07 Februari 2025

TNI AL Sedang Kaji Kebutuhan Kapal Induk Untuk Kepentingan OMSP

07 Februari 2025

Kapal Induk Italia ITS Giuseppe Garibaldi setelah pensiun ditawarkan ke Indonesia (photo: Marina Difesa)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali mengatakan bahwa TNI AL sedang mengkaji kebutuhan kapal induk.

"Kelihatannya kami memerlukan kapal induk untuk kepentingan OMSP (operasi militer selain perang), terutama ya," kata Ali dalam konferensi pers sebelum menghadiri Rapat Pimpinan TNI AL di Markas Besar TNI AL, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Kamis.

Sementara itu, dia menjelaskan bahwa TNI AL telah mengusulkan sejumlah pengadaan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) kepada Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan).

"Yang akan diadakan dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, mungkin sudah mengikuti, kemarin di Italia kami mendapatkan dua PPA (kapal patroli lepas pantai/OPV), dua frigate ya. Walaupun itu OPV, tetapi itu kelasnya frigate," ujarnya.

Selain itu, dia mengatakan bahwa saat ini telah dibangun dua Frigate Merah Putih untuk menambah kekuatan TNI AL.

"Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.

Adapun TNI AL akan menerima hibah dua kapal patroli dari Jepang. Sebelumnya, Komisi I DPR RI telah menyetujui permohonan Kemhan dan TNI terkait hibah tersebut melalui Rapat Kerja di kompleks parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (4/2). (Antara)

Juan Carlos class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) (photo: Aus MoD)

Kementerian Pertahanan Masih Mengkaji Pengadaan Kapal Induk Tipe LHD

Dikonfirmasi tentang hal ini, Kepala Biro Informasi Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan Frega Wenas mengatakan, rencana pembelian kapal induk ini dilatarbelakangi konstelasi geografis Indonesia yang berbentuk negara kepulauan yang sering ada bencana alam. Kapal induk menjadi sarana yang memudahkan untuk memberikan bantuan secara lebih cepat. 

Ia menggarisbawahi, yang dimaksud dengan kapal induk bukanlah kapal induk berdimensi panjang yang memiliki runway untuk menerbangkan pesawat tempur. Indonesia juga tidak merencanakan kapal induk ini untuk proyeksi kekuatan ke luar wilayah Indonesia.

Akan tetapi, kapal induk ini lebih pada kapal induk yang memungkinkan untuk short take off and vertical landing (STOVL), seperti helikopter untuk mengangkut logistik ketika ada bencana. "Semua masih dalam kajian. Salah satu opsinya memang LHD, Landing Helicopter Dock," kata Frega. 

See full article Kompas via Keris

142 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Kemahalan, nambah frigate dan PKR aja dulu,

    2029 = 69,54%
    2028 = 69,34%
    2027 = 68,8%
    2026 = 68,17%
    2025 = 68,07%
    2024 = 68,38%
    2023 = 69,76%
    2022 = 65,5%
    2021 = 69,16%
    2020 = 67,69%
    IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
    IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
    IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
    The national debt in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 121.9 billion U.S. dollars (+38.56 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 438.09 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years.
    As defined by the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.
    LIMIT DEBT 65%
    LIMIT DEBT 65%
    In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.
    • In 2023, Malonn's government debt was 64.3% of its GDP, which was close to the statutory debt limit.
    • The government's debt has been increasing due to higher spending on pandemic relief.
    • The government's goal is to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.3% of GDP in 2024 to 3% by 2026.
    • The government plans to achieve this by reducing subsidies, especially for fuel, and increasing the Sales and Service Tax (SST) in 2025.
    • The Ministry of Finance (MOF) projects that the government's debt growth will slow from 7.5% in 2024 to 6% in 2025.
    66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
    66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
    66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
    Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion in 2024, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP.
    • The government of Malonn has a plan to reduce its debt and fiscal deficit.
    • The government's fiscal consolidation measures include raising revenue and optimizing public expenditure.
    • The government is also limiting the issuance of financial guarantees and reviewing off-budget projects.
    • The government's goal is to reduce the debt to below 60% of GDP in the medium term.
    Impact of debt on the economy
    • A debt crisis can lead to an economic recession, which can cause a decline in GDP, higher unemployment, and reduced consumer spending.
    • A prolonged recession can have a lasting negative impact on a country's standard of living and economic development

      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Indonesia was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 627.9 billion U.S. dollars (+44.77 percent). After the ninth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 2 trillion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Malaysia was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 181.6 billion U.S. dollars (+41.3 percent). After the sixth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 621.32 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 = 69,54%
      2028 = 69,34%
      2027 = 68,8%
      2026 = 68,17%
      2025 = 68,07%
      2024 = 68,38%
      2023 = 69,76%
      2022 = 65,5%
      2021 = 69,16%
      2020 = 67,69%
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      The national debt in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 121.9 billion U.S. dollars (+38.56 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 438.09 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years.
      As defined by the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.





    2. Kenapa tidak bisa bikin di PT PAL? Itu pesannya pasti sedikit, jadi bikin di PT PAL memudahkan syarat ToT. Kalau desain, dari luar menurutku tidak apa2. Mengurangi risiko.

  5. LHD lebih cocok , minimal 2 Buah 🤧

  6. Mending beli kapal selam yang banyak

    1. Beda fungsi. Waktu tsunami Aceh dulu, kapal selam berbagai negara semuanya tidak berguna.

    2. Kasel,frigate,OpV,kapal patroli,LSt semua di butuhkan karena kita punya laut di dalam

  7. Kalo untuk misi OMP cepat, ya Chinook, Osprey, A400M, Herky J...jauh lebih cepat dari LHD...😷

    1. Osprey yakin? Chinook juga lebih efisien kalau mendarat di kapal yg sudah banyak kebutuhan. Jadi round trip lebih cepat.

      Dari pengalaman kita sendiri, Herki sampai C-212 saja bisa tidak berguna. Karena tidak ada landasan, atau landasannya ikut kena bencana.

  8. Aah...iya kee? 😁

    "...Kapal induk menjadi sarana yang memudahkan untuk memberikan bantuan secara lebih cepat. .."

    (Sekaligus sarana buat invasi malaydesh)


  9. PPA OPV....? 🤣🤣🤣

      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Indonesia was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 627.9 billion U.S. dollars (+44.77 percent). After the ninth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 2 trillion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 181.6 billion U.S. dollars (+41.3 percent). After the sixth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 621.32 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 = 69,54%
      2028 = 69,34%
      2027 = 68,8%
      2026 = 68,17%
      2025 = 68,07%
      2024 = 68,38%
      2023 = 69,76%
      2022 = 65,5%
      2021 = 69,16%
      2020 = 67,69%
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.......


      -LEMES BATCH 1.



      -LEMES BATCH 1.


    4. OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.
      • In 2023, Malonn's government debt was 64.3% of its GDP, which was close to the statutory debt limit.
      • The government's debt has been increasing due to higher spending on pandemic relief.
      • The government's goal is to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.3% of GDP in 2024 to 3% by 2026.
      • The government plans to achieve this by reducing subsidies, especially for fuel, and increasing the Sales and Service Tax (SST) in 2025.
      • The Ministry of Finance (MOF) projects that the government's debt growth will slow from 7.5% in 2024 to 6% in 2025.
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      The national debt in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 121.9 billion U.S. dollars (+38.56 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 438.09 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years.
      As defined by the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.
      1. China 37,070,000
      2. United States 29,170,000
      3. India 16,024,460
      4. Russia 6,910,000
      5. Japan 6,570,000
      6. Germany 6,020,000
      7. Brazil 4,702,004
      8. Indonesia 4,661,542
      9. France 4,360,000
      10. United Kingdom 4,280,000
      Indonesia is the 8th largest economy in the world by GDP (PPP). It is also the largest economy in Southeast Asia.
      GDP INDONESIA 1,492,618
      GDP SINGA : 561,725
      GDP MALON : 488,250
      GDP PINOY : 471,516
      GDP VIET : 468,400
      GDP THAI : 545,341
      Malon and Singapore lack the size to match Indonesia’s importance on the global stage. With a combined GDP of around $818 Billion, Malon and Singapore are still quite far from Indonesia’s $1.3 Trillion GDP, which puts a gap of around $500 Billion between Indonesia with Malon and Singapore. Without the combined GDP there would be a $900 billion gap between Indonesia with Malon and Singapore respectively.
      Things get even worse when we measure the economy in GDP PPP. Indonesia stands at around $4 Trillion in PPP, whilst Malon at $1,089 Trillion and Singapore at $617 Billion. Even the combined GDP of the next three largest ASEAN nations (Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines) still couldn’t match Indonesia’s size. Within both PPP and Nominal GDP, no ASEAN nations are within the top 20 largest economies in the world, therefore none of them can qualify for the G20 membership with their GDP.

    5. Malonn's military ships face several weaknesses, including:
      • Age: Many of the ships are past their serviceable lifespan.
      • Delayed replacements: New ships have been delayed, leading to the use of ships that are no longer suitable.
      • Outdated equipment: Much of the equipment is outdated and cannot function well.
      • Corruption: The military has been involved in corruption scandals.
      • Political interference: Political interference has impacted the procurement of military equipment.
      Examples of weaknesses
      • KD Pendekar
      A 45-year-old fast attack vessel sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
      • KD Rahman
      A conventional submarine that could not submerge due to technical problems.
      • New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPV)
      The program was delayed due to management failure, but the Malonnn government intervened.

    6. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of weaknesses in its military logistics, including outdated equipment, logistical chain disruptions, and challenges transporting supplies over long distances.
      Outdated equipment
      • Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and is now considered outdated.
      • The MAF has been unable to obtain modern equipment from the government.
      Logistical chain disruptions
      • The MAF has experienced supply chain disruptions due to inefficient transportation and processes.
      • The geographical distance between West and East Malonn makes it difficult for logisticians to transport supplies in a timely manner.
      Challenges transporting supplies
      • The MAF has faced challenges transporting supplies over long distances, especially on mountainous and poor roads.
      Other weaknesses
      • The MAF has not specialized in disaster operations, and only acts when necessary.
      • The MAF has faced internal and external threats due to its outdated equipment.

    7. Malonn's military faces many problems, including corruption, poor planning, and outdated equipment. These issues have made the Malonnn military vulnerable to threats from within and outside the country.
      • The defense sector is vulnerable to corruption from foreign and domestic interests.
      • There is a lack of parliamentary oversight and financial scrutiny.
      Poor planning
      • There are issues with procurement, including interference from political leaders.
      • The Malonnn procurement system needs reform.
      Outdated equipment
      • Most of the equipment in the Malonnn military was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The military lacks modern and latest military assets.
      • The military has an aging fleet of trainer and light-combat aircraft.
      Other problems
      • The military has issues with internal security.
      • The military has issues with leadership selection.
      • The military has issues with public policy.
      • The military has issues with military organization.
      • The military has issues with managing low-level intensity conflict.

    8. Purr....keren yah frigate KRI.Brawijaya dan Prabu Siliwangi. OMPONG...😆 🤣 ayat² penyedap hati yg koyak khas dàri warga Malaydesh...😆 🤣 😂

    9. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced several weaknesses, including aging ships, a lack of modern assets, and personnel issues.
      Aging ships
      • The RMN's fleet includes ships that are operating past their serviceable lifespan.
      • A 45-year-old vessel sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
      • The KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge in 2010 due to technical problems.
      Lack of modern assets
      • The RMN has struggled to acquire new ships.
      • The RMN has a lack of modern military assets.
      Personnel issues
      • Military personnel have struggled with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during operations.
      Management issues
      • The RMN has faced management failures, such as the delay in the acquisition of the New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPVs).
      • The RMN has faced corruption scandals, such as the hijacking of allocated funds.
      Other issues
      • The RMN has faced issues with unused spare parts.
      • The RMN has faced issues with the cost of current spare parts.

  10. Balasan
    1. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced several weaknesses, including aging ships, a lack of modern assets, and personnel issues.
      Aging ships
      • The RMN's fleet includes ships that are operating past their serviceable lifespan.
      • A 45-year-old vessel sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
      • The KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge in 2010 due to technical problems.
      Lack of modern assets
      • The RMN has struggled to acquire new ships.
      • The RMN has a lack of modern military assets.
      Personnel issues
      • Military personnel have struggled with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during operations.
      Management issues
      • The RMN has faced management failures, such as the delay in the acquisition of the New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPVs).
      • The RMN has faced corruption scandals, such as the hijacking of allocated funds.
      Other issues
      • The RMN has faced issues with unused spare parts.
      • The RMN has faced issues with the cost of current spare parts.

    2. The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced challenges due to budgetary constraints, corruption, and mismanagement. The RMAF's capabilities and future development plans are uncertain.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The RMAF operates on a shoestring budget.
      • The government's budget is limited by slow economic growth and falling oil revenues.
      • Low allocations, mismanagement, and neglect have "systematically hollowed out" the RMAF.
      • Malonn's military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Investigations have revealed that allocated funds have been hijacked by politicians and their cronies.
      Poor air defense capabilities
      • In 2014, the disappearance of Malonn Airlines Flight 370 highlighted the RMAF's poor air defense capabilities.
      • The RMAF lacked secondary radar and a flight identification system.
      Challenges maintaining aircraft
      • The RMAF faces challenges maintaining its Su-30MKMs due to the war in Ukraine.
      Malonn's surface-to-surface missiles may be weak due to budgetary constraints, logistic management problems, and inadequate funding.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The 1997 Asian financial crisis limited the funds available for military procurement
      • Currently, Malonn spends 1.4% of its GDP on the military
      Logistic management problems
      • Logistic management issues for soldiers have contributed to Malonn's military weakness
      Inadequate funding
      • Inadequate funding can impact the combat readiness of the Malonnn Armed Forces
      • This can undermine the country's strategic deterrence capability

    3. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has experienced issues with the age and condition of its fleet, including the sinking of the KD Pendekar patrol boat in August 2024. The RMN has also faced challenges in replacing its aging fleet.
      KD Pendekar
      • The KD Pendekar was a 260-ton fast attack craft that sank in August 2024 after grounding on Stork Reef.
      • The ship was commissioned in 1979 and was on a routine mission when it sank.
      • The ship's crew of 39 were rescued by a commercial ship.
      • The RMN's investigation found that the ship strayed from its planned route and hit the reef.
      • The RMN also cited the ship's age as a factor in its inability to stop the flooding.
      RMN fleet
      • A government audit found that over half of the RMN's fleet is past its prime.
      • The audit also found that the RMN has received only four of its 18 planned new vessels.
      • The RMN's plans to replace its aging fleet have been delayed due to mismanagement.
      • The RMN has 10 to 15 ships that are over 40 years old.
      The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced limitations in acquiring air-to-surface missiles due to US restrictions on new technology, political interference, and corruption.
      US restrictions
      • The US has restricted the RMAF from acquiring certain new technologies, including the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile.
      Political interference
      • Political interference has undermined the combat readiness of the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF).
      • Corruption has plagued the MAF, undermining its combat readiness.
      Logistic management
      • Logistic management problems for soldiers have contributed to Malonn's military falling behind.
      The RMAF has considered purchasing air-to-surface missiles from Russia and other non-traditional sources.

    4. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of challenges, including corruption, outdated equipment, and a lack of funding. These issues have contributed to the MAF's capabilities falling behind those of neighboring countries.
      • Corruption: The MAF has been involved in multiple corruption scandals.
      • Outdated equipment: The MAF's equipment is outdated and unable to keep up with modern threats.
      • Lack of funding: The MAF's budget has been de-prioritized by successive governments.
      • Short service scheme: The MAF's 15-year service scheme means that many people are reluctant to join.
      • Political interference: Some say that politicians have made decisions about the military's procurement and capacity building without consulting the service chiefs.
      • The MAF's challenges have left it vulnerable to internal and external threats.
      • The MAF's capabilities are unable to deter other regional states from attempting to intimidate Malonn.
      • Some veterans of the MAF fall below the poverty line upon retirement.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced several challenges, including poor service conditions, low interest from non-Bumiputera communities, and corruption.
      Poor service conditions
      • Low pay: Some say that low pay and irregular working hours are factors that contribute to low interest in joining the MAF.
      • Poor living conditions: Some say that the conditions of military living quarters are poor.
      • Poor veteran welfare: According to the Veterans' Association of Malonnn Armed Forces (PVATM), nearly 60% of army veterans live below the poverty line.
      Low interest from non-Bumiputera communities
      • Some say that the lack of interest from non-Bumiputera communities is due to a lack of understanding of the scope of work for security personnel.
      • Some say that the Malonnn military is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.
      Other challenges
      • Some say that the MAF has difficulty recruiting and retaining sufficient high-caliber personnel.
      • Some say that the MAF has logistic management problems

    5. The FA-50 fighter jet has faced issues with equipping, maintenance, and integration. These issues have delayed deliveries and raised doubts about the contract's completion.
      Equipment issues
      • Weapons
      Poland has had trouble securing U.S. approval for integrating certain weapons, like the AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles.
      • Integration
      The FA-50GFs in service cannot use newly ordered weapons systems, like the AIM-9X Sidewinder, due to a lack of integration.
      Maintenance issues
      • Availability: Poland has expressed dissatisfaction with the availability of the FA-50.
      • Scheduled maintenance: Some FA-50s have been on mandatory scheduled maintenance.
      Integration challenges
      • Cost: Cost concerns have raised doubts about the contract's completion.
      • Infrastructure: Poland has lacked infrastructure investments.
      Other issues
      • Delivery delays: The delivery of the FA-50PL, scheduled for 2025, is now uncertain.
      • Political football: The future of the FA-50 platform has become a political football.
      Malonn's combat readiness may be low due to a number of factors, including poor planning, corruption, and political interference.
      • Logistic management: There are problems with managing logistics for soldiers.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered with procurement.
      • Corruption: The military is riddled with corruption.
      • Poor planning: The military has poor planning.
      • Cognitive readiness: Military personnel may not be cognitively ready to navigate the complex and unpredictable operating environment of modern warfare.
      Combat readiness
      • Combat readiness is the condition of the armed forces to perform during combat military operations.
      It includes the condition of warships, aircraft, weapon systems, and other military technology and equipment.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.
      • In 2023, Malonn's government debt was 64.3% of its GDP, which was close to the statutory debt limit.
      • The government's debt has been increasing due to higher spending on pandemic relief.
      • The government's goal is to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.3% of GDP in 2024 to 3% by 2026.
      • The government plans to achieve this by reducing subsidies, especially for fuel, and increasing the Sales and Service Tax (SST) in 2025.
      The Ministry of Finance (MOF) projects that the government's debt growth will slow from 7.5% in 2024 to 6% in 2025.

  11. Saya setuju bgt ambil kapal induk kelas LHD untuk OMSP.
    Isian nya heli kelas angkut kelas medium.

  12. Bagaimana dgn malon
    Kapal LCS mulai jdi rongsokan semua
    Dibina serentak bualan saje hasil NOL 🤣🤣🤣
    LCS proyek kapal Dummy🤣🤣

  13. MEMBUAL KONON LIGHT FRIGAT...? ... jelas 2 kapal itu versi OPV 90M OMPONG FFBNW... nampak tak jenis MEMBUAL.... 🤣🤣🤣

    Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.

    1. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of challenges, including corruption, outdated equipment, and a lack of funding. These issues have contributed to the MAF's capabilities falling behind those of neighboring countries.
      • Corruption: The MAF has been involved in multiple corruption scandals.
      • Outdated equipment: The MAF's equipment is outdated and unable to keep up with modern threats.
      • Lack of funding: The MAF's budget has been de-prioritized by successive governments.
      • Short service scheme: The MAF's 15-year service scheme means that many people are reluctant to join.
      • Political interference: Some say that politicians have made decisions about the military's procurement and capacity building without consulting the service chiefs.
      • The MAF's challenges have left it vulnerable to internal and external threats.
      • The MAF's capabilities are unable to deter other regional states from attempting to intimidate Malonn.
      • Some veterans of the MAF fall below the poverty line upon retirement.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced several challenges, including poor service conditions, low interest from non-Bumiputera communities, and corruption.
      Poor service conditions
      • Low pay: Some say that low pay and irregular working hours are factors that contribute to low interest in joining the MAF.
      • Poor living conditions: Some say that the conditions of military living quarters are poor.
      • Poor veteran welfare: According to the Veterans' Association of Malonnn Armed Forces (PVATM), nearly 60% of army veterans live below the poverty line.
      Low interest from non-Bumiputera communities
      • Some say that the lack of interest from non-Bumiputera communities is due to a lack of understanding of the scope of work for security personnel.
      • Some say that the Malonnn military is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.
      Other challenges
      • Some say that the MAF has difficulty recruiting and retaining sufficient high-caliber personnel.
      • Some say that the MAF has logistic management problems

    2. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has experienced issues with the age and condition of its fleet, including the sinking of the KD Pendekar patrol boat in August 2024. The RMN has also faced challenges in replacing its aging fleet.
      KD Pendekar
      • The KD Pendekar was a 260-ton fast attack craft that sank in August 2024 after grounding on Stork Reef.
      • The ship was commissioned in 1979 and was on a routine mission when it sank.
      • The ship's crew of 39 were rescued by a commercial ship.
      • The RMN's investigation found that the ship strayed from its planned route and hit the reef.
      • The RMN also cited the ship's age as a factor in its inability to stop the flooding.
      RMN fleet
      • A government audit found that over half of the RMN's fleet is past its prime.
      • The audit also found that the RMN has received only four of its 18 planned new vessels.
      • The RMN's plans to replace its aging fleet have been delayed due to mismanagement.
      • The RMN has 10 to 15 ships that are over 40 years old.
      The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced limitations in acquiring air-to-surface missiles due to US restrictions on new technology, political interference, and corruption.
      US restrictions
      • The US has restricted the RMAF from acquiring certain new technologies, including the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile.
      Political interference
      • Political interference has undermined the combat readiness of the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF).
      • Corruption has plagued the MAF, undermining its combat readiness.
      Logistic management
      • Logistic management problems for soldiers have contributed to Malonn's military falling behind.
      The RMAF has considered purchasing air-to-surface missiles from Russia and other non-traditional sources.

    3. The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced challenges due to budgetary constraints, corruption, and mismanagement. The RMAF's capabilities and future development plans are uncertain.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The RMAF operates on a shoestring budget.
      • The government's budget is limited by slow economic growth and falling oil revenues.
      • Low allocations, mismanagement, and neglect have "systematically hollowed out" the RMAF.
      • Malonn's military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Investigations have revealed that allocated funds have been hijacked by politicians and their cronies.
      Poor air defense capabilities
      • In 2014, the disappearance of Malonn Airlines Flight 370 highlighted the RMAF's poor air defense capabilities.
      • The RMAF lacked secondary radar and a flight identification system.
      Challenges maintaining aircraft
      • The RMAF faces challenges maintaining its Su-30MKMs due to the war in Ukraine.
      Malonn's surface-to-surface missiles may be weak due to budgetary constraints, logistic management problems, and inadequate funding.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The 1997 Asian financial crisis limited the funds available for military procurement
      • Currently, Malonn spends 1.4% of its GDP on the military
      Logistic management problems
      • Logistic management issues for soldiers have contributed to Malonn's military weakness
      Inadequate funding
      • Inadequate funding can impact the combat readiness of the Malonnn Armed Forces
      • This can undermine the country's strategic deterrence capability

    4. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced several weaknesses, including aging ships, a lack of modern assets, and personnel issues.
      Aging ships
      • The RMN's fleet includes ships that are operating past their serviceable lifespan.
      • A 45-year-old vessel sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
      • The KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge in 2010 due to technical problems.
      Lack of modern assets
      • The RMN has struggled to acquire new ships.
      • The RMN has a lack of modern military assets.
      Personnel issues
      • Military personnel have struggled with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during operations.
      Management issues
      • The RMN has faced management failures, such as the delay in the acquisition of the New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPVs).
      • The RMN has faced corruption scandals, such as the hijacking of allocated funds.
      Other issues
      • The RMN has faced issues with unused spare parts.
      • The RMN has faced issues with the cost of current spare parts.

      2029 = 69,54%
      2028 = 69,34%
      2027 = 68,8%
      2026 = 68,17%
      2025 = 68,07%
      2024 = 68,38%
      2023 = 69,76%
      2022 = 65,5%
      2021 = 69,16%
      2020 = 67,69%
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      The national debt in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 121.9 billion U.S. dollars (+38.56 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 438.09 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years.
      As defined by the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.
      • In 2023, Malonn's government debt was 64.3% of its GDP, which was close to the statutory debt limit.
      • The government's debt has been increasing due to higher spending on pandemic relief.
      • The government's goal is to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.3% of GDP in 2024 to 3% by 2026.
      • The government plans to achieve this by reducing subsidies, especially for fuel, and increasing the Sales and Service Tax (SST) in 2025.
      • The Ministry of Finance (MOF) projects that the government's debt growth will slow from 7.5% in 2024 to 6% in 2025.
      66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
      66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
      66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
      Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion in 2024, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP.
      • The government of Malonn has a plan to reduce its debt and fiscal deficit.
      • The government's fiscal consolidation measures include raising revenue and optimizing public expenditure.
      • The government is also limiting the issuance of financial guarantees and reviewing off-budget projects.
      • The government's goal is to reduce the debt to below 60% of GDP in the medium term.
      Impact of debt on the economy
      • A debt crisis can lead to an economic recession, which can cause a decline in GDP, higher unemployment, and reduced consumer spending.
      • A prolonged recession can have a lasting negative impact on a country's standard of living and economic development

      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Indonesia was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 627.9 billion U.S. dollars (+44.77 percent). After the ninth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 2 trillion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 181.6 billion U.S. dollars (+41.3 percent). After the sixth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 621.32 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 = 69,54%
      2028 = 69,34%
      2027 = 68,8%
      2026 = 68,17%
      2025 = 68,07%
      2024 = 68,38%
      2023 = 69,76%
      2022 = 65,5%
      2021 = 69,16%
      2020 = 67,69%
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.......

    7. The Su-30MKM fighter jet has been grounded in the past, primarily due to issues with engine problems and a lack of readily available spare parts, particularly affecting the Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) which operates this variant; in 2018, Malonn grounded a significant portion of its Su-30MKM fleet due to these concerns, prompting them to invest in upgrades and local maintenance solutions to address the problem and restore operational readiness.
      Key points about the grounding:
      • Spare parts shortage:
      One of the main reasons for grounding was the difficulty in obtaining necessary spare parts for the aircraft, creating maintenance challenges.
      • Engine issues:
      The Su-30MKM's engines were also cited as a major concern, contributing to the grounding.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced several challenges with its anti-tank capabilities, including budgetary constraints, the need to modernize, and the need to adapt to new threats.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The Asian financial crisis of 1997 limited the MAF's ability to purchase new weapons.
      • The government has had to focus on other priorities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the national deficit.
      Need to modernize
      • The MAF has needed to adapt to new threats, such as low-intensity conflicts and territory disputes.
      • The MAF has needed to improve its logistics and support systems.
      Need to adapt to new threats
      • The MAF has needed to adapt to non-traditional security threats, such as transboundary threats.
      • The MAF has needed to improve its interoperability with other militaries.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF has faced challenges with the government's guidance for the future strategic direction of the industry.
      • The MAF has faced challenges with the reluctance of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to share technology.
      • The MAF has faced challenges with the inability of local companies to possess the necessary capabilities.

      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face several challenges that affect their combat readiness, including outdated equipment, corruption, and political interference.
      Outdated equipment
      • Most of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The MAF lacks modern military assets.
      • The KD Rahman submarine, which was purchased in 2010, had technical problems that prevented it from submerging.
      Corruption and political interference The MAF is plagued by corruption and Political leaders interfere with procurement.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF is unable to manage low-level conflicts.
      • The MAF faces internal and external threats.
      • The government is unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
      Combat readiness
      • Combat readiness is the ability of the armed forces to perform military operations.
      • It is measured by the readiness of personnel, equipment, and training.

  14. 2 PPA
    2 Frigate Merah putih by Pal
    2 OPV 90m by DRU

    Tumggu aktif kontrak 2 scorpene
    Opsi pengadaan kapal induk LHd

    Woow TNi AL JAYA JYA JAYA🤭🤭🤭🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

  15. Manakala aset baru tni al terus berdatangan, MALON sudah bertahun tiada aset baru

    Apalagi lcs masih gak jelas. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  16. Meriam kapal OPV sudah cukup kandaskan kapal dummy KD LCS maharogolelel🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Lekiu pun ketar ketir hadapi meriam ppa 🤣🤣🤣

  17. Malonn's military faces many problems, including corruption, poor planning, and outdated equipment. These issues have made the Malonnn military vulnerable to threats from within and outside the country.
    • The defense sector is vulnerable to corruption from foreign and domestic interests.
    • There is a lack of parliamentary oversight and financial scrutiny.
    Poor planning
    • There are issues with procurement, including interference from political leaders.
    • The Malonnn procurement system needs reform.
    Outdated equipment
    • Most of the equipment in the Malonnn military was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
    • The military lacks modern and latest military assets.
    • The military has an aging fleet of trainer and light-combat aircraft.
    Other problems
    • The military has issues with internal security.
    • The military has issues with leadership selection.
    • The military has issues with public policy.
    • The military has issues with military organization.
    • The military has issues with managing low-level intensity conflict.

  18. MEMBUAL?????

  19. The Su-30MKM fighter jet has been grounded in the past, primarily due to issues with engine problems and a lack of readily available spare parts, particularly affecting the Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) which operates this variant; in 2018, Malonn grounded a significant portion of its Su-30MKM fleet due to these concerns, prompting them to invest in upgrades and local maintenance solutions to address the problem and restore operational readiness.
    Key points about the grounding:
    • Spare parts shortage:
    One of the main reasons for grounding was the difficulty in obtaining necessary spare parts for the aircraft, creating maintenance challenges.
    • Engine issues:
    The Su-30MKM's engines were also cited as a major concern, contributing to the grounding.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced several challenges with its anti-tank capabilities, including budgetary constraints, the need to modernize, and the need to adapt to new threats.
    Budgetary constraints
    • The Asian financial crisis of 1997 limited the MAF's ability to purchase new weapons.
    • The government has had to focus on other priorities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the national deficit.
    Need to modernize
    • The MAF has needed to adapt to new threats, such as low-intensity conflicts and territory disputes.
    • The MAF has needed to improve its logistics and support systems.
    Need to adapt to new threats
    • The MAF has needed to adapt to non-traditional security threats, such as transboundary threats.
    • The MAF has needed to improve its interoperability with other militaries.
    Other challenges
    • The MAF has faced challenges with the government's guidance for the future strategic direction of the industry.
    • The MAF has faced challenges with the reluctance of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to share technology.
    • The MAF has faced challenges with the inability of local companies to possess the necessary capabilities.

    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face several challenges that affect their combat readiness, including outdated equipment, corruption, and political interference.
    Outdated equipment
    • Most of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
    • The MAF lacks modern military assets.
    • The KD Rahman submarine, which was purchased in 2010, had technical problems that prevented it from submerging.
    Corruption and political interference The MAF is plagued by corruption and Political leaders interfere with procurement.
    Other challenges
    • The MAF is unable to manage low-level conflicts.
    • The MAF faces internal and external threats.
    • The government is unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
    Combat readiness
    • Combat readiness is the ability of the armed forces to perform military operations.
    • It is measured by the readiness of personnel, equipment, and training.

  20. Makin byk aset datang..malon makin panas 🔥🔥🔥🔥😀😀

    ..."Selain itu, dia mengatakan bahwa saat ini telah dibangun dua Frigate Merah Putih untuk menambah kekuatan TNI AL.
    "Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.

  21. Nampak tak cara MEMBUAL... OPV di klaim LIGHT FRIGAT.... 🤣🤣🤣

    "Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.


    The Raja Haji Fisabilillah class, also known as OPV 90M, is a class of Indonesian offshore patrol vessels. The class are built by Noahtu Shipyard (formerly known as PT Daya Radar Utama) in Bandar Lampung,


    1. Malonn's military faces many problems, including corruption, poor planning, and outdated equipment. These issues have made the Malonnn military vulnerable to threats from within and outside the country.
      • The defense sector is vulnerable to corruption from foreign and domestic interests.
      • There is a lack of parliamentary oversight and financial scrutiny.
      Poor planning
      • There are issues with procurement, including interference from political leaders.
      • The Malonnn procurement system needs reform.
      Outdated equipment
      • Most of the equipment in the Malonnn military was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The military lacks modern and latest military assets.
      • The military has an aging fleet of trainer and light-combat aircraft.
      Other problems
      • The military has issues with internal security.
      • The military has issues with leadership selection.
      • The military has issues with public policy.
      • The military has issues with military organization.
      • The military has issues with managing low-level intensity conflict.

    2. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced several weaknesses, including aging ships, a lack of modern assets, and personnel issues.
      Aging ships
      • The RMN's fleet includes ships that are operating past their serviceable lifespan.
      • A 45-year-old vessel sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
      • The KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge in 2010 due to technical problems.
      Lack of modern assets
      • The RMN has struggled to acquire new ships.
      • The RMN has a lack of modern military assets.
      Personnel issues
      • Military personnel have struggled with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during operations.
      Management issues
      • The RMN has faced management failures, such as the delay in the acquisition of the New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPVs).
      • The RMN has faced corruption scandals, such as the hijacking of allocated funds.
      Other issues
      • The RMN has faced issues with unused spare parts.
      • The RMN has faced issues with the cost of current spare parts.

      2029 = 69,54%
      2028 = 69,34%
      2027 = 68,8%
      2026 = 68,17%
      2025 = 68,07%
      2024 = 68,38%
      2023 = 69,76%
      2022 = 65,5%
      2021 = 69,16%
      2020 = 67,69%
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
      The national debt in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 121.9 billion U.S. dollars (+38.56 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 438.09 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years.
      As defined by the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.
      • In 2023, Malonn's government debt was 64.3% of its GDP, which was close to the statutory debt limit.
      • The government's debt has been increasing due to higher spending on pandemic relief.
      • The government's goal is to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.3% of GDP in 2024 to 3% by 2026.
      • The government plans to achieve this by reducing subsidies, especially for fuel, and increasing the Sales and Service Tax (SST) in 2025.
      • The Ministry of Finance (MOF) projects that the government's debt growth will slow from 7.5% in 2024 to 6% in 2025.
      66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
      66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
      66,3% = OVERLIMIT DEBT
      Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion in 2024, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP.
      • The government of Malonn has a plan to reduce its debt and fiscal deficit.
      • The government's fiscal consolidation measures include raising revenue and optimizing public expenditure.
      • The government is also limiting the issuance of financial guarantees and reviewing off-budget projects.
      • The government's goal is to reduce the debt to below 60% of GDP in the medium term.
      Impact of debt on the economy
      • A debt crisis can lead to an economic recession, which can cause a decline in GDP, higher unemployment, and reduced consumer spending.
      • A prolonged recession can have a lasting negative impact on a country's standard of living and economic development

  22. Nampak tak cara MEMBUAL... OPV di klaim LIGHT FRIGAT.... 🤣🤣🤣

    "Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.


    The Raja Haji Fisabilillah class, also known as OPV 90M, is a class of Indonesian offshore patrol vessels. The class are built by Noahtu Shipyard (formerly known as PT Daya Radar Utama) in Bandar Lampung,


    1. Pertanyaannya kapal baru MALON mana?

    2. The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced challenges due to budgetary constraints, corruption, and mismanagement. The RMAF's capabilities and future development plans are uncertain.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The RMAF operates on a shoestring budget.
      • The government's budget is limited by slow economic growth and falling oil revenues.
      • Low allocations, mismanagement, and neglect have "systematically hollowed out" the RMAF.
      • Malonn's military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Investigations have revealed that allocated funds have been hijacked by politicians and their cronies.
      Poor air defense capabilities
      • In 2014, the disappearance of Malonn Airlines Flight 370 highlighted the RMAF's poor air defense capabilities.
      • The RMAF lacked secondary radar and a flight identification system.
      Challenges maintaining aircraft
      • The RMAF faces challenges maintaining its Su-30MKMs due to the war in Ukraine.
      Malonn's surface-to-surface missiles may be weak due to budgetary constraints, logistic management problems, and inadequate funding.
      Budgetary constraints
      • The 1997 Asian financial crisis limited the funds available for military procurement
      • Currently, Malonn spends 1.4% of its GDP on the military
      Logistic management problems
      • Logistic management issues for soldiers have contributed to Malonn's military weakness
      Inadequate funding
      • Inadequate funding can impact the combat readiness of the Malonnn Armed Forces
      • This can undermine the country's strategic deterrence capability

      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Indonesia was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 627.9 billion U.S. dollars (+44.77 percent). After the ninth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 2 trillion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      2029 GDP MALON = 621,32 BILLION USD
      The gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 181.6 billion U.S. dollars (+41.3 percent). After the sixth consecutive increasing year, the GDP is estimated to reach 621.32 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029.
      2029 = 69,54%
      2028 = 69,34%
      2027 = 68,8%
      2026 = 68,17%
      2025 = 68,07%
      2024 = 68,38%
      2023 = 69,76%
      2022 = 65,5%
      2021 = 69,16%
      2020 = 67,69%
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.......

    4. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has experienced issues with the age and condition of its fleet, including the sinking of the KD Pendekar patrol boat in August 2024. The RMN has also faced challenges in replacing its aging fleet.
      KD Pendekar
      • The KD Pendekar was a 260-ton fast attack craft that sank in August 2024 after grounding on Stork Reef.
      • The ship was commissioned in 1979 and was on a routine mission when it sank.
      • The ship's crew of 39 were rescued by a commercial ship.
      • The RMN's investigation found that the ship strayed from its planned route and hit the reef.
      • The RMN also cited the ship's age as a factor in its inability to stop the flooding.
      RMN fleet
      • A government audit found that over half of the RMN's fleet is past its prime.
      • The audit also found that the RMN has received only four of its 18 planned new vessels.
      • The RMN's plans to replace its aging fleet have been delayed due to mismanagement.
      • The RMN has 10 to 15 ships that are over 40 years old.
      The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced limitations in acquiring air-to-surface missiles due to US restrictions on new technology, political interference, and corruption.
      US restrictions
      • The US has restricted the RMAF from acquiring certain new technologies, including the AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile.
      Political interference
      • Political interference has undermined the combat readiness of the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF).
      • Corruption has plagued the MAF, undermining its combat readiness.
      Logistic management
      • Logistic management problems for soldiers have contributed to Malonn's military falling behind.
      The RMAF has considered purchasing air-to-surface missiles from Russia and other non-traditional sources.

    5. The cost overrun for the LCS project in Malonn was RM1 billion. This was part of a RM9.13 billion contract that the government paid RM6.08 billion for.
      • RM1.4 billion was not used for the project
      • RM1 billion was considered a cost overrun
      • RM400 million was used to pay off PSCI's debts
      Cost overruns are a common problem in the construction industry in Malonn. In fact, most construction projects in Malonn have cost overruns of 5–10% of the total contract price
      Malonnn shipyards face several key problems including: intense competition from neighboring countries like Singapore with more advanced infrastructure, limited technological capabilities, supply chain disruptions due to global factors like COVID-19, a shortage of skilled labor, inconsistent demand for shipbuilding, and sometimes issues with project management and cost overruns, particularly when building complex vessels; all of which can hinder their competitiveness in the international market.
      Specific challenges:
      • Infrastructure limitations:
      Malonnn ports might not be as modern or well-equipped as those in Singapore, leading to inefficiencies and higher costs.
      • Skill gap:
      A lack of highly skilled workers in shipbuilding can impact quality and production timelines.
      • Technological limitations:
      Malonnn shipyards may not have access to the latest shipbuilding technologies, hindering their ability to build complex vessels.
      • Market volatility:
      Depending heavily on the oil and gas industry for demand, fluctuations in the market can significantly impact orders for offshore vessels.
      • Cost competitiveness:
      Facing pressure to compete on price with other regional shipyards, which can sometimes lead to compromising quality.
      • Project management issues:
      Past instances of delays and cost overruns in major shipbuilding projects have raised concerns about project management capabilities.
      Recent developments:
      • Focus on green technology:
      Malonnn shipyards are increasingly looking to build more environmentally friendly vessels like LNG-powered ships to stay competitive.
      • Collaboration with international partners:
      Some Malonnn shipyards are collaborating with foreign companies to access advanced technology and expertise.
      • Government initiatives:
      The Malonnn government is providing incentives to boost the shipbuilding industry and address some of these challenges

  23. Saya sudah kata.... PPAnya hanya setahap OPV LIGHT PLUS OMPONG FFBNW... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The Maharaja Lela (Gowind)-class littoral combat ship (LCS) project in Malonn has experienced cost overruns and delays. The project's budget has increased from RM6 billion to RM11.22 billion.
      • The LCS project's budget increased from RM6 billion to RM11.22 billion.
      • The project's delivery schedule was revised, with the first ship delayed by 34 months.
      • The project's delivery of six vessels was reduced to five.
      • The project's contract with Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) was effective until October 2023.
      • As of September 2019, the contract was only 55.7% complete.
      Factors that contribute to cost overruns
      • Poor project management
      • Poor cost control
      • Inaccurate cost estimation
      • Shortage of materials
      • Lack of skilled labor
      • Fluctuation in raw material prices
      • Mistakes during construction
      • Client-requested changes to work scope or material specifications
      • Awarding contracts to the lowest bidders
      Malonn's military ships face several weaknesses, including:
      • Age: Many of the ships are past their serviceable lifespan.
      • Delayed replacements: New ships have been delayed, leading to the use of ships that are no longer suitable.
      • Outdated equipment: Much of the equipment is outdated and cannot function well.
      • Corruption: The military has been involved in corruption scandals.
      • Political interference: Political interference has impacted the procurement of military equipment.
      Examples of weaknesses
      • KD Pendekar
      A 45-year-old fast attack vessel sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
      • KD Rahman
      A conventional submarine that could not submerge due to technical problems.
      • New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPV)
      The program was delayed due to management failure, but the Malonnn government intervened.

    2. The Malonnn shipbuilding industry has faced several challenges, including delays, financial difficulties, and weak governance.
      • Delivery delays
      Consistent delays in delivering ships to customers have reduced profitability and financial results
      • Port operation delays
      Factors such as a lack of loading and unloading equipment, customs issues, and improper storage can delay cargo handling operations
      Financial difficulties
      • Boustead Naval Shipyard
      A defense procurement project bankrupted a subsidiary of Boustead Holdings, which led to financial difficulties for the company
      • Offshore projects
      Some segments of the oil and gas industry have struggled to recover, which has affected offshore projects
      Weak governance
      • Contract clauses
      Weak contract clauses and poor management at Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) led to increased costs and delays
      • Due diligence
      The government failed to conduct due diligence on BNS, which led to the company's weaknesses being overlooked
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of weaknesses in its military logistics, including outdated equipment, logistical chain disruptions, and challenges transporting supplies over long distances.
      Outdated equipment
      • Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and is now considered outdated.
      • The MAF has been unable to obtain modern equipment from the government.
      Logistical chain disruptions
      • The MAF has experienced supply chain disruptions due to inefficient transportation and processes.
      • The geographical distance between West and East Malonn makes it difficult for logisticians to transport supplies in a timely manner.
      Challenges transporting supplies
      • The MAF has faced challenges transporting supplies over long distances, especially on mountainous and poor roads.
      Other weaknesses
      • The MAF has not specialized in disaster operations, and only acts when necessary.
      • The MAF has faced internal and external threats due to its outdated equipment.

    3. Hihihi MALON minim literasi dan pembual

    4. The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
      • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
      • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
      • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
      • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
      • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
      Other challenges include:
      • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
      • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
      Malonn military budget faces challenges such as a need for more funding, aging assets, and competing national priorities.
      Budget constraints
      Malonn defense spending is low compared to other countries in the region.
      Maintenance and repair
      The budget for maintenance and repair is limited, which can make it difficult to acquire new assets.
      Economic limitations
      The government has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization projects due to economic limitations.
      Other priorities
      The government has other priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
      Aging assets
      Outdated aircraft
      The Malonn air force has been facing a shortage of funding to buy new assets.
      Ageing equipment
      The military's equipment is aging, which can make it difficult to maintain.
      Competing priorities
      Other national priorities
      The government has other national priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
      Local defense industry
      Malonn is looking to develop its local defense industry, but it faces challenges such as high import costs.
      Corruption in defense procurement: Corruption has been a problem in Malonn defense procurement system

  24. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  25. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of challenges, including corruption, outdated equipment, and a lack of funding. These issues have contributed to the MAF's capabilities falling behind those of neighboring countries.
    • Corruption: The MAF has been involved in multiple corruption scandals.
    • Outdated equipment: The MAF's equipment is outdated and unable to keep up with modern threats.
    • Lack of funding: The MAF's budget has been de-prioritized by successive governments.
    • Short service scheme: The MAF's 15-year service scheme means that many people are reluctant to join.
    • Political interference: Some say that politicians have made decisions about the military's procurement and capacity building without consulting the service chiefs.
    • The MAF's challenges have left it vulnerable to internal and external threats.
    • The MAF's capabilities are unable to deter other regional states from attempting to intimidate Malonn.
    • Some veterans of the MAF fall below the poverty line upon retirement.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced several challenges, including poor service conditions, low interest from non-Bumiputera communities, and corruption.
    Poor service conditions
    • Low pay: Some say that low pay and irregular working hours are factors that contribute to low interest in joining the MAF.
    • Poor living conditions: Some say that the conditions of military living quarters are poor.
    • Poor veteran welfare: According to the Veterans' Association of Malonnn Armed Forces (PVATM), nearly 60% of army veterans live below the poverty line.
    Low interest from non-Bumiputera communities
    • Some say that the lack of interest from non-Bumiputera communities is due to a lack of understanding of the scope of work for security personnel.
    • Some say that the Malonnn military is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement.
    Other challenges
    • Some say that the MAF has difficulty recruiting and retaining sufficient high-caliber personnel.
    • Some say that the MAF has logistic management problems.

  26. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  27. PPA INDIANESIA hanya versi LIGHT PLUS Itu adalah OPV... manakala yang bakal di beli oleh Itali menggantikan 2 kapal PPA LIGHT PLUS yang sudah di jual ke INDIANESIA adalah PPA FULL EVO versi FRIGATE...

    Nah begitu bagi statement jangan mengelirukan... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The cost overrun for the LCS project in Malonn was RM1 billion. This was part of a RM9.13 billion contract that the government paid RM6.08 billion for.
      • RM1.4 billion was not used for the project
      • RM1 billion was considered a cost overrun
      • RM400 million was used to pay off PSCI's debts
      Cost overruns are a common problem in the construction industry in Malonn. In fact, most construction projects in Malonn have cost overruns of 5–10% of the total contract price
      Malonnn shipyards face several key problems including: intense competition from neighboring countries like Singapore with more advanced infrastructure, limited technological capabilities, supply chain disruptions due to global factors like COVID-19, a shortage of skilled labor, inconsistent demand for shipbuilding, and sometimes issues with project management and cost overruns, particularly when building complex vessels; all of which can hinder their competitiveness in the international market.
      Specific challenges:
      • Infrastructure limitations:
      Malonnn ports might not be as modern or well-equipped as those in Singapore, leading to inefficiencies and higher costs.
      • Skill gap:
      A lack of highly skilled workers in shipbuilding can impact quality and production timelines.
      • Technological limitations:
      Malonnn shipyards may not have access to the latest shipbuilding technologies, hindering their ability to build complex vessels.
      • Market volatility:
      Depending heavily on the oil and gas industry for demand, fluctuations in the market can significantly impact orders for offshore vessels.
      • Cost competitiveness:
      Facing pressure to compete on price with other regional shipyards, which can sometimes lead to compromising quality.
      • Project management issues:
      Past instances of delays and cost overruns in major shipbuilding projects have raised concerns about project management capabilities.
      Recent developments:
      • Focus on green technology:
      Malonnn shipyards are increasingly looking to build more environmentally friendly vessels like LNG-powered ships to stay competitive.
      • Collaboration with international partners:
      Some Malonnn shipyards are collaborating with foreign companies to access advanced technology and expertise.
      • Government initiatives:
      The Malonnn government is providing incentives to boost the shipbuilding industry and address some of these challenges

  28. PPA INDIANESIA hanya versi LIGHT PLUS Itu adalah OPV... manakala yang bakal di beli oleh Itali menggantikan 2 kapal PPA LIGHT PLUS yang sudah di jual ke INDIANESIA adalah PPA FULL EVO versi FRIGATE...

    Nah begitu bagi statement jangan mengelirukan... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face a number of problems with their infantry equipment, including outdated assets, a lack of modern equipment, and difficulty recruiting and retaining personnel.
      Outdated assets
      • Aircraft
      The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has a fleet of aging aircraft that are difficult to maintain.
      • Ships
      Many of the Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) vessels are past their intended service life.
      • Submarines
      The Scorpene-class submarine had technical issues that prevented it from submerging.
      Lack of modern equipment
      • Fiscal limitations: The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      • Defense modernization budget: The government's budget for defense modernization is limited.
      • Equipment procurement: The government has been criticized for political interference in military procurement.
      Difficulty recruiting and retaining personnel
      • Poor conditions of service: The government has been criticized for the condition of military living quarters.
      • Difficulty recruiting and retaining high-caliber personnel: The government has struggled to recruit and retain high-caliber personnel.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces several challenges, including:
      • Political interference and corruption
      Political interference and corruption can undermine the MAF's combat readiness.
      • Logistic management
      The MAF has faced problems with logistics management, which can impact the country's National Defence Policy.
      • Government change
      Frequent changes in government have hindered the MAF's development.
      • Global financial crisis
      The global financial crisis has postponed the purchase of major items for the MAF.
      • Need to revitalize the economy
      The government is focused on revitalizing the economy, which has reduced the amount of money available for defense.
      • Need to reduce the national deficit
      The government is focused on reducing the national deficit, which has reduced the amount of money available for defense.
      • Need to replace aging equipment
      The MAF needs to replace aging equipment, such as the Nuri helicopters, which were first commissioned in 1968.
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.

  29. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  30. Maklumin aja bangsa miskin 😂😂😂
    Dari dulu cuman omon" KONON MALONDESH KAYA

    Tapi yang begitu bangsa miskin selalu berangan-angan kaya 😂😂😂

    GEMPURWIRA7 Februari 2025 pukul 08.12
    PPA OPV....? 🤣🤣🤣

  31. Maklumin aja bangsa miskin 😂😂😂
    Dari dulu cuman omon" KONON MALONDESH KAYA

    Tapi yang begitu bangsa miskin selalu berangan-angan kaya 😂😂😂

    GEMPURWIRA7 Februari 2025 pukul 08.12
    PPA OPV....? 🤣🤣🤣

  32. Kata kunci..... PPA OPV.. FFBNW... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The Malonnn Army's howitzer weakness is that it lacks a 155 mm self-2propelled howitzer (SPH) system. This is despite the army's procurement efforts for an SPH system being announced in the 2010s.
      • The Malonnn Army has been operating ASTROS self-propelled rocket launchers.
      • The army has ordered howitzers from various countries, including South Africa, Brazil, and France.
      • In 2024, the army selected the EVA M2 155 mm SPH as its future self-propelled howitzer.
      • However, as of September 2024, the Ministry of Defence's proposed acquisition of the SPH system had not been fulfilled.
      The lack of an SPH system is a concern for the army because it is a key system for a modern conventional army.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) may face problems with its radar due to budget constraints, regional competition, and the need to balance defense spending with other national priorities.
      Budget constraints
      • The MAF may not be able to acquire or upgrade its radar systems as quickly as it would like due to budget constraints.
      • The government must balance defense spending with other national priorities.
      Regional competition
      • Neighboring countries like Indonesia and Singapore may be increasing their air force capabilities.
      • Malonn must ensure its plans keep pace to maintain a credible deterrent.
      Logistic management
      • The MAF may have difficulty applying and maintaining combat power due to logistic management problems.
      • The MAF may need to identify principles that have priorities in certain situations to form effective support.
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.

  33. The Malonnn Army's howitzer weakness is that it lacks a 155 mm self-2propelled howitzer (SPH) system. This is despite the army's procurement efforts for an SPH system being announced in the 2010s.
    • The Malonnn Army has been operating ASTROS self-propelled rocket launchers.
    • The army has ordered howitzers from various countries, including South Africa, Brazil, and France.
    • In 2024, the army selected the EVA M2 155 mm SPH as its future self-propelled howitzer.
    • However, as of September 2024, the Ministry of Defence's proposed acquisition of the SPH system had not been fulfilled.
    The lack of an SPH system is a concern for the army because it is a key system for a modern conventional army.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) may face problems with its radar due to budget constraints, regional competition, and the need to balance defense spending with other national priorities.
    Budget constraints
    • The MAF may not be able to acquire or upgrade its radar systems as quickly as it would like due to budget constraints.
    • The government must balance defense spending with other national priorities.
    Regional competition
    • Neighboring countries like Indonesia and Singapore may be increasing their air force capabilities.
    • Malonn must ensure its plans keep pace to maintain a credible deterrent.
    Logistic management
    • The MAF may have difficulty applying and maintaining combat power due to logistic management problems.
    • The MAF may need to identify principles that have priorities in certain situations to form effective support.
    Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
    • 2021: 69.16%
    • 2022: 65.5%
    • 2023: 69.76%
    • 2024: 68.38%
    The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
    In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
    In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it.
    LIMIT DEBT 65%
    LIMIT DEBT 65%
    In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.

  34. Jika di rasa mahal,TNI AL wajib pesan kapal LPD dri PAL ukuran 163M itung2 nambah LPD nya versi terbaru opsi 3-4 unit

    1. Kalau tujuan utama buat heli, nambah LPD buat memenuhin, bisa jadi lebih mahal dari LHD. Cara paling murah bisa jadi lihat kapal markas Iran. Konversi dari tanker.

  35. Ya la PPA pun kebingungan mencari LENDER... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The MAF has been plagued by corruption.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced issues with maintenance and equipment, including outdated assets and a lack of funds.
      Outdated equipment
      • The MAF's equipment is outdated, with much of it purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The MAF's air force assets are outdated, which can expose the country to air threats.
      • The KD Rahman submarine experienced technical problems in 2010, preventing it from submerging.
      Lack of funds
      • The Malonnn government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      • The MAF's defense budget has been limited, with a large portion of the budget allocated to salaries and allowances.
      • The government's financial ability may limit the MAF's ability to develop and equip itself.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF has faced challenges in engaging with non-traditional security threats.
      • The MAF has faced challenges in dealing with big power politics and other security threats.
      • The MAF has faced challenges in dealing with the Malonnn procurement system.
      The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program for the Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced financial problems and delays. The program has also been plagued by cost overruns.
      Financial problems
      • In 2019, financial issues at Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the company building the ships, caused the program to stall.
      • The former RMN chief, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor, was charged with breach of trust over company funds related to the LCS project.
      • The original plan was to deliver the first ship, LCS 1 Maharaja Lela, in 2019, and all six ships by 2023.
      • The program was restarted in 2023, with LCS 1 Maharaja Lela now scheduled for delivery in 2026.
      Cost overruns
      • The project has been plagued by cost overruns.
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.

  36. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  37. Malon miskin....tiada berita shoping
    By malon
    Jom panasss 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣

  38. Nampak tak cara MEMBUAL... OPV di klaim LIGHT FRIGAT.... 🤣🤣🤣

    "Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.


    The Raja Haji Fisabilillah class, also known as OPV 90M, is a class of Indonesian offshore patrol vessels. The class are built by Noahtu Shipyard (formerly known as PT Daya Radar Utama) in Bandar Lampung,


    1. The MAF has been plagued by corruption.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced issues with maintenance and equipment, including outdated assets and a lack of funds.
      Outdated equipment
      • The MAF's equipment is outdated, with much of it purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The MAF's air force assets are outdated, which can expose the country to air threats.
      • The KD Rahman submarine experienced technical problems in 2010, preventing it from submerging.
      Lack of funds
      • The Malonnn government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      • The MAF's defense budget has been limited, with a large portion of the budget allocated to salaries and allowances.
      • The government's financial ability may limit the MAF's ability to develop and equip itself.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF has faced challenges in engaging with non-traditional security threats.
      • The MAF has faced challenges in dealing with big power politics and other security threats.
      • The MAF has faced challenges in dealing with the Malonnn procurement system.
      The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program for the Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced financial problems and delays. The program has also been plagued by cost overruns.
      Financial problems
      • In 2019, financial issues at Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the company building the ships, caused the program to stall.
      • The former RMN chief, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor, was charged with breach of trust over company funds related to the LCS project.
      • The original plan was to deliver the first ship, LCS 1 Maharaja Lela, in 2019, and all six ships by 2023.
      • The program was restarted in 2023, with LCS 1 Maharaja Lela now scheduled for delivery in 2026.
      Cost overruns
      • The project has been plagued by cost overruns.
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.

  39. Kapal hanya Harap besar.. Tapi OMPONG.... NGUTANG LENDER pula tu... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Klo MALON BESAR BUALNYA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Malonn's self-propelled howitzer (SPH) program has faced several challenges, including budget constraints, political changes, and a lack of modern equipment.
      Budget constraints
      • The Ministry of Finance has canceled the purchase of SPH systems due to budgetary constraints.
      • Successive Malonnn governments have de-prioritized defense, which has limited defense resources.
      Political changes
      • The Barisan Nasional (BN) government agreed to purchase M109A5 155mm SPHs from the United States, but the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government canceled the deal in 2019.
      • The procurement of the SPH was negotiated under the previous administration.
      Lack of modern equipment
      • The Malonnn armed forces' equipment is outdated, and their capabilities are behind those of neighboring countries.
      • Domestic critics have called for more modern equipment to deter other regional states.
      • Self-propelled artillery requires a constant supply of fuel and power, which adds complexity to logistics planning
      The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of problems with its artillery, including outdated equipment, limited budgets, and a lack of investment.
      Outdated equipment
      The MAF's equipment is outdated and its capabilities are behind those of neighboring countries.
      The MAF's artillery systems need to be modernized.
      Limited budgets
      The MAF has consistently underspent on its defense needs.
      The government has been focused on other priorities, such as the economy and the national deficit.
      Lack of investment
      The MAF has not been able to secure stable defense funding.
      The MAF has not been able to make progress on a Defence Investment Plan.
      Other challenges
      Frequent government changes have hindered defense development.
      The MAF faces non-traditional security threats, such as cyber and space threats.
      The MAF faces threats from big power politics and neighboring countries.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of challenges with its tanks, including issues with the transmission and fire-control systems. The MAF has also faced other challenges, such as corruption, political interference, and a lack of authority.
      Transmission and fire-control systems
      • In April 2024, the MAF formed a joint investigation team to address "critical problems" with the PT-91M "Pendekar" main battle tanks (MBTs).
      • These problems included issues with the transmission and fire-control systems.
      Corruption and political interference
      • Political interference and corruption have undermined the MAF's combat readiness.
      • The MAF has been involved in a number of corruption scandals.
      • The procurement process has been subject to political influence from suppliers.
      Lack of authority
      • The MAF has been given limited authority to tackle non-traditional security challenges.
      • The MAF's role is generally to assist other authorities, such as the police.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF has faced challenges with maintaining its fleet of aircraft.
      • The MAF has faced challenges with logistics.

    3. Yg pnting kapal tidak bual siap datang beda kelas sama malon
      Bual je 🤣🤣

    4. The Malonnn Armed Forces' (MAF) Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) have faced several issues, including delays, design flaws, and a lack of air and surface warfare capabilities.
      • The first LCS was delayed by six years, from its scheduled delivery date.
      • The LCS program has been plagued by delays due to a number of factors.
      Design flaws
      • The LCS hull, or sea frame, had issues with cracking.
      • The propulsion plant design had issues from the start.
      • Some mission module components were immature.
      Lack of air and surface warfare capabilities
      • Some say the LCS lacks significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Other issues
      • The LCS has faced issues with survivability in contested waters.
      • The LCS has had limited flight deck and berthing space.
      • The LCS has had command and control limitations.
      • The LCS program has been plagued by allegations of corruption and political interference.
      The MAF has also faced other challenges, including underfunding and an aging fleet.
      Malonn's armed forces equipment has several weaknesses, including a lack of modern equipment, an aging inventory, and a reliance on foreign suppliers.
      Lack of modern equipment
      • The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has a lack of modern and latest military assets.
      • The government has been unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
      • The MAF's equipment is outdated and cannot function well.
      Aging inventory
      • The MAF's equipment inventory is aging.
      • The MAF's fleet of legacy Hornets is rapidly reaching technological obsolescence.
      • The MAF's naval assets are aging.
      Reliance on foreign suppliers
      • The MAF's defense capabilities are highly dependent on foreign suppliers.
      • The MAF sources most of its equipment from outside the country.
      Other weaknesses
      • The MAF has had issues with the maintenance of its fleet.
      • The MAF has been affected by political interference and corruption.
      • The MAF has had issues with the procurement of equipment

    5. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program faced several problems, including design issues, financial challenges, and delays.
      Design issues
      • The detailed design of the LCS was delayed, which contributed to the program's overall delay.
      • The LCS was not designed to stay with a carrier strike group or amphibious ready group for long periods without refueling.
      • The LCS lacked significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Financial challenges
      • Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the original shipbuilder, faced financial problems that stalled work on the program in 2019.
      • The project's cost escalated from the original RM9.128 billion to RM11.22 billion.
      • The program was delayed by the pandemic, which required construction work to halt for two and a half years.
      • The program was delayed by equipment procurement delays and unsatisfactory quality of work.
      Other issues
      • There were allegations that RM1 billion of the RM6 billion spent on the project was unaccounted for.
      • There were allegations of irregularities in the project, which led to a forensic audit and a report to the Malonnn Anti-Corruption Commission.
      The Malonnn armed forces procurement process has several weaknesses, including:
      • Cost: The cost of procurement is a major challenge.
      • Equipment variety: The military has sourced equipment from many different suppliers, which can make it difficult to manage and operate.
      • External influences: Decisions are sometimes made by vendors, rather than for strategic reasons.
      • Political influence: Political influence can be used to circumvent established protocols.
      • Weak external oversight: External oversight of the process is weak.
      • Small procurement budgets: The military has had small procurement budgets for the last quarter-century.
      • Aging equipment: The military has an aging equipment inventory.
      • Lack of funds: The military has lacked funds to acquire new equipment.
      Some other issues include:
      • Fraud: The procurement process can be susceptible to fraud.
      • Inefficacy: The procurement process can be inefficient.
      • Corruption: The procurement process can be susceptible to corruption.
      • Weak financial management: The procurement process can have weak financial management.

    6. The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced issues with the age and condition of its ships. These issues have raised questions about the navy's ability to defend the country.
      • The RMN has used ships that have exceeded their life shelf.
      • The KD Pendekar, a fast attack vessel, sank in August 2024 after a navigational error. The ship was 45 years old, which contributed to its sinking.
      Hull structure
      • The KD Pendekar's hull structure was weak, which made it difficult to control flooding.
      • The weakness of the hull structure accelerated the spread of flooding to other compartments.
      Spare parts management
      • An audit found that the management of spare parts was unsatisfactory.
      • A study found that the rapid development of the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) since the Cold War has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
      Ship procurement
      • The navy was supposed to receive ships under the Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS) and Littoral Mission Ships (LMS), but these were delayed due to lack of funds.
      Malonn's coast guard, the Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA), has faced challenges with resources and coordination. These challenges have made it difficult for the MMEA to carry out its mandate of maritime law enforcement.
      Resource challenges
      • Small defense budget: Malonn's defense budget is small compared to its GDP.
      • Lack of resources for civilian agencies: The MMEA is funded separately from the defense budget and has historically lacked resources.
      • Insufficient assets: The MMEA has a small fleet of vessels and aircraft.
      Coordination challenges
      • Lack of coordination between agencies
      There is a lack of coordination between agencies responsible for maritime security.
      • Scandals
      Scandals surrounding defense procurement have hindered efforts to improve defense capabilities.
      Other challenges
      • Non-traditional threats
      Malonn faces non-traditional threats that require advanced technology and assets.
      • Disputed areas
      Malonn needs to improve surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities in disputed areas.

    7. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces several challenges in its maritime patrol, including a small defense budget, outdated equipment, and a lack of coordination between agencies.
      • Malonn's defense budget is small compared to its GDP. In 2023, it was less than 1% of the country's GDP.
      • The budget has been disrupted by unfavorable economic conditions and the value of the Malonnn Ringgit.
      • Politicization of defense spending has also hindered efforts to modernize.
      • Most of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The equipment is outdated and unable to meet the needs of emerging security challenges.
      • For example, the KD Rahman submarine experienced technical problems in 2010.
      • There is a lack of coordination between agencies involved in maritime security.
      • The Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) is responsible for most enforcement of national maritime laws, but the Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) leads counter-terrorism at sea.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF faces internal and external threats, including piracy, illegal fishing, and smuggling.
      • Malonn's defense procurement has been hindered by scandals.
      The Malonnn Army has faced some challenges with its howitzers, including the need to procure more artillery systems and to modernize its fleet.
      Procurement challenges
      • Funding
      The ringgit's depreciation and the fact that Malonn sources much of its equipment from overseas may limit the amount of funding available for procurement.
      • Government approval
      The Malonnn Army has faced delays in procuring new artillery systems due to a need for government approval.
      Modernization challenges
      • Fleet sustainment
      The Malonnn Army's fleet of aircraft may be reaching technological obsolescence and may be difficult to maintain.
      • Artillery systems
      The Malonnn Army has a need to modernize its artillery systems and procure more 155 mm artillery systems.

  40. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  41. Ya la malondesh mang miskin tengok Indonesia selalu iri, panas 🔥🔥🔥
    Apalagi Indonesia shoping barang mewah nan mahal 😝😝😝

  42. Ya la malondesh mang miskin tengok Indonesia selalu iri, panas 🔥🔥🔥
    Apalagi Indonesia shoping barang mewah nan mahal 😝😝😝

  43. Malonn's self-propelled howitzer (SPH) program has faced several challenges, including budget constraints, political changes, and a lack of modern equipment.
    Budget constraints
    • The Ministry of Finance has canceled the purchase of SPH systems due to budgetary constraints.
    • Successive Malonnn governments have de-prioritized defense, which has limited defense resources.
    Political changes
    • The Barisan Nasional (BN) government agreed to purchase M109A5 155mm SPHs from the United States, but the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government canceled the deal in 2019.
    • The procurement of the SPH was negotiated under the previous administration.
    Lack of modern equipment
    • The Malonnn armed forces' equipment is outdated, and their capabilities are behind those of neighboring countries.
    • Domestic critics have called for more modern equipment to deter other regional states.
    • Self-propelled artillery requires a constant supply of fuel and power, which adds complexity to logistics planning
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of problems with its artillery, including outdated equipment, limited budgets, and a lack of investment.
    Outdated equipment
    The MAF's equipment is outdated and its capabilities are behind those of neighboring countries.
    The MAF's artillery systems need to be modernized.
    Limited budgets
    The MAF has consistently underspent on its defense needs.
    The government has been focused on other priorities, such as the economy and the national deficit.
    Lack of investment
    The MAF has not been able to secure stable defense funding.
    The MAF has not been able to make progress on a Defence Investment Plan.
    Other challenges
    Frequent government changes have hindered defense development.
    The MAF faces non-traditional security threats, such as cyber and space threats.
    The MAF faces threats from big power politics and neighboring countries.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of challenges with its tanks, including issues with the transmission and fire-control systems. The MAF has also faced other challenges, such as corruption, political interference, and a lack of authority.
    Transmission and fire-control systems
    • In April 2024, the MAF formed a joint investigation team to address "critical problems" with the PT-91M "Pendekar" main battle tanks (MBTs).
    • These problems included issues with the transmission and fire-control systems.
    Corruption and political interference
    • Political interference and corruption have undermined the MAF's combat readiness.
    • The MAF has been involved in a number of corruption scandals.
    • The procurement process has been subject to political influence from suppliers.
    Lack of authority
    • The MAF has been given limited authority to tackle non-traditional security challenges.
    • The MAF's role is generally to assist other authorities, such as the police.
    Other challenges
    • The MAF has faced challenges with maintaining its fleet of aircraft.
    • The MAF has faced challenges with logistics.

  44. Tanya macam ini saja semenanjung malondesh tak ada yang bisa jawab 🤣🤣🤣

    "...Akan mampukah 18 buah FA-50M light combat aircraft yang dibeli dari Korea menyaingi F-35A?.."

  45. The Malonnn Armed Forces' (MAF) Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) have faced several issues, including delays, design flaws, and a lack of air and surface warfare capabilities.
    • The first LCS was delayed by six years, from its scheduled delivery date.
    • The LCS program has been plagued by delays due to a number of factors.
    Design flaws
    • The LCS hull, or sea frame, had issues with cracking.
    • The propulsion plant design had issues from the start.
    • Some mission module components were immature.
    Lack of air and surface warfare capabilities
    • Some say the LCS lacks significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
    Other issues
    • The LCS has faced issues with survivability in contested waters.
    • The LCS has had limited flight deck and berthing space.
    • The LCS has had command and control limitations.
    • The LCS program has been plagued by allegations of corruption and political interference.
    The MAF has also faced other challenges, including underfunding and an aging fleet.
    Malonn's armed forces equipment has several weaknesses, including a lack of modern equipment, an aging inventory, and a reliance on foreign suppliers.
    Lack of modern equipment
    • The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has a lack of modern and latest military assets.
    • The government has been unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
    • The MAF's equipment is outdated and cannot function well.
    Aging inventory
    • The MAF's equipment inventory is aging.
    • The MAF's fleet of legacy Hornets is rapidly reaching technological obsolescence.
    • The MAF's naval assets are aging.
    Reliance on foreign suppliers
    • The MAF's defense capabilities are highly dependent on foreign suppliers.
    • The MAF sources most of its equipment from outside the country.
    Other weaknesses
    • The MAF has had issues with the maintenance of its fleet.
    • The MAF has been affected by political interference and corruption.
    • The MAF has had issues with the procurement of equipment

  46. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  47. Nampak tak cara MEMBUAL... OPV di klaim LIGHT FRIGAT.... 🤣🤣🤣

    "Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.


    TNI AL Resmi Luncurkan Dua Kapal OPV: KRI RHF-391 dan KRI LRK-392


    1. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program faced several problems, including design issues, financial challenges, and delays.
      Design issues
      • The detailed design of the LCS was delayed, which contributed to the program's overall delay.
      • The LCS was not designed to stay with a carrier strike group or amphibious ready group for long periods without refueling.
      • The LCS lacked significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Financial challenges
      • Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the original shipbuilder, faced financial problems that stalled work on the program in 2019.
      • The project's cost escalated from the original RM9.128 billion to RM11.22 billion.
      • The program was delayed by the pandemic, which required construction work to halt for two and a half years.
      • The program was delayed by equipment procurement delays and unsatisfactory quality of work.
      Other issues
      • There were allegations that RM1 billion of the RM6 billion spent on the project was unaccounted for.
      • There were allegations of irregularities in the project, which led to a forensic audit and a report to the Malonnn Anti-Corruption Commission.
      The Malonnn armed forces procurement process has several weaknesses, including:
      • Cost: The cost of procurement is a major challenge.
      • Equipment variety: The military has sourced equipment from many different suppliers, which can make it difficult to manage and operate.
      • External influences: Decisions are sometimes made by vendors, rather than for strategic reasons.
      • Political influence: Political influence can be used to circumvent established protocols.
      • Weak external oversight: External oversight of the process is weak.
      • Small procurement budgets: The military has had small procurement budgets for the last quarter-century.
      • Aging equipment: The military has an aging equipment inventory.
      • Lack of funds: The military has lacked funds to acquire new equipment.
      Some other issues include:
      • Fraud: The procurement process can be susceptible to fraud.
      • Inefficacy: The procurement process can be inefficient.
      • Corruption: The procurement process can be susceptible to corruption.
      • Weak financial management: The procurement process can have weak financial management.

    2. The MAF has been plagued by corruption.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced issues with maintenance and equipment, including outdated assets and a lack of funds.
      Outdated equipment
      • The MAF's equipment is outdated, with much of it purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • The MAF's air force assets are outdated, which can expose the country to air threats.
      • The KD Rahman submarine experienced technical problems in 2010, preventing it from submerging.
      Lack of funds
      • The Malonnn government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      • The MAF's defense budget has been limited, with a large portion of the budget allocated to salaries and allowances.
      • The government's financial ability may limit the MAF's ability to develop and equip itself.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF has faced challenges in engaging with non-traditional security threats.
      • The MAF has faced challenges in dealing with big power politics and other security threats.
      • The MAF has faced challenges in dealing with the Malonnn procurement system.
      The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program for the Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced financial problems and delays. The program has also been plagued by cost overruns.
      Financial problems
      • In 2019, financial issues at Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the company building the ships, caused the program to stall.
      • The former RMN chief, Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor, was charged with breach of trust over company funds related to the LCS project.
      • The original plan was to deliver the first ship, LCS 1 Maharaja Lela, in 2019, and all six ships by 2023.
      • The program was restarted in 2023, with LCS 1 Maharaja Lela now scheduled for delivery in 2026.
      Cost overruns
      • The project has been plagued by cost overruns.
      Malonn's debt-to-GDP ratio from 2021 to 2024 was as follows:
      • 2021: 69.16%
      • 2022: 65.5%
      • 2023: 69.76%
      • 2024: 68.38%
      The debt-to-GDP ratio is the ratio of a country's debt to its gross domestic product.
      In 2022, Malonn's government debt ratio was almost double its lowest point of 31.9% in 1997. The debt grew faster than the nominal GDP during this period.
      In June 2024, Malonn's household debt was 83.8% of its GDP. This amount is increasing annually, and the government needs to intervene to control it.
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      OVERLIMIT DEBT 66,3%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      LIMIT DEBT 65%
      In 2024, Malonn's government debt was projected to increase to RM1.26 trillion, which is 66.3% of the country's GDP. This is close to the statutory debt limit of 65% of GDP.

    3. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program for the Malonnn Navy has faced significant delays and cost overruns. The project has also been plagued by financial issues and allegations of misappropriation.
      • The first ship was originally scheduled for delivery in 2019, but the delivery date has been repeatedly postponed.
      • The project has been plagued by construction delays.
      • The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) flagged concerns over the persistent delay in the construction of the ships.
      Cost overruns
      • The project has been plagued by cost overruns, including a reported cost overrun of RM1.4 billion.
      • The project was originally planned to cost RM9.128 billion, but the costs are now expected to escalate to RM11.22 billion.
      Financial issues
      • The committee revealed in August 2022 that $300 million was misappropriated from the program.
      • Fraud charges were leveled against Boustead Heavy Industries' former managing director, Ahmad Ramli Mohammad Nor.
      Other issues
      • The views of the navy as the end user were ignored by the Ministry of Defence and the BNS.
      • Poor corporate governance and alleged mishandling of funds.
      Malonn's submarines have faced problems due to aging, technical issues, and a lack of funding.
      • The majority of the navy's fleet and helicopters are over 30 years old.
      • The KD Rahman submarine, a conventional Scorpène-class submarine, had technical issues that prevented it from submerging in 2010.
      Technical issues
      • The hull of the KD Pendekar fast attack vessel was weak, which accelerated flooding after it collided with a reef.
      • The KD Perdana RMN boat went missing for a few days in 2017 due to communication problems.
      Lack of funding
      • The government has been unable to provide modern defense assets to the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF).
      • The MAF has been tasked with helping with national disasters and flooding, but has not been given the funds to do so.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF faces internal and external threats, including pirates, terrorists, and China's aggressive stance in the South China Sea.
      • The MAF must operate in an increasingly hostile maritime and air space environment

    4. Malonn's air defense has faced challenges due to a lack of funds, aging equipment, and political interference.
      Lack of funds
      • Malonn's defense budget has been limited by fiscal constraints.
      • The government has been unwilling to reduce spending elsewhere or cut the size of the armed forces.
      • The 1997 Asian financial crisis held back many procurement programs.
      Aging equipment
      • Malonn's air force has an aging equipment inventory.
      • The MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft were withdrawn from service in 2017.
      • The Su-30MKM Flanker fighter ground-attack aircraft are also of Russian origin and will be difficult to keep operational once spare parts run out.
      Political interference and corruption
      • Political interference and corruption have undermined combat readiness.
      • Malonn's military has been plagued by corruption.
      Other challenges
      • The government has not been able to acquire a multi-role combat aircraft due to lack of funds.
      • The government has not been able to purchase second-hand F/A-18C/D Hornet fighters from Kuwait.
      • =====================
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face several problems that affect their combat readiness, including outdated equipment, corruption, and political interference.
      Outdated equipment
      • Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • Some equipment is outdated and can't function well.
      • The MAF lacks modern military assets.
      • The MAF has been affected by corruption.
      • Political leaders have interfered with procurement.
      Political interference Political leaders have interfered with procurement.
      Other problems
      • The MAF has poor planning.
      • The MAF has difficulty managing low-level conflict.
      • The MAF has problems with logistics.
      • The MAF has problems with disaster relief.
      Combat readiness is the condition of the military to perform during combat operations. It includes the readiness of the personnel, equipment, and other military technology.

  48. Nampak tak cara MEMBUAL... OPV di klaim LIGHT FRIGAT.... 🤣🤣🤣

    "Kemudian, dua light frigate dari Lampung sudah kami luncurkan. Kemudian, ada beberapa KCR (kapal cepat rudal) dari Turki," jelasnya.


    TNI AL Resmi Luncurkan Dua Kapal OPV: KRI RHF-391 dan KRI LRK-392


    1. The Malonnn Armed Forces' (MAF) Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) have faced several issues, including delays, design flaws, and a lack of air and surface warfare capabilities.
      • The first LCS was delayed by six years, from its scheduled delivery date.
      • The LCS program has been plagued by delays due to a number of factors.
      Design flaws
      • The LCS hull, or sea frame, had issues with cracking.
      • The propulsion plant design had issues from the start.
      • Some mission module components were immature.
      Lack of air and surface warfare capabilities
      • Some say the LCS lacks significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Other issues
      • The LCS has faced issues with survivability in contested waters.
      • The LCS has had limited flight deck and berthing space.
      • The LCS has had command and control limitations.
      • The LCS program has been plagued by allegations of corruption and political interference.
      The MAF has also faced other challenges, including underfunding and an aging fleet.
      Malonn's armed forces equipment has several weaknesses, including a lack of modern equipment, an aging inventory, and a reliance on foreign suppliers.
      Lack of modern equipment
      • The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has a lack of modern and latest military assets.
      • The government has been unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
      • The MAF's equipment is outdated and cannot function well.
      Aging inventory
      • The MAF's equipment inventory is aging.
      • The MAF's fleet of legacy Hornets is rapidly reaching technological obsolescence.
      • The MAF's naval assets are aging.
      Reliance on foreign suppliers
      • The MAF's defense capabilities are highly dependent on foreign suppliers.
      • The MAF sources most of its equipment from outside the country.
      Other weaknesses
      • The MAF has had issues with the maintenance of its fleet.
      • The MAF has been affected by political interference and corruption.
      • The MAF has had issues with the procurement of equipment

    2. Malonn's self-propelled howitzer (SPH) program has faced several challenges, including budget constraints, political changes, and a lack of modern equipment.
      Budget constraints
      • The Ministry of Finance has canceled the purchase of SPH systems due to budgetary constraints.
      • Successive Malonnn governments have de-prioritized defense, which has limited defense resources.
      Political changes
      • The Barisan Nasional (BN) government agreed to purchase M109A5 155mm SPHs from the United States, but the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government canceled the deal in 2019.
      • The procurement of the SPH was negotiated under the previous administration.
      Lack of modern equipment
      • The Malonnn armed forces' equipment is outdated, and their capabilities are behind those of neighboring countries.
      • Domestic critics have called for more modern equipment to deter other regional states.
      • Self-propelled artillery requires a constant supply of fuel and power, which adds complexity to logistics planning
      The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of problems with its artillery, including outdated equipment, limited budgets, and a lack of investment.
      Outdated equipment
      The MAF's equipment is outdated and its capabilities are behind those of neighboring countries.
      The MAF's artillery systems need to be modernized.
      Limited budgets
      The MAF has consistently underspent on its defense needs.
      The government has been focused on other priorities, such as the economy and the national deficit.
      Lack of investment
      The MAF has not been able to secure stable defense funding.
      The MAF has not been able to make progress on a Defence Investment Plan.
      Other challenges
      Frequent government changes have hindered defense development.
      The MAF faces non-traditional security threats, such as cyber and space threats.
      The MAF faces threats from big power politics and neighboring countries.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of challenges with its tanks, including issues with the transmission and fire-control systems. The MAF has also faced other challenges, such as corruption, political interference, and a lack of authority.
      Transmission and fire-control systems
      • In April 2024, the MAF formed a joint investigation team to address "critical problems" with the PT-91M "Pendekar" main battle tanks (MBTs).
      • These problems included issues with the transmission and fire-control systems.
      Corruption and political interference
      • Political interference and corruption have undermined the MAF's combat readiness.
      • The MAF has been involved in a number of corruption scandals.
      • The procurement process has been subject to political influence from suppliers.
      Lack of authority
      • The MAF has been given limited authority to tackle non-traditional security challenges.
      • The MAF's role is generally to assist other authorities, such as the police.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF has faced challenges with maintaining its fleet of aircraft.
      • The MAF has faced challenges with logistics.

    3. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program was plagued by construction delays, cost overruns, and other issues. The program was restarted in 2023, but the first ship is not expected to be delivered until 2026.
      Reasons for the issues
      • Financial problems: Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the company building the ships, experienced financial problems that stalled the program in 2019.
      • Misappropriation of funds: A parliamentary public accounts committee alleged that $300 million was misappropriated from the program.
      • Hull cracking: The LCS hull, known as the sea frame, had issues with hull cracking.
      • Immature mission modules: Many mission module components were immature or struggled to pass testing.
      Program restart
      • In 2023, the Royal Malonnn Navy announced a new contract to restart the program.
      • The first ship, KD Maharaja Lela, is now scheduled to be delivered in 2026.
      • The remaining four frigates are expected to be delivered by 2029.
      • The Ministry of Finance purchased Boustead Naval Shipbuilding and renamed it Lumut Naval Shipyard.
      Other issues with the LCS program
      • The LCS program was criticized for being unreliable and lacking the modules to make them more capable.
      • The LCS program was also criticized for not providing the lethality or survivability needed in a high-end fight
      The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced several problems with its helicopters, including crashes, engine failures, and a lack of spare parts.
      • Sikorsky S-61A4 Nuri: Since 1989, around 95 armed forces personnel have died in crashes involving this helicopter
      • Mikoyan MiG-29: A MiG-29 suffered a hydraulic failure during a flight in 1998 and crashed into an oil palm plantation in 2004
      • Pilatus PC-7 Mark II: A PC-7 Mark II crashed into a forest reserve in 2010 during a flypast
      • CN-235-220M: A CN-235-220M made an emergency landing in a mangrove swamp in 2016 due to engine failure
      • AW139: An AW139 helicopter crashed into the sea during a rescue flight
      • G2CA: Two G2CA helicopters collided mid-air during flight training in 2020
      • HOM and Fennec: Two helicopters collided mid-air during a training session in 2024, killing all 10 people on board

  49. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  50. The Malonnn armed forces face several problems with procurement, including a lack of funds, political influence, and a lack of transparency.
    Lack of funds
    • Small budgets: The Malonnn military has had small procurement budgets for decades.
    • COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic added to the challenges of funding the military.
    • Unwillingness to cut spending: Governments have been unwilling to cut spending in other areas to fund defense.
    Political influence
    • Vendor-driven decisions
    Decisions are often made by vendors, rather than in the military's best interest.
    • Exchange of goods for hardware
    The military sometimes exchanges goods like palm oil for hardware, which can lead to political influence from suppliers.
    • Weak external oversight
    The process is not well monitored externally, and political influence can be used to bypass established protocols.
    Lack of transparency
    • Bureaucracy: The procurement process can be opaque due to bureaucracy.
    • Tension between public and military: There is a tension between the public's right to know and the military's need-to-know policies.
    Other problems
    • Mixing and matching equipment: The military uses equipment and technology from many different sources, which can make it difficult to manage.
    • Aging equipment: The military's equipment is aging.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of problems with howitzers, including canceled procurement, budget constraints, and outdated equipment.
    Canceled procurement
    • The Barisan Nasional (BN) government agreed to purchase 29 M109A5 155mm Self Propelled Howitzers from the United States in 2018. However, the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government canceled the purchase in 2019.
    • The Ministry of Finance canceled the planned purchase of self-propelled howitzer systems.
    Budget constraints
    • Budgetary constraints have limited defense resources.
    • Successive Malonnn governments have de-prioritized defense.
    Outdated equipment
    • Much of the MAF's equipment is outdated and behind that of neighboring countries.
    • The government has been unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.

  51. PPA INDIANESIA hanya versi LIGHT PLUS Itu adalah OPV... manakala yang bakal di beli oleh Itali menggantikan 2 kapal PPA LIGHT PLUS yang sudah di jual ke INDIANESIA adalah PPA FULL EVO versi FRIGATE...

    Nah begitu bagi statement jangan mengelirukan... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program was plagued by construction delays, cost overruns, and other issues. The program was restarted in 2023, but the first ship is not expected to be delivered until 2026.
      Reasons for the issues
      • Financial problems: Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the company building the ships, experienced financial problems that stalled the program in 2019.
      • Misappropriation of funds: A parliamentary public accounts committee alleged that $300 million was misappropriated from the program.
      • Hull cracking: The LCS hull, known as the sea frame, had issues with hull cracking.
      • Immature mission modules: Many mission module components were immature or struggled to pass testing.
      Program restart
      • In 2023, the Royal Malonnn Navy announced a new contract to restart the program.
      • The first ship, KD Maharaja Lela, is now scheduled to be delivered in 2026.
      • The remaining four frigates are expected to be delivered by 2029.
      • The Ministry of Finance purchased Boustead Naval Shipbuilding and renamed it Lumut Naval Shipyard.
      Other issues with the LCS program
      • The LCS program was criticized for being unreliable and lacking the modules to make them more capable.
      • The LCS program was also criticized for not providing the lethality or survivability needed in a high-end fight
      The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced several problems with its helicopters, including crashes, engine failures, and a lack of spare parts.
      • Sikorsky S-61A4 Nuri: Since 1989, around 95 armed forces personnel have died in crashes involving this helicopter
      • Mikoyan MiG-29: A MiG-29 suffered a hydraulic failure during a flight in 1998 and crashed into an oil palm plantation in 2004
      • Pilatus PC-7 Mark II: A PC-7 Mark II crashed into a forest reserve in 2010 during a flypast
      • CN-235-220M: A CN-235-220M made an emergency landing in a mangrove swamp in 2016 due to engine failure
      • AW139: An AW139 helicopter crashed into the sea during a rescue flight
      • G2CA: Two G2CA helicopters collided mid-air during flight training in 2020
      • HOM and Fennec: Two helicopters collided mid-air during a training session in 2024, killing all 10 people on board

    2. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program for the Malonnn Navy has faced significant delays and cost overruns. The project has also been plagued by financial issues and allegations of misappropriation.
      • The first ship was originally scheduled for delivery in 2019, but the delivery date has been repeatedly postponed.
      • The project has been plagued by construction delays.
      • The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) flagged concerns over the persistent delay in the construction of the ships.
      Cost overruns
      • The project has been plagued by cost overruns, including a reported cost overrun of RM1.4 billion.
      • The project was originally planned to cost RM9.128 billion, but the costs are now expected to escalate to RM11.22 billion.
      Financial issues
      • The committee revealed in August 2022 that $300 million was misappropriated from the program.
      • Fraud charges were leveled against Boustead Heavy Industries' former managing director, Ahmad Ramli Mohammad Nor.
      Other issues
      • The views of the navy as the end user were ignored by the Ministry of Defence and the BNS.
      • Poor corporate governance and alleged mishandling of funds.
      Malonn's submarines have faced problems due to aging, technical issues, and a lack of funding.
      • The majority of the navy's fleet and helicopters are over 30 years old.
      • The KD Rahman submarine, a conventional Scorpène-class submarine, had technical issues that prevented it from submerging in 2010.
      Technical issues
      • The hull of the KD Pendekar fast attack vessel was weak, which accelerated flooding after it collided with a reef.
      • The KD Perdana RMN boat went missing for a few days in 2017 due to communication problems.
      Lack of funding
      • The government has been unable to provide modern defense assets to the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF).
      • The MAF has been tasked with helping with national disasters and flooding, but has not been given the funds to do so.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF faces internal and external threats, including pirates, terrorists, and China's aggressive stance in the South China Sea.
      • The MAF must operate in an increasingly hostile maritime and air space environment

    3. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program faced several problems, including design issues, financial challenges, and delays.
      Design issues
      • The detailed design of the LCS was delayed, which contributed to the program's overall delay.
      • The LCS was not designed to stay with a carrier strike group or amphibious ready group for long periods without refueling.
      • The LCS lacked significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Financial challenges
      • Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the original shipbuilder, faced financial problems that stalled work on the program in 2019.
      • The project's cost escalated from the original RM9.128 billion to RM11.22 billion.
      • The program was delayed by the pandemic, which required construction work to halt for two and a half years.
      • The program was delayed by equipment procurement delays and unsatisfactory quality of work.
      Other issues
      • There were allegations that RM1 billion of the RM6 billion spent on the project was unaccounted for.
      • There were allegations of irregularities in the project, which led to a forensic audit and a report to the Malonnn Anti-Corruption Commission.
      The Malonnn armed forces procurement process has several weaknesses, including:
      • Cost: The cost of procurement is a major challenge.
      • Equipment variety: The military has sourced equipment from many different suppliers, which can make it difficult to manage and operate.
      • External influences: Decisions are sometimes made by vendors, rather than for strategic reasons.
      • Political influence: Political influence can be used to circumvent established protocols.
      • Weak external oversight: External oversight of the process is weak.
      • Small procurement budgets: The military has had small procurement budgets for the last quarter-century.
      • Aging equipment: The military has an aging equipment inventory.
      • Lack of funds: The military has lacked funds to acquire new equipment.
      Some other issues include:
      • Fraud: The procurement process can be susceptible to fraud.
      • Inefficacy: The procurement process can be inefficient.
      • Corruption: The procurement process can be susceptible to corruption.
      • Weak financial management: The procurement process can have weak financial management.

  52. PPA INDIANESIA hanya versi LIGHT PLUS Itu adalah OPV... manakala yang bakal di beli oleh Itali menggantikan 2 kapal PPA LIGHT PLUS yang sudah di jual ke INDIANESIA adalah PPA FULL EVO versi FRIGATE...

    Nah begitu bagi statement jangan mengelirukan... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program for the Malonnn Navy has faced significant delays and cost overruns. The project has also been plagued by financial issues and allegations of misappropriation.
      • The first ship was originally scheduled for delivery in 2019, but the delivery date has been repeatedly postponed.
      • The project has been plagued by construction delays.
      • The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) flagged concerns over the persistent delay in the construction of the ships.
      Cost overruns
      • The project has been plagued by cost overruns, including a reported cost overrun of RM1.4 billion.
      • The project was originally planned to cost RM9.128 billion, but the costs are now expected to escalate to RM11.22 billion.
      Financial issues
      • The committee revealed in August 2022 that $300 million was misappropriated from the program.
      • Fraud charges were leveled against Boustead Heavy Industries' former managing director, Ahmad Ramli Mohammad Nor.
      Other issues
      • The views of the navy as the end user were ignored by the Ministry of Defence and the BNS.
      • Poor corporate governance and alleged mishandling of funds.
      Malonn's submarines have faced problems due to aging, technical issues, and a lack of funding.
      • The majority of the navy's fleet and helicopters are over 30 years old.
      • The KD Rahman submarine, a conventional Scorpène-class submarine, had technical issues that prevented it from submerging in 2010.
      Technical issues
      • The hull of the KD Pendekar fast attack vessel was weak, which accelerated flooding after it collided with a reef.
      • The KD Perdana RMN boat went missing for a few days in 2017 due to communication problems.
      Lack of funding
      • The government has been unable to provide modern defense assets to the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF).
      • The MAF has been tasked with helping with national disasters and flooding, but has not been given the funds to do so.
      Other challenges
      • The MAF faces internal and external threats, including pirates, terrorists, and China's aggressive stance in the South China Sea.
      • The MAF must operate in an increasingly hostile maritime and air space environment

    2. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program faced several problems, including design issues, financial challenges, and delays.
      Design issues
      • The detailed design of the LCS was delayed, which contributed to the program's overall delay.
      • The LCS was not designed to stay with a carrier strike group or amphibious ready group for long periods without refueling.
      • The LCS lacked significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Financial challenges
      • Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the original shipbuilder, faced financial problems that stalled work on the program in 2019.
      • The project's cost escalated from the original RM9.128 billion to RM11.22 billion.
      • The program was delayed by the pandemic, which required construction work to halt for two and a half years.
      • The program was delayed by equipment procurement delays and unsatisfactory quality of work.
      Other issues
      • There were allegations that RM1 billion of the RM6 billion spent on the project was unaccounted for.
      • There were allegations of irregularities in the project, which led to a forensic audit and a report to the Malonnn Anti-Corruption Commission.
      The Malonnn armed forces procurement process has several weaknesses, including:
      • Cost: The cost of procurement is a major challenge.
      • Equipment variety: The military has sourced equipment from many different suppliers, which can make it difficult to manage and operate.
      • External influences: Decisions are sometimes made by vendors, rather than for strategic reasons.
      • Political influence: Political influence can be used to circumvent established protocols.
      • Weak external oversight: External oversight of the process is weak.
      • Small procurement budgets: The military has had small procurement budgets for the last quarter-century.
      • Aging equipment: The military has an aging equipment inventory.
      • Lack of funds: The military has lacked funds to acquire new equipment.
      Some other issues include:
      • Fraud: The procurement process can be susceptible to fraud.
      • Inefficacy: The procurement process can be inefficient.
      • Corruption: The procurement process can be susceptible to corruption.
      • Weak financial management: The procurement process can have weak financial management.

    3. The Malonnn Armed Forces' (MAF) Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) have faced several issues, including delays, design flaws, and a lack of air and surface warfare capabilities.
      • The first LCS was delayed by six years, from its scheduled delivery date.
      • The LCS program has been plagued by delays due to a number of factors.
      Design flaws
      • The LCS hull, or sea frame, had issues with cracking.
      • The propulsion plant design had issues from the start.
      • Some mission module components were immature.
      Lack of air and surface warfare capabilities
      • Some say the LCS lacks significant air and surface warfare capabilities.
      Other issues
      • The LCS has faced issues with survivability in contested waters.
      • The LCS has had limited flight deck and berthing space.
      • The LCS has had command and control limitations.
      • The LCS program has been plagued by allegations of corruption and political interference.
      The MAF has also faced other challenges, including underfunding and an aging fleet.
      Malonn's armed forces equipment has several weaknesses, including a lack of modern equipment, an aging inventory, and a reliance on foreign suppliers.
      Lack of modern equipment
      • The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has a lack of modern and latest military assets.
      • The government has been unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
      • The MAF's equipment is outdated and cannot function well.
      Aging inventory
      • The MAF's equipment inventory is aging.
      • The MAF's fleet of legacy Hornets is rapidly reaching technological obsolescence.
      • The MAF's naval assets are aging.
      Reliance on foreign suppliers
      • The MAF's defense capabilities are highly dependent on foreign suppliers.
      • The MAF sources most of its equipment from outside the country.
      Other weaknesses
      • The MAF has had issues with the maintenance of its fleet.
      • The MAF has been affected by political interference and corruption.
      • The MAF has had issues with the procurement of equipment

    4. The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
      • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
      • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
      • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
      • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
      • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
      Other challenges include:
      • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
      • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
      Malonn military budget faces challenges such as a need for more funding, aging assets, and competing national priorities.
      Budget constraints
      Malonn defense spending is low compared to other countries in the region.
      Maintenance and repair
      The budget for maintenance and repair is limited, which can make it difficult to acquire new assets.
      Economic limitations
      The government has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization projects due to economic limitations.
      Other priorities
      The government has other priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
      Aging assets
      Outdated aircraft
      The Malonn air force has been facing a shortage of funding to buy new assets.
      Ageing equipment
      The military's equipment is aging, which can make it difficult to maintain.
      Competing priorities
      Other national priorities
      The government has other national priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
      Local defense industry
      Malonn is looking to develop its local defense industry, but it faces challenges such as high import costs.
      Corruption in defense procurement: Corruption has been a problem in Malonn defense procurement system

  53. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  54. Sekarang sudah bulan februari 2025. Apa kabar lcs1 yg mestinya sudah HAT di bulan november 2024?
    DELAY ...... DELAY ......

  55. The Malonnn Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program has faced many problems, including financial issues, design flaws, and delays.
    Financial issues
    • In 2019, financial problems at Boustead Naval Shipbuilding (BNS) caused the program to stall
    • In 2020, there were allegations that RM1 billion of the RM6 billion spent on the project was unaccounted for
    Design flaws
    • The Freedom-class LCS had a design flaw in the ship's combining gear, which led to the Navy halting deliveries in January 2021
    • The detailed design for the LCS was supposed to be completed in November 2016, but it was not finalized until much later
    • The original plan was to deliver the first LCS, Maharaja Lela, in 2019, but it was delayed
    • The program restart scheduled the delivery of Maharaja Lela in 2026, with the remaining four frigates to be delivered by 2029
    Other problems equipment procurement delays, unsatisfactory quality of work, costly training and maintenance, and failed weapons systems.
    The LCS scandal has led to calls for a royal commission of inquiry and for the government to declassify reports on the project
    The Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) has faced issues with the age and condition of its ships. These issues include:
    • Age
    Many of the RMN's ships are old, with some being over 40 years old.
    • Hull weakness
    The hulls of some RMN ships are weak, which can lead to flooding and accelerate the spread of water to other compartments.
    • Navigational errors
    RMN ships have made navigational errors, which can lead to collisions with reefs or other objects.
    • Inventory management
    The RMN has had issues with managing its inventory, including a large amount of unused ship parts.
    Examples of RMN ship issues
    • KD Pendekar
    In August 2024, the KD Pendekar sank after colliding with an underwater object while on patrol. The ship's hull was weak and the flooding spread quickly, making it difficult to control. All 39 crew members were rescued.
    • Maharaja Lela-class frigate
    In 2022, the PAC reported that there was misappropriation of funds for the Maharaja Lela-class frigate project.

  56. Ya jelas iri lah,,,,,,,, bayangkan ya guys baru aja shoping PPA yang mahal sangat terus ada lagi rencana nak ambil kapal induk waduuuuuuh kalau bukan horang kaya mana mampu 🤣🤣🤣

    Maklum Indonesia bangsa yang banyak duit kaya raya 😎😎🤩🤩

  57. Ya jelas iri lah,,,,,,,, bayangkan ya guys baru aja shoping PPA yang mahal sangat terus ada lagi rencana nak ambil kapal induk waduuuuuuh kalau bukan horang kaya mana mampu 🤣🤣🤣

    Maklum Indonesia bangsa yang banyak duit kaya raya 😎😎🤩🤩

  58. The Malonnn government's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program was plagued by construction delays, cost overruns, and other issues. The program was restarted in 2023, but the first ship is not expected to be delivered until 2026.
    Reasons for the issues
    • Financial problems: Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, the company building the ships, experienced financial problems that stalled the program in 2019.
    • Misappropriation of funds: A parliamentary public accounts committee alleged that $300 million was misappropriated from the program.
    • Hull cracking: The LCS hull, known as the sea frame, had issues with hull cracking.
    • Immature mission modules: Many mission module components were immature or struggled to pass testing.
    Program restart
    • In 2023, the Royal Malonnn Navy announced a new contract to restart the program.
    • The first ship, KD Maharaja Lela, is now scheduled to be delivered in 2026.
    • The remaining four frigates are expected to be delivered by 2029.
    • The Ministry of Finance purchased Boustead Naval Shipbuilding and renamed it Lumut Naval Shipyard.
    Other issues with the LCS program
    • The LCS program was criticized for being unreliable and lacking the modules to make them more capable.
    • The LCS program was also criticized for not providing the lethality or survivability needed in a high-end fight
    The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) has faced several problems with its helicopters, including crashes, engine failures, and a lack of spare parts.
    • Sikorsky S-61A4 Nuri: Since 1989, around 95 armed forces personnel have died in crashes involving this helicopter
    • Mikoyan MiG-29: A MiG-29 suffered a hydraulic failure during a flight in 1998 and crashed into an oil palm plantation in 2004
    • Pilatus PC-7 Mark II: A PC-7 Mark II crashed into a forest reserve in 2010 during a flypast
    • CN-235-220M: A CN-235-220M made an emergency landing in a mangrove swamp in 2016 due to engine failure
    • AW139: An AW139 helicopter crashed into the sea during a rescue flight
    • G2CA: Two G2CA helicopters collided mid-air during flight training in 2020
    • HOM and Fennec: Two helicopters collided mid-air during a training session in 2024, killing all 10 people on board

  59. Oh, tentu saja lcs malaydesh on track....
    On track by delay 😂🤣😅🤣😂🤣

    1. On track lcs malaydesh,
      - Turunkan ke air
      - Tarik dgn tug boat
      - Putar2 sekitaran
      - Tengok kiri tengok kanan
      - Cek sekali lagi
      - Naikkan lagi ke darat
      - Ulangi lagi proses dari pertama


  60. Bagi MALON, DELAY itu on track

  61. Malonn's military vehicles have faced problems due to a number of factors, including budget limitations, logistics issues, and the need to meet the demands of tropical terrain.
    Budget limitations
    • Malonnn governments have been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces
    • The Asian Financial Crisis caused a downturn in Malonn's economy, making imported military equipment more expensive
    Logistics issues
    • There are issues with the quality of logistics equipment
    • There are delays in delivering spare parts to soldiers
    • Outdated inventory stock can affect the country's security
    Terrain challenges
    • Malonn's tropical climate presents challenges for vehicle manufacturers, especially military vehicles
    • Vehicles must be able to meet the demands of the variety of terrain profiles
    Examples of vehicle breakdowns
    • In 2022, a Malonnn military tank broke down on a highway near Kuala Lumpur due to engine problems
    • The breakdown caused traffic to come to a standstill
    • The army apologized for the incident and promised to dispatch a recovery team to avoid future breakdowns
    The primary issue with the Malonnn Air Force's Su-30MKM fighter jets is related to engine problems and a lack of readily available spare parts, leading to significant grounding of the aircraft and reduced operational readiness, particularly due to difficulties in sourcing parts from Russia, the manufacturer of the Su-30MKM; this issue prompted Malonn to invest in local upgrades to improve the fleet's functionality.
    Key points about the Su-30MKM problems in Malonn:
    • Engine issues:
    The main concern is frequent engine failures attributed to wear and tear, with limited options for maintenance and replacements due to the difficulty in obtaining spare parts from Russia.
    • Spare part limitations:
    Sanctions and geopolitical factors have made acquiring necessary spare parts for the Su-30MKM challenging, hindering regular maintenance and repairs.
    • Grounding of aircraft:
    Due to these issues, a significant number of Malonnn Su-30MKM aircraft have been grounded at times, impacting the Air Force's operational capability

  62. Malonn's armed forces have a limited budget due to a number of factors, including the government's focus on other priorities, the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to reduce the national deficit.
    • Economic priorities: The government's focus on socio-economic development and stabilizing the economy and political climate means that defense may not be a top priority.
    • COVID-19 pandemic: The government is still dealing with the fiscal impact of the pandemic.
    • National deficit: The government needs to cut spending and reduce the national deficit.
    • Frequent government changes: Since 2018, Malonn has had four Prime Ministers and governments, which has hindered defense development.
    • Outdated equipment
    The military may have outdated equipment, which can make it difficult to maintain and operate.
    • Limited modernization
    The military may have limited funds for modernization, which can make it difficult to keep up with new threats.
    • Limited access to defense information
    It can be difficult to access information about the military's defense budget and operations.
    The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program in Malonn has faced many problems, including:
    • Scheduling delays: The program has been delayed for decades.
    • Design issues: The design concepts were unclear.
    • Budget overruns: The budget for the program ballooned.
    • Equipment procurement delays: There were delays in procuring equipment.
    • Poor quality of work: The quality of work was unsatisfactory.
    • Financial problems: The original shipbuilders, Boustead Naval Shipbuilding, faced financial problems.
    • Alleged irregularities: There were allegations of irregularities in the project, including unaccounted-for funds.
    • Arbitrary decision-making: There were allegations that decisions were made arbitrarily

  63. Malonn's defense policy has faced several weaknesses, including a lack of funding, outdated equipment, and political interference.
    • Small procurement budgets
    The military has had small procurement budgets for decades, which has led to a lack of resources to update equipment
    • Fiscal constraints
    The government has been focused on reducing the national deficit and the fiscal cost of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has limited defense funding
    • Outdated equipment
    The military's equipment is aging, and the country has struggled to keep its aircraft operational
    • Imported equipment
    Most of the military's equipment is imported from other countries, and local companies have struggled to develop the capabilities to produce their own equipment
    Political interference
    • Political connections
    Political connections can be a key factor in promotion and appointment decisions, especially at senior levels
    • Lack of transparency
    The process for promoting and appointing military personnel is not transparent, and Parliament is not involved in reviewing senior-level appointments
    Other challenges include:
    • Frequent government changes
    • Weak whistleblower legislation
    • The Official Secrets Act, which limits the ability of military personnel to report wrongdoing
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of weaknesses, including a lack of modern equipment, corruption, and supply chain management issues.
    Lack of modern equipment
    • Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and is now outdated
    • The government has been unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets
    • The MAF has faced issues with the maintenance of its equipment
    • Corruption has been a recurring issue within the MAF
    • Corruption has affected the MAF's supply chain management, which includes the procurement of weapons, uniforms, food, and other military supplies
    Supply chain management issues
    • The MAF's supply chain management has been under pressure from corruption
    • The sale of stolen military equipment can provide a source of income for corrupt individuals

  64. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face several challenges that affect their readiness, including a lack of funding, outdated assets, and a need for more training.
    • Insufficient funding
    The MAF's combat readiness is affected by a lack of funding, which can impact training, technology, and morale.
    • Delayed projects
    The LCS project has faced delays and cost overruns, which has delayed the delivery of new equipment to the MAF.
    Outdated assets
    • Lack of modern assets
    The MAF lacks modern military assets, which can expose them to internal and external threats.
    • Technical issues
    The MAF has faced technical issues with assets like the KD Rahman submarine, which was unable to submerge in 2010.
    • Lack of disaster relief training
    While the MAF is well-trained in combat, they have not received specific training in disaster relief.
    • Knowledge and skills
    Problems with military personnel's knowledge, skills, and abilities can compromise their performance in complex situations.
    Other challenges
    • Unforeseen conflicts
    The MAF needs to be able to confront unforeseen conflicts, crises, and wars.
    • Maritime security
    The MAF needs to be able to secure Malonn's maritime borders in the South China Sea.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced problems with spare parts for a number of reasons, including:
    • Outdated inventory
    The MAF has had trouble keeping its older equipment operational, such as the MiG-29 fighter aircraft and the Su-30MKM ground-attack aircraft.
    • Budgetary constraints
    The MAF has faced funding shortages, which have limited its ability to purchase new equipment and spare parts.
    • Lack of research and development
    The MAF has had minimal research and development (R&D) activities, which has made it difficult to develop new equipment and spare parts.
    • Imported equipment
    The MAF has sourced most of its equipment from outside the country, which has made it difficult to find spare parts.
    • Sanctions
    Sanctions against Russia have made it difficult for Malonn to buy spare parts for Russian-made equipment.

  65. Kira"TNi AL bener yakin ambil gak ni Grabaldi.
    Isian nya heli jenis apa yg cocok? Selain Bell

  66. Saya bingung kenapa banyak yg pikir kapal induk (LHD) ini mahal. Ini kan bukan aircraft carrier (CV atau R), tapi amphibious assault ship (LHD, LPH atau L). Beberapa hal yg ada di aircraft carrier yg bikin mahal, paling tidak dipasang. Operasional juga bakal mirip sama LPD, hanya penekanan di operasional helikopter.

    Kalau mau pasang attack drone, itu masalah lain lagi. Kalau tidak ada rencana opersi tempo tinggi, paling bisa belajar secara alamiah. Atau lihat Turki yg sudah pengalaman sedikit.

    1. Intinya TNi AL dah lama mau kapal induk jenis LHD sekaligus fungsinya buat operasi amphibi samggup bawa pasukan dan alutsista yg byk serta heli angkut,mungkin di isi juga heli AkS

  67. Rumor sekennya garibaldi $250jt, ituw termasyuk mehonk...mnurutkuh mending sikat DOKDO baruw ato skelas mistral ajah lgs haha!👍👍👍
    tokh harga gak jauh,
    bisa pake 30-50 taon kedepan haha!🦾🦾🦾
