18 September 2019

India, Singapore, Thailand Naval Exercise Begins

18 September 2019

INS Ranvir D54 destroyer (photo :  Jerry E)

The aim is to bolster maritime relationships and contribute significantly to enhancing overall maritime security.

The maiden trilateral naval exercise involving India, Singapore and Thailand commenced at Port Blair on Monday. The exercise was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address at Shangri-La dialogue in June 2018.

RSS Tenacious 71 frigates (photo : dvids)

“The five-day exercise is aimed at bolstering the maritime inter-relationships amongst Singapore, Thailand and India, and contribute significantly to enhancing the overall maritime security in the region,” the Navy said in a statement. This would also strengthen interoperability and development of a common understanding of procedures, it added.

For the exercise, guided missile stealth frigate RSN Tenacious of Singapore, and Thailand Navy’s guided missile frigate HTMS Kraburi would join with INS Ranvir a guided missile destroyer, INS Kora a missile corvette and INS Sukanya an Offshore Patrol Vessel along with P8I long range maritime reconnaissance aircraft.

HTMS Kraburi 457 frigate (photo : ThaiPublica)

Harbour phase

During the harbour phase scheduled at Port Blair, professional exchanges, sports fixtures, and cross deck familiarisation visits would be organised, the Navy said. “The sea phase is scheduled from September 18 to 20, and a host of surface and air operations involving gunnery, force protection measures and communication drills would be conducted providing experience gaining and learning from each other’s best practices,” the statement added.

The Initial Planning Conference (IPC) to discuss the modalities of the exercise was held in May and the Final Planning Conference (FPC) was held in August. Malaysia has also evinced interest in joining the exercise.

(The Hindhu)

27 komentar:

  1. Soale udah tau....yg atu lagi kapale gak ada yg laik laut😪😪😪

  2. Hmmm..

    Membandingkan kapal yang "meriah" (INS Ranvir) dengan yang "polos lembut"(RSS Tenacious)..

  3. Balasan
    1. Indon xdiajak latihan..katanya jago sekali haha

    2. lha baru minggu lalu selesai maen antiranjau ame negerinya om ben haha!🤝🤝🤝

      saking seringnya, tiap bulan malah sama singapo haha!👏👏👏

      nich latihan anti ranjau..ups kalian gak punyak gegare 15-5 haha!😂😂😂

      TNI AL bersama Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) menggelar Latihan Bersama (Latma) Joint Minex Pandu 2019.

      latma indopura juli 2019

    3. nach ama indihe, kita sich punya latihan bareng tahunan "latma Samudera Shakti"
      tiap bulan november, artinya bentar lagi asyiiikk aca..aca..haha!🙏🙏🙏


      latihan bareng ama singapo & indihe xlaluw pake pesawat MPA, jd klo gak punyak pesawat MPA rada susah diajaknya haha!😜😜😜

    4. uhuuyy baru minggu laluw kelar jugakk..

      singapo bawa f-50
      kita donk bawa boeing 737 pose..ehh salah SLAAMR haha!💪💪💪

      TNI AU-RSAF gelar Latma Camar Indopura XXVI di Lanud Supadio

    5. Malon tak diajak gak kuat beli solar😁😁😁bangkraps

  4. The Initial Planning Conference (IPC) to discuss the modalities of the exercise was held in May and the Final Planning Conference (FPC) was held in August. "Malaysia has also evinced interest in joining the exercise."


    wahh gred a ternyata pengen ikut, tapi...? haha!😂😂😂

    1. Nggak ada dana buat beli bensin om pal,pengennya cuma numpang aja siapa tahu d beliin bensinya xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa yuhhuuuu malon nih 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

    2. padahal KL konon super tajir, tumben ilang nich..kuota inetnya abis jugak haha!👻👻👻

    3. Tiada budget untuk bahan api dalam eksesais? Kasihan, teruk sangat....

    4. Mau ikut tp yang ngajak gak ada 😀😀😀😀 gara2 miskin

  5. Kasihan si malon tak pernah diajak latihan sama negara manapun.

  6. kaprang thailen ini buatan rrc lho, termasyuk benda langka di ASEAN haha!😎😎😎

    tapi bentar lagi ada negara super tajir yg konon anti bgt pake alutsista buatan negeri tirai bambu, untuk pertama x nya bergabung lgs impor utuh popong haha!🤣🤣🤣

    1. Ompongan alias toothless, mentok pakai M-2 browning Plus misil microphone 😀

    2. Oohh.. kapal OPV dari RRC yg seharga frigat kosongan.. tauu sayaa,
      Sing ndue silite dobool too.. weruh aq🤤😆😆🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

  7. Nnnnaaahh.. kaaann.. sudah mulai tidak bisa menyangkal lagi.. 😊😊


    Diluasnya alam semesta... terasa aneh jika manusia penghuni satu2nya.. xixixi..

  8. Wah jangan2 malon itulah silangan beruk sama ufo😕😕

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  10. Malon unknown anak hasil kongkek monyet dan ufo😀😀😀😇
