01 Januari 2020

PT PAL and Landing Docks Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy

01 Januari 2020

PAL offered new design on its SSV 123m (all images : PAL)

Opening Bidding

For the Landing Docks Acquisition Project which conducted the Bid Submission and Opening last 26 November 2019, the lowest bidder was local shipbuilder Megaship Builders Inc., which is joint-ventured to a Malaysian shipbuilder, Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards Sdn Bhd.

The problem is, Megaship Builders or even its joint venture partner Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards has never built a Landing Platform Dock-type ship before. Both companies appear to have no experience either in installing, integrating and supporting military equipment and subsystems.

But they were able to join the bidding because the Philippine Navy's TWG simply required bidders to have experience in building ships of around 7,000 tons or higher displacement, without specifying on the type of ship they built before.

In short, it is the Philippine Navy's fault that such was able to join and even become the lowest bidder for the project due to their vague and incomplete details on the technical specifications and requirements.

Post Bidding

While Megaship Builders Inc. - Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards JV was the lowest bidder for the Landing Docks Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy, it appears that they might have hit a wall during the Post Qualification Inspection (PQI) stage which was conducted this month.

And based on information MaxDefense received after posting the news on Megaship Builders - Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards JV being the lowest bidder for the project, it appears that they failed the Post Qualification Inspection (PQI) due to financial and technical reasons, which may have included their lack of experience in building an LPD-like vessel or military transport vessels of similar size and design.

If the joint venture was Post-Disqualified, it means that the second lowest bidder will be given the chance to steal the show. And in this case, the second lowest bidder is Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL (Persero), which was the builder of the Tarlac-class LPD already in use with the Philippine Navy.

It now remains to be seen if PT PAL will be able to pass the Post Qualification Inspection to be conducted by the DND-Bids and Awards Committee (DND-BAC) and Philippine Navy Technical Working Group (TWG).

PT PAL previously passed the PQI for the Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) Acquisition Project, which means PT PAL has experience in how PQIs are done, and how to pass it.

Should PT PAL pass the PQI, it would become the basis for the release of Notice of Award (NOA), which in turn will lead to PT PAL receiving the contract for the project.

A win by PT PAL is also advantageous to the Philippine Navy, as both parties already had previous working experience in building similar ships, and PT PAL's offered design is actually an improved version of the Tarlac-class. This means the retention of design which will make commonality and logistics support simpler and more efficient, compared to having a different LPD design from the existing ones the Philippine Navy already operates.

MaxDefense just hopes that the Philippine Navy would be able to improve further on the ship's design, considering they failed to include improvements on helicopter deck capacity to allow future helicopters of the Philippine Air Force, which may include medium and heavy lift helicopters like the Russian Mi-17 Hip and American CH-47 Chinook helicopters.

Here is images from video posted by PT PAL of what it could be offering to the Philippine Navy. Take note that items not included in the technical requirements will not be delivered by the winning shipbuilder, including the 76mm Super Rapid main gun, CIWS, etc.


124 komentar:

  1. Pertamax di tgl 010120 πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. .. Bnyk banjir🧐🧐

    2. Desaine austal mesti paling cekli nggih mbah....😳

    3. Makan makan mat rempit. . Kalau ga kemukus free

    4. Nak masalah per bodyan kapal, eropa.. Jos lan ayu 🧐

    5. Kemarin kayaknya ada yg nyales in austal...
      Siapa tuh...?

    6. Yen @unknown sing iki ☝️ kok iso caturan coro jowo yo πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

  2. AWAL TAHUN 2020...kok akeh banjir to yoooπŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”... Setengah dino muter2 golek dalan..

    1. ☝️🏻....golek dalan bayi, ketemune dalan buntu πŸƒπŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨

    2. Hahahhahahhaa. . Dalane wes buntet opo wes lower mbah

    3. Lower.. Plus kakehan banyu sampek imber2( banjir) πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  3. Tanggal 1 januari 2020.. menhan prabrowo langsung menghadap presiden jokowi yg sedang berada di yogyakarta. Ada apakah gerangan sepertinya mendesak sekali.?? Apakah ada hubungannya agenda shoping besar2an salah satunya akusisi viper..?? haha..

    Siaran live stremingnya bisa dilihat langsung di cahnnel resmi sekretariat negara di youtube 5 menit lagi.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Emoticone kok wong ngguyu ngono sih... Aku jadi curigation

    2. Mergo jakarta banjir mas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. 😁😁Ada perusahaan kapal dari malon yg tak de pengalaman bangun LPD/SSV ikut tender di pinoy dan jadi penawar terendah...lon,lon ko nih benar2 idiot,gk ada pengalaman bangun LPD/SSV sok2an loe ikut tender LPD/SSV 😁😁

    1. @Mat Rempit ..Itu info dari teman gue yg bekerja di PT.PAL...sekelas Galangan kapal Baustead,destiny saja tidak pernah bangun kapal2 besar...apa lagi yg lain...

    2. Nama perusahaannya saja si kingkong memang salah satu jenis beruk, mereka ikut tender tapi tak ada kepakaran buat LPD ship, lawak sangat tengok jiran kita, mereka datang untuk ditertawakan bro 🀣

    3. ga ambil LPD pal juga gapapa kok,
      merekan kan sok kaya sekarang dengan beli ini itu.

      btw, ada kabar gak soal keel layinh KS 209/1400 batch 2?

    4. Entah mikirnya apa mereka itu... l

    5. Yang penting da daftar dan sebagai penawar terendah nanti hoaxkan perusahaan Malon sudah ikut tender kapal luar negeri sebagai bukti teknologi sudah dikuasai dan produk diakui dunia kah...kah...kah dasar otak Malon semuanya jadi Wang kopi

    6. Wes daftar, lan nawakke rego sing miring....ning bareng dilarah endi desaine gor ah, uh, ah, uh πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

    7. ya kalau orang pikirannya normal kan beli barang yang udah ada wujudnya, seenggaknya ada fotonya lah wkwk....

      masa udah ditawarin dan dibawain Medium Tank sama APC, buat di uji coba masi berharap ASCOD yang perusahaan mereka aja seakan ogah"an ikut tender murah pinoy.

      ya kalau soal SSV terserah mereka mau beli yg mana, galangan lokal yg bikin kapal 7000 ton ya gapapa di pilih. bisa jadi dasar hullnya mirip kapal ikan, terus cuma make besi standart fishing.

      kalau Davao Del Sur kan udah terbukti jelek, faktanya tabrakan sama tanker aja kagak rusak. kalau kapal yg baik kan semisal tabkaran sama tanker langsung tenggelem , blubuk blubuk gitu.


    8. Lol what happen to the Norwegians hundreds of million of dollar frigate it sink all ships are sinkanble and davao delsur collided with a ship that has an iron body.

    9. Yo ra iso njur digebyah uyah nggono mister @unknown....rak yo kudu disimulasi lan diinvestigasi kepiye mulo bukane nganti kedaden musibah kui πŸ•΅️πŸ•΅️πŸ•΅️

      Piro kecepatan lan momentume kapal loro-lorone kui (kasus norwegia vs filipina) ...mulai hasil akhire yo bedo 🀷

    10. And before i forget the captain that was assigned in davao was fired. its all human error iron vs iron 100 % there would be dents

    11. Kemaren Om smili vs Tungkir,, sekarang unknown dr Filipina dilabarak jg πŸ˜‚

      Tungkir nyimak ga yaa ini, tuh unknown yg dr Filipina aj mudeng kog,, lha Tungkir kog nganggep rasisπŸ™Š wes tinggal ngopi sek

    12. mulio ndar, kenek labrak sisan awakmu ngko, , ,
      ayo nyisih ae, nyruput kopi ndek warunge mbak dina ae

    13. Similing i love u too
      Iskandar i have hard time to changing my nick its all in bahasa πŸ˜‚ im sure the other unknown is from malay we pinoys dont insult people for nothing.

  5. Galangan Kapal Sing Kiong Hong di Sabah tidak akan mungkin bisa membangun SSV/LPD utk PH...selain tidak punya pengalaman/keahlian membuat kapal2 besar...galangan kapal mereka terletak di pinggir sungai yg sempit dan dangkal...mustahil utk menang tender....demikian sekilas info..πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‹

    1. Iyah cuman bisa bina bot dagang n nelayan aja

    2. Wkwkwk...ajiur kl sampai terpilih bisa jadi kapal dagang dan nelayan punya PH πŸ˜…

  6. Forumer mereka dengan forumer jiran kita sama-sama punya high class, gak mau pakai buatan kita dan lebih memilih buatan eropa yang sudah terbukti kehebatannya tapi uang hanya recehan πŸ€”

    1. Kwkwkwkkwkw... mereka goblok dan idiot bro.. wajar mereka berfikir kyk gt..


    2. Semenanjung sebenernya pengen beli cuma gede gengsi masih merasa bangsanya di tier paling atas tatanan masyarakat asia tenggara kohkohkoh

    3. Ini bedanya:

      Forumer indonesia: yang penting dapat tot banyak, harga murah, kualitas ok, tak masalah dari negara mana tapi kalau bisa buat sendiri lebih didahulukan

      Forumer malaysia: yang penting wang kopi banyak, yang penting bukan dari indonesia, yang penting bisa tapal stiker buatan tempatan

    4. Kami malaysia sebagai saudara serumpun indo siap beli senjata senjata buatan pt pal dan pindad. Sekarang ini pasti ada senjata (lpd, tank harimau) buatan indo yang sedang dalam proses evaluasi tentera sebelum pembelian.

    5. lha kan ATM sudah beli ss2 v5 varian terbaru full Pincantinny Rail bos?

      ya emang sih harga senjata RI murah, tapi ga murahan.

      malay kalau mau sombong lagi mudah kok, gusur itu pemerintahanmu .

    6. tenang aja,,aku yakin pinoy pasti beli LPD buatan PT PAL,,yg minat kan militer nya bukan porumer nya,,kita tinggal liat aja temen2

    7. nah dimari juga gitu gan, semua karena uang yg berkata.

      tapi karena disini udah lelah onani otak yang penting barang medium-end disertai ToT.

      sekarang buat apa beli barang mahal" kalau gabisa ngerawat.

      istilahnya kuat beli NMAX tapi ga kuat bayar Pajak sama beli spareparts kan sama aja to.

      mending beli Supra sama disertai izin untuk bikin spapreparts sendiri, wkwk
      toh sama aja nyamannnya, sama aja keujanan, sama aja kepanasan

    8. Capek ladenin atm, erefai doang

    9. ahh engga jugak om lentera...
      xlaluw ada pro & kontra antara forumer dimana pon, ituw namanya demokrazy om haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      guwe sich liatnya lebih ke personal,
      uda sifat manusya maonya banyakkk dan lebiihh haha!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

      gausa jau2, orang kita aja uda dibeliin apache, leopard, bt-3f, bmp-3f dsb aja masi bernyanyi haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      tanya om antiembalgo ESYU-35 kesayangannya, uda tandatangan kontrak puwas gak? pst blom..piss🀞 om haha!😜😜😜

  7. Bagus utk pal malaysia msih lmbt mau beli..paling awl thun dpn or hjung thun ni 2020

    1. Saya doakan BNS di tahun 2020 tidak design failure salah potong lagi

  8. Yh builder malaysia itu emang xpunya kemampuan bina kapal tentara..cuman ada kemampuan bina kapal dagang aja..bns aja belum bisa bikin landing dock..sebab itu tldm mau beli dr luar

    1. Yen kepingin tumbas kapal LPD sing apik tur murah kui gawean Austal mas....wes coba ae saman cek maring aussy kono, sopo ngerti yen awal taun nggene iki diskonane gede

  9. Ngomong2 shipyard mana yg mendahului kerana sepaham aku pt pal ditempat kedua

    1. ☝sales paruh waktu Austal

    2. Beli di Austal saja bos, di PAL jelek kualitasnya. πŸ‘πŸ‘

    3. Mak Jleb ... seperti amerika ke indonesia dulu .. baru mau ngomong sudah di bilang " if we dont sell others will ...

    4. Austal didn't join the bidding how can they participate? Pt pal ship has quality remember philippines has 2 units of tarlac class that our navy used and tested it.

    5. Senengane kok maido lho.....tak undangke @antek barat, iso nganti 17 reply ra rampung-rampung πŸƒπŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨

    6. Iki @unknown ☝️🏻, sing duwur iku mesti @bule kampung, ketoro mudeng caturan coro jowo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. @londo kampung mas smiling

    8. Wo iyo.....rondo kampung πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    9. Pesan ke jerman sj pir...

  10. aku yakin pinoy pasti beli LPD buatan PT PAL karna murah dan bagus.

  11. The lowest bidder won its from hong kong company but it didt past TRQ. So the second lowest biddee is pt pal so the contract will be automatically past to pt pal now need to pass TRQ so pt pal can start building the new improve lpd that pt pal offered. Happy new year indo new year longer friendship for both countries

    1. Mabuhay! Thanks brother 🀝🏼

    2. Tri makasi bro. I can see more procurements in the future between indo and phil.

    3. Crazy im from philippines just using the auto translator or english so we could talk to u guys😊

    4. Crazy,,πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ€£πŸ€£

    5. Wong edan Ditranslate dadi crazy aku dicelok gendeng taon ngarep ganti jeneng wae


    6. Ganti jeneng dadi "sedeng" wae mas ....ben judeg mesin google translatore πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. hahhaahha 🀣🀣, Hpku (pke google chrome) lek ada bahasa sing aneh2 ya langsung translate kok

    8. Forumer phil kebanyakan permi taan high class quality, tp lupa lihat isi dompet...ga beli dr pt. Pal pun tidak rugi Indonesia...

    9. U know nothing about phil hermess900 isnt quality? Brahmos isnt quality black hawk isnt quality, J15 is quality for malay U dumb FπŸ˜‚

  12. Sekelas malay kayaknya blm pengalaman membuat unit baru sekelas lpd,utk pelatihan surveyor kapal(kalau di Indonesia yaitu BKI,biro klasifikasi indonesia)malay msh belajar di ITS surabaya.jd bs di tebak...

    1. Oh kalau masih belajar dari ITS Surabaya? Ada linknya ga mas bro ?

    2. BKI belum bisa mengeluarkan sertifikasi kapal2 besar bro...sekarang ini untuk Sertifikasi Vessel kapal perang TNIAL diatas 60 m...harus menggunakan certificate vessel oleh LR (Lloyd Register) atau sekelasnya

    3. Mbut reng @ https://www.its.ac.id
      Petanono dewe.
      Sertifikas beda dgn technic knowledge n pengalaman bro.

    4. jarene mahasiswa Malay rumongso bener dewe yo mas lek ndek kelas?

  13. pinoy ini forumer e banyak yang merasa kaya dan mampu membeli alat militer kelas atas tanpa melihat kemampuan keuangan mereka.

    mirip sifat malon

    biarkan saja mereka dengan kesombongan dan kebodohan nya

    1. Our gdp is rising arent u happy that we are growing. Our country has alot of foreign investment financial capability my ass.

    2. And arrogant in what way? Lol u couldnt be happy for your allies. Go study our country before u talk stuff that isnt trueπŸ˜‚ enjoy the future news that will be coming out go smoke some djarum it might help your brain to be stable

    3. Maklum om dulu2 nya jarang belanja jor joran....sekali belaja jor joran br skr lagi...jd merasa kaya,maklum OKB...hehehe

    4. pake dana hutang tapi sombong om 😁

    5. Debt fund i guess your talking about malaysia πŸ˜‚ go study seems like your an idiot whos loose in the net 😭 arrogant in what way we are buying your ships and still call arrogant. U need to change your attitude its new year

    6. Its ok, every country have unique people like this Altantuya guy 😁

    7. 🀣🀣🀣 Helmy

  14. Kalo misalnya galangan kapal Pinoy dan Malay ini memang diberi kontrak terus bagaimana selanjutnya? Penasaran ane πŸ˜…

    1. We filipinos has deep ports and ship building capabilities the problem is our government doesnt wanna spend to build our own. We buy from your country so our diplomatic relation can excel. If malaysia has shallow port dont compare. U micin little tai

    2. Bisa saja, kena Wang kopi dan rokok merebak jg di pinoy. Hasilnya akhirnya tak jauh beda dgn kapal LCS

    3. Selanjut nya nanti bisa kaya Maharogol om....takut air...hehehe

    4. Kalem aj bos unknown... Semua pendapat disikapi dg tenang, ga pk emosi.. 😁 😁

    5. Its easy to say calm if one kid is insulting your country. I know everybody has an opinion but respect isnt given to everybody who cant understand that. We pinoy treat indo like brothers we dont mention indo like this clown does.

  15. Bakalan merah menahan malu si Antek Barat muka Tai otak isi air kencing, kalo baca berita ini. Bakal gak akan pernah nongol.lg di blog ini. Mana Austall andalanmu wahai antek barat muka tai......hikhikhik

    1. Nek isih nduwe......😣

      Ning adate sing do betah omong dowo-dowo ki le leren gor pas turu 🀦

    2. Tentara MALON BIANG KONTOL...ngapain nahan malu..make TAIK itu mah eloe..Austal ngk masuk krn Harga yg diminta rendah banget..
      Dasar biang kontol

    3. Hooi tentara Malon biang KONTOL...percuma jelasin sama otak cetek macam loe..Austal jadi salah satu kandidat ketika persyaratan awal harus Ada satu yg dibuat disana.
      Itu persyaratan sdh dicabut..jadi ngapain mereka ikut..PAL berani neken Harga..krn emang lagi Cari nama
      Austal ngk perlu lagi..tapi kaya' Gini Kan ngk masuk ke kualitas OTAK TAIK macam loe..he,he..

    4. Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa n faktanya austalpun g bikin penasaran xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa

    5. Aduh kok sampai sebut titid,,,disinilah keuntungan pt.pal karena biaya upah karyawan jauh lebih rendah sehingga sedikit bisa banting harga, selain kwalitas yg diakuin pt.pal bisa kasih harga yg lebih murah ketimbang galangan kapal lain dan inilah alasan orang2 yg mengunggulkan pt.pal bisa memenangkan proyek philipina ini, masalah mereka menghapus syarat salah satunya yg harus dibangun disana itu karena mereka belum bener2 siap' kalau blue print nya pasti dikasih pt.pal.

    6. Skrng komen alasannya cari nama. Otak taik kau mana bisa mikir. Biar punya nama setinggi langit, kalo tender kalah terus jg percuma, gak ada dpt kerjaaan. Ujung2nya bangkrut. Dimanapun semua serba tender tujuannya utk dpt barang yg bagus dng harga yg kompetitip. Begitu mikirnya bung taik alias Antek barat...hikhikhik

    7. waadduuuwww perkakas dibawa2 sensor..sennsorrr..banyak balita disini haha!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  16. Waktu itu antek barat yg kelewat overproud dan ngejagoin austal..koq baru satu persyaratan saja di cabut sudah kabur dari tender terbuka..cemeeen..Hahahahaha

  17. Buset...loe2 pada di forum Ini emang cetek otaknya...syarat dibuat di Philippines itu ngaruh...krn cuma sedikit galangan yg sanggup..
    Begitu syarat itu dibuang..ngapain mereka tetap ikut..udah tahu Ada berapa galangan yg mau jual murah Banting Harga...termasuk PAL
    Terang aja mereka ngk buat penawaran..

    TAPI LOE2 DI FORUM INI KAN CETEK2 DOANG to .ngk nangkep untung rugi..

    1. Akibat terlalu overproud sama Austal...akal jadi dangkal dan logika di kesampingkan...PT.PAL enggak banting2 harga amat koq...masih dapat keuntungan...ini tender terbuka yg termurah dr malaysia tapi CV-nya hanya diatas kertas...pt.PAL no.2...

    2. Ha,ha...makanya gw bilang di forum Ini banyak yg nasionalistis cetek. Austal gw masukin salah satu potential krn mereka punya galangan.
      Gw dari awal.juga udah bilang kalau PAL baru punya kesempatan kalau tuh persyaratan dibuat disana dicabut..

      Tapi yg Ada Kan disini langsung tembak aja ngk terima kenyataan..
      Sekarang aturan diubah..baru PAL punya kesempatan lagi..

      Kondisi udah beda maka yg punya galangan disana ngk mau ikut, krn ngk Alan bisa bersaing sama galangan luar yg mau teken cost..
      He,he..coba check lah dg PAL berapa margin yg mereka dapat untuk proyek Tarlac..he,he..cuma break even alias impas doang..

    3. Enggak ngomong begitulah....elo kan terlalu overproud dan sok kepinteran...menjagokan Austal karena merasa punya kerjasama dgn galangan lokal yg minim pengalaman.
      terserah loe mau ngomong apa faktanya Austal sekarang sudah kalah..tuh. Margin tidak selalu duit ...pengalaman kerja juga lebih berharga...memang loe punya rasa Nasionalis...gue rasa tidak bro...kan antek2 barat loe..πŸ˜„πŸ˜…

    4. Antek barat itu otaknya isi air kencing. Muka aja macam taik yg baru diberakan....hikhikhik. Krn klo dia komen sama berak sama aja yg keluar taik jg.

      Waktu tender pertama sebelum dirubah knp Austall ngacir.? Padahal kata ente yakin klo Austal bakal menang krn punya galangan kapal yg bisa dipindahkan. Ternyata komen ente cuma mencret doank, alis ngepot2 macam banci kaleng pancoran...hikhikhik

      Sekarang bahas masalah margin keuntungan segala. Klo memang cuma break even doank ngapain jg PT.PAL repot2 ngasi brokernya. Otak ente isi air kencing sih jd gak menguasai berita. Emang ente tau brp nilai tender pertama dan kedua.?yg ente tau cuma rasanya taik aja...hikhikhik
      Pake alasan galangan luar tekan coast. Bibir ente tuh yg ketekan burit ayam. Mana ada perusahaan yg mau kerja gak ada untung. Otak peyangmu nda bisa mikir memang.....hahahahaha

      Sana lanjutkan melancap bareng dng gempurwaria. Komenmu nda ada mutu.....hikhikhik
      Komen kualitas taik, sama dng mukamu yg mirip taik wahai Antek barat....hikhikhik

    5. Lanjutkan......!!!

      #akuramelu-melu 😬😬😬

    6. Gantian nonton,,,sambil ngopi + ngudut dji sam soe 😁😁😁

    7. Bung hari duduk manis aja sambil ngopi. Nikmati saja tontonan aku njungkel2 kan kepala antek barat yg isinya cuma air kencing doank....hikhikhik

    8. Aku protes kalau ada yg bilang di forum ini cetek2 otaknya, kalau menurutku 60% - 70% orang2 yg nongkrong dimari punya pemikiran multi talenta' tidak terfokus pemikiran satu bidang tp pemikiran yg jauh lebih fleksibel,,,lha buktinya anda emang kalah dalam hal prediksi ame bung TM, kalau kita kalah dalam hal prediksi ya mbok diakuin jangan anda jd nyalahkan orang2 yg nongkrong dimari' ngaku kalah gk mati jg kok seperti ane yg ngakuin gk teliti melihat f16 blok52id kemaren dan aku akuin ketidak telitian ane ame bung tupez,,,pesanku cintailah ploduk2 dalam negeri. 😊😊😊

    9. Bung antek barat, klaim anda proyek SSV hanya break even alias impas itu sayangnya tidak benar, saya di PAL dan tahu betul proyek ini profitnya sangat besar, bahkan lebih besar dari proyek dalam negeri.

  18. Ngeri ah.. Koment nya smbil ngacungin golok semua.. Wkwkw
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    Angs 4.627.000

    Tenor 60 x Kombi

    New Brio RS Cvt 2019

    TDP 19.583.000

    Angs 4.969.000

    Tenor 60 x kombi

  19. PT PAL is 2nd lowest bidder. The lowest bidder, a joint venture of Filiino Malaysian companies apparently failed to pass the (PQI) Post Qualification Inspection. So PN is now turning to the next lowrst bidder which is PT PAL of Indonesia. Once they pass the PQI, said project will be awarded to them and besides PT PAL has a good reputation in the Philippines being the maker of 2 previous Tarlac class LPDs.

    1. pt.pal is really lucky to be able to compete in price, in addition to prioritizing quality pt.pal is also able to provide competitive prices for the contents of pockets of asean countries even cheaper than products made in China, this is because currently the wages of employees in Indonesia are half cheaper than wages in countries others so that pt.pal is able to provide cheaper product prices, but for the next 10 years when employee wages continue to rise whether pt.pal is able to compete in prices we will look ahead ... ,, it is really fortunate that the philippines are working with pt.pal when pt.pal is still able to provide lower prices, for 10 more years I doubt pt.pal can provide prices as cheap as it is today.

  20. Mabuhay!
    Congrats to filipino mate. Binabati kita!

    I wish our coorperation become stronger.

  21. guys cekidot dari om max, marikita liat pendapat kawan2 dr filipino haha!🀝🀝🀝


    MaxDefense Philippines
    December 29, 2019 at 9:54 PM ·

    A lot has been asking about the bad news that we mentioned a few days ago.

    Let's start with the Philippine Navy then.

    For the Landing Docks Acquisition Project which conducted the Bid Submission and Opening last 26 November 2019, the lowest bidder was local shipbuilder Megaship Builders Inc., which is partnered to a Malaysian shipbuilder, Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards Sdn Bhd.

    If a local shipbuilder was declared the lpwest bidder, why is it then a bad news?

    This is because Megaship Builders or even its joint venture partner Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards has never built a Landing Platform Dock-type ship before.

    But they were able to join the bidding because the Philippine Navy's TWG simply required bidders to have experience in building ships of around 7,000 tons or higher displacement, without specifying on the type of ship they built before.

    In short, it is the Philippine Navy's fault that such was able to join and even become the lowest bidder for the project.

    Hopefully MaxDefense can post another news by today or tomorrow, this time we can consider as good news, regarding the project.


    1. simak komentar kawan2 disebelah gaes haha!🀝🀝🀝

      Top Fan
      Dave Filomeno Have they awarded it already...remember rizal class frigate hyundai is not the lowest but india’s garden reach...evaluation is not only based on price..they still need to evaluate the financial capacity of this company as well as technical capacity (at this point you can give them a hard time)

      Harvey Emmanuel Blanquisco The GRSE's modified Project 28 is better design than HHI's HDF-2500 but cost less

      Martin Ladioray Roberto Baltazar - it was the Exocet not the Brahmos that the Indians proposed to install. Still a more capable SSM than the SK one, IMO.

      Julius Roberto Billena Take note. Full thales suite and not brahmos but exocets

      MaxDefense Philippines Robert Joseph Perez honestly, some of those who knew the FAP told me that GRSE actually has the capacity to build the frigates for PN. Its just that PN preferred HHI to win.

      All the BAC needs to do was make it appear GRSE is not capable.

      Robert Joseph Perez And that indian shipbuilder lost cause they didnt have the capital. Then a few months later their dock caught fire.

      Dave Filomeno its public bidding..but if they were smart enough they should have conducted selective type bidding since its like a repeat order..

    2. pengadaan alutsista di filipin, gak selamanya harus murah yg menang.
      tender frigat contohnya:
      GRSE india contohnya, nawarin lebih murah, pake peralatan full thales kalah ama HHI koryo, jgn heran, tengok komentar diats haha!πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

    3. sabar gaes yg pro SSV jg ada haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

      Armando J. Heredia Someone needs to fire the entire planning and acquisition team. Get some real professionals in there, because between the JRCF fiasco and this, it's become a literal joke everytime the Fleet bids out for something. This wasn't that hard. Punch out two more Tarlac class boats. Jesus Cristo, really?

      MaxDefense Philippines Armando J. Heredia if they can go direct to Austal for OPV and HHI for corvettes, why not the LPD?

      Ah yes, the problem is that the Ph govt has no defense cooperation agreement with Indonesia that allows for G2G transactions.

      Solution? Have one! Then they could have also solved the Light Tank issue and get Pindad to win the tanks too!

      Toming Tajo Xavier Ng exactly! Its quite disturbing and stupid as to why the navy did not reorder from pt-pal if they are after for the same LPD. They're making things worst than expected.

      Xavier Ng MaxDefense Philippines I was hoping the Malaysian partner also wouldn't be up to snuff on building the LPD. I would prefer another Tarlac-class to be honest.

      "MaxDefense Philippines Xavier Ng remember, local production is not required anymore. It was one of the items deleted from the specs after the 1st bidding attempt failed."

      Marvz Lacuna Absolutely! I have no doubt that Indonesia's PT PAL will grab again the Philippine Navy's LPD Acquisition Project. 3rd photo is the clue.

    4. ini ada pertanyaan bagus:
      soal pesaing pt pal, lokal + perusahaan gred a,
      mrk ikut tender tp gak py disain kapal lpd yg mo dibuat, auto ngakak gaes haha!🀣🀣🀣

      Top Fan
      Jay M Campion What type of LPD design did they submit Sir Max?

      MaxDefense Philippines Jay M Campion none yet. They have not reached that part of the process yet.

      Vince Paul I find it so funny that theyve tried to bag the project without any blueprint or plans yet

    5. Malon tolol nekad blagu mampu, proyek tuk negara aja mangkrak padahal udah dijarin tp tetep kagak mampu dan salah potong πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  22. masi byk dukungan minat dr temen2 filipin, sila liat sendiri link om max diatas.

    jd kleian jg suudzon dolo, pukul rata smua sama haha!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    wajar donk, duwit2 mrk kok, untung rugi urusan mrk haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    1. sejak produksi lokal bkn jadi keharusan lagi, bisa jadi pt pal naek lg pamornya gaes hore haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

      klo mrk pengen bisa bikin LPD/SSV ituw wajar, mumpung ada program shopping soping knp gak? dan kita, singapur, thailan, myanmar masi jd panutan negeri2 di kawasan dlm usaha bangun kaprang hore haha!🀝🀝🀝

      yg namanya teote artinya tak hanya butuh duwit byk, namun harus py infrastruktur & SDM yg baik.

      percuma py duit banyak tp SDMnya gak bisa ngimbangin cem ituw tuch negeri disebrang haha!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  23. buat netijen kite yg suka jelajahin warung luar negeri. pake bahasa kesatuan gred a, plis coba dech gausa terlaluw ngatur2 kebutuhan militer negara laen, kocak liatnye haha!🀣🀣🀣

    namanya lg hobi ngayal, klo diganggu yach marah donk, sama aja kyk kite2 jugak gt, padahal hobi ngayal kan bebassss..coba tanya om woof2 haha!🀭🀭🀭
