07 Agustus 2017

Defence Budget Drops 20pc to B$451M

07 Agustus 2017

TUDB Blackhawk helicopter (malaysian defence)

THE Ministry of Defence (MinDef) has been allocated a proposed budget of B$451.79 million for the 2017-18 financial year, which is a decline of 20 per cent, or B$112.86 million, from the previous fiscals allocation.

In his preamble on the proposed budget for the MinDef on the third day of the 13th Legislative Council (LegCo) session yesterday, the Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance II, YB Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Ibrahim revealed that the new budget figure comprises salary payments totalling B$288.23 million and other annual recurring expenses totalling B$163.55 million.LegCo-Logo-2

Touching on the focus and priorities of the MinDef, the minister spelt out four key areas. Firstly, to take the best viable approach to increase the effectiveness in coordinating the MinDef’s strategy to improve the safeguarding of issues of national interest such as protecting the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic prosperity, social welfare and national philosophy, as well as contributing to regional and global peace.

The second focus is to improve the level of preparedness in terms of military capacity to ensure national security. To this end, advance planning in the aspects of logistics, training, assets and military equipment, infrastructure support, as well as psychological and mental health support to army personnel will be given pressing attention.

The third priority is to increase defence diplomacy through MoUs, exchange of visits, military trainings, exchange of intelligence, the appointment of Attaché/Defence Counsel as well as conducting trainings and courses at the national, regional and international levels to prevent security threats which are increasingly complex and challenging, especially cross-border threats.

TUDB CN-235 aircraft (photo : Afiq)

The minister gave examples such as the involvement of the nation as the host of military exercises under the framework of the Asean Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) and the ADMM-Plus, which not only serve to strengthen the concept of interoperability between the armies of Asean and its dialogue partners in addressing security threats, but also raise the profile of the nation in promoting confidence-building and regional integration, thereby upholding the country’s commitment towards regional and international cooperation.

The fourth focus of the MinDef is to strengthen the solid partnership with local agencies in support of each other’s capabilities in every mission to uphold His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s aspiration of seeing improvements in the ‘Whole of Nation’ approach between the government and relevant stakeholders.

Such cooperation, among others, has been realised through the National Security Committee in various fields, including prevention of terrorism, maritime security, natural disasters and cyber security.

The minister said that this focus will take into account the challenges and understanding of the concept of security threats which has changed in the era of globalisation and deepening inter-nation integration.

All this has brought about a dynamic security environment and new spectrum of threats which now not only include traditional threats, but also non-traditional ones.

TDB VAB 4x4 APC (photo : bomba boy)

In this context, YB Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdul Rahman also said that the use of assets optimally and effectively will become a catalyst for the achievement of priorities of the MinDef.

These include addressing the strength of military capabilities, where coordination will continue to be implemented over management framework resources to improve the ministry’s capabilities more holistically, systematically and proactively.

The minister also said that to ensure the maintenance of assets and coordination of logistics support is sustainable and effective, initiatives and studies have been introduced, such as the business process reengineering of some supply chain management procedures, Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) – which can be extended to industries and capable local companies and support network builder and the Original Equipment Manufacturer through the Public-Private Sector Partnership.

In addition, the replacement of the Defence Logistics Information System with a new one will also be prioritised as a major catalyst for improving effectiveness in the maintenance of assets.

In monitoring performance assets, the MinDef has also used a Balanced Scorecard with Operational Key Performance Indicator to monitor the maintenance of operating assets so that they are at a high-preparedness level.

TLDB KDB Darulaman 08 (photo : farmaroc)

To improve asset management – taking into account the rate of obsolescence

with the rapid development of technology in the field of defence – the MinDef has taken a “smart buyer” approach to the purchase of defence technology. This is to support the ministry’s missions with appropriate military technology while maintaining sustainability and effectiveness in the supply chain process.

To increase the capacity and productivity of manpower resources, skilled, dynamic and constantly-improving human capital is required.

To achieve this, the MinDef is providing a framework for human resources to put in place initiatives to increase the competency of each army personnel – civilian or non-civilian – and proper succession planning.

Speaking on the need for prudent spending of the new government budget, the minister said that the MinDef is also implementing new cost-saving approaches such as the establishment of a Saving Taskforce – a continuation of its efforts in ensuring continued prudent spending and reducing wastage across all levels of operations throughout the ministry.

(Borneo Bulletin)

40 komentar:

  1. tipu la news cam nie....malaysie nie kayo rayo...paling best kat asean.....sanggup songlap berbiliion tu bukti wang kerajaan banyak la

  2. Suwandaru...bagusan di delete aja komentar kamu...yg dibicarakan di atas adalah Brunei...bukan Malaysia lho! Hahaha....malu-maluin aja loe!

    1. he just troller wanabe...shame as Indonesian...

  3. laaa tak tau ke???brunei hibah blackhawk to malaysie????tapi malaysie tak de wang nak up grade...kesian malaysie

  4. wakakakakakakak..you should hang yourself bro...wakakakaka...tolol,stupid,pekok,

  5. 1st comment is priceless bro...wakakakaka...smartass indonesian...youre indonesian pride..

  6. Good.. Brunai.. maju terus.. kah kah kah

    1. apala brunei tu...kena jentik telor malaysie dah meroyan la....brunei tu semeskin....malaysie ada simpanan emas sebesar bukit gunung ledang...malaysie dilindungi pasukan jin terhaibat dan senjata plasma tersembunyi...jangan memain

    2. Daru,jgn lupa malaysia nih punya bomoh jaguh yg boleh hadapi missile north korea Wkwkwk

  7. kita mau hibah TAKSI pada Indong Tni mau gak mas

    1. dont say like that to TNI idiot..TNI is the best arm force in the world.TNI is better than US+Nato+russia+china+kim jong un.remember that or i will kick your stupid ass out of here...

    2. Buat malon aja taksi nya malon lebih pantas jadi driver taksi kih kih kih

    3. Buat malon aja taksi nya malon lebih pantas jadi driver taksi kih kih kih

    4. Urus dulu ATM lembikmu lon,nak hadapi nelayan pake jaringpun ATM lari terbirit2 kah kah kah

  8. Betul,semua kalah dengan Indonesia,yang bisa menyaingi hanya Malaysia.

    Bersaing banyak-banyakan fitnah komen tolol.

  9. nah awak nak citer sikit...naper singapore tu gerun lawan malaysie????...kerena singapore tau....kalau diorang lawan malaysie...seluruh jet pejuang singapore enjin akan hilang kena ilmu tok bomoh kelapa super

    1. Wew Haibat yer..Tahniah \^_^/

    2. Malaysia nih jaguh jg ye,nak hadapi missile korea utarapun cuma dihadapi dgn bomoh...jaguh nian malaysia nih Wkwkwk

    3. of kos lar.....rudal balistik korea tu kena mantra teropong tok bomoh kelapa super pasti runtuh

    4. Naruto pon pasti kabor Tengok Atm kih kih kih

    5. Kamu anak PKI ya..sepatutnya dimusnahkan..

  10. Admin mana? Udah ban permanen aja itu semua.... Bukannya diskusi militer malah investasi siksaan di neraka

  11. semua alatan militery nie...semangnyer punya malaysie...cuma tumpang kat tanah brunei jer

  12. Vietnamese media hopes that future TNIau's su35 will destroy chinese air supremacy..


    edisi mau pancing manusia berkepala asu yg sudah jarang mau nongol..

  13. nasam yg dibeli tni tu sebenarnya punyer malaysie...cume tumpang tempat jer

    1. mau bikin pengalihan isu kah bro.. wkwkwk org lagi tertumpu sama anda nih...bersyukurlah anda sudah populer...wkwk

    2. Daru,Iye lah pula NASAM buatan malaysia kih kih kih

    3. nasam tu sememangnyer konspiration....kena letak kat indon...biar askar malaysie dapat komisyen duit kopi

    4. Korang pasti paham laa.. kah kah kah

  14. MENDUNIA.. bilang aja apa pasti semua bisa ketar lutut bila b'depan dgn kekuatan yg tahap MENDUNIA...

    1. ko nie dah kenape????sokonglar batalyon bomoh kelapa super

  15. ni comment isinya taik semua...

  16. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

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