28 Januari 2025
Senjata AKM-103 produksi Kalashnikov Rusia kaliber 5.56mm (photos: Korps Marinir)Komandan beserta Prajurit Yonmarhanlan IV laksanakan uji coba menembak senjata AKM kal 5,56 mm diatas rubber boat
TNI AL, Dispen Kormar, Pasmar 1 -- Dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu dan membiasakan menggunakan senjata AKM-103 kal 5,56 mm Komandan Yonmarhanlan IV Mayor Marinir Andi Arif Mangkubumi, S.,IP bersama seluruh Prajurit melaksanakan uji coba menembak di laut dari atas rubber boat/ Perahu Karet dengan sasaran Pantai, bertempat di perairan Sengkuang Lantamal IV Kota Batam, Rabu (22/01/2025).
Sebelum pelaksanaan menembak laut menggunakan senjata AKM-103 Kal 5,56 mm, seluruh prajurit Yonmarhanlan IV melaksanakan zeroing senjata agar akurasi ketempatan menembak sesuai pengawak senjata dapat di maksimalkan. Sehingga pada tahap pelaksanaan dengan kendala ayunan Perahu karet yang diakibatkan gelombang laut serta kondisi angin yang berbeda dari pada menembak didarat dapat teratasi dan tidak mengakibatkan pelepasan proyektil yang tidak terarah. Mengingat Medan terbuka dan aktifitas Laut yang ramai sehingga tetap mengutamakan prosedur keamanan dan keselamatan latihan. (Korps Marinir)
Senjata Gatling Gun M134P produksi Dillon Aero USA kaliber 7.62mm (photos: Korps Marinir)Wadan Kormar tinjau uji fungsi senjata Gutling Gun M134P
Dispen Kormar TNI Angkatan Laut (Madura). Wakil Komandan Korps Marinir (Wadan Kormar) Brigadir Jenderal TNI (Mar) Muhammad Nadir, M.Tr.Opsla., meninjau Uji Fungsi Senjata Mesin Sedang "(Gutling Gun) M134P" kaliber 7.62 mm statis dipasang diatas kendaraan di Lapangan Tembak Arsenal, Batuporon, Madura. Jum'at (24/01/2025).
Mengawali kegiatan, Wadan Kormar menerima paparan dari Tim Laboratorium Induk Senjata (Labinsen) Letkol Laut (E) Dr. Ali Mashudi, S.T., M.T., tentang prosedur tindakan dan keamanan senjata, material senjata, amonisi dan bahan peledak dilanjutkan uji fungsi penembakan senjata statis diatas kendaraan. (Korps Marinir)
Kayaknya bukan AKM-103, tapi AKM 556 buatan Ceko. AKM-103 pakai kaliber 7.62×39mm.
HapusKeluarga AK Rusia yg pakai 5.56mm NATO, kalau tidak salah hanya 101, 108 dan 19.
BalasHapusKing of Sewaaa
Kalau di MALAYDESH senjata di gunakan oleh APEM buat MEMBUNUH warga sipil negara lain... Hahahahaha
BalasHapusMEMALUKAN... takut sama CHINA garang sama warga SIPIL yang tak bersenjata.... Ironis π±π±π±
beraninya sama rakyat sipil..
Duwurku tukang kliping
Anggaran militer Indonesia lebih besar dibandingkan Malaysia.
Pada tahun 2025, Indonesia menganggarkan anggaran pertahanan yang lebih besar dari Malaysia.
Pada tahun 2024, anggaran militer Malaysia sebesar 3,79 miliar dollar AS, sedangkan Indonesia berada di urutan ke-27 dalam daftar belanja militer terbesar di dunia.
Anggaran militer Indonesia merupakan yang terbesar kedua di ASEAN setelah Singapura.
Dibilang jeblok faktanya lebih besar dari malaydesh ππ€£π π€£ππ€£π
GDPπ²π¨πͺπ₯π₯π₯π₯π₯ kita BERAPA..???
Wowww..... DNA INDIA....?
BalasHapusMalonn military has faced challenges with funding and modernizing its fleet. This has left the country's armed forces less able to respond to disputes with other countries.
• Funding: The Malonn military has faced ongoing funding shortages.
• Outdated fleet: The navy's fleet is not modern enough to meet current and future challenges.
• Incompatible spare parts: The navy has lost millions of ringgit due to spare parts that are no longer compatible with its fleet.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces problems with fleet sustainment, including the maintenance of an aging aircraft fleet. The MAF may also face economic constraints when prioritizing and provisioning for its military.
Fleet sustainment
• Aging aircraft: The MAF's fleet of aircraft may be too old to maintain effectively.
• Limited defense budget: The MAF's defense modernization budget may be limited, making it difficult to expand or accelerate programs to upgrade its aircraft.
Economic constraints
• Limited power resources
The MAF may have limited power resources, such as labor, tools, and money, to support its operations.
• Prioritizing and provisioning
The MAF may need to consider economic constraints when prioritizing and provisioning for its operations.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) face a number of problems, including limited funding, outdated equipment, and political interference.
• Budget
Malonn defense budget has been limited to less than 5% of the annual budget since independence. This is well below the regional average.
• Economic conditions
The value of the Malonn Ringgit (MYR) has been low compared to the US Dollar (USD) and other currencies used by major weapon exporting nations.
• Political interference
There has been politicization of defense spending, which has led to acquisitions being delayed or canceled.
• Outdated equipment
Much of the MAF's equipment is outdated and out of date compared to neighboring countries.
• Technical and logistical problems
The MAF faces technical and logistical problems with the advanced weapon systems they have acquired.
Other problems
• Non-traditional security threats: Malonn faces a range of non-traditional security threats.
• Big power politics: Malonn faces the challenges of big power politics.
• Domestic critics: Domestic critics have pointed to the need for more modern equipment and stronger capabilities.
Malonn military budget faces challenges such as a need for more funding, aging assets, and competing national priorities.
Budget constraints
Malonn defense spending is low compared to other countries in the region.
Maintenance and repair
The budget for maintenance and repair is limited, which can make it difficult to acquire new assets.
Economic limitations
The government has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization projects due to economic limitations.
Other priorities
The government has other priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
Aging assets
Outdated aircraft
The Malonn air force has been facing a shortage of funding to buy new assets.
Ageing equipment
The military's equipment is aging, which can make it difficult to maintain.
Competing priorities
Other national priorities
The government has other national priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
Local defense industry
Malonn is looking to develop its local defense industry, but it faces challenges such as high import costs.
Corruption in defense procurement: Corruption has been a problem in Malonn defense procurement system
Mahathir was born at his parents' home in a poor neighbourhood at Lorong Kilang Ais, Alor Setar, in the capital of the Malay sultanate of Kedah under a British protectorate, on 10 July 1925. Mahathir's mother, Wan Tempawan Wan Hanapi, was a Malay from Kedah. His father, Mohamad Iskandar, was from Penang of Malay and Indian descent. Mahathir's paternal grandfather had come from Kerala, British India but many claim that Mahathir's paternal grandfather had come from Satkania Upazila, Chittagong, British India (present part of Bangladesh).
KUALA LUMPUR: The bustling enclave known as 'Mini Dhaka' here is coming back to life. A survey by Harian Metro revealed that the area in Jalan Silang and Lebuh Pudu here was full of foreigners during the Chinese New Year public holiday. Every corner of the area in the city centre was packed with foreigners, mostly Bangladeshis.
IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
IMF 2024-2029 = DEBT MALON $ 121,9 BILLION
The national debt in Malonn was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 121.9 billion U.S. dollars (+38.56 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 438.09 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years.
As defined by the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.
The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023. In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018). “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
Akhirnya Terjawab.... π€£π€£π€£
BalasHapusDomestic critics of Malonn armed forces have pointed out that the military's equipment and capabilities are outdated, and that the country's defense budget is insufficient. Critics have also raised concerns about corruption and the politicization of defense spending.
HapusOutdated equipment
• Critics say that the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has outdated equipment and capabilities compared to neighboring countries.
• Some say that the MAF's logistics equipment quality is poor, and that there is a lack of explanation on the government's policy to develop it.
Insufficient defense budget
• Critics say that Malonn defense budget has been insufficient to meet the country's needs.
• They say that the government has not been willing to cut spending elsewhere to fund defense.
• They also say that the budget has been disrupted by unfavorable economic conditions and the value of the Malonn ringgit.
• Critics say that corruption is a problem in the MAF, and that commanders are not trained to address corruption risks.
• They also say that corruption risks are not included in operational planning.
Politicization of defense spending
• Critics say that defense spending has become politicized, and that this has led to acquisitions being delayed or canceled.
Malonn armed forces have faced challenges in developing indigenous capabilities due to a lack of resources, human talent, and research and development (R&D).
Lack of resources
• Budget: Malonn military has struggled with tight budgets.
• Local companies: Local companies may not have the capabilities to produce the equipment needed by the armed forces.
Lack of human talent
• STEM specialists: There is a lack of STEM specialists, especially in the defense industry.
• Attracting talent: The defense industry has struggled to attract talent.
Lack of R&D
• Local universities
Local universities have R&D capabilities that could be used to support the defense industry. However, these capabilities are not being fully used.
• Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
OEMs may be reluctant to share their technology due to concerns about competition.
Other challenges
• Foreign reliance: Malonn armed forces are overly reliant on foreign defense assets.
• Low-tech production: Malonn defense sector is only able to produce relatively low-tech equipment.
Military spending can increase a country's national debt. This is because military spending is a cost that a country incurs, which can lead to a larger debt.
Military spending
Military spending includes the money spent on a country's armed forces, including defense operations and peacekeeping.
National debt
National debt is the total amount of money a country owes. This includes all liabilities that the country needs to pay back, plus any interest or principal that needs to be paid.
Impact on the economy
When a country spends more on its military, it can have a significant impact on its balance sheet. This can lead to higher interest rates and borrowing costs, which can eventually slow economic growth and increase taxes.
In 2025, Malonn allocated $4.8 billion to its Ministry of Defense (MINDEF). This included $1.3 billion for maintenance, repairs, and new military assets
KEPULAUAN INDIA + INDIA...... π€£π€£π€£
BalasHapusThe capabilities of the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) are outdated. The MAF has faced challenges in modernizing its fleet and equipment to meet current and future threats.
HapusOutdated equipment
• Ships
Some ships in the Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) are over 40 years old and have exceeded their intended service life.
• Submarines
The KD Rahman submarine experienced technical problems in 2010 and was unable to submerge.
• Gunboats
The Perdana-class gunboat and the KD Sri Perlis and KD SRI Johor gunboats are at least 40 years old.
• Corvettes
The Kasturi-class Corvette entered service in 1984, and the Laksamana Corvette class was built in the early 1980s.
• The MAF has faced chronic funding shortages.
• The MAF's budget has never exceeded 1.5% of GDP in the past 20 years.
• The MAF's budget is split almost evenly between capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX).
• The MAF faces non-traditional security threats, including pirates and terrorists.
• The MAF faces big power politics and escalating threats from China and the Philippines.
Malonn armed forces have faced underfunding for years, but the 2025 budget allocated more money to defense. However, some say the budget is still insufficient.
• The Malonn air force has struggled to get funding for new assets.
• The government shelved a plan to replace Russian-made MiG-29 fighter jets in 2017.
• Malonn defense spending is low compared to other regional powers.
• Budget constraints have led to delays and cancellations of military modernization projects.
2025 budget
• The 2025 budget allocated RM21.2 billion ($4.5 billion) to the Ministry of Defense.
• This is a 7.08% increase from the previous year.
• The budget includes $1.3 billion for maintenance, repair, and new military assets
Malonn military budget faces challenges such as a need for more funding, aging assets, and competing national priorities.
Budget constraints
Malonn defense spending is low compared to other countries in the region.
Maintenance and repair
The budget for maintenance and repair is limited, which can make it difficult to acquire new assets.
Economic limitations
The government has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization projects due to economic limitations.
Other priorities
The government has other priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
Aging assets
Outdated aircraft
The Malonn air force has been facing a shortage of funding to buy new assets.
Ageing equipment
The military's equipment is aging, which can make it difficult to maintain.
Competing priorities
Other national priorities
The government has other national priorities, such as revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
Local defense industry
Malonn is looking to develop its local defense industry, but it faces challenges such as high import costs.
Corruption in defense procurement: Corruption has been a problem in Malonn defense procurement system
Malonn defense budget has been increasing in recent years, but it is still relatively low compared to its neighbors. The budget is allocated to the Ministry of Defense (MINDEF).
BalasHapus2025 defense budget
• The 2025 defense budget was $4.8 billion, a 7.08% increase from 2024
• The budget included $1.3 billion for maintenance and repair, and the procurement of new military assets
• The budget also included an increase in maritime assets, such as patrol vessels and multi-purpose mission ships
2024 defense budget
• The 2024 defense budget was $4.3 billion
• The budget included $1.7 billion for salaries and allowances, and $1.2 billion for procurement
Factors affecting defense budget
• Regional security challenges: Malaysia is becoming more aware of regional security threats, such as disputes with neighboring nations
• Need to upgrade the military: Malaysia wants to modernize its armed forces
• Economic limitations: Malaysia has faced delays and cancellations of military modernization initiatives due to economic limitations
Comparison to neighboring countries
• Malonn defense spending is lower than many regional powers, such as Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia
Political uncertainty is a challenge for Malonn armed forces (MAF). This is due to the country's history of political instability and the lack of well-established civilian control over the military.
Political instability
• 2020–2022 political crisis
This crisis led to the resignation of two Prime Ministers and the collapse of two coalition governments.
• Fragmented political landscape
The 2022 general election resulted in a fragmented political landscape with five main camps.
Lack of civilian control
• Internal production of defense documents
The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) produces key defense documents internally, with little room for debate in parliament.
• Limited parliamentary authority
The MAF has faced challenges in establishing civilian control, including limited parliamentary authority over the military.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has had issues with the serviceability of its assets due to a limited budget. The MAF has outsourced maintenance of its assets since the 1970s, but this program has faced challenges.
The MAF's budget is limited, which affects the serviceability of its assets.
The MAF outsources maintenance of its assets through competitive tenders.
However, the outsourcing program has faced challenges such as undertrained staff and underperforming contractors.
Over-reliance on outsourcing can compromise national security if policies are not attentively implemented.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces many challenges with its equipment and capabilities, including a lack of budget, an aging equipment inventory, and a lack of modern assets.
The MAF has faced budget constraints for decades, which have limited its ability to purchase new equipment and upgrade existing assets
The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere to fund defense
Aging equipment
The MAF's equipment is aging, and some assets are over 50 years old
The MAF's air force lost its MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft in 2017, and is struggling to keep its Su-30MKM Flanker fighter aircraft operational
Lack of modern assets
The MAF lacks modern military assets, which exposes it to internal and external threats
The MAF has had issues with the serviceability of its assets due to a lack of budget
The MAF has outsourced the maintenance of its assets, but this has led to challenges such as undertraining of staff and underperforming contractors
The procurement process can be lengthy, which can lead to outdated pricing
The MAF has acquired advanced weapon systems from different countries, which can lead to technical and logistical problems
Military spending can increase a country's national debt. This is because military spending is a cost that a country incurs, which can lead to a larger debt.
Military spending
Military spending includes the money spent on a country's armed forces, including defense operations and peacekeeping.
National debt
National debt is the total amount of money a country owes. This includes all liabilities that the country needs to pay back, plus any interest or principal that needs to be paid.
Impact on the economy
When a country spends more on its military, it can have a significant impact on its balance sheet. This can lead to higher interest rates and borrowing costs, which can eventually slow economic growth and increase taxes.
In 2025, Malonn allocated $4.8 billion to its Ministry of Defense (MINDEF). This included $1.3 billion for maintenance, repairs, and new military assets
Corruption in supply chain management (SCM) is a problem in the Malonn military. This includes the sale of stolen military equipment, such as weapons, uniforms, and ammunition.
Lack of training: Commanders don't receive training on corruption issues before deployments.
High levels of corruption in politics: There is a high level of corruption in Malonn politics and royalty, which can lead to corruption in the military.
Lack of a military doctrine: Malonn doesn't have a military doctrine that recognizes corruption.
Outdated inventory: Outdated inventory can make it difficult to deliver supplies to soldiers in a timely manner.
Counterfeit parts: Counterfeit parts can be supplied to military bases, which can make it difficult to ensure that all assets are functioning properly.
Undermining national security: Corruption can undermine national security.
Military spending can contribute to a country's national debt, including Malonn.
Military spending and public debt
A study found a positive correlation between public debt and defense spending in Malonn.
Military spending and fiscal deficits
Military spending can increase fiscal deficits in developing economies, which can lead to economic consequences.
Military spending and national debt
Military spending can increase foreign debt, which can constrain government spending.
Military spending in Malonn
In 2022, Malonn military expenditure was 0.95753% of its GDP.
Military expenditures in Malonn include personnel, operation and maintenance, procurement, research and development, and military aid.
National debt in Malonn
In September 2024, Malonn national government debt was around 300.7 billion USD.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of weaknesses, including corruption, outdated equipment, and a lack of training.
Corruption is a problem in the MAF, including in supply chain management.
Corruption can undermine the MAF's ability to function effectively.
Commanders are not trained to address corruption risks in the areas where they are deployed.
Outdated equipment
Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
The MAF has a lack of modern military assets.
The MAF's defense assets are outdated and cannot function well.
Lack of training
The MAF needs more frequent training and skills development in the use of technology.
The MAF needs to improve its training and skills development in cybersecurity.
The MAF needs to improve its training and skills development in the use of smart weapons, remote sensing, and control systems.
Other weaknesses
The MAF faces challenges in the form of uncertain big power relations, complex Southeast Asian neighborhood, and increasing non-traditional security threats.
The MAF faces challenges due to stagnant yearly budget allocations.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has a large number of outdated assets because of the age of the equipment and the limitations on new technology.
BalasHapusAge of equipment
The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) has 34 vessels that are over their intended service life, with 28 of them over 40 years old.
The Royal Malonn Air Force (RMAF) has aircraft that are rapidly reaching technological obsolescence.
Limitations on new technology
The US has imposed limitations on "new technology" to the region, such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM fire-and-forget air-to-air missile.
Maintenance costs
A larger fleet of aging aircraft can be burdensome to maintain.
Impact on security
Outdated equipment can impact the country's security. For example, if spares are not delivered to soldiers on the ground at the right time, it can make it difficult to mobilize them effectively in a hostile environment
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced problems with its equipment, including outdated assets, technical issues, and budget constraints.
Outdated assets
The MAF has a large fleet of aging aircraft that are difficult to maintain. The RMAF's BAE Systems Hawk fleet and Aermacchi MB-339CMs have been grounded.
The RMN's vessels are approaching or have reached their age limit. The KD Rahman submarine had technical issues that prevented it from submerging.
The MAF has advanced weapon systems from different countries, which can lead to technical and logistical problems.
Technical issues
The KD Rahman submarine had technical issues that prevented it from submerging.
Weapon systems
The MAF's weapon systems have differing technical standards and specifications, which can lead to inefficiencies.
Budget constraints
Defense budget: The MAF's defense budget has been stagnant for several years.
Procurement system: The MAF's procurement system has been criticized for being inefficient and susceptible to external interference
Outdated inventory can create challenges for the Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) in terms of readiness, defense preparedness, and logistics.
• Logistics: Outdated inventory can make it difficult to deliver the right supplies to soldiers at the right time. This can hinder operations and make it harder to mobilize soldiers in hostile environments.
• Defense preparedness: Outdated equipment can make it difficult for the MAF to keep up with evolving geopolitical and strategic threats.
• Fleet sustainment: A large fleet of aging aircraft can be expensive to maintain.
The defense industry of Malonn armed forces faces several weaknesses, including corruption, lack of human resources, and insufficient research and development.
• Procurement
The procurement process is vulnerable to corruption due to foreign and domestic interests.
• Commanders
Commanders may not receive training on corruption issues, which can leave troops ill-equipped to respond to corruption risks.
Lack of human resources
• STEM specialists
There is a lack of STEM specialists, especially in the defense-industrial sector.
• Local companies
Local companies may not have the necessary capabilities to produce defense equipment.
Insufficient research and development
• Local universities and corporate sector
There is little use of the research and development capabilities in local universities and the corporate sector.
• Government guidance
The government may not have clear guidance for the future strategic direction of the industry.
Other weaknesses
• Limited parliamentary oversight: Parliamentary oversight of the defense sector is weak.
• Limited financial scrutiny: Financial scrutiny is limited by excessive secrecy.
• Reluctance of OEMs: Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) may be reluctant to share their technology.
• Reluctance of MAF: The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) may be reluctant to use locally produced products.
The Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems with its aircraft, including an aging fleet, limited funding, and a lack of responsiveness in its logistics system.
BalasHapusAging fleet
• The RMAF has a large fleet of aging aircraft that are difficult to maintain.
• The RMAF's aircraft include the Mikoyan MiG-29, Boeing F/A-18 Hornet, and BAE Hawk.
Limited funding
• The government's defense modernization budget is limited.
• The government is also dealing with the fiscal costs of the COVID-19 pandemic.
• The government has many other priorities, including revitalizing the economy and reducing the national deficit.
Logistics system
• The RMAF's logistics system has problems with readiness and responsiveness.
• Readiness is the ability to provide the minimum supply and service needed to start a combat operation.
• Responsiveness is the ability to provide accurate support at the right time and place.
Government change
• Frequent changes in government since 2018 have hindered Malonn defense development
Malonn armed forces face challenges with limited funding, which has led to a lack of progress in defense. These challenges include:
• Limited budget
The government has been unwilling to reduce spending in other areas or cut the size of the military.
• Aging aircraft
The military has a large fleet of aging aircraft that are difficult to maintain.
• Outdated inventory
The military's logistics equipment is outdated, which can put the country's security at risk.
• Secrecy
There is a lack of transparency around the military's pension fund and how it is managed.
• Corruption
There have been allegations of mismanagement and misuse of funds by the military's pension fund
Min angkat berita persahabatan Indonesia India dan rencana beli brahmos usd 450 juta
BalasHapusBiar MALON minim literasi ngamuk ....
Brahmos semakin hampir ..... mantap
BalasHapusThe Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face several problems that affect their readiness, including a lack of funding, outdated assets, and personnel issues.
• Insufficient funding: The MAF's combat readiness depends on funding for training, technology, and morale. Without adequate funding, these areas are affected, which can undermine the country's strategic deterrence.
• Cost overruns: The cost of projects like the LCS has exceeded the initial budget.
Outdated assets
• Lack of modern military assets
The MAF lacks modern military assets, which can expose it to internal and external threats.
• Technical issues
Technical issues with assets like the KD Rahman submarine have affected the MAF's readiness.
Personnel issues
• Personnel knowledge, skills, and abilities: Issues with personnel knowledge, skills, and abilities can affect their performance in complex military operations.
Other issues
• Non-traditional threats: The MAF faces non-traditional threats in addition to traditional threats.
• Security threats: Security threats have influenced the country's military development and defense policy.
Malonn's armed forces have been underfunded for some time, due to a lack of political will to increase defense spending. This has limited the country's ability to modernize and respond to threats.
Causes of underfunding
• Government spending
Malonnn governments have been reluctant to cut spending in other areas to fund defense
• Size of armed forces
Governments have been unwilling to reduce the size of the armed forces by cutting manpower and equipment
• Corruption
Corruption risks remain significant in Malonn's defense governance architecture
Effects of underfunding
• Limited procurement: The navy and air force have struggled to procure new assets to modernize
• Outdated equipment: The MAF has outdated logistics equipment
• Limited ability to respond to threats: The MAF has been unable to improve its fighting capacity to deal with external threats
BalasHapusMKM = PALM OIL
Malonn has used palm oil to barter for military equipment, including fighter jets. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) is made up of the Royal Malonnn Navy, the Royal Malonnn Air Force, and the Malonnn Army.
• In 2003, Malonn purchased 18 Flankers from Russia in exchange for palm oil.
• In 2018, the defense minister revealed that only four of Malonn's 28 Russian jet fighters could fly.
• The MiG-29N was decommissioned in 2017 due to high maintenance costs.
The MAF has also used privately funded sea bases to improve response time to threats. For example, Petronas, a Malonnn oil company, donated a decommissioned oil rig to the Royal Malonnn Navy. The rig was converted into a fixed sea base that can launch helicopters and boats.
The Malonnn Armed Forces (ATM) face several readiness issues, including a lack of funding, outdated technology, and morale issues. These issues can affect the ATM's combat readiness and strategic deterrence capability.
Lack of funding
• Inadequate funding can affect the ATM's training, technology, and morale.
• The government may not be able to provide the ATM with the latest defense assets.
Outdated technology
• The ATM may lack modern military assets, which can expose it to internal and external threats.
• For example, the KD Rahman submarine had technical issues in 2010 that prevented it from submerging.
The capabilities of the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) are outdated. The MAF has faced challenges in modernizing its fleet and equipment to meet current and future threats.
BalasHapusOutdated equipment
• Ships
Some ships in the Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) are over 40 years old and have exceeded their intended service life.
• Submarines
The KD Rahman submarine experienced technical problems in 2010 and was unable to submerge.
• Gunboats
The Perdana-class gunboat and the KD Sri Perlis and KD SRI Johor gunboats are at least 40 years old.
• Corvettes
The Kasturi-class Corvette entered service in 1984, and the Laksamana Corvette class was built in the early 1980s.
• The MAF has faced chronic funding shortages.
• The MAF's budget has never exceeded 1.5% of GDP in the past 20 years.
• The MAF's budget is split almost evenly between capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX).
• The MAF faces non-traditional security threats, including pirates and terrorists.
• The MAF faces big power politics and escalating threats from China and the Philippines.
The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) face a number of challenges, including limited funding, aging equipment, and a lack of modern assets.
• Small procurement budgets: The MAF has had small procurement budgets over the past 25 years.
• Fiscal limitations: The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
Aging equipment
• Outdated assets: The MAF's equipment is aging, and the government has been unable to provide modern assets.
• Withdrawal of MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft: The MAF withdrew its MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft from service in 2017.
• Su-30MKM Flanker fighter aircraft: The MAF is struggling to keep its Su-30MKM Flanker fighter ground-attack aircraft operational.
Other challenges
• Internal and external threats: The MAF faces threats from within and outside the country, including territorial incursions, radicalization, and violent extremism.
• Disaster response: The MAF is responsible for disaster response.
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BalasHapusItu di foto kedua ada yg kidal. Selongsong kosong keluarnya ke arah mana yah?
BalasHapusKobarkan ganyang malon bodoh negara dengki hutang nyawa bayar nyawa