08 Januari 2024

$600 million Contract to Sustain and Upgrade the RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler

08 Januari 2024

RAAF EA-18G Growler (photo: Aus DoD)

$600 Million Contract Secures Local Jobs and Keeps Australians Safe

More than 350 local Queensland jobs will be secured under a new  fleets for the Royal Australian Air Force.

The five-year contract extension, awarded to Boeing Defence Australia, will see support for the Super Hornet and Growler programs continue until 2030, ensuring the long-term retention of a highly skilled expert workforce at RAAF Base Amberley.

Australians working in the Defence industry will oversee the engineering, maintenance and project management for the sustainment and upgrade of the fleets.

The Albanese Government is firmly committed to supporting Australia’s Defence industry and workforce. Importantly, more than 90 per cent of the contract value will be spent in Australia, and primarily in south-east Queensland.

The Air Combat and Electronic Attack Sustainment Contract with Boeing Defence Australia commenced on 1 July 2016 for an initial period of 5 years. This is the second contract extension, taking the overall contract value to $1.2 billion.

The contract extension comes as the EA-18G Growler Airborne Electronic Attack capability reaches final operational capability.

Operated by No. 6 Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley, the Airborne Electronic Attack capability is comprised of 12 EA-18G Growler aircraft, the ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System and the AGM-88 series of anti-radiation missiles.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Defence Industry, Pat Conroy:

“The Albanese Government knows the most valuable Defence asset we have are our people. That’s why we’re investing in over 350 highly skilled local jobs and delivering on our commitment to ensure Australia has a robust Defence industry.

“In a time of escalating global tensions, maintaining top-tier aircraft and a highly skilled local workforce is paramount. This contract extension fortifies our preparedness for any potential challenges.

“A strong Defence industry is also crucial to protecting Australians and their interests, as well as contributing to regional stability.

“I commend Boeing Defence Australia and all Defence industry partners involved with the maintenance and sustainment of the Super Hornet and Growler fleets.”

(Aus DoD)

25 komentar:

  1. Ampunnn


  2. Yg masih pakai hornet usang minggirrr

  3. Wingi kae Taiwan blonjo sparepart stok pabrik kanggo Mirage tipe D cacah 9 entek Piro Yo 🤔

    1. Bab barang lawasan :
      Populasi akeh => murah
      Populasi sithik => larang

      Memper kemukus idol..😋

    2. Nek kemukus Ki dudu barang lawasan yooooo....iku kepetung "barang" durable

    3. Aku percoyo, wong sing nembung bagean kalibrasi...


  4. 2024 MYR 19,7 ( +/- 4 MILIAR DOLAR AS) = SEWA LAGI!!!!
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    2023 MYR 17,74 = SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 = SEWA
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    TAK ADA DUIT = Malaysia Tidak Perlukan “Apache” Atau “Tiger”, Cukup Sekadar MD530G -Menhan Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada
    2041-2045 C130J : Diterangkan Utusan Malaysia, mereka baru bisa mendapatkan C-130 J Super Hercules paling tidak di tahun 2041 hingga 2045.
    2050 KAPAL : “Mengikut Pelan Transformasi 15 ke 5 TLDM, ia dijangka akan memiliki 12 buah kapal Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), tiga buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 18 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship (LMS), 18 buah kapal Patrol Vessel (PV) dan empat buah kapal selam menjelang tahun 2050,”
    2053 HUTANG : Kerajaan Persekutuan dijangka dapat menyelesaikan hutangnya pada tahun 2053 dengan mengambil kira tiada sebarang pinjaman baharu dibuat bagi tujuan pembiayaan defisit dan membiayai semula hutang yang matang mulai 2024 dan seterusnya, kata Kementerian Kewangan (MoF).
    2055 HAWK : Kerajaan merancang secara sistematik penggantian pesawat Hawk 108 dan Hawk 208 seperti yang digariskan dalam Pembangunan Keupayaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) 2055
    🤣PANTAS TAK ADA DUIT = 2041-2055🤣

    1. 2024 MYR 19,7 ( +/- 4 MILIAR DOLAR AS) = SEWA LAGI!!!!
      The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
      2023 MYR 17,74 = SEWA
      2022 MYR 16,14 = SEWA
      Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
      SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET = Anyhow Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari told Parliament that the supplementary budget was necessary as the allocation for 2022 was lower some RM401 million. The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
      54 MOU 2022 = March 30 — The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) has recorded a total of 54 signings worth RM4.6 billion during the Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2022 and National Security (Natsec) Asia 2022 exhibitions to strengthen the national defence.
      PROYEK DIBATALKAN 2023 = The Defence Ministry (Mindef) has cancelled five procurements for supplies, services and infrastructure projects to avoid leakages in expenditure. Mindef said this was following its implementation of procuring assets through open tender for the needs of all three branches of its services.
      TAK ADA DUIT = Malaysia Tidak Perlukan “Apache” Atau “Tiger”, Cukup Sekadar MD530G -Menhan Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada

  5. NO SALE OF HORNETS TO MALAYSIA = Kuwait's Ministry of Defense on Thursday denied reports about purported negotiations to sell 33 used F/A-18 Hornet aircraft in possession of the Kuwait Air Force to the Malaysian Air Force.
    The Kuwait Army Chairmanship of Staff said any negotiations to sell ordnance owned by the Ministry of Defense would be declared directly.
    Such deals are conducted via the assets commissions affiliated to the ministry, as well as in coordination with the Ministry of Finance after approval of the manufacturing country and in line with standing procedures...
    2024 MYR 19,7 ( +/- 4 MILIAR DOLAR AS) = SEWA LAGI!!!!
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    2023 MYR 17,74 = SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 = SEWA
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET = Anyhow Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari told Parliament that the supplementary budget was necessary as the allocation for 2022 was lower some RM401 million. The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    TAK ADA DUIT = Malaysia Tidak Perlukan “Apache” Atau “Tiger”, Cukup Sekadar MD530G -Menhan Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada

  6. @mas PS

    Niatku gor go mboktekke Yen wektu 2 menit cukup kanggo menehi jawaban....waton rasah nganggo nuthal-nuthul kalkulator 😁

    👉👉👉Pe-5-dhot _ PS Pensiun8 Januari 2024 pukul 15.22
    User paham laah..

    Nanging rak si pengadaan dadi gak waoow...

    citranya urusi barang lama tok..😆👈👈👈

    1. Lho..
      Beliaunya kan bola bali njawabe nurahke waktu...

      Jaal tamatke maneh rekamane..


    2. Achhhhh males Yen mung nyimak wong omon-omon thok 🙄

    3. Kadang aq kemekel dewe Karo pak nganuuu

      Jare arep gawe gudall seng ISO mlayu 6000 km/jam

      Kamongko gawe seng mlayu 1000 km/jam ae ngelunen🤣🤣

    4. Iyo setuju mas.....kudune Yen wes kebukti sukses nanem singkong lagi mbahas rudal hipersonik 🙄

  7. Punya AUSII PUNYA MALONS juga katanya GEMPURWARIA 🤣🤣🤣


  8. $600 million Contract to Sustain and Upgrade the RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler

    hornet & growler Ostrali masi muda tapi terus di apred
    sementara f/a18 kornet tua KL seblah ga ada suaranya, dr baruw gak perna retrofit ganti avionik radar apalagi kompi haha!😋😋😋
    yaa kliatan dr bajet minim sich

    1. hornet KL dah 25x upgarde om pal kata anuw


      25x UPGRADE tapi

      Senjata kalah ama F-16 kita... Lol

      FA-18 KL
      •AIM-9c/dll (no X version).
      •AIM-120A/B yg cuma 50 KM.
      F-16 kita

      •AIM-9X BLOCK 2
      •AIM-120C7 (105-120 KM).

    2. F16 = dogfight
      F18 MELON = doggystyle

    3. nyoih om acno, maren pesbuker mrk ada yg ngarep ganti radar eh taunya kagak, kesian haha!😄😄😄

      ntu kaing2 abis diselepet yaa om pemburu haha!😊😊😊

  9. Punya Malon Punya Australi
    Punya Australi Bukan Punya Malon
    Istri Malon boleh di Kongkek Australi
    Istri Australi tidak boleh di kongkek Malon

  10. 2024 MYR 19,7 ( +/- 4 MILIAR DOLAR AS) = SEWA LAGI!!!!
    The Defence Ministry has been allocated RM19.7bil, an increase of RM2bil compared from this year, while the Home Ministry will receive RM19bil, an increase of RM500mil from this year, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    2023 MYR 17,74 = SEWA
    2022 MYR 16,14 = SEWA
    Malaysia has proposed a 2023 defence budget of MYR17.74 billion (USD3.97 billion), a nominal 10% increase over the original 2022 allocation of MYR16.14 billion.
    SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET = Anyhow Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari told Parliament that the supplementary budget was necessary as the allocation for 2022 was lower some RM401 million. The supplementary funds will pay for utility bills – electricity, internet, and sewage – (RM115 million); Maritime Security Operations (RM139 million) and Air Defence Operations (RM49 million).
    54 MOU 2022 = March 30 — The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) has recorded a total of 54 signings worth RM4.6 billion during the Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2022 and National Security (Natsec) Asia 2022 exhibitions to strengthen the national defence.
    PROYEK DIBATALKAN 2023 = The Defence Ministry (Mindef) has cancelled five procurements for supplies, services and infrastructure projects to avoid leakages in expenditure. Mindef said this was following its implementation of procuring assets through open tender for the needs of all three branches of its services.
    TAK ADA DUIT = Malaysia Tidak Perlukan “Apache” Atau “Tiger”, Cukup Sekadar MD530G -Menhan Menteri Pertahanan mengatakan Malaysia perlu realistik dengan kekangan kewangan sedia ada

  11. @palu gada

    Ane juga setuju kalo upgatde thd blok -52 i ga perlu ke standar VIPER tapi cukup distandarkan dg f-16 MLU

    👉👉👉palu gada8 Januari 2024 pukul 18.13
    harusnya bs sich bertahap sperti ituw om tupz & om smilikity, tp guwe punya “pendapat lain” yg sempat guwe utarain dolo jgk.
    kenapa harus apgred f-16 lagi disaat kita akan “SHOPPING” F-15EX, katanya lho yak haha!🤓🤓🤓
    mnurutkuh ada pemborosan anggaran disini,
    lebih baik konsentrasi ke pemenuhaan pespur baruw.
    toh 33 falkon barusan mendapat apgred,
    kenapa ditunda, yaa mungkin aja nantinya akan ada apgred lain semisal blok 80/82 haha!🤭🤭🤭
    kan sayang anggarannya lho, sperti am/bm yg barusan ganti
    radar masa ke viper ganti radar lagi, boros kan haha!😊😊😊
    setau guwe tiap 10-15 taun akan ada apgred baruw lagi utk f-16.
    Viper ituw diperkenalkan 2017, artinya gak lama lagi ganti program

    Pak "Omon-Omon" 🍌8 Januari 2024 pukul 21.01
    Upgrade blok "52 i" ukan ke standar VIPER tapi ke standar "52 beneran" aka standar MLU yg radarnya APG-68 V9👈👈👈

    1. lha ada disini jugak...uda guwe reply diseblah om haha!😋😋😋


  13. Kirain punya Malon ternyata Australia....
