FAIC-M fires Spike NLOS surfase-to-surface missile (photo: PN)
MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) is bent on pursuing its modernization programs to better protect the country's vast maritime domains.
"We shall continue our strides to modernize, cooperate with agencies, collaborate with like-minded partners, and recalibrate our response relative to the developments in our security environment. All these actions are tantamount to our relentless commitment to protect our seas and secure our citizens' future now and in the years to come," PN chief Vice Admiral Toribio Adaci Jr. said in a statement Sunday.
The Navy chief's remarks came after the successful "Balikatan" military exercises where its frigate, BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), fired its C-Star anti-ship cruise missile for the first time.
In the May 8 maritime strike exercise off Laoag waters, the BRP Jose Rizal fired its C-Star missile along with the NLOS (non-line of sight) surface-to-surface missiles of its fast-attack interdiction craft at a decommissioned naval tanker which eventually sank after being repeatedly hit by Filipino and American aircraft.
Under the ongoing modernization program, the Navy is expected to receive two brand-new guided missile corvettes and six offshore patrol vessels from South Korean defense contractor HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, and two landing dock platforms from Indonesian shipbuilder PT PAL within the next two to three years.
Three batteries of the Indian-made Brahmos anti-ship missiles are also expected to be commissioned anytime soon.
Arrival of Brahmos for PMC (photo: PN)
The PN is also expected to acquire additional brand-new anti-submarine helicopters to beef up the capabilities of the soon-to-be-delivered guided missile corvettes.
Last May 8, the PN, through its Office of the Naval Strategic Studies and Strategy Management (ONSSSM), conducted the Maritime Security Symposium (MSS) 2024 at the Novotel Manila Araneta, Quezon City.
Focusing on a paradigm shift with the theme, “Turning the Tides in the West Philippine Sea: Towards a Comprehensive Archipelagic Security,” the symposium was attended by a panel of experts and leaders who shared different perspectives and insights on maritime issues and concerns, especially the West Philippine Sea.
The MSS, a part of the PN's pre-anniversary activities, is an annual gathering that provides a platform for dialogues and discussions on maritime security-related concepts involving maritime sector stakeholders in pursuit of a safe and secure maritime environment.
The PN was founded on May 20, 1898.
BalasHapusTIADA UANG TIADA MALU - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Bercakap di Parlimen semalam, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
TIADA UANG - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
TIADA UANG - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
TIADA UANG - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
TIADA UANG - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
TIADA UANG - LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
TIADA UANG - MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
TIADA UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
SKANDAL UANG = Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.
HELI HUTANG HELI SEWA BEKAS BATAL = Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) kekal dengan pendirian mengusulkan pembatalan kontrak sewaan helikopter Black Hawk kepada Kementerian Pertahanan berikutan kegagalan kontraktor memenuhi obligasi yang ditetapkan.
PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
Kalau Yang di beli Baru dan Mahal tak ada Uang Pantas...sudah bekas hibah tak ada uang itu miskin pur gempur...
HapusBatal sewa, batal sewa, batal sewa
BalasHapusAL PINOY terus tambah aset baru dan gahar serta rajin latihan.
BalasHapusSebelah semakin tertinggal akibat HUTANG MENGGUNUNG, minim SHOPING dan jarang latihan. Kasihan ....
BalasHapusSewa heli bekas 4 bijik pon delay..
BalasHapusDia kata perolehan cepat urgent, hanya temporary .
Ternyata lambat lama pula woeey ..
BalasHapusYa ampuuuuun malon keterlaluan...orangutan diperjualbelikan, tega banget KELUARGA sendiri dijual 🙄🤔
bangun MRT jalur Timur-Barat bersama Jepang lagi gaesz hore haha!🤑🤑🤑
BalasHapuskl dilupakan lagi kesian
Under the ongoing modernization program, the Navy is expected to receive two brand-new guided missile corvettes and six offshore patrol vessels from South Korean defense contractor HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, and two landing dock platforms from Indonesian shipbuilder PT PAL within the next two to three years.
eittt ada pt pal dalam jajaran suplayer kapal buat sesama TIM ELIT SHOPPING SOPING hore haha!👏👏👏
kl zonk aset...curhat doank bisanye, dua kata: prenk & akanhaha!😬😬😬
BalasHapusManakala negara miskin MALON GAGAL SEWA heli... Hahahahahaha
BalasHapusparah... Malah di PERMAINKAN dan di PERMALUKAN oleh kontraktor sewa... Hahahaha
Mana nih wooiiii.. Admin gempurwaria..
BalasHapusSerius tanya Kapan heli SEWA akan datang..??.. Tunggu NGEMIS ke KUWAIT ya...
Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa sdh dananya hutang cuma biat S E W A heli 3biji saja delay...last2 cancel xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa apalagi sdh bayar RM 6b utk 6 LCS dapatnya besi karatan xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaa sedapnye uang kopi...JOM SONGLAP!!!!! xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
BalasHapusKERA-jaan Malon Miskin itu kerjanya hanya ngemis saja.
BalasHapusBikin malu kawasan saja.
Malon sudah ditolak Emir Kuwait 3x, tetap memaksa mengemis.
Malon makin diayamkan Pinoy yg siap mendarat di Sabah dan Sarawak.
BalasHapusTIADA UANG TIADA MALU - 3X SURAT NGEMIS = Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata, kementeriannya serta Menteri Pertahanan terdahulu telah menulis surat sebanyak tiga kali kepada kerajaan Kuwait menyatakan hasrat negara untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang terpakai F/A-18C/D milik negara Arab itu
TIADA UANG - TYPE 23 INGGRIS Tawarkan Malaysia Sepasang Frigat Type 23 Duke Class, Spesifikasi Menarik Tapi ‘TIADA WANG’........
Masih dari sumber yang sama, meski frigat Type 23 (semisal) dibibahkan ke Malaysia, maka akan berat bagi Angkatan Malaysia untuk mengoperasikan dalam jangka lima tahun. Angkatan Laut Malaysia sebelumnya telah menolak tawaran OPV River class yang dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Inggris.
TIADA UANG - M109s PALADIN = United States has offered Malaysia up to 30 M109A5 Self Propelled Howitzer (SPH) under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA) programme. The M109s would be upgraded to the latest A5 standard before entering service with the Army, if the offer is taken up.
TIADA UANG - HIBAH USA PERBAIKAN DIBAYAR USA Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
TIADA UANG - HIBAH JEPANG PERBAIKAN DIBIAYAI JEPANG KM Arau is an offshore patrol vessel operated by the Malaysian Coast Guard. She was the second ship transferred from the Japan Coast Guard together with KM Pekan and KM Marlin. KM Arau was formerly known as Oki (PL-01) in the Japan Coast Guard.
Saat ini kapal dengan nama KM Arau ini sedang dalam tahap perbaikan akhir yang dilakukan di Jepang.
TIADA UANG - MSA DIBAYAR MSI USA The program to convert the CN-235 transport aircraft to MSA variants was financed by the US Government under its Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative (MSI)
TIADA UANG - TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
TIADA UANG - MOGOK BREAKDOWN The Malaysian Army has apologised after a military vehicle broke down along a road in Kuala Lumpur, a day after a tank malfunctioned and blocked traffic.
SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
SEWA HELI Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia pada 27 Mei 2023 lalu telah menandatangani perjanjian sewa dengan penyedia layanan penerbangan lokal, Aerotree, untuk menyediakan empat helikopter bekas Sikorsky UH-60A+ Black Hawk.
SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.