Two RAAF PC-21 aircraft conduct sorties over the Newcastle region with the US Air Force AC-130J Ghostrider aircraft, from 17th Special Operations Squadron (photo : Aus DoD)
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) recently welcomed the United States Air Force (USAF) Air Force Special Operations Command’s (AFSOC) 23rd Special Tactics Squadron (23rd STS), and 17th Special Operations Squadron (17th SOS) to RAAF Base Richmond, with their AC-130J Ghostriders, for Exercise Teak Action.
The annual bilateral Australia and United States special operations exercise ran from June 11 to July 1 and included missions around the local Hawkesbury region, RAAF Base Williamtown and the Singleton Military Area.
In its fifth iteration since 2018, Exercise Teak Action provided key training opportunities for the RAAF’s 4 Squadron Combat Control Team (CCT) and 35 Squadron (35SQN) to work with their AFSOC counterparts.
4 Squadron (4SQN) and the 23rd SOS engaged in dry-fire serials designed to train joint terminal attack control (JTAC) and forward air control – airborne (FAC-A) specialists in a range of scenarios and mission roles.
Squadron Leader Peter Kastenmaier operates the weapons systems on board a US Air Force AC-130J Ghostrider during a mission over RAAF Base Williamtown (photo : Aus DoD)
Commanding Officer 4SQN Wing Commander Steven Duffy said Exercise Teak Action was also an opportunity for 4SQN’s PC-21 and 35SQN’s C-27J Spartan to train with the 23rd STS and 17th SOS.
“It was a chance for the RAAF and the USAF to conduct formation flying, landing zone survey and close air support training that maintains our interoperability,” Wing Commander Duffy said.
This is the first time an AC-130 Hercules gunship has operated in Australia since its introduction into the USAF inventory in the 1960s. The AC-130J Ghostrider used during Exercise Teak Action is a C-130J Hercules modified for special operations roles.
AC-130 gunships have an extensive combat history over the past four decades, with the USAF deploying them to hotspots worldwide in support of special operations and conventional forces.
A RAAF combat controller, from 4 Squadron, patrols during a training serial, as part of Exercise Teak Action at Singleton Training Area, NSW (photo : Aus DoD)
Wing Commander Duffy said training with the AC-130J Ghostrider was beneficial for RAAF personnel.
“We’ve learnt about the capability of the aircraft, and the support framework required for the aircraft to base in Australia and project throughout the region,” he said.
Exercise Teak Action gave American and Australian personnel the chance to build on established working relationships and ensure both nations are prepared to give short-notice response to tasks in the Indo-Pacific region.
“4SQN has been particularly impressed with the professionalism and operational focus of the service men and women from both 17th SOS and 23rd STS,” Wing Commander Duffy said.
(Aus DoD)
BalasHapusGak bahaya ta Malon mimpi beli C130 J Super Hercules?
BalasHapusManakala malon training kirim" poto je 😂😂😂
BalasHapusIni bukan Pilatus berkarat macam RONGSOKAN sebelah tuu..
BalasHapusItu gambar diatas C-130J Super Herky dgn Super Tucano yaah....
BalasHapusMalon kagak punya....kàh..kàh..kah
Jangan keras keras nanti beruk Gemporwaria ngamuk bang.
Hapuskombo ganship+coin kita hrs punyak nich...walo gak hrs herki
BalasHapusmayan sapu jagat gini skali terbang buat anti gerilya haha!💪💪💪
ac-235 yordania klo murmer bole di lobi tuch mumpung open forsale...penguasanya tmen opa menhan pulak haha!😎😎😎
BalasHapusTeman dekat itu mah om pal...
HapusBentuknya 11/12 sama Tucano dan persenjataannya juga ngerih... Cocok buat PUSPENERBAL (TNI-AL) dipasangin FLIR/IRSTcocok buat SERANGAN MARITIM RINGAN
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusnach krn kedekatan itulah...harusnya kemhan lobi f-16 am/bm , blok 52 yordania yg mulai ancang” dilepas om acno, apalagi yordania uda sikat viper baruw.
Hapuskok malah nyari ke mesir katanya?! haha!🤭🤭🤭
makanya alasan mirage qatar dipili ampe kapanpun jd pertanyaan besar haha!🤫🤫🤫
guwe bukan anti mirage tp demi komonalitas dgn stok 33 falkon yg kita punya, kan manteb klo jd 48
apalagi rafale yg blum komplit 3 skuadron, 42 ituw tanggung, 48 sempurna haha!👏👏👏
ngeri jugak kebanyakan mirage, ntar rafalenya kesunat haha!😆😆😆
kebayang donk armada udara kita
rafale 48,
F-16 48
Borame 48
kita masi punyak ESYU+golden eagle dlm inventori
esyu-35 sebuah keniscayaaan, si eagle bekap
tp jgn kebanyakan pespur gen 4-4,5 uda waktunya gen 5 diternak jugak utk balans pawer dikawasan haha!😉😉😉
Baru dapat di fb
BalasHapusCalon VERSI BARU APC ANOA 6x6
ditunggu versi EW dan MLRS haha!🤭🤭🤭
HapusAmat disayangkan Indon X diundang dalam latihan yang berstandar tinggi (standar FPDA/NATO) kerana jika Indon ikut pasti akan mersak atau menurunan sandar latihan ini ....
BalasHapusJangankan dengan Australia .. bahkan dengan Malaysiapun tentera Indon betol-betol jauh dibawah standar .. Hal ini jelas terlihat ketika Indon dan Malaysia berlatih berdama ... Gap terlihat terlalu besar .. sehingga dalam latihan bersama itu ... tentera malaysia selalu bertindak sebagai instruktur latihan atau guru di tempat latihan ...
Ya..ya..ya yang terlihat adalah laskar malon pingsan dan tembak komandan sendiri ha...ha...ha...LAWAK 😂😂😂😅
HapusLaah yg berturut2 juara tembak. Aasam dan aarm itu malon ya?
HapusDi AASAM Australia, MALAYDESH bahkan di AYAM2 kan oleh Petembak dari Kerajaan BRUNEI Darussalam...
HapusBetol2 ATM spesialis TANAM SAYUR !🤣🤣🤣🤣
yg kesian ituw KL, uda gak punya pesawat intai moderen, pespurnya ketinggalan jaman dikit lagiii haha!😝😝😝
BalasHapusmakanya gak kompatibel sama latihan besar2 dikawasan maupun benua lain.
liat aja pitchblack pun cuman sekali, ini nich yg modikata kawan osi haha!😋😋😋
kita uda 3x ke pitchblack dr harusnya 4....
Hapuslha KL sekali doank itupun dulu jaman purba haha!😜😜😜
latgab super garuda shield 22 negara akan hadir, ini pembuktian kita punyak aset sangat lengkap dan moderen dr laut, darat dan udara hore haha!👏👏👏
BalasHapusjadi gak perluw tuch “numpang” kyk seblah haha!🤣🤣🤣
yg kocak adalah amrik menunjukan bahwa anggotan TIM ELIT SHOPPING SOPING kawan kita filipin pun dihargai dgn kirim aset super top
BalasHapus4 f-22, a-10 thunderbolt
dan kita pun tak ktinggalan, menjadi tuan rumah buat bomber B-52 dan gugus tempur kapal induk CVN 76 ronald reagan gaesz mantab haha!💪💪💪
lha KL uda gak dianggap fenting haha!🤣🤣🤣