03 Maret 2025

HHI Lakukan Keel Laying OPV Filipina yang Pertama

03 Maret 2025

Keel laying OPV pertama Filipina di HHI shipyard, Korsel (all photos: Eyorio)

Akun X (dahulu Twitter) dari Eyorio 1 Maret 2005 lalu membuat postingan tentang galangan  Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Korea Selatan bersama dengan perwakilan dari DND (Kementerian Pertahanan Filipina) dan Angkatan Laut Filipina yang telah mengadakan upacara keel laying kapal patroli lepas pantai (offshore patrol vessel) yang pertama pada tanggal 5 Februari 2025 lalu.

Pengadaan enam kapal OPV yang mempunyai panjang 94,4 meter dan berat 2.400 ton yang ditanda-tangani pada 27 Juni 2022 lalu dibeli untuk Angkatan Laut Filipina di bawah proyek akuisisi Kapal Offshore Patrol Vessel dari Program Modernisasi AFP Horizon 2.

Kapal OPV pertama yang diberi kode HHI dengan nomor P172 ini menurut rencana akan diserahkan pada tahun 2026. Sedangkan menurut kontrak seluruh kapal OPV akan diserahkan pada tahun 2028. Sejauh ini belum ada penjelasan mengapa antara penanda-tanganan kontrak dan awal pembangunan terdapat jeda waktu yang cukup lama.

OPV HDP-2200 (image: HHI)

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) sejauh ini telah mendapatkan kepercayaan yang besar dari Pemerintah Filipina karena dipilih untuk membangun 3 tipe kapal surface combatant Angkatan Laut Filipina yang terdiri dari 2 fregat HDF-2600 Jose Rizal class, 2 korvet HDC-3100 Miguel Malvar class dan 6 offshore patrol vessel HDP-2200 yang namanya baru akan diberikan saat acara launching nanti.

11 komentar:

  1. DELAYED LCS ...........
    PROGRESS 70.1% (2025-2011 = 15 YEARS)
    PROGRESS 70.1% (2025-2011 = 15 YEARS)
    PROGRESS 70.1% (2025-2011 = 15 YEARS)
    Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari said on Thursday that the overall progress of the long-delayed littoral combat ships (LCS) project had reached 70.1% as of Oct 25 this year.
    70.1% : 15 YEARS = 4.6% PER YEARS
    70.1% : 15 YEARS = 4.6% PER YEARS
    70.1% : 15 YEARS = 4.6% PER YEARS
    The progress — which includes design, construction, equipping, and testing — is slightly behind schedule by 0.59%, as the planned progress was 70.69%, according to the contract’s timeline.
    On the first LCS (LCS 1), the construction is in its final phase and is expected to be completed by the end of this year, Adly noted.
    “Kementerian Dalam Negeri dibenarkan menamatkan kontrak projek tersebut setelah mendapat pandangan daripada Jabatan Peguam Negara. Sehubungan itu, kerajaan menandatangani perjanjian penamatan bersama pihak syarikat pada 31 Disember 2024,” katanya dalam jawapan bertulis yang dimuat naik dalam laman web Parlimen pada Khamis malam.
    LCS 2025-2011 = 15 TAHUN
    LCS DIBAYAR 6 RM 11.2 BILLION NOT YET DELIVERED = The cost of the LCS project is NOw RM11.2 billion. It must be NOted from that RM11.2 billion, Lunas or the former BNS used around RM1 billion to pay its debts and to upgrade the facilities for the LCS project. And NOt a single ship has been delivered yet.
    NGPVs 2024-1996 = 28 TAHUN
    NGPVs DIBAYAR 27 JADI 6 = The Kedah-class offshore patrol vessels of the Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) are six ships based on the MEKO 100 design by Blohm + Voss. Originally, a total of 27 ships were planned, but due to programme delays and overruns, only six were eventually ordered. Their construction began in the early 2000s, and by 2009, all six were in active service.
    NGPVs BAYAR HUTANG LCS = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV," syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd
    Besides MTU Services, others include Contraves Sdn Bhd, Axima Concept SA, Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn Bhd, Contraves Electrodynamics Sdn Bhd and Tyco Fire, Security & Services Malonn Sdn Bhd, as well as iXblue SAS, iXblue Sdn Bhd and Protank Mission Systems Sdn Bhd. Also included are Bank Pembangunan Malonn Bhd, AmBank Islamic Bhd, AmBank (M) Bhd, MTU Services, Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd, Bank Muamalat Malonn Bhd, Affin Bank Bhd, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malonn Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) and KUWAIT FINANCE HOUSE (Malonn) Bhd.
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has faced challenges in modernizing its missile capabilities due to budgetary constraints, political interference, and a lack of modern assets.
    Budgetary constraints
    • The 1997 Asian financial crisis limited the MAF's ability to procure new weapons.
    • Malonn's defense budget is limited, which can affect the pace of acquisitions and upgrades.
    Political interference
    • Political leaders have been accused of interfering in procurement.
    Lack of modern assets
    • The MAF has aging military assets, including most of the navy's fleet and helicopters commissioned in the 1960s.
    • The MAF has experienced issues with the maintenance and spare parts for its aircraft.
    Other challenges the MAF has faced include: Poor planning, Personnel issues, and Critical problems with the PT-91M main battle tank.

    2011 PENGADAAN LCS = Pengadaan enam LCS pada 2011 itu juga dilakukan tanpa tender terbuka. Kapal-kapal itu akan dibangun di Galangan Kapal Boustead dan unit pertama sedianya dikirim pada 2019.
    2019 LCS DIJANGKA = KD Maharaja Lela setelah ditugaskan, diluncurkan secara seremonial pada Agustus 2017. Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019
    2022 LCS DIJANGKA = menurut jadual asal, setakat Ogos 2022 sepatutnya lima buah kapal LCS harus disiap dan diserahkan kepada TLDM.
    2023 LCS DIJANGKA = Seharusnya telah dikirim ke RMN pada April 2019, dengan kapal terakhir dijadwalkan untuk serah terima pada Juni 2023. Namun, progres kapal pertama baru sekitar 60% selesai
    2025 LCS DIJANGKA = Kapal pertama Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) TLDM itu dijangka hanya akan siap pada tahun 2025, iaitu 12 tahun selepas projek itu bermula pada Oktober 2013 dan kerajaan telah membayar RM6 bilion kepada kontraktor utama projek itu.
    2026 LCS DIJANGKA = Lima kapal LCS akan diserahkan kepada TLDM secara berperingkat dengan kapal pertama dijangka diserahkan pada penghujung 2026
    2029 LCS DIJANGKA = TLDM hanya akan dapat memperoleh kelima-lima LCS pada 2029 berbanding kontrak asal di mana 5 kapal LCS itu sepatutnya diserahkan pada 2022..
    17 KREDITUR = Besides MTU Services, others include Contraves Sdn Bhd, Axima Concept SA, Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn Bhd, Contraves Electrodynamics Sdn Bhd and Tyco Fire, Security & Services Malon Sdn Bhd, as well as iXblue SAS, iXblue Sdn Bhd and Protank Mission Systems Sdn Bhd. Also included are Bank Pembangunan Malon Bhd, AmBank Islamic Bhd, AmBank (M) Bhd, MTU Services, Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd, Bank Muamalat Malon Bhd, Affin Bank Bhd, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malon Bhd, Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) and KUWAIT FINANCE HOUSE (MALON) BHD.
    DELAYED LCS ...........
    PROGRESS 70.1% (2025-2011 = 15 YEARS)
    PROGRESS 70.1% (2025-2011 = 15 YEARS)
    PROGRESS 70.1% (2025-2011 = 15 YEARS)
    Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari said on Thursday that the overall progress of the long-delayed littoral combat ships (LCS) project had reached 70.1% as of Oct 25 this year.
    70.1% : 15 YEARS = 4.6% PER YEARS
    70.1% : 15 YEARS = 4.6% PER YEARS
    70.1% : 15 YEARS = 4.6% PER YEARS
    The progress — which includes design, construction, equipping, and testing — is slightly behind schedule by 0.59%, as the planned progress was 70.69%, according to the contract’s timeline.
    On the first LCS (LCS 1), the construction is in its final phase and is expected to be completed by the end of this year, Adly noted
    2029-2020 : INCREASE DEBT
    2029-2020 : INCREASE DEBT
    2029 = 438,09 BILLION USD
    2028 = 412,2 BILLION USD
    2027 = 386,51 BILLION USD
    2026 = 362,19 BILLION USD
    2025 = 338,75 BILLION USD
    2024 = 316,15 BILLION USD
    2023 = 293,83 BILLION USD
    2022 = 271,49 BILLION USD
    2021 = 247,49 BILLION USD
    2020 = 221,49 BILLION USD
    2029-2020 : DEBT PAY DEBT
    2029-2020 : OVERLIMIT DEBT
    2029 = 69,54% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2028 = 69,34% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2027 = 68,8% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2026 = 68,17% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2025 = 68,07% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2024 = 68,38% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2023 = 69,76% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2022 = 65,5% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2021 = 69,16% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    2020 = 67,69% DEBT RATIO TO GDP
    Malonn household debt is one of the highest in the ASEAN region. Against this backdrop, Bank Negara Malonn (BNM) safeguards financial stability by monitoring and regulating the lending activity of all financial institutions in Malonn, among other things. Using aggregated data from BNM's Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS), this dashboard gives you insight into key trends on household debt. For now, it displays data on the flow of borrowing activity on a monthly basis, broken down by purpose. In due time, it will be deepened with granular data showing the state of indebtedness of Malonn

  3. Pinoy jelas kalau mau beli kapal,, sedikit bicara mulai banyak kapalnya, beda dgn kampungnya si gempur banyak bicara kapal lama jadinya.πŸ€­πŸ˜„

  4. Tldm gun boat navy... 🚒 πŸ˜† 🀣

  5. Kapal ini bisa selesai duluan dari lcs 1 MALON

  6. Meneruskan artikel sebelumnya
    Soal SEWA menyewa BH, mending ane saranin buat para BERUK MALON(GEMPURWARIA CS)

    kalau mau nyewa BH mending di padepokan KEMUKUS aja.
    Stock melimpah MURAH MERIAH, asal mau sungkem dulu sama kepala padepokan nya (MBAH GONO) /abdi Daleman (OM SMILIKITY ) pasti PARA BERUK MALON mau SEWA BRAPA PASTI DIKASIH

  7. Mantab Pinoy... siap rebut Sabah.

  8. Jawaban para beruk tunggu setelah maghrib guys, masih kumpulin link berita aneka macam ttg Indonesia πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  9. Barang sewa kalau di pakai buat perang dan barang hancur bagaimana tuh??

    Berarti bayar sewa iya bayar ganti kerugian karena barang sewa hancur pas perang iya bayar juga dong
