29 Januari 2025

Kisah, Pesawat IL-14 Avia Perkuat Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia (AURI)

29 Januari 2025

Pesawat angkut Ilyusin IL-14 Avia (photos: TNI AU)

Pada tanggal 24 Januari 1954, Pemerintah Rusia melalui Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia menyerahkan Pesawat Ilyusin IL-14 Avia kepada Presiden RI Ir. Soekarno di Pangkalan Udara Halim Perdanakusuma.

Pesawat angkut sedang bermesin ganda tersebut diserahkan kepada AURI dan diberi nama Dolok Martimbang oleh Presiden Soekarno.

Pesawat dengan Nomer Register T-401 digunakan untuk mendukung perjalanan dinas Presiden Soekarno ke berbagai daerah baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

Keberadaan Dolok Martimbang sebagai pesawat kepresidenan merupakan tonggak sejarah dalam perkembangan AURI sekaligus menjadi embrio lahirnya Skadron Angkut Khusus (Skadron Udara 17).

Pesawat IL-14 Avia di Muspusdirla, Jogjakara (photo: Arjun Sarup)

Tahun 1962, pesawat Dolok Martimbang berhenti operasional kemudian digantikan oleh pesawat C-140 Jet Star.

Satu Pesawat IL-14 Avia dijadikan monumen di Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh, Malang. Pada tahun 2017, monumen pesawat IL-14 Avia direlokasi ke Muspusdirla Jogjakarta untuk dijadikan sebagai koleksi bersejarah.

28 komentar:

  1. The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) has faced several weaknesses, including a lack of modern equipment, funding, and strategies to protect its maritime interests.
    Lack of modern equipment
    • The RMN has outdated equipment and assets, such as the KD Rahman submarine which had technical issues in 2010.
    • The RMN has struggled to acquire new naval assets due to funding constraints.
    Lack of funding
    • The RMN and other branches of the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) have struggled to obtain funding for new assets.
    • The government has had to prioritize maintenance and repair costs over new acquisitions.
    Lack of strategies
    • The RMN has a small force and must use effective strategies to protect its interests.
    • The RMN's location between major powers could make its waters a frontier if there is a naval power clash.
    Other challenges
    • The MAF has faced corruption
    • The MAF has faced internal and external threats, such as pirates, terrorists, and the South China Sea conflict

  2. https://youtu.be/hH6I53-7d3M?si=nybdnu-lVYHjFVx5

    Ternyata betul kata politisi malon negaranya membutuhkan misille brahmos dgn jumlah lebih banyak dari perkiraan semula 🤔🤔

  3. kok Rusia? jaman ituw bukannya cccp(cececepe) haha!🤭🤭🤭
    mungkin R dikira ruski yak

  4. Balasan
    1. jaman segituw seblah gak punyak om...betewe negerinya aja blom ada om pedang haha!🤣🤣🤣

    2. Ooh..pantes sekarang masih pada ngandalin barter
      Macam zaman dinosaur..


  5. Zaman shoping dah pada pake Qris, di Malaydeshya masih merengek beli aset pake barter ...😂😂🤣🤣🤪

  6. Min UP BERITA sebuah negara NGUTANG KAPAL POHANG RONGSOKAN.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Terlalu USANG kos perbaikan sebanyak USD35 JUTA guys... 🤣🤣

    1. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face a number of challenges, including limited funding, aging equipment, and a lack of modern assets.
      • Small procurement budgets: The MAF has had small procurement budgets over the past 25 years.
      • Fiscal limitations: The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      Aging equipment
      • Outdated assets: The MAF's equipment is aging, and the government has been unable to provide modern assets.
      • Withdrawal of MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft: The MAF withdrew its MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft from service in 2017.
      • Su-30MKM Flanker fighter aircraft: The MAF is struggling to keep its Su-30MKM Flanker fighter ground-attack aircraft operational.
      Other challenges
      • Internal and external threats: The MAF faces threats from within and outside the country, including territorial incursions, radicalization, and violent extremism.
      • Disaster response: The MAF is responsible for disaster response.
      • National unity: The MAF is responsible for promoting national unity.

    2. Malonn military budget faces challenges such as a need for more funding, aging assets, and competing national priorities.
      Budget constraints
      Malonn defense spending is low compared to other countries in the region.
      Maintenance and repair
      The budget for maintenance and repair is limited, which can make it difficult to acquire new assets.
      Economic limitations
      The government has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization projects due to economic limitations.
      Other priorities
      The government has other priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
      Aging assets
      Outdated aircraft
      The Malonn air force has been facing a shortage of funding to buy new assets.
      Ageing equipment
      The military's equipment is aging, which can make it difficult to maintain.
      Competing priorities
      Other national priorities
      The government has other national priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
      Local defense industry
      Malonn is looking to develop its local defense industry, but it faces challenges such as high import costs.
      Corruption in defense procurement: Corruption has been a problem in Malonn defense procurement system

    3. Malonn defense budget has been increasing in recent years, but it is still relatively low compared to its neighbors. The budget is allocated to the Ministry of Defense (MINDEF).
      2025 defense budget
      • The 2025 defense budget was $4.8 billion, a 7.08% increase from 2024
      • The budget included $1.3 billion for maintenance and repair, and the procurement of new military assets
      • The budget also included an increase in maritime assets, such as patrol vessels and multi-purpose mission ships
      2024 defense budget
      • The 2024 defense budget was $4.3 billion
      • The budget included $1.7 billion for salaries and allowances, and $1.2 billion for procurement
      Factors affecting defense budget
      • Regional security challenges: Malonn is becoming more aware of regional security threats, such as disputes with neighboring nations
      • Need to upgrade the military: Malonn wants to modernize its armed forces
      • Economic limitations: Malonn has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization initiatives due to economic limitations
      Comparison to neighboring countries
      • Malonn defense spending is lower than many regional powers, such as Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia

    4. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) face a number of equipment challenges, including:
      Aging aircraft
      The RMAF's main fighter fleet includes the Su-30MKMs and Boeing F/A-18 Hornets, which are becoming technologically obsolete. Maintaining a large fleet of aging aircraft can be expensive.
      Limited defense budget
      The government's defense modernization budget is limited, making it difficult to afford new equipment.
      Local content
      Most MAF equipment is sourced from outside the country, and there is a lack of research and development (R&D) activities.
      Local company capabilities
      Local companies may not have the necessary capabilities to produce the equipment the MAF needs.
      OEM reluctance
      Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) may be reluctant to share their technology for fear of competition.
      Defense infrastructure
      The condition of some military living quarters and defense infrastructure is poor.

  7. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Logistics
    A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    • Budgeting
    Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
    • Personnel
    The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
    • Procurement
    The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
    • Political interference
    Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
    • Territorial disputes
    Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
    • Transboundary haze
    Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
    • Fleet sustainment
    The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
    • Technological obsolescence
    Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
    • Modernization
    The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited

  8. Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
    • Fiscal limitations
    Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Public debt
    A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
    • Exchange rate
    The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
    • Military imports
    The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
    • Military aid
    The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
    • Non-conventional security issues
    These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
    • Corruption
    Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
    • Competition between the U.S.A. and China
    The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
    • Conflicts and potential conflicts
    Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes

  9. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces challenges in its defense industry, including a lack of indigenous capabilities, budget constraints, and a lack of government guidance.
    Lack of indigenous capabilities
    • Malonn imports most of its major defense assets from overseas.
    • Local companies lack the ability to design, manufacture, and develop technologically advanced defense systems.
    • Local companies lack the ability to innovate and commercialize products or processes.
    Budget constraints
    • The government prioritizes social and economic recovery over military development.
    • The pandemic, leakage of funds, and political uncertainty have limited defense spending.
    Lack of government guidance
    • The government lacks clear guidance for the future strategic direction of the industry.
    • The government lacks strategic patience and vision to groom and guide the industry.
    Other challenges
    • A lack of sufficient human talents, especially STEM specialists.
    • A lack of local industry engagement at the outset of capability and procurement planning.
    • Poor program management and oversight.
    • Reluctance of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to share their technology.

  10. Kisah ttg pesawat ilyushin-14 yg menjadi pesawat kepresidenan diberi nama "Dolok Martimbang" kemudian didampingi oleh pesawat Locheed Jetstar L-140 "Pancamarga".

    Ada kisah unik ttg "Pancamarga" saat pecah peristiwa G-30 S, saat baru perjalanan ke homebase dari tugas di Medan, saat sdg aproach menuju Halim, disekitar pantai Utara Bekasi, pesawat ini diserang dg tembakan gencar dari bawah.
    Karena tidak tau siapa pihak yg menyerang akhirnya pesawat divert dan mengalihkan pendaratan ke lanud Husen di Bandung......Lihat selengkapnya 👇👇👇


  11. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Logistics
    A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    • Budgeting
    Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
    • Personnel
    The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
    • Procurement
    The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
    • Political interference
    Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
    • Territorial disputes
    Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
    • Transboundary haze
    Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
    • Fleet sustainment
    The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
    • Technological obsolescence
    Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
    • Modernization
    The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited

  12. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) face a number of equipment challenges, including:
    Aging aircraft
    The RMAF's main fighter fleet includes the Su-30MKMs and Boeing F/A-18 Hornets, which are becoming technologically obsolete. Maintaining a large fleet of aging aircraft can be expensive.
    Limited defense budget
    The government's defense modernization budget is limited, making it difficult to afford new equipment.
    Local content
    Most MAF equipment is sourced from outside the country, and there is a lack of research and development (R&D) activities.
    Local company capabilities
    Local companies may not have the necessary capabilities to produce the equipment the MAF needs.
    OEM reluctance
    Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) may be reluctant to share their technology for fear of competition.
    Defense infrastructure
    The condition of some military living quarters and defense infrastructure is poor

    1. China 37,070,000
    2. United States 29,170,000
    3. India 16,024,460
    4. Russia 6,910,000
    5. Japan 6,570,000
    6. Germany 6,020,000
    7. Brazil 4,702,004
    8. Indonesia 4,661,542
    9. France 4,360,000
    10. United Kingdom 4,280,000
    Indonesia is the 8th largest economy in the world by GDP (PPP). It is also the largest economy in Southeast Asia.
    • In 2023, Indonesia's nominal GDP was $1.371 trillion, making it the 16th largest economy in the world by nominal GDP.
    • Indonesia is a member of the G20 and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
    • Indonesia is an upper-middle income country and a newly industrialized country.
    • Indonesia has seen significant economic growth since the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.
    • Indonesia's economy is expected to benefit from a young population, continued urbanization, and the resurgence of Asia.
    • Indonesia is a member of the BRICS
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023. In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018). “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    Malonn's armed forces procurement faces several weaknesses, including:
    1. Corruption
    The defense sector is at high risk of corruption, and procurement is vulnerable to powerful interests. The Malonn Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) received the highest number of corruption complaints for procurement activities in 2013 and 2018.
    2. Political influence
    Decisions are often driven by vendors and against strategic interests. For example, Malonn has sometimes exchanged hardware for palm oil, which exposes the procurement process to political influence.
    Weak parliamentary oversight
    Parliamentary oversight is weak, and audit bodies can only provide ex-post scrutiny.
    3. Limited financial scrutiny
    Financial scrutiny is limited by excessive secrecy.
    4. Violation of procedures
    Procedures are regularly circumvented through political influence. For example, the purchase of military helicopters in 2015 violated the Ministry of Finance's procedures

    1. China 37,070,000
    2. United States 29,170,000
    3. India 16,024,460
    4. Russia 6,910,000
    5. Japan 6,570,000
    6. Germany 6,020,000
    7. Brazil 4,702,004
    8. Indonesia 4,661,542
    9. France 4,360,000
    10. United Kingdom 4,280,000
    Indonesia is the 8th largest economy in the world by GDP (PPP). It is also the largest economy in Southeast Asia.
    • In 2023, Indonesia's nominal GDP was $1.371 trillion, making it the 16th largest economy in the world by nominal GDP.
    • Indonesia is a member of the G20 and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
    • Indonesia is an upper-middle income country and a newly industrialized country.
    • Indonesia has seen significant economic growth since the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.
    • Indonesia's economy is expected to benefit from a young population, continued urbanization, and the resurgence of Asia.
    • Indonesia is a member of the BRICS
    HUTANG 2023 = RM 1.53 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2022 = RM 1.45 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2021 = RM 1.38 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2020 = RM 1.32 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2019 = RM 1.25 TRILLION
    HUTANG 2018 = RM 1.19 TRILLION
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023. In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018). “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    Malonn's armed forces procurement faces several weaknesses, including:
    1. Corruption
    The defense sector is at high risk of corruption, and procurement is vulnerable to powerful interests. The Malonn Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) received the highest number of corruption complaints for procurement activities in 2013 and 2018.
    2. Political influence
    Decisions are often driven by vendors and against strategic interests. For example, Malonn has sometimes exchanged hardware for palm oil, which exposes the procurement process to political influence.
    Weak parliamentary oversight
    Parliamentary oversight is weak, and audit bodies can only provide ex-post scrutiny.
    3. Limited financial scrutiny
    Financial scrutiny is limited by excessive secrecy.
    4. Violation of procedures
    Procedures are regularly circumvented through political influence. For example, the purchase of military helicopters in 2015 violated the Ministry of Finance's procedures

  15. MALONBODOH29 Januari 2025 pukul 09.37
    Ternyata.... 🤣🤣🤣

    Mengaku Punya DNA India, Prabowo: Dengar Musik, Saya Langsung Joget | News Flash

    Bilang saja malon cemburu tong !

    1. Dr. M real descendants india bangladesh rel DNA ..............

    2. prindavan di prank tejas sebalah ngemis sparepart MKI untuk MKM .....

  16. Lama tak shoping bikin beruk makin bodoh. Ha ha ha ha ha

  17. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  18. Persahabatan Indonesia India telah dimulai sejak awal Masehi. Hubungan baik ini terus berlanjut sampai lama, bahkan Muaro Jambi yang saat itu menjadi pusat pendidikan internasional terbesar di Asia Tenggara menjalin hubungan erat dengan Universitas Nalanda. Kerjasama pertukaran siswa dan guru telah dilaksanakan pada waktu itu. Bahkan Raja Pala Gupta membangun asrama untuk mahasiswa Sriwijaya yang sedang belajar di Nalanda.
