12 Oktober 2022

Boeing Completes Currawong Battlespace Communications System

12 Oktober 2022

Currawong based on Bushmaster MPV (all photos : Boeing Australia)

In 2015, Boeing Defence Australia was formally tasked with modernising the Australian Army’s battlefield telecommunications network under Land 2072 Phase 2B. In just eight years, a team of more than 200 people, located primarily in Brisbane, has designed and developed a world-leading system which provides the Australian Army with access to more voice, data and video services in the field than ever before.

Named “Currawong” by the Australian Army, the system comprises all of the technology and hardware needed to enable deployed forces to securely connect to one another and headquarters from anywhere in the world, anytime. 

It includes multiple transmission options, from Wideband Global Satellite to fibre to public networks, combined with innovative system management and networking software, to deliver high-quality, uninterrupted communications services. These services can be tailored for any sized mission — from supporting a small unit to providing full remote headquarter operations.

“The Currawong Battlespace Communications System is one of the most successful complex development programs undertaken in our recent history,” said Scott Carpendale, vice president and managing director of Boeing Defence Australia.

“Approximately AUD $700 million was invested in design, development and production of this purpose-built system which firmly establishes Australia as a leader in development of sophisticated military communications products and systems.”

The game-changer for the project was the adoption of an agile development methodology which involved building small capability blocks and testing them often with the Australian Army end-user.

“The close collaboration between Boeing Defence Australia and the Commonwealth in the design and development of the Integrated Battlefield Telecommunications Network (I-BTN) has been key in the successful implementation of this capability for Defence,” said COL Michael King, Director Land Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) Program within Army Headquarters.

“The relationship has been built on a shared commitment to provide soldiers and commanders the equipment to achieve the mission, and a willingness to work to a common goal of continuous improvement to meet emerging requirements.

“The I-BTN of today has continued to be developed alongside the introduction of new technologies to ensure there is an up-to-date, adaptive and resilient network architecture for Defence’s land domain,” said COL King.

Also key to the program’s success was the engagement of an extensive network of Australian small-to-medium enterprises.

“More than 220 Australian businesses provided everything from ground-up electronics to mechanical and software development,” said Tom Minge, Boeing Defence Australia Currawong program director.

“Their capacity to respond to changing customer requirements with agility, to push boundaries and work at pace has been vital to BDA’s ability to innovate and successfully deliver our milestones on time and on budget.”

With the initial acquisition program under Land 2072 Phase 2B mostly completed, Boeing Defence Australia is already taking the battlespace communications system to the next level – through further advancement to safeguard its relevance for an evolving threat environment, and through application to other platforms to make it a true joint force architecture.

The first major development has been the extension of the Australian government’s commitment to the program through a multi-year Capability Enhancement Program.

“In the past, at the completion of development programs such as Currawong, we would traditionally shift to a pure sustainment contract, with limited scope for upgrades and enhancements,” said Minge.

“But in a tangible demonstration of the value of the capability, the Australian government has funded the continued evolution and development of the system through to 2026, committing to its longevity and future-proofing communications connectivity for Australian deployed forces globally.”

Boeing Defence Australia is also actively exploring the application of the Currawong capability to other platforms. 

It has already been incorporated into Army vehicle tactical communications and has potential application for export and as a solution for SEA 1442, the Royal Australian Navy’s maritime communications program.

50 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Namanya KRI Pulau Fani? Bukan Pulau Rani ya

  2. Punya malon ini....... In your dream

  3. Kamingsun12 Oktober 2022 16.50
    Congrat TNi AL ! Peluncuran 2 kapal MCMV KRi Pulau Fani dan Kri pulau fanilda.


    MANTAB... TNI Makin Tangguh..
    Pengadaan senyap tidak bual kajian dan banyak cakap seperti sebelah..

    Kapal modern sudah jadi, dan siap memperkuat pertahanan Indonesia.

    1. Mantap,orang kaya shopping lagi guys,ini bukan SEWA cem sebelah ya guys wkwkwk

    2. NgePos di Fleet mn ya tuh 2biji MCMV..apa dua² nya di parkir di 1fleet di Riau/Natuna

    3. 1 di riau satu di armada 3 wilayah timur

  4. Pork Barang Premium n mahal yg Indo beli..gk ky KeRajaan SemenAnjink Malon yg Bual Mendonia tp msh "Akan Akan Kaji & Kaji" sampai Bang Jamil Mampooooooooos wkwkwkkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣

  5. Down Payment Rafale
    Batch 1: 6 Unit dari PSP 2020 / Interim MRCA
    Batch 2: 12 Unit dari PSP 2022

    Tinggal nunggu PSP selanjutnya

  6. Besar Bual dr pada Budget wkwkwkkkkk🤣🤣🤣

    1. last last...... SEWAAAAAAA


    2. Om @Zod..Pokonya ampe bang Jamil Mampoos dan Rosmah pake Gstring Transparan

    3. Politik KL lagi carut marut,

    4. Cuma 4 milliar untuk ATM wkwkwkkw

    5. lah kite skali SHOPPING SOPING ada yg lgs $ 8 milyar..kesian jugak si ANUW haha!🤑🤑🤑

  7. Sekejap Bual Mendonia, Sekejap Ngumpat di Bilik Tandas wkwkwkwkkkkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣

  8. Parlemen di Bubarin dan Ayam Potong pun masih melambung tinggi..Sabah & Serawak pun ingin Merdeka..nasib Malon di Ujung Tanduk..saatnya Bangsa MalonAnjink ilang dr tatanan Dunia wkwkwkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣

  9. "Aku Yo pilih CURRAWONG......mbangane CURRANJARANG Ndak marahi melepuh 😭😭😭"


  10. Lho....malon pecinta TERORIS OPM masih eksis di forum DS, right ?

    Hare gene malon jadi PECINTA TERORIS OPM .....HAHAHAHAHAHA


    Kaciaaaannnnn dech lo !


  11. weeiiiitt kapal BARUW lagi...
    bahan bagus buat mimin, skrg aja naik tayang biar si ANUW FANAS om put haha!🔥🔥🔥
    pluncuran/loncing lgs 2 kapal

    nach ini tukan bner om irs, maren sengaja ditutup buat persiapan kapal loncing di jerman haha!😀😀😀

  12. In a Facebook posting, Senior Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said there had been discussions to boost the capabilities of RMAF and the Building Partner Capacity Programme with US Defence Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III.

    During a phone conversation, both agreed the cooperation between the two countries could be improved.

    "The defence cooperation is at a very strong level. Recently, the US donated medical equipment to the Royal Health Corps worth US$3 million.

    "In total, the US has contributed US$200 million to boost Malaysia's defence capabilities.

    "KD Lekir has also returned after participating in #RIMPAC2022 (Rim of the Pacific Exercise) in Hawaii," Hishammuddin said today.

    KL katanya warganyet ANUW kaya...
    ternyata bener gaesz tukang MSA=mengharap sedekah amrik haha!🤑🤑🤑

    ini lg telponan ama menhan amrik, nak minta ongkos serpis pespur kornet , tak tanggung2...$ 62 juta dolar/bijik
    padahal kontrak SUPER HORNET kuwait harga beli baruw $ 53 juta dolar gaesz haha!😂😂😂

    amrik mao di PRENK....

    cuitan menhan baruw 24 jam tiba2
    PM breking nius! BUBARRRRRR..kesian haha!🤣🤣🤣

    1. Wadidaw om pal

      Ada yg manis-manisnya itu kekanya....


      tadi ada wargenyet atu lagi ngomong.. UPGRADE hornet nanti ada LITENING ATP.

      Mau apa KL kan 50% teknologi sih LITENING itu dari RAFAEL Israel


    2. Manakala si MISKIN NGEMIS minta upgrade 3 heli murah... Wkwkkwkwkwkw

    3. eiiitt kita SHOPPING SOPING sangat banyak ke amerika dlm 1 dekade ini aja:
      ✅heli APACHE $ 1.2 milyar/bilyun dolar
      ✅javelin atgm
      ✅sniper ATP pod
      ✅heli bell 412 puluhan bijik...
      ✅heli bell 505
      ✅heli bell 429 globalranger
      ✅5 C-130 SUPER-J
      ✅mesin honeywell utk nc-212
      ✅paket apgred EMLU+FalkonStar
      ✅radar an/apg 68

      apalagi klo kite bayar ongkos servis
      -$ 750 juta dolar utk 24 bijik F-16 C/D
      -4 c-130H ostrali
      dan ongkos kirim tentunya haha!😜😜😜

      wajar donk klo kita dapet hibah dari amrik kan uda SHOPPING SOPING banyak lebih dari $ 2 milyar dolar/bilyun haha!🤑🤑🤑

      ke ostrali kita SHOPPING SOPING
      ✅c-130H 5 bijik

      nach blom ada bukti nyata amrik & ostrali kasi 3 paket servis heli & apc bushmaster haha!😜😜😜
      semua baruw janji tulisan doank,

      tapi klo KL kan beda...lebih besar SEDEKAH daripada SHOPPING SOPING

      ngakunya kaya, tapi bikin malyu kawasan gaesz haha!🤭🤭🤭

    4. nyoiihh om acno guwe uda reply barusan kyk gini:

      Peruntukan Tingkat Upaya Pesawat F/A-18D
      =>RM 2.4 milyar/ bilyun = $ 513 juta dolar

      $ 500juta+++ /8=> $ 62 juta per bijik ituw

      sekedar info om MMW
      kontrak kuwait untuk 28 super hornet BARUW aja $ 1.5 milyar/ bilyun
      => $53 juta dolar per bijik

      coba bayangin masa lebih mahal servis apgred f/a 18 KL drpd pespur super hornet kuwait yg baruw haha!😊😊😊

      pilih mana uang RM 2.4 bilyun untuk beli f/a 18 super hornet blok 3 baruw, bisa dapet 9 bijik...

      ato buat naik taraf pesawat tua 8 bijik om MMW haha!😆😆😆


      satu lagi litening atp ituw buatan rafael isroil, masa KL mao pake barang zionis..
      tolong sampaikan infonya ke mimin DSA yaaach...mungkin khilap haha!🤣🤣🤣

      AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening targeting pod is an advanced precision targeting pod system currently operational with a wide variety of aircraft worldwide. The research and development of the Litening was first undertaken by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems' Missiles Division in Israel, with subsequent completion of Litening I for use in the Israeli Air Force.

      -kita ama kuwait pilih Sniper AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) buatan Lockheed Martin..aman hore haha!👏👏👏

    5. kalo ntar mantan menhan KL goreng ini di PRU,
      uda pasti habis doi diembat lawan2 politeknya yg ganas2 haha!🥵🥵🥵

      kalo tetap pilih apgred 8 bijik kornet drpd dapet 9 bijik super hornet BARUW haha!🤣🤣🤣

      gred a konon, didikan TOP 5 universiti

  13. Untuk kasel nya yg menang dri Naval apa TKMS nih..

  14. Kenderaan armor ini yang DISEDEKAH KE INDON oleh Australia.... Wkwkkwkwkwkw

    1. ...kerajaan lo gak dapat hibah bushmaster, right ?

      Hadehhhhh....adukan ke Raja Britis sono lon ! Bilang gimana komitmen kontribusi fpda tkontribusinya paling lemah....

    2. Kasian malon gk dapat padahal satu gank FPDA ngoahahaha... nampaknya malon tak dianggap penting sama Australia ngoahahaha

  15. Eeeiiittt...Pindad bakal produksi kendaraan amphibi Zaha hasil lisensi dng Turkey.
    Sementara tetangga kismin sebelah cuma bisa produksi Hijr 2 ekok je.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  16. Eeeiiitttt...kapal CG Malon yg baru cecah air tolong diawasi ya....jng sampe naik lg ke darat spt LCS merogok yg karatan.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. Nedara ASEAn pada beli dan buat kapal perang lengkap senjata, kecuali tetangga kismin sebelah cuma bisa merakit kapal CG murahan dr plat tipis....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. @Palu_gada

    👉👉👉 Cuma kepengen ngetes sistim proteksi diformil sebelah, bisa digoyang pantura apa ndak......🤫 👈👈👈

    Febry Dianciux 12/10/2022ReplyYour comment is awaiting moderation.

    Setuju….tapi juga tak perlu berkecil hati, dan anggap saja kesempatan ini sebagai pembelajaran dalam hal meng-MLU kapal Kombatan yg memiliki standar yg ketat/kaku sekaligus mengaplikasikan teknologi laser 3d scanner 👉👉https://youtu.be/d-ic3byOzxo

    Penerapan teknologi laser 3d scanner ini bermanfaat memperkecil perbedaan persepsi dalam menterjemahkan gambar kerja 2D….karena dg alat scanner ini gambar kerja tsb divisualisasikan seolah-olah obyek (piping, plumbing dan cabling) sudah tertata/terinstal dihadapan kita.

    Jadi kesempatan kali ini ibarat instrumen untuk mengukur kapasitas para SDM PAL dan sekaligus bisa mengukur sejauh apa kemampuan tsb bisa ditingkatkan spy sejajar dg standar internasional

    1. wahhh hanud guwe jeboool....
      ayo PPKM bulet2 nyis nyoss haha!🥰🥰🥰

  19. Purr...ada kabar DANA utk pembayaran 12 unit Dassault Rafale F3R sudah disetujui DPR dan MenKeu purrr...

    1. makaci BU SRI..bner2 srikandi moneter kita yaa om meneer haha!🤑🤑🤑

    2. Salim cium tangan ,kecapakecipu utk Bendahara Negara

  20. berhubung artikel ada Boeing Defence Australia,
    om mimin gak tertarik masuk brita konflik
    skyborg(usaf) vs ats(raaf) yg bikin bowing cabut dari ostrali.
    nasib loyal wingman bat-dron terancam..uda delay lagi ini haha!🤓🤓🤓

  21. M.taga12 Oktober 2022 11.33

    Indonesia dah macam2x kapal KRI dan KM. Di luncurkan sekejab lagi dua KRI buatan Jerman juga dah mulai siap jangan nk menganjing cakap merapu tk tau sakitmu .karna malu dgn perkembangan jiran jiran mu. Pur.sebelah ko tu.


    si ANUW diomelin ama om m.taga gaesz...
    KL vs KL

    makasi om taga hore haha!👏👏👏
