10 Mei 2024

Mindmatics Malaysia Perkenalkan Drone Kamikaze (Loitering Munition)

10 Mei 2024

Mindmatics TODAK drone kamikaze (photo: Mighty War)

KUALA LUMPUR: Dron amunisi musnah sendiri atau 'kamikaze' buatan pertama Malaysia yang juga ciptaan dirintis syarikat tempatan Mindmatics, bakal dikomersialkan tidak lama lagi.

Dinamakan sebagai 'Todak', dron inovatif itu mengambil masa setahun untuk dibangunkan dan kini masih dalam proses kajian dan pembangunan lebih lanjut yang dijangka selesai enam bulan lagi.

Mindmatics TODAK loitering munition/done kamikaze (images: Mindmatics)

Memperkenalkan senjata itu pada pameran Perkhidmatan Pertahanan Asia (DSA) dan Keselamatan Kebangsaan (NATSEC) Asia 2024, di sini, Pengurus Projek Azman Ahmad, berkata dron terbabit berfungsi menyerang dengan tepat untuk memusnahkan sasaran yang dikehendaki.

"Sebelum ini, kami telah membangunkan dron pemantauan tetapi kali ini, kami maju selangkah lagi dengan dron 'kamikaze' untuk objektif dan tujuan khusus.

"Terdapat beberapa agensi menunjukkan minat terhadap produk ini, dan kami melihat ada potensi pasaran dalam kalangan agensi penguat kuasa tempatan serta wilayah," katanya kepada Bernama di reruai Mindmatics pada pameran itu yang berlangsung di Pusat Perdagangan dan Pameran Antarabangsa (MITEC), di sini.

'Todak' yang direka bentuk sebagai amunisi risikan dalam industri pertahanan, turut dilengkapi algoritma kawalan Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) serta Unit Kawalan Api (FCU) bersaiz kecil.

Azman berkata, dron itu dikuasakan dengan bateri litium-besi pepejal 25.5 voltan dengan masa operasi hingga 40 minit, selain berupaya terbang serta menyerang sasaran pegun atau bergerak tanpa memerlukan input pemantauan.

"'Todak' berukuran dua meter (m) panjang dengan kelebaran sayap 1.35m dan berat pelepasan maksimum 12 kilogram (kg). Ia mampu membawa beban seberat 3kg dan mencapai kelajuan 100 kilometer sejam dengan kaedah pelancaran menggunakan lastik (catapult)," katanya. 


51 komentar:

  1. SCANDALS = Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.
    REGIONS WEAKEST = the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are higher than they have been since the days of the Vietnam War.
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR SIBMAS Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.

  2. Ini pesawat remote mainan tadika kee...?


  3. SCANDALS = Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.
    STOLEN 2 ENGINES = Two missing fighter jet engines worth $29 million, stolen from a Malaysianmpaign=cppst military airbase, have been found in Uruguay and authorities there have been asked to help in bringing them back to the country.
    MISSING 48 SKYHAWK = The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered....
    REGIONS WEAKEST = the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are higher than they have been since the days of the Vietnam War.
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    48 KF21 = Meskipun tawaran uang lebih sedikit dan transfer teknologi berkurang, rencana Indonesia untuk membangun 48 pesawat di pabrik lokalnya tetap efektif, kata seorang pejabat senior DAPA.
    PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT = "Terdapat beberapa kegiatan dalam program yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh teknisi Indonesia. Alhasil, pembayaran yang dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia disesuaikan dengan manfaat yang diperoleh dari kerja sama ini," kata Edwin.
    DAPA AND KAI NOT FOUND = the Defense Acquisition Program Administration and KAI have stated that they have been investigating for fifteen days and have not found any evidence of national secrets such as core technology being leaked.....
    KOREA MILITARY OFFICIALS = the military officials urge restraint and patience as there is no solid evidence to support such rumors. Another military official added, “We believe no content has emerged that would violate military secrets or the Defense Industry Technology Security Act. Thus, it seems that there was no core technology that could be classified as a secret.”

  4. Bagi malon sewa itu lebih gerun

    Yahh dinginn...saking dingin sewa pun pakai Lender
    Jiahhhhh 🤣🤣🤣👎👎👎

  5. Sudah lon sewa aja
    Malon itu kan hobi sewa aset militer kahakahahkah

  6. "...amunisi musnah sendiri.."

    Macam KD LCS tuuu => Kapal MANGKRAK Sendiri


  7. UPGRADE F16 INDONESIA = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    UPGRADE F16 POLANDIA = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    UPGRADE RECEH = Penyelengaraan ini melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap struktur pesawat, penilaian kerosakan dan baik pulih kerosakan struktur yang disebabkan haus dan lusuh atau kemerosotan material ke atas pesawat akibat faktor persekitaran dan pengeporasian pesawat.
    SEMBANG 10 ATP = WASHINGTON, May 6, 2024 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Malaysia of Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods and related equipment for an estimated cost of $80 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

  8. Macam mainan pesawat remote


  9. Saya percaya Malaysia khususnya industri semiconductornya aja

    1. Industri CPO malon jg riil bro.....cm krn serapan domestiknya kecil sedangkan supplynya besar mk bingung jg si Malon krn sangat tergantung pasar ekspor.....RI sedang trade war CPO dgn eropa, Malon diem aja....seperti biasa, chicken shit mentality.....mau heran tp itulah si Malon......wkwkwkwkwkkwkkkkk

  10. Ini toys kid keh ngoahahaha 😂🤣

  11. Masa operasi cuma 40 minit ngoahahaha...nak bom Singapore dari bumi putera malon dronenya dah jatuh ngoahahaha 🤣 😂... operasi paling singkat ngoahahaha

    Azman berkata, dron itu dikuasakan dengan bateri litium-besi pepejal 25.5 voltan dengan masa operasi hingga 40 minit

  12. Masa operasi cuma 40 minit ngoahahaha...nak bom Singapore dari bumi putera malon dronenya dah jatuh duluan ngoahahaha 🤣 😂... operasi paling singkat ngoahahaha

    Azman berkata, dron itu dikuasakan dengan bateri litium-besi pepejal 25.5 voltan dengan masa operasi hingga 40 minit

  13. Ya... Ampun apa nih wooooiiii....

    Beruk terbang kah... Wkwkwkwkwk

  14. Terbang 40 menit, jadi ingat heli telur MALON yg mampu bawa 12 ribu peluru.

  15. Kalau MEMBUAL geng BERUK MALON buat NGERI... Hahahahah

    Di lengkapi kecerdasan buatan... Kapal saja SALAH POTONG akibat IQ RENDAH..... Wkwkwkwkwkwk

  16. Pipa plaron di klaim drone..wkwkwk

    Kalau MEMBUAL geng MALON ok lah tuh... Wkwkwkwkwkw

    Mungkin akibat heli SEWA DELAY dan TABRAKAN jadi kebanyakan MEMBUAL... Wkwkwkwkwk

  17. Kayanya Todak jadi ini mah...

    1. Jadi rongsokan..Malon pintar bersandiwara klu LG pameran..😝🤪😂

  18. Kehebatan sebelah...🤣🤣🤣

    Beli aset pertahanan NGUTANG

    1. Woo LCS hutang masih mangkrak kah?

    2. kelebihan Malon tiap tahun LIST SIPRI NULL......padahal bual shopping tiap tahun.....wkwkwkwkwkwkkwkwkkkkk.......

  19. Ada yg kepanasan guys.... Korea je pun rileks tapi gank malon pula yg kepanasan ngoahahaha 😂🤣


    1. Malon pintar bersandiwara klu LG pameran

  21. Acnologia@ apa gempork gk stress bro melihat Indonesia shopping barang branded dan industri pertahanan Indonesia lebih maju berbanding industri pertahanan malon bahkan Indonesia bisa banyak eksport senjata ke luar negeri bahkan eksport ke malon sedangkan pejabat malon sendiri tidak care dgn industri pertahanan malon dan bahkan mereka sibuk dan begaduh dalam politik untuk berebut jabatan ngoahahaha

  22. Palingan jg itu cuma tampal stiker terus di klaim sebagai buatan tempatan cem tarantula buatan Turki dan drone dji buatan cina bro NGOAHAHAHA

  23. SCANDALS = Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.
    REGIONS WEAKEST = the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are higher than they have been since the days of the Vietnam War.
    TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR SIBMAS Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.

  24. "...amunisi musnah sendiri.."



    🙀 OH TIDAK
    🤭HIHI ....HI

  26. Bukti Korea tak ingin kehilangan customer :

    "... rencana Indonesia untuk membangun 48 pesawat ini di PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) tetap efektif, kata seorang pejabat senior DAPA.."


    1. Menang tarik tambang 17an.....mamarika tidak kasih opa ginseng te o te y

  27. Si Babu ditawari kapal RONGSOKAN oleh sang Tuan..



    1. lah di sedekahin aja sebla mikir...mikir ongkir ama refit, apalagi beli...gak mungkin haha!🤣🤣🤣
      jiran tuw maunya trima beres, dianter ampe ke kl, full senjata ama uda di cat haha!🤗🤗🤗

    2. Yakin oom cuma itu?
      Soalan minyak gimana?
      ingat itu kapal pakai turbin laaa...


    3. td guwe reply tanpa baca brita aselinya om oedang ..ternyata jeng jeng...sama kan, maunya banyak...klo sama minyak yaa fiks sebla rampok cilik haha!😋😋😋

  28. wuiihh keren loh jiran uda bs bikin loitering munisi...tinggal tunggu nongol di yukrein..dalam bentuk poto tp haha!🤭🤭🤭

    1. Ngeri oom "amunisi musnah sendiri“....


    2. artinya belom nyampe uda musnah sendiri haha!😆😆😆
      ini kepinteran ato nyusahin yak

    3. Om pal

      Ditawarin TYPE 23 CLASS FRIGATE

      barang bagus itu, dibanding ama KAPAL PUNYA KL.

      8x HARPOON
      32x CLS CAMM (setelah upgarde).

      Tapi ya ono.. sebelah ada wang tak buat operasikan n ambil tuh barang.


    4. Setelah ditawarkan ke malon, hal pertama yang masuk pikiran mereka hanya tak de wang, dan penawaran pun usai, tamat, end..


  29. Yg kalis shopping hutang numpuk aset pun mangkrak, silahkan ngamuk Pork.

    Jointly developed by Thales and MBDA, the SPECTRA internal “Electronic Warfare” (EW) system is the cornerstone of the Rafale’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats.
    UPGRADE F16 INDONESIA 24 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    UPGRADE F16 POLANDIA 33 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    UPGRADE RECEH = Penyelengaraan ini melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap struktur pesawat, penilaian kerosakan dan baik pulih kerosakan struktur yang disebabkan haus dan lusuh atau kemerosotan material ke atas pesawat akibat faktor persekitaran dan pengeporasian pesawat.
    SEMBANG 10 ATP = WASHINGTON, May 6, 2024 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Malaysia of Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods and related equipment for an estimated cost of $80 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

  31. Satu kata " 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  32. Yakin akan di produksi massal benda ni? Teringat Taming sari missile😷

  33. Betul sekali itu..tampal stiker klu gak buatan cina turki
