22 Mei 2024

Tingkatkan Kesiapan Tempur Para Penerbang, TNI AU Laksanakan Latihan G-FET di Belanda

22 Mei 2024

Pelatihan pilot TNI AU di Soesterberg, Belanda (all photos: TNI AU)

Tingkatkan keterampilan dan kesiapan tempur para penerbang, TNI Angkatan Udara laksanakan latihan G-Force Environment Training (G-FET) di Human Performance Innovation Aeolus, Soesterberg, Belanda.

Terbagi atas 4 gelombang pelaksanaan, latihan ini diikuti oleh 25 penerbang tempur dari Skadron Udara 1, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, dan 21, mulai tanggal 28 April hingga 18 Mei 2024 lalu.

G-FET ini bertujuan untuk membekali para penerbang tempur pengetahuan dan teknik melaksanakan Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM) sesuai profile kemampuan pesawat tempur yang dioperasikan, sekaligus untuk menunjang keselamatan terbang (safety) dalam mengoperasikan pesawat tempur.

Latihan G-FET ini juga merupakan komitmen TNI AU untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas dan kesiapan tempurnya sebagai upaya mewujudkan TNI AU yang AMPUH dalam menjaga kedaulatan dan keamanan wilayah udara Indonesia.

38 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Kita mungkin harus beli yang baru fasilitas G feet...
      Fasilitas training nya ada di LAKESPRA JKT.. ini latihan sampai LN.. rusak x alat G feet nya.

    2. Rusak maning kih.....wong pabrike wes tutup lah 🤕

    3. Okeh jadi clear ya......kenapa ada rumor kasel CBG-1400 cacat desain

      Sebabnya ya karena hal-hal spt ini.....dukungan pemeliharaan, dukungan logistik dan training kurang diperhatikan terutama pada hal spesifikasi spt sistim batre dan kelistrikan nya.....gnset utk charging batre didarat dll

    4. intinya apa om ???.....beli alutsista tp TIDAK PERNAH dengan FULL SUPPORTING SYSTEM nya.....akhirnya KESIAPAN OPERASI/TEMPURnya menjadi TERABAIKAN....kira2 salah siapa om ???.....mau heran tp inilah INDONESIA......

    5. Yang diatas dong......yang Mandang sebelah proses "dibelakang layar" 🙄

      Kalo user kan maunya tingkat operasional yg tinggi.....tanpa melupakan peran penting unsur pendukung

    6. Kalau rumor ya... bukan real ya.
      KS Changbego...
      Masalah baterai yang tidak bisa mensuplai kelistrikan dengan stabil... terhadap perangkat2 atau jeroan dalam yang ada di KS.

      Karena spek jeroan dalaman KS Cbg kita itu versi Improved.. berbeda dengan jeroan yang ada di dalam Cbg AL Korsel.

      Kalau bahasa mudahnya ya kita punya perangkat elektronik tapi daya suplai listriknya nggak stabil.

    7. Kelistrikan di KS sangat vital... ketidak stabillan listrik bisa merusak perangkat yang ada di dalam KS.

      Ketika perangkat rusak kemudian menimbulkan black out/mati listrik pada saat KS lagi Dive Menyelam..wah sangat berbahaya.

    8. Supali batre nggak stabil... masalahnya ada di perangkat DC konverter yg mengatur distribusi daya ke berbagai peralatan yg bekerja PD frekuensi yg berbeda

      Gimana konverter nya rusak.....nggak tau deh sebabnya

      Tapi yg pasti didalam konverter ada bbrp komponen dan sub komponen dg umur pemakaian yg berbeda beda.....dan harus diganti TEPAT WAKTU ☝️

      Kalo hal spt ini diabaikan ya kerusakan nya merembet kemana-mana.....ingat kasel U-209 kita punya bbrp kalo kejadian Blackout ☝️

    9. @Tupez

      Jeroannya hampir sama..... perawatan nya yg beda wong jeroannya merek bagus semua

    21 Mei 2024 pukul 08.41
    Adakah Pesawat FA-50M TUDM Dilengkapi Peluru Berpandu AMRAAM



    😂😂😂😂😂😂... Tak pasti guys

    1. Katanya gempork pakai yang ada di inventaris Amraam C5 tahun 2005 lapok.
      Tahun 2025 expired...FA 50 katanya tiba 2026.. wkkkwkk

    2. Gempork ga usah dinotice bro....anggep aja badut.....

    3. emang mulai jaman mojopahit gempork gak dihitung masyarakate.. miskin budaya.. mlarat sak sembarange.. sampek mlarat harga diri.. di injak injak cino lautnya😂😂😂

  3. RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
    RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA State-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia received an order from the Department of National Defense (DND) of the Philippines for two landing platform docks (LPDs).
    The company and the Philippine government signed the sale and purchase contract in Manila on June 24. Willgo Zainar, chief marketing officer of PT PAL Indonesia, said it was the second time that PT PAL Indonesia had received the order for warships from the Philippines.
    RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
    RELAX BUILD SUBMARINE The Indonesian government has selected military shipbuilding company Naval Group to supply two Scorpène submarines that will be built in Indonesia.
    The full lithium-ion battery (LiB) submarines will be built by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, the France-based company said in a press statement on Tuesday.
    RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    17 KREDITUR = Besides MTU Services, others include Contraves Sdn Bhd, Axima Concept SA, Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn Bhd, Contraves Electrodynamics Sdn Bhd and Tyco Fire, Security & Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd, as well as iXblue SAS, iXblue Sdn Bhd and Protank Mission Systems Sdn Bhd. Also included are Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd, AmBank Islamic Bhd, AmBank (M) Bhd, MTU Services, Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd, Affin Bank Bhd, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) and Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Bhd.
    RM 11.2 BILLION = The cost of the LCS project is now RM11.2 billion. It must be noted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And not a single ship has been delivered yet.
    2024 LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed. The detail design is only expected completed either in June or July, instead of next May

  4. Belum ketemu Rafale si Omnirole
    Di sikat Meteor 200 km.
    Bom pintar gak ada apa2nya lebih ngeri missile pintar SCALP.

  5. Goyang Menara Petronas gak perlu masuk wilayah melon.. cukup dari indo luncurkan rudal pintar SCALP jarak jangkauannya 550km.

  6. RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 48 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    Jointly developed by Thales and MBDA, the SPECTRA internal “Electronic Warfare” (EW) system is the cornerstone of the Rafale’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats.
    RELAX UPGRADE F16 INDONESIA 24 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    RELAX UPGRADE F16 POLANDIA 33 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    PEMERIKSAAN STRUKTUR F18 = Penyelengaraan ini melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap struktur pesawat, penilaian kerosakan dan baik pulih kerosakan struktur yang disebabkan haus dan lusuh atau kemerosotan material ke atas pesawat akibat faktor persekitaran dan pengeporasian pesawat.
    FMS 10 ATP = WASHINGTON, May 6, 2024 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Malaysia of Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods and related equipment for an estimated cost of $80 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    10 LCA 8 FLIT : Korea Aerospace Industries won the LCA / LIFT competition (which suffered a competitive challenge attempt) to supply the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF or TUDM) with 18 light combat and advanced trainer aircraft. Eight of these aircraft are to be configured primarily as Lead Advanced Trainer (LIFT), while the remaining ten would be Light Fighter Aircraft (LCA) combat aircraft.

  7. kena jamming spectra pasti auto picek ......

  8. @Tupez.....gimana perkembangan reverse engineering dari program rudal nasional ???....udh nunggu sejak lama kabarnya....

  9. Berlatih terus, selalu siap menghadapi musuh. Cukup mudah klo cuma menghadapi pesawat2 usang dan LCA (akan) sebelah.

    1. Tak perlu manuver rumit, cukup tekan jamming spectra, LCA langsung blind, tersasar lalu menungkik...


  10. @Angling darma.. jangan berharap banyak bro masalah Rudal..rudal apapun itu mau manpad atau atgm

    Buat R han 122B ja tau sendirilah butuh waktu berapa lama padahal cuma Roket... apalagi buat Rudal.

    Kalau mau cara cepat terbaik intinya beli lisensi produksi rudal... kalau mau ToT mah sulit.. terlalu banyak syarat.
    Setelah menguasai produksi dari lisensi baru bisa kembangkan sendiri.

  11. Pemerintah Buat perusahaan baru misalnya ROEDAL ID.... kumpulkan dah tuh produk ahli2 roket & rudal.... kemudian cari perusahaan LN seperti aselsan Turki atau yang lain... yg bisa di ajak kerjasama beli lisensi produk nya untuk di produksi di sini.

    Jangan suruh Pindad yg produksi sudah terlalu banyak produk biar ja fokus dengan produk yg ada.

    Ini baru betooll..buat perusahaan khusus tangani masalah roket & rudal.

    Btw jangan suruh LAPAN sorry to say...buat Roket dari zaman dulu.. produk akhirnya nggak jelas sampai sekarang.. hanya buat prototipe ja
    cara kerja begini nggak akan maju.

  12. sependapat sih om @Tupez.....koq pemerintah gak mau lisensi rudal aja yah.....dr perang rusia-ukraina dan israel-iran khan udh nunjukin klo rudal itu penting bgt....top urgent malah....klo bisa rudal khan, otomatis drone kamikaze jg pasti bisa......

    .......lg bayangin di dpn pagar singapura (di riau) dan australia barat (di NTT) dipasang pagar rudal yg berjejer2.......deterren efectnya wow......

  13. Ingat NTT jadi ingat dulu F 111 Ardvark aussy masuk wilayah udara Kupang.

    Hawk kita ngejar ya nggak sanggup kalah kecepatan.

    Cuma sayangnya kita punya rudal Rapier Arhanud AD tidak ikut di gelar di sana...cuma andalkan Triple gun Kopasgat.

    Ya minimal ada Rapier pada saat itu..F 111 nggak masuk wilayah... Mikir2 dulu... berarti kesimpulan introoperabilitas antar matra kita kurang saat itu

  14. klo gak salah pilot Hawk yg ngejar F111 udh pensiun......ternyata beliau sudah bertemu jg dgn pilot F111 tsb.....saling respek sesama mantan lawan.......

  15. Sebenarnya kita nggak pernah ngerja advaark....karena hawk nya lagi ngatasin konvoy "bandit" yg datang dari selatan (sengaja utk mengecoh perhatian radar dan pespur kita), sementara advaark datang menyusup dari timur (dari perairan internasional diutara pulau Timor)

  16. Hahahahaha

    Sampai pergi ke Belanda, INDON nak training G?
    TUDM dah lama ada kepakaran dan peralatan canggih tu. KETINGGALAN sungguh TNI-AU

    Tonton sampai habis ye.


    1. Malon kok sampai Kuwait mengemis barang rongsokan 🤣🤣🤣

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂 ngawur.. ngawur....

    3. RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 42 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
      RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
      Jointly developed by Thales and MBDA, the SPECTRA internal “Electronic Warfare” (EW) system is the cornerstone of the Rafale’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats.
      RELAX UPGRADE F16 INDONESIA 24 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
      RELAX UPGRADE F16 POLANDIA 33 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
      PEMERIKSAAN STRUKTUR F18 = Penyelengaraan ini melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap struktur pesawat, penilaian kerosakan dan baik pulih kerosakan struktur yang disebabkan haus dan lusuh atau kemerosotan material ke atas pesawat akibat faktor persekitaran dan pengeporasian pesawat.
      FMS 10 ATP = WASHINGTON, May 6, 2024 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Malaysia of Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods and related equipment for an estimated cost of $80 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
      10 LCA 8 FLIT : Korea Aerospace Industries won the LCA / LIFT competition (which suffered a competitive challenge attempt) to supply the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF or TUDM) with 18 light combat and advanced trainer aircraft. Eight of these aircraft are to be configured primarily as Lead Advanced Trainer (LIFT), while the remaining ten would be Light Fighter Aircraft (LCA) combat aircraft.

  17. Dikira kita tak punya, dasar malon koplak 🤣🤣🤣
    Nich tengok, ngapain ke malon 🤣🤣


    1. pilot kita kan banyak, makanya zalan2 ke belanda yaa om haha!😉😉😉
      yaa makloum seblah pilotnya dikit apalagi pespurnya...SEPI

    2. ya.. malon mana ngerti kekuatan NKRI, kita mulai alutsista kecil sampai besar, udah gitu rakyat NKRI yang kebanyakan kalo disuruh perang nekat nekat.. lah negeri malon apa yang tidak ngemis.. coba.. 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Om @mojo ..... Dipisahkan oleh latar belakang tapi disatukan oleh NKRI dengan hujjah fatwa Jihad KH Hasyim Asy'ari serta hujjah Agama yang lain yang .....

  18. RELAX INDONESIA BUILD 42 KF21 = Despite the offer for less money and a reduced technology transfer, Indonesia's plan to build 48 aircraft at its local factory remains effective, a senior DAPA official said.
    RELAX KOREA = "We need to adjust the ratio of cost sharing and secure additional funds so as not to cause delays in the KF-21 development program," Noh said.
    Jointly developed by Thales and MBDA, the SPECTRA internal “Electronic Warfare” (EW) system is the cornerstone of the Rafale’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats.
    RELAX UPGRADE F16 INDONESIA 24 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    RELAX UPGRADE F16 POLANDIA 33 ATP = The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles. The upgrade includes the following major systems and components: LAU-129A/A Launchers, ALR-69 Radar Warning Receivers, ARC-164/186 Radios, Expanded Enhanced Fire Control (EEFC) or Commercial Fire Control, or Modular Mission Computers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems, ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispenser Systems, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), Situational Awareness Data Link, Enhance Position Location Reporting Systems (EPLRS), LN-260 (SPS version, non-PPS), and AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems
    PEMERIKSAAN STRUKTUR F18 = Penyelengaraan ini melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap struktur pesawat, penilaian kerosakan dan baik pulih kerosakan struktur yang disebabkan haus dan lusuh atau kemerosotan material ke atas pesawat akibat faktor persekitaran dan pengeporasian pesawat.
    FMS 10 ATP = WASHINGTON, May 6, 2024 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Malaysia of Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods and related equipment for an estimated cost of $80 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets, as the aerospace giant shifts focus to winning the race for the sixth-generation of combat aircraft.
    10 LCA 8 FLIT : Korea Aerospace Industries won the LCA / LIFT competition (which suffered a competitive challenge attempt) to supply the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF or TUDM) with 18 light combat and advanced trainer aircraft. Eight of these aircraft are to be configured primarily as Lead Advanced Trainer (LIFT), while the remaining ten would be Light Fighter Aircraft (LCA) combat aircraft.
