23 November 2021

Thales Introduces its New Ground Master 400 Alpha

23 November 2021

With 5 times more processing power, an increase in instrumented range of more than 10% (515km) and advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, Thales launches its latest Ground Master family member – the Ground Master 400 Alpha (GM400α)

Ground Master 400 Alpha, Taking Long Range Air Surveillance Next Level

Thales launches the latest member of the Ground Master family radar portfolio, the GM400 Alpha. An unprecedented 3D long-range air surveillance radar, with 5 times more processing power, an extended range of 10% (up to 515 km), upcoming advanced artificial intelligence algorithms and enhanced cybersecurity features, it offers the most trusted radar on the market for long-range air surveillance.

Given the multitude of threats in constant evolution, building a reliable, accurate, up-to-date Recognized Air Picture (RAP) is becoming a challenge. To maintain airspace sovereignty, Forces need to rely on assets that provide superior situational awareness at all times.

Leveraging on years of successful GM400 field experience, GaN technology and surveillance capabilities, Thales’ GM400 Alpha allows operators to detect all threats at short and long-range at all times and at all levels.

Featuring digital stacked beam technology, the GM400 Alpha detects targets from fast jets and missiles, to hovering helicopters and UAVs. A unique feature of the GM400 Alpha is the detection and tracking of threats such as tactical UAVs flying close to the ground, hiding in the clutter near the radar, while simultaneously detecting and tracking higher-altitude targets, such as fighter-bombers at ranges of up to 515 km.

By applying the latest processing technology, 5 times more powerful, as well as advanced detection algorithms, the radar can process large amounts of complex data. The result is an immediate improvement in detection range, up to 515 km or 278 NM, representing an increase of coverage surface of more than 20% compared to GM400, with no change to the energy required by the transmitter or receiver parts of the radar. The increase of processing capacity also provides the opportunity to include upcoming new capabilities using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms as well as enhanced cybersecurity features.


38 komentar:

  1. Tapi kalau diperhatikan RADAR NASIONAL ( GCI ) produksi PT LEN juga ngak kalah nantinya 🙂

  2. Bentuk radarnya tidak seperti thales

  3. Baru usul doang, tapi seperti yang sudah yakin si unknow goblok itu.

    Gua juga bisa ngegas goblok.

    Kalau berani pakai id asli goblok. jangan pakai id unknown goblok.

  4. " Adv radar tech ", dengan waktu processing singkat jangkauan bertambah,cukup efektif sepertinya untuk negara yang memiliki wilayah luas .

  5. Radar Nasional tipe GCI dengan jangkauan 400+ km cukup bisa disebut LONG RANGE RADAR 🙂

  6. sudah dibayar wang muka oleh subianto

    1. @ malon kw ni makin menjadi saja BUAL DAN LAWAKNYA BWHAA...HAHAHA...HA

  7. Radar 500 KM Rudalnya jg mesti mendukung minimal jangkauan Rudalnya 300 KM

  8. Dengan wilayah yang luas, Indonesia memerlukan lebih banyak radar jarak jauh dan Medium 🙂

  9. Kalo disikat long range radar semua aja gimana?
    Ntar target yg medium kan ke lacak semua...😁😁😁

    1. Bisa saja...tapi radar Medium disini yang RADAR PASIF, karena Radar Pasif akan mendeteksi pesawat STEALTH yang lolos dari deteksi radar jarak jauh 🙂

    2. Jadi Radar Aktif dan Pasif itu ada dalam satu kesatuan pertahanan, karena itu selain Radar Aktif, Indonesia juga membuat radar Pasif 🙂

    3. Sama seperti rudal ada dekat, menengah dan jauh.
      Radar jauh mungkin pakai pantulan horizon, susah utk detek jarak dekat, mungkin loh ya

  10. Thales GM400 blom kebeli ehh uda nongol Thales’ GM400 Alpha...barunya nech
    sok atuh tim SHOPPING SOPING bole brangkat liat2 haha!😊😊😊

    1. Memang perlu ditinjau untuk dipertimbangkan akuisisi ini radar

  11. Featuring digital stacked beam technology, the GM400 Alpha detects targets from fast jets and missiles, to hovering helicopters and UAVs.
    A unique feature of the GM400 Alpha is the detection and tracking of threats such as tactical UAVs flying close to the ground, hiding in the clutter near the radar, while simultaneously detecting and tracking higher-altitude targets, such as fighter-bombers at ranges of up to 515 km.
    The result is an immediate improvement in detection range, up to 515 km or 278 NM, representing an increase of coverage surface of more than 20% compared to GM400, with no change to the energy required by the transmitter or receiver parts of the radar.


    dari fiturnya nampaknya ada kemajuan sech, tp guwe masi ragu...

    yaa mungkin ada yg gak tau, di kawasan ada 1 operator GM400, sejau ini hasilnya sich kurang memuaskan alias kebobolan mulu haha!🤭🤭🤭

    dari bomber ELDER BRADER masyuk tak terdeteksi
    dari disusupi pesawat intai/mata-mata

    gak tau jugak sech apakah radarnya ato operatornya yg gak bner haha!😉😉😉

    kita liat aja apakah radar Thales GM400 Alpha mampu mengatasi ketidak sempurnaan GM400 dan layak jadi salah satuw radar yg bisa kita akusisi gaesz haha!👌👌👌

    1. Itu sih memang operatornya tutup mata dengan hasil deteksi yang datangnya dari negara tertentu...bagaimanapun canggihnya radar kembali ke orang yang mengoperasikannya 🙂

    2. Operatornya pura2 buta, karena bingung mo intersep pakai apa ? Hawk ?

    3. Mestinya jangan tutup mata, setidaknya khan bisa usir dengan OMELAN atau BENTAKAN dari komunikasi radio kalau pesawat interceptor tidak siap terbang...hehehe 😁😁😄😄

    4. Bner jgk sech, diancem timpuk pake fisank yaa gaesz haha!🍌🍌🍌

    5. Kalau Mental orang yang mengoperasikan radar canggih itu sebatas AYAM SAYUR, paling dipantau saja....ujung ujungnya Kirim Nota Protes ke negara penyusup...dan hasilnya DICUEKIN....ngenes banget 🙂
