuma flir yang di gunakan sama sekali tidak berguna karena flir itu cuma membantu pilot melihat target ,bukan mengukur jarak dan trayel rudal .
      Yang masuk akal adalah komen Saiful A zmi Husin yang mengatakan paling ATGM atau roket berpemandu sederhana yang di tembakkan dari darat .

    5. @worlstar, do u know what u are saying is all about?are you a scholar or a basic third world citizen that could not understand the principles of missiles?

    6. Lem1 The picure shows a guided bomb normaly launch from a jet. It was my confusion cause Pinoy never had a true 21st Multirole Combat Fighter that can carry large bomb. Now i know that Pres Durterte statement probably meant for helicopter and ground troops. Good luck acquired Russian and Chinese ‘Precision-Guided’ weapon. Sorry for my mistake.

    7. Worldstar, but philippihes has its own f5 e tiger which is the first in than those indons.lem1 is right you are just like an insane one. Your obviously a talkative and dirty citizen of your country.

    8. Worldstar, but philippihes has its own f5 e tiger which is the first in than those indons.lem1 is right you are just like an insane one. Your obviously a talkative and dirty citizen of your country.

    9. @unknown

      EOTS/flir yang kumplit ada laser range findernya. Itu eots/flir diheli super cobra atau blakckwah contohnya...atau dipesawat baling2 cesna AT-28 yang bisa nembakin berbagai macam senjata precision guided weapon

    10. @Unknown

      AL filipina beli 5 heli aw-109 yang 2 diantaranya telah dikonversi mjd heli pengintai bersenjata dan CAS. 2 heli ini dilengkapi dg FLIR dan komputer balistik shg bisa menembakkan senapan mesin, roket berpemandu/tidak dan rudal.

      Berhubung tidak ada teknologi amrik pd heli ini, tampaknya tdk ada halangan mengintegrasikan roket berpemandu buatan rusia.

      Filipina juga punya pesawat latih Marcheti S-211 buatan leonardo (pabrikan ygg sama dg aw-109), dg penambahan sensor dan komputer pengendali tembakan, s-211 bisa dikonversi mjd pespur ringan utk peran CAS...bersenjatakan roket&bom berpemandu

  3. When he said PGM, it doesn't necessarily be a ship / aircraft launched munition. It may as well be SSM. Even judging from the uncertainty of his speech, it may only be crew served weapon with some sort of guidance like ATGM.

  4. Probably lighgweight missiles like ATGM or guided rocket, available at reasonable price and could immediately deliver from Russian massive stockpiles of weapons!

    1. @saiful

      Philipin tidak punya artileri buatan rusia yang bisa menembakkan guided rocket buatan rusia.

      Sedangkan atgm tampaknya overkill utk melawan pemberontak yg tidak memiliki armored vehicle
