26 Januari 2025

Menhan Lakukan Kunjungan Kerja ke PT PAL

26 Januari 2025

Dalam kunjungan kerjanya Menhan menyaksikan pembangunan dermaga shiplift kapal selam, melihat progres pembangunan kapal Fregat Merah Putih ke-1 dan ke-2 serta pembangunan LPD Filipina ke-3 dan ke-4 (photos: Indonesia Military Observer)

Meninjau Pembangunan Dermaga Shiplift Kapal Selam

Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin bersama Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia, Kaharuddin Djenod, meninjau pembangunan Dermaga Shiplift di Fasilitas Kapal Selam PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, Jumat (24/1).

Menhan Sjafrie memberikan arahan strategis untuk memastikan kesiapan PT PAL dan juga mengapresiasi transformasi digital PT PAL. Transformasi ini selaras dengan visi Presiden Prabowo Subianto untuk membangun industri pertahanan berbasis teknologi tinggi yang memberikan nilai tambah bagi bangsa. 

Percepatan pembangunan proyek strategis Fregat Merah Putih

Kabaranahan Kemhan, Marsdya TNI Yusuf Jauhari, M.Eng., mendampingi Menhan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, bersama jajaran Kemhan, dalam kunjungan kerja ke PT PAL Indonesia di Surabaya pada Jumat (24/1). Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Menhan juga didampingi oleh Aslog Kasal, Askomlek Kasal, serta Dirut PT PAL, Kaharuddin Djenod, bersama Komisaris dan Direksi perusahaan.

Kunjungan ini bertujuan memberi arahan strategis kepada PT PAL dalam menghadapi tantangan global dan memastikan kesiapan industri dalam perubahan dinamis. Menhan mengapresiasi transformasi digital mandiri PT PAL dan percaya bahwa teknologi tersebut bisa mempercepat pembangunan proyek strategis, seperti Kapal Fregat Merah Putih.

Menhan mendorong kerjasama PT PAL dengan mitra berteknologi tinggi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan industri pertahanan. Dirut PT PAL, Kaharuddin Djenod, melaporkan transformasi seperti monitoring real-time produksi, SDM, keuangan, dan rantai pasok. PT PAL juga fokus pada R&D kapal penginderaan, reverse engineering, dan MRO untuk produk pertahanan, serta memiliki Divisi Sewaco.

Transformasi ini sejalan dengan visi Presiden Prabowo Subianto untuk membangun industri pertahanan berbasis teknologi tinggi dan menambah nilai. PT PAL diharapkan unggul dalam R&D Alutsista untuk meningkatkan TKDN.

Peningkatan kapasitas PT PAL penting untuk keberhasilan jangka panjang dan mewujudkan visi blue water navy. Kunjungan diakhiri dengan tinjauan fasilitas produksi, menunjukkan kesiapan PT PAL dalam mendukung kemandirian industri pertahanan nasional. 

27 komentar:

  1. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of problems with procurement, including corruption, budgetary constraints, and a lack of transparency.
    • Corruption has been a problem in the procurement of defense equipment in Malonn.
    Budgetary constraints
    • The Malonnn government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces to fund defense.
    • Budget constraints have forced the MAF to focus on service life extension and upgrades instead of large-scale procurement.
    Lack of transparency
    • The decision-making process for defense procurement in Malonn has been opaque.
    • There has been tension between the public's right to know and the military's "need-to-know" policies.
    Other problems
    • The MAF has sourced weapons systems and platforms from many different foreign suppliers, which can make it difficult to find personnel to manage the equipment.
    • The MAF has imported a lot of defense products because the local companies' production capacity and profit margins are not enough to justify the quantity of products and services required.
    The MAF's military outposts are located away from the nearest Malonnn air and naval bases
    MENUNGGU 2041-2045 = C130J
    Diterangkan Utusan Malon, mereka baru bisa mendapatkan C-130 J Super Hercules paling tidak di tahun 2041 hingga 2045.
    MENUNGGU 2055 = HAWK :
    Kerajaan merancang secara sistematik penggantian pesawat Hawk 108 dan Hawk 208 seperti yang digariskan dalam Pembangunan Keupayaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malon (TUDM) 2055
    MENUNGGU 2050 = MRSS
    MENUNGGU 2050 = LCS
    MENUNGGU 2050 = PV
    MENUNGGU 2050 = LMS
    Panglima TLDM Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza Mohd Sany berkata, bilangan kapal itu mungkin akan berubah bergantung kepada keadaan geo-strategik rantau itu yang dinamik.
    Dalam temuramah dengan majalah pertahanan berbahasa Inggeris tempatan, Asian Defence Journal (ADJ) keluaran May-Jun tahun ini, beliau juga memaklumkan bilangan jenis-jenis kapal perang yang dirancang dimiliki oleh TLDM dibawah pelan transformasi itu.
    “Mengikut Pelan Transformasi 15 ke 5 TLDM, ia dijangka akan memiliki 12 buah kapal Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), tiga buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 18 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship (LMS), 18 buah kapal Patrol Vessel (PV) dan empat buah kapal selam menjelang tahun 2050,” kata beliau dalam temuramah itu.
    Nampak gaya,impian untuk melihat TLDM menambah bilangan kapal selam dimilikinya daripada dua buah kepada empat buah akan hanya direalisasikan menjelang tahun 2050.
    MENUNGGU 2030 = LMS B2
    MENUNGGU 2030 = HELI
    MENUNGGU 2030 = MRSS
    Perolehan 3 buah LMSB2 itu dilakukan melalui kaedah Government to Government (G2G) dengan negara Turkiye.
    RMKe-13 merangkumi tempoh tahun 2026-2030.
    “Perolehan bagi baki 3 buah LMS lagi akan dimasukkan di bawah RMKe-13,” ujar beliau.
    Selain LMS, TLDM turut merancang perolehan 2 buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 3 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 3, 4 buah helikopter anti kapal selam dan 6 buah Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
    “Proses perolehan bagi aset-aset baharu ini dijangka berlangsung sehingga 2030. Kesemua perolehan aset TLDM ini dianggarkan
    1. Budget
    The MAF has a limited budget, which affects the serviceability of its assets.
    2. Outsourcing
    The MAF has outsourced maintenance of its assets since the 1970s, but the outsourcing program has faced challenges such as undertrained staff, underperforming contractors, and lack of contract enforcement.
    3. Old inventory
    The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) has a number of old ships in service, including the Kasturi-class Corvette, the Laksamana Corvette class, the Perdana-class gunboat, and the Handalan and Jerung class.
    4. Spare parts
    There are issues with delivering spare parts to soldiers on the ground at the right time

  2. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced several weaknesses with its equipment, including outdated assets, a lack of modern equipment, and a lack of operational compatibility.
    Outdated assets
    The MAF has many assets that were purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and are now outdated.
    The MAF has had issues with its submarines, including a conventional submarine that couldn't submerge due to technical problems.
    Lack of modern equipment
    The MAF has faced challenges in acquiring modern equipment due to weak economic growth and limited defense spending.
    The MAF has been unable to provide its forces with the latest defense assets.
    Lack of operational compatibility
    The MAF has acquired weapons and equipment for specific peacekeeping operations that may not be compatible with its conventional force development needs.
    This has led to logistical and maintenance problems.
    The MAF has been working to modernize its equipment, including its Navy, Air Force, and Army.
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced challenges with maintenance and logistics, including the age of its fleet and the quality of its equipment.
    Aging fleet
    The MAF's fleet has been criticized for its age, which has raised questions about its ability to defend the country. For example, a 45-year-old navy ship sank during a patrol due to its age and a navigational error.
    Maintenance budget
    The MAF's maintenance budget is part of the annual defense budget allocated to the Ministry of Defense (MINDEF).
    Outdated inventory
    Studies have identified weaknesses in the quality of MAF logistics equipment and the outdated nature of its inventory stock.
    Spare parts delivery
    The delivery of spare parts to soldiers on the ground has been identified as a potential stumbling block in operations.
    Other challenges
    Defense ecosystem
    The first Malaysia Defence White Paper (DWP) identified glitches in the country's defense ecosystem.
    Regional security
    Malaysia's military capability has been ranked lower than other countries in the region.
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced issues with the age and condition of its vessels, as well as with its logistics.
    Vessel age
    The Royal Malaysian Navy's (TLDM) fleet includes many ships that are well beyond their serviceable lifespan.
    The MAF's helicopters were commissioned in the 1960s.
    The 260-ton patrol boat KD Pendekar was commissioned in 1979.
    Vessel condition
    The hull of the KD Pendekar was weak, which contributed to flooding and the sinking of the vessel.
    The KD Pendekar was off course when it hit the reef, which was caused by a navigation error.
    The MAF has faced issues with the quality of its logistics equipment.
    There are concerns that the MAF's rapid development since the Cold War has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    There are concerns that the MAF's logistics weakness could affect the country's security.

  3. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces several challenges, including a lack of modern equipment, corruption, and financial constraints.
    Lack of modern equipment
    Most of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s
    The government is unable to provide the MAF with modern equipment
    The MAF is exposed to internal and external threats due to its lack of modern equipment
    The MAF's supply chain management (SCM) is often under stress from corruption
    Corruption is common in the Malaysian military due to the high level of corruption in Malaysian politics and royalty
    Financial constraints
    Financial constraints may derail the MAF's force development program
    The government's financial ability must be considered when planning the MAF's development
    Other challenges
    The MAF faces non-traditional security threats
    The MAF needs to manage cross-domain operations involving land, sea, air, cyber, and space forces
    The MAF needs to be proactive and pragmatic in coping with strategic risks
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced weaknesses in the quality of its logistics equipment and in its ability to deliver spares to soldiers in need.
    Logistics equipment quality
    Studies have noted the quality of the MAF's logistics equipment, but there is a lack of information on the government's policies and actions to improve it.
    Outdated inventory stock can affect the country's security.
    Spares delivery
    A failure to deliver spares to soldiers in a timely manner can make it difficult for them to operate and mobilize in hostile environments.
    This can put soldiers at risk of being captured, tortured, or killed by the enemy.

  4. Malonn armed forces face financial challenges, including limited budgets, aging equipment, and a lack of transparency.
    Limited budgets
    The Malonn government has been reluctant to increase defense spending by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    The 2024 defense budget allocated $4.16 billion, with over 40% of that going to salaries and allowances.
    The defense budget has been small for the past quarter-century.
    Aging equipment
    The Royal Malonn Air Force (RMAF) has been unable to replace its aging fleet of aircraft.
    The RMAF's MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft were withdrawn from service in 2017.
    The RMAF's Su-30MKM Flanker fighter ground-attack aircraft are difficult to keep operational.
    Lack of transparency
    There is a lack of transparency in the promotion and appointment processes for military personnel.
    There is a lack of transparency in budget spending.
    Other challenges
    The Official Secrets Act prohibits military personnel from reporting wrongdoing.
    Political connections can play a role in promotion decisions.
    Malonn armed forces face several challenges in modernizing, including budget constraints, aging equipment, and a lack of local defense industry.
    Budget constraints
    Malaysia's defense spending is low compared to its neighbors, and the government has been reluctant to cut spending elsewhere to fund defense.
    The government has faced delays and cancellations of modernization initiatives due to economic limitations.
    Aging equipment
    The country's equipment inventory is aging, and the air force has been challenged by the withdrawal of Russia-supplied fighter aircraft

  5. The Malomn armed forces face several problems with procurement, including budget constraints, political influence, and the difficulty of managing diverse equipment.
    Budget constraints
    The Malaysian government has been unwilling to reduce government spending or the size of the armed forces to fund defense.
    The 2024 defense budget allocated $1.2 billion for procurement, which is a slight increase from 2023.
    Political influence
    The procurement process is subject to political influence from suppliers.
    For example, the purchase of military helicopters in 2015 was done in violation of the Ministry of Finance's procedures.
    There is weak external oversight of the process.
    Managing diverse equipment
    The Malaysian military has sourced weapons systems and platforms from many different foreign suppliers.
    This has led to a variation in advanced technological terms, making it difficult to find personnel to manage the equipment.
    It can also be difficult to keep the equipment operational, especially when stocks of spares run out.
    Other problems
    The tension between the public's right to know and the military's "need-to-know" policies
    The bureaucracy and opacity of the procurement system
    The possibility of corruption and leakages happening with public funds
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced challenges with modernizing its technology and equipment. Some of these challenges include:
    Limited capabilities
    The MAF has faced limitations in its capabilities, such as when it was unable to incorporate the JDEWR system during Cope Taufan 14.
    Outdated equipment
    The MAF has had outdated equipment, such as the Scorpene submarine, which was unable to submerge due to technical issues.
    Aging aircraft
    The MAF's fleet of legacy Hornets is reaching technological obsolescence, which can make it difficult to maintain.
    Limited ISR capability
    The MAF's infantry platoon has limited ISR capability, which can make it difficult to detect and track threats.
    The MAF has been working to improve its capabilities through a number of initiatives, including:
    Networked force
    The MAF is working to become a networked force by 2035, using information technology to improve military effectiveness.
    Smart weapons
    The MAF is introducing more advanced technology into military operations, including smart weapons, sensor and remote-control systems, and long-range surveillance systems.
    The MAF is using UAVs to provide critical ISR capabilities for the infantry platoon.

  6. Tentu saja supply selang dan septic tank hasil kontribusi malon harus dicek mereka sering delay dalam pengiriman 🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂

  7. Please gempur..liat berita ni jgnlah banyak yg bunuh diri di Malon ya..tak baik terima saje kenyataan biar lege..🤣🤣🤣

    1. Malon itu bangsa pengecut bodoh bisnya tukang klaim ga bisa. Apa2 lonlonlon purwira bodoh

  8. PPA pertama bulan berapa dikirim ?

  9. Jadi LHD adalah keniscayaan..😁🤫

    "...jangka panjang dan mewujudkan visi blue water navy.."

    PT PAL.. 💪🇲🇨⚓🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⚔️


    1. hasilnya kapal udah karatan cuman di cat.. diuji jalannya kapal udah miring miring.. 🤣🤣🤣

  11. Punya raja minyak g disebutin kapalnya...paling gede

  12. Pokoknya jangan lupa kita nyanyi dulu




    1. hamiwow...hamiwow ... melambaiii haha!🤗🤗🤗

  13. Spertimya aroma rudal brahmos makin deket

  14. kalo FMP pasti jadi duluan haha!👍👍👍
    CA$H kita banyak, lancar jaya haha!🤑🤑🤑
    lcs, ktinggalan jauuhhh...kurang suntikan duit bikin Malyu kawasan aja haha!😋😋😋

  15. ada yang tersakiti...ehh kaburrr haha!🤭🤭🤭

  16. Dalam kunjungan kerjanya Menhan menyaksikan pembangunan dermaga shiplift kapal selam, melihat progres pembangunan kapal Fregat Merah Putih ke-1 dan ke-2 serta pembangunan LPD Filipina ke-3 dan ke-4

    real ON TRACK haha!😉😉😉

    seblah tuw celup naik..last last tinggal 5 mungkin haha!😜😜😜

  17. 2025 $1.3 BILLION MINDEF =
    Military spending
    In 2025, Malaysia's Ministry of Defense (MINDEF) was allocated $4.8 billion to protect the country's sovereignty.
    This budget included $1.3 billion for maintenance, repairs, and new military assets..
    Public debt and defense spending in Malonn are related, and the relationship between the two is important to consider for fiscal dynamics.
    Debt and economic growth
    The relationship between government debt and economic growth is a key policy question. Some research suggests that there is a non-linear relationship between the two variables.
    Military spending and external debt
    Military spending can have security and economic consequences, especially for developing economies. Rapid expansion in military spending can lead to rising fiscal deficits.
    Public debt and defense spending in Malaysia
    Research has been conducted to study the relationship between public debt and defense spending in Malaysia. This research has used data from the World Bank to analyze the dynamic relationship between the two variables.
    Policy implications
    Policymakers need to balance the benefits and costs of incurring higher government debt. They need to consider the trade-off between the benefits of growth and the costs of slowing down growth due to additional debt.

  18. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) face many challenges, including:
    Personnel: The MAF has difficulty recruiting and retaining high-quality personnel, partly due to poor service conditions.
    Equipment: The MAF needs to modernize its equipment, including replacing its fleet of Nuri helicopters.
    Infrastructure: The MAF needs to improve its defense infrastructure, including living quarters.
    Ethnic composition: The MAF needs to rebalance the ethnic composition of its forces.
    Local content: The MAF needs to increase the local content of its equipment.
    Research and development: The MAF needs to increase its research and development activities.
    Logistic management: The MAF needs to improve its logistic management, including planning, operation implementation, and supply pre-budgeting.
    Non-traditional security challenges: The MAF needs to increase its authority to tackle non-traditional security challenges.
    As of September 2024, the Malonn Army has not acquired a 155 mm self-propelled howitzer (SPH) system. The Malonn Ministry of Defence has been discussing the project, but the final selection has not been made.
    Why the acquisition has been delayed?
    The acquisition program was announced in the 2010s, but the schedule, number of platforms, and total estimated cost were not defined.
    The Ministry of Finance canceled the intended purchase of self-propelled howitzer systems.
    The Malonn Army is still waiting for government approval to procure the system

  19. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has a large number of outdated assets because of the age of the equipment and the limitations on new technology.
    Age of equipment
    The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) has 34 vessels that are over their intended service life, with 28 of them over 40 years old.
    The Royal Malonn Air Force (RMAF) has aircraft that are rapidly reaching technological obsolescence.
    Limitations on new technology
    The US has imposed limitations on "new technology" to the region, such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM fire-and-forget air-to-air missile.
    Maintenance costs
    A larger fleet of aging aircraft can be burdensome to maintain.
    Impact on security
    Outdated equipment can impact the country's security. For example, if spares are not delivered to soldiers on the ground at the right time, it can make it difficult to mobilize them effectively in a hostile environment
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced problems with its equipment, including outdated assets, technical issues, and budget constraints.
    Outdated assets
    The MAF has a large fleet of aging aircraft that are difficult to maintain. The RMAF's BAE Systems Hawk fleet and Aermacchi MB-339CMs have been grounded.
    The RMN's vessels are approaching or have reached their age limit. The KD Rahman submarine had technical issues that prevented it from submerging.
    The MAF has advanced weapon systems from different countries, which can lead to technical and logistical problems.
    Technical issues
    The KD Rahman submarine had technical issues that prevented it from submerging.
    Weapon systems
    The MAF's weapon systems have differing technical standards and specifications, which can lead to inefficiencies.
    Budget constraints
    Defense budget: The MAF's defense budget has been stagnant for several years.
    Procurement system: The MAF's procurement system has been criticized for being inefficient and susceptible to external interference

  20. Public debt in Malonn has a positive association with defense spending. This means that as public debt increases, so does defense spending.
    Military spending can contribute to a country's national debt.
    Developing countries with weak economies may have a problem with external debt created by military spending.
    When a country borrows overseas to maintain financial balance, the debt rescheduling can increase fiscal deficits and create a debt overhang.
    Related studies
    A study in the International Journal of Business and Technology Management found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malaysia.
    A study in Researchgate assessed the fiscal sustainability of Malaysia by comparing military spending to the primary gap indicator.
    A paper in bnm.gov.my examined the relationship between government debt and economic growth in Malaysia.
    Malonn armed forces face a number of challenges with maintenance costs, including a lack of funding, outdated equipment, and corruption.
    Limited budget: Malonn defense budget has been limited due to fiscal constraints.
    Unwillingness to cut spending: Successive governments have been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere to fund defense.
    Corruption: There have been allegations of kickbacks in tenders for military equipment.
    Outdated equipment
    Aging aircraft: The Royal Malonn Air Force (RMAF) has a fleet of aging aircraft that are difficult to maintain.
    Incompatible spare parts: The navy has spare parts that are no longer compatible with its fleet.
    Failure to modernize: The navy has failed to modernize its fleet to meet current and future challenges.
    Other challenges
    Political machinations: The military faces significant risks from political machinations.
    Bureaucratic corruption: The military faces significant risks from bureaucratic corruption.
    Lack of clear anti-corruption strategy: The National Defence Policy lacks a clear anti-corruption strategy.

  21. Military spending can contribute to a country's national debt, including Malonn.
    Military spending and public debt
    A study found a positive correlation between public debt and defense spending in Malonn.
    Military spending and fiscal deficits
    Military spending can increase fiscal deficits in developing economies, which can lead to economic consequences.
    Military spending and national debt
    Military spending can increase foreign debt, which can constrain government spending.
    Military spending in Malonn
    In 2022, Malonn military expenditure was 0.95753% of its GDP.
    Military expenditures in Malonn include personnel, operation and maintenance, procurement, research and development, and military aid.
    National debt in Malonn
    In September 2024, Malonn national government debt was around 300.7 billion USD.
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced a number of weaknesses, including corruption, outdated equipment, and a lack of training.
    Corruption is a problem in the MAF, including in supply chain management.
    Corruption can undermine the MAF's ability to function effectively.
    Commanders are not trained to address corruption risks in the areas where they are deployed.
    Outdated equipment
    Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
    The MAF has a lack of modern military assets.
    The MAF's defense assets are outdated and cannot function well.
    Lack of training
    The MAF needs more frequent training and skills development in the use of technology.
    The MAF needs to improve its training and skills development in cybersecurity.
    The MAF needs to improve its training and skills development in the use of smart weapons, remote sensing, and control systems.
    Other weaknesses
    The MAF faces challenges in the form of uncertain big power relations, complex Southeast Asian neighborhood, and increasing non-traditional security threats.
    The MAF faces challenges due to stagnant yearly budget allocations.

  22. Military spending can increase a country's national debt. This is because military spending is a cost that a country incurs, which can lead to a larger debt.
    Military spending
    Military spending includes the money spent on a country's armed forces, including defense operations and peacekeeping.
    National debt
    National debt is the total amount of money a country owes. This includes all liabilities that the country needs to pay back, plus any interest or principal that needs to be paid.
    Impact on the economy
    When a country spends more on its military, it can have a significant impact on its balance sheet. This can lead to higher interest rates and borrowing costs, which can eventually slow economic growth and increase taxes.
    In 2025, Malonn allocated $4.8 billion to its Ministry of Defense (MINDEF). This included $1.3 billion for maintenance, repairs, and new military assets
    Corruption in supply chain management (SCM) is a problem in the Malaysian military. This includes the sale of stolen military equipment, such as weapons, uniforms, and ammunition.
    Lack of training: Commanders don't receive training on corruption issues before deployments.
    High levels of corruption in politics: There is a high level of corruption in Malonn politics and royalty, which can lead to corruption in the military.
    Lack of a military doctrine: Malonn doesn't have a military doctrine that recognizes corruption.
    Outdated inventory: Outdated inventory can make it difficult to deliver supplies to soldiers in a timely manner.
    Counterfeit parts: Counterfeit parts can be supplied to military bases, which can make it difficult to ensure that all assets are functioning properly.
    Undermining national security: Corruption can undermine national security.

  23. The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) has had issues with the serviceability of its assets due to a limited budget. The MAF has outsourced maintenance of its assets since the 1970s, but this program has faced challenges.
    The MAF's budget is limited, which affects the serviceability of its assets.
    The MAF outsources maintenance of its assets through competitive tenders.
    However, the outsourcing program has faced challenges such as undertrained staff and underperforming contractors.
    Over-reliance on outsourcing can compromise national security if policies are not attentively implemented.
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces many challenges with its equipment and capabilities, including a lack of budget, an aging equipment inventory, and a lack of modern assets.
    The MAF has faced budget constraints for decades, which have limited its ability to purchase new equipment and upgrade existing assets
    The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere to fund defense
    Aging equipment
    The MAF's equipment is aging, and some assets are over 50 years old
    The MAF's air force lost its MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter aircraft in 2017, and is struggling to keep its Su-30MKM Flanker fighter aircraft operational
    Lack of modern assets
    The MAF lacks modern military assets, which exposes it to internal and external threats
    The MAF has had issues with the serviceability of its assets due to a lack of budget
    The MAF has outsourced the maintenance of its assets, but this has led to challenges such as undertraining of staff and underperforming contractors
    The procurement process can be lengthy, which can lead to outdated pricing
    The MAF has acquired advanced weapon systems from different countries, which can lead to technical and logistical problems
