25 November 2022

Australian Company to Illuminate Hunter Class Frigates

25 November 2022

Hunter class frigate (image : BAE Systems)

Australian business REDARC Defence & Space has been awarded a $23 million contract to supply 12,600 LED lights for the first batch of three Hunter class warships.

The contract is the culmination of a five-year collaboration between REDARC and UK company MARL International which will see Lonsdale-based REDARC lead the manufacture and delivery of lighting and related parts for the Royal Australian Navy’s anti-submarine warfare frigates.

BAE Systems Australia is working closely with the Commonwealth to build Australian industrial capability by contracting small and medium Australian businesses that are collaborating with the supply chain for the Type 26 frigates, under construction in the UK. The Hunter class frigates to be built at the Osborne Naval Shipyard in South Australia are based on BAE Systems’ reference ship Type 26 design.

REDARC Defence & Space is partnering with MARL International to manufacture and supply 79 different types of lights for each frigate, including bunk and flood lights, weatherdeck and step lights, general and emergency lights.

Shipbuilders working on the Hunter program are currently manufacturing five prototype ship blocks to test and refine the processes, systems, tools, facilities and workforce skills ahead of construction of four Hunter ship blocks in May 2023, planned to be used in the first ship.

BAE Systems Australia has already placed contracts with more than 50 Australian businesses to support Hunter’s prototyping phase, and as the program progresses will contract more local companies for equipment and parts manufacture, supply and assembly for the first three frigates.

22 komentar:

  1. Cakeb pesaing ah-indo ini haha!👍👍👍

    1. Itu tower kembar petronas dibelakang pungsinya apa ya om pal


    2. Buat memudahkan cari sasaran buat bomber china..😂😂😁😜

    3. Bukan tower kembar....tapi kembar tiga (malahan) karena yg satu lagi ada diatas anjungan/tiang radar utama

      Kalo antene triplet gitu fungsinya utk mendeteksi sinyal komunikasi dan sekaligus mengetahui posisi sumber sinyal komunikasi yg disadap dg cara triangulasi...shg jaraknya bisa diketahui

    4. Kalau di Type 26 Inggris, antena ketiga didalam integrated mast?

    5. 2 tower komunikasi, ditulisnya sich STS om acno...gak tau artinya, keknya temen BTS gt haha!😉😉😉

      penjelasan yg bnernya coba liat infografik dibawah ini om irs, drpd tersesat haha!🤭🤭🤭


    6. Ternyata memang hanya dua.
      Sudah ketemu STS maksudnya apa:
      Lagi ada lowongan tuh kalau ada yg tertarik.😁

  2. Balasan
    1. Iku ketoke tiang kanggo pasang sensor pasif (ono 3 jane ....sing siji neng tiang utama depan), koyoto C-ESM, sigint lan antene komunikasi

    2. Yen sepasang nang ngarep kii arane mblenduk'an massee, dudu tower...

    3. Fungsi ne buat nangkap siaran televisi mas

    4. Lha benerrrr kui....Saiki siaran televisi tak wes migrasi neng format digital dadi antene Yo disesuekke Ben Yen pas layar liwat sisih kidul pulau jowo opo pas liwat Alki isih iso nangkep siaran wayang kulit lan dangdut koplo

  3. Bukan kapal mangkrak sejak 2011 pastinya......

  4. Yang kapal MANGKRAK tu tepi sikit.. WKWKWKWKWKWKWK

    Si MALON memang hebat bina kapal TERLAMBAT di DUNIA... WKWKWKWK

    SLOW... Macam SIPUT... HaHaHaHaHa

  5. @Gempurqaria kapal LCS Maharaja lelah cacat dan SALAH POTONG...koq beritanya senyap


    1. Lcs sudah beroperasi di lautan kok,tp karena kecanggihannya yg halimunan stealth tingkat tinggi kapal nya gak keliatan di radar sama tak kasat mata

    2. Bual si rusli : LCS maharogolele spec ASW dan ASuW terbaik se ASEAN...wkwkwjwkwkwkkkkkk

  6. Om@ MAU TANYA

    RADAR CM 200/SHIKRA dan GM 200 sama atau beda

    1. Sama bro... CM-200 & GM-200 sama-sama pakai RADAR SHIKRA... Ya perbedaannya cuma penyebutan saja.

      CM-200/CONTROL MASTER 200 itu nama SYSTEM yang terintegrasi dengan rudal sam.

      Sedangkan GM-200/GROUND MASTER 200 itu radar yang yang juga punya nama lain SHIKRA. Nama SHIKRA itu katanya diambil dari BURUNG SHIKRA yang banyak di SINGAPORE kalau diindonesia BURUNG SHIKRA itu ALAP-ALAP.. Tapi bisa juga SHIKRA ITU disebut "System for Hybrid Interceptor Knowledge of Recognised Air (SHIKRA)"

      Ada lagi bro GM-200 FIRE FINDER RADAR... Nama sama tapi YANG INI untuk DETEKSI TEMBAKAN ARTILERI yang buat THALES BELANDA.. Sedangkan GM-200 SHIKRA buatan THALES INGGRIS kalau tak salah.
