Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas has been awarded a $47,819,931 requirements contract for engineering and technical services in support of the F-16 aircraft requirements.
Contractor engineering and technical services will be provided to elevate the technical expertise of system maintainers. Work will be performed at Hill Air Force Base, Utah; Toledo, Ohio; Tucson, Arizona; McEntire Joint National Guard Base, South Carolina; and in 12 countries, Bahrain, Pakistan, Chile, Jordan, Turkey, Morocco, Taiwan, Oman, Egypt, Iraq, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Work is expected to be completed by June 30, 2020. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition.
Fiscal 2017 foreign military sales; operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $18,214,506 are being obligated at time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8604-17-D-8002).
(US DoD)
ini sebenarnya saatnya nego viper.....viper akan dijual supermurah....karena kalau tak ada order....production f16 akan ditutup selamanya
BalasHapuskalo viper blok 72 bisa dibawah harga su 30mk2 itu baru murah om daru😋😋😋😊😊😊
Hapuskalo hrgnya setara su 35. mnurut hemat guwe mending duwitnya ditabung dolo aja dech, buat pswt gen 5 jg dapet, ntar stela antrean f35A mulai sepi2 haha!
kalo ditutup biarin aje itu urusan opa donald bebek.
pasar viper masi luas, kalo sistem penjualan pespur amrik slalu dipengaruhi faktor politis=ribet.
bila amrik mau jual sembarangan.
guwe yakin argentina,venezuela,pakistan,vietnam,bahrain lgs baris ngantri
masalanye negara2 ini pengen beli ato nambah tapi gak dikasi krn faktor politis yg krng harmonis dgn paman sam.
contoh bahrain, akhirnya bisa dpt stela opa donal mencabut blokade anak menteng haha!
ps:jgn khawatir dgn pabrikan f16 om daru, kan masih ada pespur single enjin terbaik sepanjang masa euy kata om pengendara kegelapan haha!🤗🤗🤗
HapusWaduh..lama gak dtg ke blog ini..bnyk postingan yg tertinggal..rindu anda temen2..hehehe
BalasHapusSelamat datang kembali kawan..
HapusLhah...kuwi koncone to mas?
HapusSemua di blog ini kawan lah..
HapusDan cekcok/ribut itu hal yang biasa dalam berkawan.. :D
Guys kindly watch the video below and see what's gonna happen. This is one of the biggest issue happened so far
Pesawat dempulan waktuny d buang... Ganti sma mig 35 n su 34
BalasHapusQuestion. How much lifespan has the F16s have considering that it is second hand and some old A/B models?
BalasHapusIndonesian F16 A/B ocu is brand new when bought by TNI AU in early 90s. They still had much lifespan as during Economic crisis till 2005, much of them become hanggar queen because lack of spare parts and being embargoed by US.
HapusThe F-16c/d 52id being refurbished with give them 2000hrs+ more. That's good for 10-12 years operational life.
HapusI believe if the Blk 15 OCU being refurbished as extensive will provide similar 10-12yrs additional lifetime.
Thus projected they can service to well 2030.
MLU 10 f 16 A/B blok 15 occu untuk sementara mengisi kekosongan yang ada sampai ifx terbang dan produksi massal