26 Juli 2023

BRP Conrado Yap and HMAS ANZAC Conducted ASW Detection and RAS

26 Juli 2023

BRP Conrado Yap PS-39 and HMAS Anzac FF150 conducted naval exercise (photos : Conrado Yap PS39, Aus DoD) 

Unlocking Capabilities Despite Limitations During PN-RAN Exercise LUMBAS 2023

The Philippine Navy once again unlocked another milestone of its capability in the conduct of interoperability operations between allied navy. An important logistics maneuver was executed during conduct of Replenishment at Sea (RAS) between BRP CONRADO YAP (PS39) of the Philippine Navy and its counterpart from the Royal Australian Navy, HMAS ANZAC (FF150). The at-sea event of the Philippine Navy and Royal Australian Navy (PN-RAN) Exercise LUMBAS 2023 kicked off on July 20th and ran until July 22nd, 2023, held at the Naval Forces Northern Luzon Area of Operations.

Exercise LUMBAS 2023 started on July 18, 2023, held at the Naval Operating Base -Subic Guesthouse, Subic, Zambales. The exercise started with a series of Subject-Matter Expert Exchanges (SMEEs) and Table-Top Exercises between the participants. The Royal Australian Navy introduced to the personnel of BRP CONRADO YAP the utilization of the Expendable Mobile Anti-Submarine Training Target (EMATT). The EMATT provides signal-imitating submarines while launched at sea and will be best for SONAR training of the Anti-submarine vessels.

The two warships sailed toward the exercise area at the vicinity of Cabra Island, Occidental Mindoro. Its objectives aim to test the Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures of Anti-submarine Warfare capability and in the conduct of interoperability during Joint Naval Operations. Highlights of the activities were the conduct of anti-submarine detection and neutralization through the deployment of an Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Target EMATT and the Replenishment at Sea, which encompasses a major role in the conduct of joint naval operations. Personnel exchanges for the Subject Matter Experts were conducted in the morning from both ships to provide supervision on the highlighted events. Other activities comprised of maneuvering exercises, Surface Exercises, and Night Steaming in Company that also develops interoperability between the two navies.

The experience and knowledge acquired during Exercise LUMBAS 2023 were valuable to BRP CONRADO YAP and the Philippine Navy in general, especially in the introduction of EMATT and RAS. It highlights the importance of common operating practices between partner nations and like-minded navies. These events continue to deepen the relationship between the Philippine Navy and the Royal Australian Navy in the conduct of Joint Naval Operations.

12 komentar:

  1. si Anu seblah uda gak masuk itungan Osi lagi haha!😁😁😁

    1. Kt nggak jd ambil hibah kapal Koryo apa ya... kalau nggak jd kasih pinoy aja biar makin strong... persiapan merebut Sabah kembali... wkkkkwkk.


    kos sudah habis 11 billion 1 kapal pun belum nampak... Memang hebat lah IQ BERUK MALON nih dalam bina kapal...HAHAHAHAH

    SI MALON BULIY seluruh DUNIA guys .... HAHAHAH

  3. Si BERUK MALON makin kacau... Sembang sana sini latihan....ada kapal CHINA pun tak mampu halau hingga lebih 1 BULAN ....HAHAHAHAH

    PARAH.... semakin di BULI dan di HINAKAN oleh China... Di ceroboh hingga 1 bulan.. HAHAHAHA

    Kasihan si MALON... HAHAHAHAH

    BaCA ...

    (DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) – Sudah lebih daripada sebulan kapal penyelidik hidrografi China, Haiyang Dizhi Ba Hao 8 berada di dalam perairan Zon Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE) Malaysia berhampiran Beting Patinggi Ali (Luconia Shoals) menjalankan kerja-kerja penyelidikan “misterinya.”

    Walaupun sudah lebih daripada sebulan kapal penyelidik China itu berada di dalam perairan ZEE Malaysia, namun masih tiada kenyataan rasmi daripada kerajaan tentang kehadiran kapal saintifik asing itu di dalam perairan milik negara.

    Pelbagai persoalan timbul pada ketika ini, paling utama adalah sama ada kapal China itu sudah memperolehi kebenaran daripada Malaysia untuk melakukan kajian saintifik di dalam perairan ZEE milik negara?

  4. Walaupun sudah lebih daripada sebulan kapal penyelidik China itu berada di dalam perairan ZEE Malaysia, namun masih tiada kenyataan rasmi daripada kerajaan tentang kehadiran kapal saintifik asing itu di dalam perairan milik negara....

  5. Mantav Malon ramai yang ajak latihan, bikin gempork guling guling. Genk FPDA gitu loh.

  6. Ngumpulne sapa rika sing kelakuane seneng nggene ki........cuuuuuung ☝️


  7. Ini mana negara yang ngaku anggota fpda paling jaguh.

    Mungkin lagi latihan bareng dengan planet namex di galaksi batang bergetar.
