19 Februari 2018

PAF Now Looking for New Suppliers of Helicopters

19 Februari 2018

PAF is looking for other suppliers of combat utility helicopter (photo : FlightGlobal)

MANILA -- With the cancellation of the Bell 412 EPI contract from Bell Helicopter and Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), the Philippine Air Force (PAF) is now looking again for possible suppliers capable of supplying it with aircraft with similar capabilities.

The possible suppliers and their respective countries would be determined by the research of the technical working group, PAF head Lt. Gen. Galileo Gerard Kintanar said Saturday.

This would follow the same procurement process instituted for the Bell 412 EPI contract, he added.

"As of now we do not want to speculate. the (technical) working group will look into (for) any solution from the east and western countries," Kintanar said.

The Department of National Defense (DND) earlier issued a notice to CCC terminating the contract for the supply and delivery of 16 units of Bell 412 combat utility helicopters for the PAF.

In a statement, DND public affairs office chief Arsenio Andolong said this is in compliance with President Rodrigo Duterte's directive and pursuant to the Government Procurement Law (RA 9184) which authorized contract termination for the convenience of the government.

The move comes after the Canadian government ordered the review of the PHP12-billion deal between the DND and CCC after receiving reports that the Philippines is planning to use the helicopters against rebel forces.

"While the combat utility helicopters being purchased are primarily for thepurpose of transporting personnel and supplies, the Department believes that it does not owe the Canadian government any justification for an outright purchase of equipment from a privately-owned company," Andolong said.

He also stressed that the DND will continue to pursue the modernization program, and will look into procuring the combat utility helicopters from other countries in lieu of the Bell 412. 


17 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Suriyon...nama lengkapnya Suriyono...itu temen SD ku mas, kok sampeyan kenal?

  2. Kanada tidak mahu menjual helikopter mereka ke negara pembunuh ini.Presiden mereka kelihatan seperti seorang penjenayah.

  3. Waduh,....

    Next target ?

    - Harbin Z9 China
    - NH90
    - AW101
    - Mi17
    - A565
    - A532 Cougar
    - EC725 Caracal

    Kayane China yg bakalan menang tender nih :-)

    1. Kayane kalau dapet kredit lunak dari Rusia bisa jadi bro.

      Heli ini salah satu heli yg dipakai banyak negara kurleb 55 negara. Gile kan ?

      Dan kalo gak salah Indonesia mengoperasikan 12 unit Mi17.

  4. do not risk by being decieved by the west. only russia can balance the west. china needs more experience on aircrafts. vietnam has been through this ordeal.

  5. europeans cancelled the mistrall sales to russia. russia needs to build/modernize its military indigenously. here are the contenders for the bell 412 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamov_Ka-60

    1. Yeah... Mistral cancellation is a sample on how powerfull US can control sales within their underbow countries. France should get the real money from Russia but at the last corner US pushin France not to sellin the ship to Rusia. Egpyt get the ship at the time.

      And the last news is.. US restricted for selling Rafale to Egypt due to they want Egypt to acquired F16 Vipers... as we know theres a lot of components in Rafale's came from US sources made.

  6. the west, the coalition of europe and u.s. doesnt fight big wars, nor confronts a strong enemy it only does this through last resort. it uses barbarism/rebellion to weaken smaller countries. politics is a brainwashing tool. iraqi's are slaughtering themselves. syria and iraq are currently inside a killing pit.

    1. Reading one of the analyst that said Asean will be the next syria's after US finally can developed their own Shale Oil means there is no more interest in oil, they have to search for new sources.. Food !!

      The analysist said that China (which has big trades market in ASEAN) knows diz.. thus China plans to eliminates diz western plan by raising south china sea issues in order to warn all nations in ASEAN to get prepared and boosting their military capabilities.

      As we saw recently on how fast military acquisition among ASEAN Nations recently, it will give the message on how different and powerfull ASEAN right now and western would think twice to doing their plan.

      Well... thats just a conspiracy theory.. could be right or wrong..but in the end maybe we should thanks to China for self reminder on how fragile ASEAN Nations facing dramatically political changes without increasing defense capabilities. ☺☺

  7. au filipin punya jg AW109 Power, tinggal beli lg beres haha!😚😚😚
    kalo krng besar kapasitasnya aw139/149 bole jd pilihan lebih besar & nyaman.
    aw 101 jangan dech terlalu mewong, itu khusus kami haha!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    1. Awewe kita masih sendiri ja om..belum keliatan kapan teman2 nya datang...

    2. blom om tupez. lg kulingdon haha!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
      skrg masing2 satu di basarnas, satu awewe di au..moga2 kduanya dapet jodohnya yach haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      eh knp yach filipin ditekan kanada, padahal pembelian mrk bukan pertama x.
      sama seperti kita, pengadaan lanjutan, mana kita baru nambah 9 bijik 412 epi lagi awal tahun 2018, emg sich kita dapet lisensi lewat fetedei, tp tni ad apa gak nyut2an. apa kerna kita dapat jalur beda, lgs bell amrik?

      kalo paf tetep pengen 412 epi ini, fetedei bisa jg kan ngajuin proposal tuch, seperti nawarin c295 gituch, yach pst lbh mehong, mayanloh 16 bijik buat kawan sehobi shoping 3 MATRA tempur haha!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

      salam shopping soping 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Filipin, Thailand dan Indonesia Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    3. Hehehehe lihat nih respon US setelah thn 2018 ini rencana periode emas garage sale Rusia ke Indonesia.


    4. nahh pas lokasi poto dubes as ituw, guwe hadeeerrr om super @america cihuyyy haha!🀠🀠🀠

      pas ada simulator f16 buat jualan LM f16 blok 70/72.
      guwe dapet donk pin f16 haha!😜😜😜
      tp sayang f35 blom bisa dpt, teknologinya tinggi bingit, blom saatnya buat kita kerna ngantre panjang dolo booo haha!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
      kcuali kali beli 40 didahuluken kaliyak, kalo cuman 8-11 bijik..tarsok haha!πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™

      yoi om super, abis pesta super sale ruski, amrik mana mao ktinggalan haha!tau aja ama yg gemar shoping sopingπŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘. pdhl nyicil kitak haha! biar nyicil asal shoping haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
