28 Februari 2025
Kasau Tinjau Kesiapan Operasional Lanud J.A. Dimara, Merauke
Boeing Akan Hentikan Produksi AH-6i Setelah Pesanan Thailand Selesai
Pengoperasian Pesawat Hawk Mk 108/208 TUDM Dikumpulkan di No 6 Skuadron, Labuan
27 Februari 2025
Shipnaming dan Peluncuran KRI Bung Hatta-370 di Galangan PT Karimun Anugrah Sejati
PT DI Kirim Teknisi ke Prancis untuk Pelajari Pesawat Tempur Rafale
Drone Elang Hitam Jenis MALE Bakal Diuji Coba Bulan Depan
26 Februari 2025
Australia, Japan and USA Joined its Tanker Fleet in Exercise Cope North 2025
26 Februari 2025
A RAAF KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft departs (photo: Aus MoD)
Tankers band together
Australian, Japanese and American refuelling aircraft have joined forces to feed thirsty fast jets in the skies above Guam.
As part of Exercise Cope North, a task force of 10 tankers, including a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport, have refuelled 64 fighter jets from the three nations.
The biggest test of working together, however, was the two-week period known as the large force employment (LFE).
Over the LFE, the KC-30A had more than 100 visits to its refuelling strobes and boom, sharing more than 300 tonnes of fuel and sustaining 240 fast-jet flying hours. This is the equivalent effort of flying a 737 from Sydney to Melbourne, 80 times.
A Japan Air Self-Defense Force KC-46A Pegasus departs for a refuelling mission (photo: Aus MoD)
KC-30A and 33 Squadron pilot Flight Lieutenant Sara explained how important working with the United States Air Force (USAF) and Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) was to developing and perfecting her skills.
“We have been working alongside both the USAF and JASDF tankers closely since day one, including flying, mission planning and supporting one another,” she said.
“It has been a good opportunity to identify inefficiencies and streamline multinational operations.
“Participating in Exercise Cope North 25 has been particularly rewarding due to the number of assets involved in the mission planning and execution. It is uncommon to exercise with up to eight tanker aircraft in a single flight, yet we have proven with good communication and coordination it can be achieved seamlessly between all three nations.”
The standard crew for the KC-30A on Exercise Cope North 25 has five members – one captain, one co-pilot, two air-refuelling operators and one crew attendant. While one crew was flying, another crew was integrated into the planning cycle, assisting with the allocation of ground and airborne assets to successfully conduct the following day’s mission.
A United States Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft departs (photo: Aus MoD)
Crew attendant Leading Aircraftwoman Chelsea explained how the exercise was key to developing her understanding of trilateral operations and how the KC-30A fitted into an integrated force.
“As a crew attendant on the KC-30A, my role is to provide high-quality service whilst ensuring the safety of passengers and crew on board,” she said.
“Exercise Cope North 25 has been a great opportunity for me to further develop my skillset, all while building connections that enhance our collective readiness and global partnership.”
The KC-30A, it’s crew and their trilateral partners are the key to long-range fast jet operations, a capability that is vital to ensuring stability and enhancing regional security in a vast Indo-Pacific region.
(Aus MoD)
Program "Local Planned Maintenance 12 Years F/A-18D TUDM" Berhasil Hemat Anggaran 25%
Depohar 30, Dislitbangau, dan Infoglobal Berkolaborasi dalam Reverse Engineering Pesawat Hawk Mk-209
26 Februari 2025
Depohar 30, Dislibangau, dan PT Infoglobal bersinergi untuk reverse engineering pemeliharaan pesawat Hawk Mk-209 (photo: TNI AU)
TNI AU. Malang -- Depo Pemeliharaan (Depohar) 30 bekerja sama dengan Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan Angkatan Udara (Dislitbangau) serta PT. Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta (ITS) dalam pelaksanaan reverse engineering pesawat tempur Hawk Mk-209. Kegiatan ini berlangsung di hanggar Satuan Pemeliharaan 32 (Sathar 32) Depohar 30 pada Senin, 24 Februari 2025. Kunjungan dari Dislitbangau yang dipimpin oleh Kolonel Lek Agus Priyanto, S.T., diterima langsung oleh Komandan Depohar 30, Kolonel Tek MD. Riswanto, M.I.Pol., M.M., beserta jajaran teknisi.
Pelaksanaan reverse engineering ini diawali dengan sesi briefing, diskusi teknis, serta uji fungsi on ground pesawat Hawk Mk-209. Tujuan utama dari kegiatan ini adalah menganalisis sistem pesawat secara mendalam sehingga dapat memahami cara kerja dan merancang inovasi yang dapat diterapkan dalam pemeliharaan alutsista. Dengan adanya kolaborasi ini, diharapkan pesawat Hawk Mk-209 dapat terus beroperasi dengan optimal dan memiliki kesiapan tempur yang lebih tinggi.
Selain meningkatkan efisiensi pemeliharaan, kerja sama ini juga bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi para teknisi Depohar 30 dalam melakukan rekayasa ulang sistem pesawat. Dengan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terhadap struktur dan mekanisme pesawat, diharapkan TNI AU dapat lebih mandiri dalam pemeliharaan serta pengembangan teknologi alutsista di masa depan.
Pesawat tempur ringan Hawk 109/209 TNI AU (photo: Disway)Dandepohar 30, Kolonel Tek MD. Riswanto, menegaskan bahwa kolaborasi ini merupakan langkah strategis dalam memperkuat kemampuan pemeliharaan pesawat di lingkungan TNI AU. "Kami sangat mengapresiasi kunjungan serta dukungan dari Dislitbangau dan PT. Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta. Kegiatan ini akan membantu kami mencapai standar pemeliharaan yang lebih tinggi serta mendukung kemandirian industri pertahanan dalam negeri," ujarnya.
Dislitbangau dan PT. ITS juga menyampaikan komitmennya untuk terus mendukung upaya pengembangan teknologi pemeliharaan pesawat di TNI AU. Melalui program reverse engineering ini, diharapkan dapat ditemukan solusi inovatif yang mampu meningkatkan efisiensi operasional serta memperpanjang usia pakai pesawat tempur yang menjadi tulang punggung pertahanan udara nasional.
Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu upaya nyata dalam mewujudkan sinergi antara industri pertahanan dalam negeri dengan kebutuhan operasional TNI AU. Dengan terus meningkatkan kemampuan teknologi dan sumber daya manusia, diharapkan kemandirian pemeliharaan alutsista dapat semakin terwujud dan memperkuat sistem pertahanan udara Indonesia.
25 Februari 2025
Royal Thai Navy Announces Navantia, Spain, as Winner of HTMS Chang Type 071ET LPD Amphibious Dock Capability Enhancement Project
25 Februari 2025
HTMS Chang (III) Landing Platform Dock (photos: Royal Thai Navy)The official website of the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) in the section on the publication of the agency's procurement projects issued a document on February 21, 2025 regarding the announcement of the winner of the bidding for the project to purchase combat management systems, surveillance systems, fire control systems, weapons systems, and gyro systems, along with related support equipment.
For the project to enhance the combat system capability for naval operations of the floating landing craft, HTMS Chang (III), 1 system, by selection method, budget 909,500,000 baht ($27,100,718), the selected company is Navantia SA, SME, a Spanish shipbuilding industry state enterprise.
The release of the winning document for the project to enhance the combat system capability of the HTMS Chang (3rd) floating dock landing craft is consistent with Thai media reports in August 2024 that the Spanish company Navantia was the winner.
This is the latest success of Navantia Spain with the Royal Thai Navy in 28 years. It is understood that the main weapon system to be procured is the CATIZ Combat Management System (CMS) which is a product of Navantia.
Related systems likely to be procured include Navantia's DORNA Fire Control System (FCS) and two SENTINEL 30 Naval Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (RCWS) from Spain's EM&E Group to supplement the weapons already installed on the third amphibious landing craft, HTMS Chang.
There are four M2 .50cal heavy machine guns on the port side and starboard side of the ship and two Oerlikon GAM-CO1 20mm machine guns on the port side and right side in front of the ship's bridge. EM&E Group has been contracted by the Royal Thai Navy to deliver the SENTINEL 30 RCWS naval gun mounts for the two T.997 series coastal patrol vessels, namely T.997 and T.998.
It is not yet clear whether a secondary contract for the 3rd HTMS Chang (IFF) combat capability enhancement program will be announced, which includes the TSA3521 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system and the TopAxyz gyro system from Thales Nederland BV of the Netherlands.
Israeli Elbit Naval Systems' Spectro XR Electro-Optronic (EO) camera and Sweden's SAAB AB's Sea Giraffe 1X 3D surveillance radar are interconnected with Spain's Navantia CATIZ CMS combat management system via an open architecture.
Type 071 LPD (photo: news.qq)
After the installation of the combat system and weapons in the first phase of the upgrade, it is also understood that one 76mm naval gun, which is likely to be a Leonardo 76/62 family naval gun from the Italian company Leonardo SpA, as well as four decoy launchers, will be approved for the second phase of the upgrade in the following fiscal year, around fiscal year 2026.
It was also reported that the Spanish CATIZ CMS combat management system was selected to upgrade the capabilities of two HTMS Pattani-class offshore patrol vessels, HTMS Pattani and HTMS Narathiwat (although there have been rumors on Thai social media recently that the HTMS Pattani-class offshore patrol vessel project is having internal problems).
Type 071ET LPD (Landing Platform Dock) HTMS Chang (III) in service with the Amphibious and Combat Support Service Squadron (ACSSS) of the Royal Thai Navy (RTF) is the export version of the Type 071 amphibious landing platform dock of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).
Built by the Shanghai Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group(HZ) shipyard, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation(CSSC), a Chinese state-owned shipbuilder, it was delivered to the Royal Thai Navy in 2023 and has been continuously deployed, most recently with the large landing craft of HTMS Sichang-class, HTMS Surin-class, and frigates of HTMS Chao Phraya-class and HTMS Bangpakong-class in the maritime training fleet of the Naval Rating School (NRS) for the academic year 2025 in February 2025.
Rheinmetall Completes Delivery of 3.580 HX Trucks to the ADF
Latihan Air to Air Refuelling TNI AU dan USAF 2025
25 Februari 2025
Latihan Air to Air Refuelling TNI AU dan USAF dengan pesawat F-16 dan KC-135 (photos: DVIDS)
Penerbang tempur F-16 Fighting Falcon dari Skadron Udara 3, Skadron Udara 14 Lanud Iswahjudi dan Skadron Udara 16 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin melaksanakan latihan pengisian Bahan Bakar di Udara (Air to Air Refuelling) dengan Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat (United States Air Force - USAF).
Latihan Air to Air Refuelling antara TNI AU dan USAF akan melibatkan pesawat F-16 Fighting dan satu pesawat KC-135 dari Garda Nasional Udara Hawaii. Latihan dilaksanakan dari tanggal 17s.d.20 Februari 2025. Berhasil melakukan operasi pengisian bahan bakar udara ke udara tanpa cela.
Latihan Air to Air Refueling (AAR) merupakan momen penting untuk mengasah kemampuan pilot dalam menjalankan prosedur refuelling yang rumit dan memastikan kelancaran proses transfer bahan bakar di udara.Latihan ini merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk memperkuat kemampuan pertahanan udara dan meningkatkan interoperabilitas antara kedua negara dalam menghadapi tantangan keamanan regional serta mendapatkan kualifikasi AAR.