09 Juni 2024

RAN Remarked 75 Years of Air Power Projection

09 Juni 2024

HMAS Sydney (III) and HMAS Melbourne (II) (photo: Horatio J. Kookaburra)

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) recently marked the 75th anniversary of rising above the waves and developing a fully integrated aerial combat force.

World War 2 dramatically changed the nature of nautical combat by establishing air power as one of the main assets required for a modern navy to gain an undeniable advantage over an opposition force. 

This realisation prompted the Chifley Government to establish the Australian Navy Aviation Group in 1947, through the purchase of two Majestic-class carriers from the Royal Navy.

This creation of the now Fleet Air Arm was cemented into history on May 25, 1949, when the first light fleet carrier, HMAS Sydney III, arrived in Jervis Bay carrying the 20th Air Carrier Group comprising of the 816 and 805 Squadrons.

These two squadrons of Hawker Sea Fury fighter/bombers, Fairey Firefly fighter/anti-submarine aircraft and Supermarine Sea Otter amphibious aircraft became the RAN’s first aerial arsenal, entering Australia’s Navy into the club of nations with dominion over air and sea. 

HMAS Sydney (III) R17 was commissioned in 1948 and decommissioned in 1973 (photo: RAN)

While the current Fleet Air Arm has evolved into a sophisticated rotary-wing force, its original mandate remains the same: supporting military operations at sea. 

The early fixed-wing aircraft of the 816 and 805 Squadrons were soon joined by the 808 and 817 Squadrons of the 21st Carrier Air Group. 

The complete force carried out many of the same functions of today’s modern rotary aircraft, including surveillance, anti-submarine warfare, intercepting craft and search-and-rescue operations.

Across its 75-year history, the Fleet Air Arm has been based on the NSW South Coast at HMAS Albatross, which continues to be the home of Navy’s advanced, future-focused air assets.

The first carrier air groups that arrived in Australia had a short time to establish themselves before serving in the Korean War on board mother ship Sydney III, which was the first carrier of any Commonwealth nation to be deployed in wartime service. 

HMAS Melbourne (II) R21 was commissioned in 1955 and decommissioned in 1982 (photo: Chris Howell)

Here, the RAN proved its ability to use air and ocean assets to support complex and developing military operations. 

Following the arrival of its sister carrier, HMAS Melbourne II in 1955, the RAN continued to have a fixed-wing combat force for another 30 years, until the retirement of the A4-G Skyhawk, after the decommissioning of Melbourne II in 1982.

Since then, the Fleet Air Arm has continued as a force of predominantly rotary aircraft that have established the RAN’s place as one of the world’s most professional and dedicated naval flying forces. 

Currently, the Fleet Air Arm’s main strike weapon is the world-class MH-60R Seahawk Romeo, which is a modern-day iteration of the venerable US-made Black Hawk.

The Romeo represents decades of technological advancement culminating into one of the most sophisticated flying machines ever developed for naval use.

A4G landed at HMAS Melbourne R21 (photo: Nick Thorne)

Operational in the US Navy since 2006, the MH-60R Seahawk Romeo was designed to replace two helicopters, with the single aircraft performing a gamut of tasks as a multi-functional combat aircraft, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, vertical replenishment, passenger and cargo transfer and search-and-rescue capabilities.

Combining information from advanced radar, sonar, electro-optical and electronic support systems, it carries sophisticated weapons systems including a crew-served machine gun, Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System and the Mark 54 anti-submarine torpedo. 

The modern fleet of aircraft allows the Fleet Air Arm to deploy the Romeo across Anzac-class frigates, Hobart-class air warfare destroyers and the Canberra-class landing helicopter docks.

Since its establishment 75 years ago, time, experience and technology has ensured the Fleet Air Arm has evolved over three-quarters of a century to develop into a world-class tactical division specifically tailored to meet Australia’s needs. 

(Aus DoD)

11 komentar:

    Justeru, ini memberi gambaran masih belum ada kata putus mengenainya terutama kontrak pembelian sistem artileri mudah gerak (SP howitzer) walaupun calon akhir telah ada.Perolehan sistem SP sebelum ini disebut banyak pihak akan dimuktamadkan semasa DSA 2024 dengan calon utama ialah Nexter Caesar manakala pesaingnya EVA buatan Slovakia.Begitu juga dengan perolehan kapal misi pesisir (LMS) apabila ia tidak termasuk dalam kontrak yang dimeterai pada DSA.Ini kali kedua andaian untuk LMS dimeterai meleset selepas kali pertama pada Pameran Maritim dan Aeroangkasa Langkawi pada Mei tahun lalu.Sehubungan itu, walaupun nilai keseluruhan kontrak sebanyak RM7.3 bilion diumumkan Kementerian Pertahanan (Mindef) tetapi sebahagian besarnya hanyalah bagi perkhidmatan selenggaraan dan lain-lain
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    France's Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation , has been seen as the frontrunner in Malaysia's plan to buy up to 18 planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion.
    2024 DASSAULT 42 RAFALE F4
    (Saint-Cloud, le 8 Janvier 2024) – La dernière tranche de 18 Rafale pour l’Indonésie est entrée en vigueur ce jour. Elle fait suite à l’entrée en vigueur, en septembre 2022 et en août 2023, de la première et de la deuxième tranche de 6 et 18 Rafale, et vient ainsi compléter le nombre d’avions en commande pour l’Indonésie dans le cadre du contrat signé en février 2022 pour l’acquisition de 42 Rafale.
    « En faisant le choix du Rafale, l’Indonésie a opté pour un outil unique de souveraineté et d’indépendance opérationnelle qui contribuera à consolider son rôle de puissance régionale majeure. Ce choix consolide également des coopérations industrielles et académiques ambitieuses. Nous sommes totalement mobilisés pour faire de ce partenariat un succès et l’inscrire résolument dans le long terme », a déclaré Eric Trappier, Président-Directeur général de Dassault Aviation.
    (Saint-Cloud) – The final tranche of 18 Rafale for Indonesia came into force today. It follows the entry into force, in September 2022 and August 2023, of the first and second tranches of 6 and 18 Rafale, thus completing the number of aircraft on order for Indonesia under the contract signed in February 2022 for the acquisition of 42 Rafale.
    “In choosing the Rafale, Indonesia has opted for a unique tool for sovereignty and operational independence that will help consolidate its role as a major regional power. This choice also consolidates ambitious industrial and academic cooperations. We are fully committed to making this partnership a success, with a resolutely long-term vision,” said Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.

  2. Asrizal Rusli Beli LCA F/A-50 18 buah, percuma Pohang-class 2 buah..kalau jadi kenyataan aku janji akan meminati K-Pop termasuk drama dan band-nya..aku juga akan sertai army BTS untuk melengkapkan lagi sokongan aku kepada produk Korea Selatan

    LAWAK 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  3. Negara yang pembuatan kapal dengan MODUL PALSU versi tipu-tipu rakyat tuh tepi dikit... 🤪🤪🤪🤪

  4. Parah.... Kerana itu perlunya IQ untuk pembuatan kapal agar tidak SALAH POTONG apalagi hingga MENIPU rakyar dengan MEMBUAL kapal sudah menggunakan modul sejatinnya hanya TIPU-TIPU...

    Parah bina kapal tapi modulnya PALSU.. MEMBODOHI RAKYAT LAGI... 🤭🤭 🤭🤭🤭🤭 🤭🤭

  5. ntar ada tawaran dari LHD italy, kog.
    tapi PT PAL udah design LHD sesuai kebutuhan, so.. relax..

  6. https://www.zonajakarta.com/nasional/67312866890/italia-kirim-its-cavour-setelah-tahu-indonesia-butuh-kapal-induk

    ini entar...

    malaysia pecah sama kekuatan NKRI DI NATUNA.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. tiap detik, tiap menit, tiap jam, tiap hari tiap bulan NATUNA KUAT BERDAULAT , pur...

    kau tak berani usir CCG di BTI karena utang negeri malin di cina banyak..

    makanya nota protes doang..


  8. Kapal Induk Maharogolele lagi berbisa, mampu mengapung di tepi laut

  9. https://www.zonajakarta.com/nasional/67312866890/italia-kirim-its-cavour-setelah-tahu-indonesia-butuh-kapal-induk


  10. kalau diskusi soal LHD mana ada malon , sebab otaknya tidak menjangkau..

    kita show force mereka cuman bengong..

