02 Agustus 2024

Vanuatu Lakukan Komisioning Kapal Pendarat Hibah Australia

02 Agustus 2024

RVS Sokomanu, kapal pendarat yang diserahkan dari Australia ke Vanuatu (photos: David Johnston)

Vanuatu telah meresmikan kapal pendarat yang diterimanya dengan bantuan dari Canberra, Chief of the Defence Force Australia Admiral David Johnston mengonfirmasi dalam sebuah pernyataan yang dirilis melalui laman media sosial resminya pada tanggal 31 Juli.

Kapal tersebut diberi nama RVS Sokomanu dengan nomor panji 04, dan dilantik ke dalam Wing Maritim Kepolisian Vanuatu pada tanggal 30 Juli di Port Vila.

“Kapal tersebut menunjukkan komitmen Australia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Vanuatu dalam bantuan kemanusiaan dan tanggap bencana,” demikian pernyataan dari Laksamana Johnston.

Canberra sejauh ini hanya merilis sedikit informasi tentang kapal yang diserahkannya, tetapi sumber informasi terbuka menunjukkan bahwa Sokomanu adalah kapal pendarat panjang 47 m yang dilengkapi dengan desain haluan landai, dan dapat membawa muatan hingga 450 ton.

Gambar kapal yang dipublikasikan melalui beberapa saluran media sosial resmi lainnya, termasuk milik Komisi Tinggi Australia di Vanuatu, selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa kapal tersebut dilengkapi dengan derek seberat 30 ton di dek kargonya.

“Kapal yang didukung Australia tersebut sangat cocok untuk mendukung segala upaya kemanusiaan dan bantuan bencana yang mungkin melanda Vanuatu. Kapal tersebut mampu mencapai pantai dangkal dan berlayar di lautan terbuka,” demikian bunyi pernyataan terpisah yang dirilis oleh halaman media sosial Komisi Tinggi Australia pada tanggal 8 Juni.

Pernyataan lama ini dirilis untuk menandai dimulainya perjalanan kapal ke Vanuatu dari Singapura.


46 komentar:

  1. Ini masih kerabat malon, tapi beda nasib..
    Malon tak dianggap, Vanuatumasih dianggap


  2. Republic Vanuatu Ship Sokomanuk


  3. Laaah..
    Ini kapal lewat jee didepan hidung KERAjaan Malon..

    Parah cara Vanuatu menghinakan Malon


    "...Pernyataan lama ini dirilis untuk menandai dimulainya perjalanan kapal ke Vanuatu dari Singapura..."

  4. 2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    Tengku Razaleigh, better known as Ku Li, dismissed the label which was claimed by many, including former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
    Ku Li said Malaysia could not claim to being an Asian Tiger as the country had financed most of its projects, including dams and highways, because foreign investors had skirted around Malaysia.
    “You call yourself an Asian Tiger, but you’re actually a monkey. You’re not developed,” he was quoted as telling Free Malaysia Today.

  5. Nah ink cocok latihan dengan kapal usang Malon

    Selain LMS, TLDM turut merancang perolehan 2 buah kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 3 buah kapal Littoral Mission Ship Batch 3, 4 buah helikopter anti kapal selam dan 6 buah Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
    “Proses perolehan bagi aset-aset baharu ini dijangka berlangsung sehingga 2030. Kesemua perolehan aset TLDM ini dianggarkan berjumlah RM10 – RM11 bilion bergantung kepada keadaan ekonomi semasa kerajaan,” katanya.
    Antara perkara yang dibincangkan adalah berkenaan hasrat negara untuk memperoleh jet-jet pejuang F/A-18 Legacy Hornet milik Tentera Udara Kuwait (KAF) setelah KAF menerima Super Hornet baharunya.
    Kegagalan Anwar untuk bertemu putera mahkota Mohammed bukanlah kegagalan diplomatik pertama yang dialami oleh seorang pemimpin Malaysia sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.
    Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
    on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
    The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered....
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  7. Aku pernah cakap dulu dan aku cakap benda ni sekali lagi. Indonesia buat loan nak bina keretapi laju dari Jakarta ke Bandung ni sebenarnya nak show off sahaja pada Malaysia-Singapura yang dia mampu bina kereta api laju.

    Tapi aku pernah cakap, Jakarta-Bandung tak feasible dalam jangka masa panjang. Mula-mula memang la, ada satu perasaan novelty apabila sebuah negara Asia Tenggara ada kereta api laju. Tapi lama-lama orang tak rasa nak ulang alik Jakarta-Bandung dengan kereta api dengan lebih cepat. Orang lebih suka drive sebab kereta adalah simbol individualisme. Laju macam mana pun keretapi tu, orang lagi selesa drive sebab drive boleh suka hati nak sampai bila dan tak perlu ikut jadual.

    Jadi, macam mana pula dengan HSR?
    Penerbangan KL-Singapura adalah antara yang tersibuk di dunia. Sempadan Malaysia-Singapura adalah yang tersibuk di dunia, sebab bukan orang Johor sahaja yang ke Singapura, tapi orang KL pun ramai ke sana untuk business juga.

    Jadi, tidak seperti Jakarta-Bandung, KL-Singapura feasibility tu ada. Orang Jakarta ke Bandung ni nak makan angin, dan tak sama macam orang KL pergi ke Singapura vice versa - kebanyakannya for business.

    Akhirnya nanti WHOOSH ni akan jadi projek gajah putih sebab ia tidak lagi bersifat novelty, sebab bila projek kereta api dari Laos ke Thailand dan kemudiannya Thailand ke Malaysia siap, orang dari China boleh ke Singapura naik kereta api laju.
    Indonesia? Lain la kalau Pentas Sunda ni tak tenggelam, bolehlah sambungkan kereta api laju dari Jakarta ke Singapura terus sampai ke China. Tapi Jakarta di Pulau Jawa, dan pulau ni paling jauh pun sampai Surabaya je lah.

    Dan berapa ramai pula yang mampu naik kereta api laju macam orang Jepun naik Shinkansen? Jepun lain cerita, seluruh pulau Honshu tu dah berindustri dah. Lain la Jawa pun berindustri macam Honshu.
    Aku dah pernah cakap dan aku akan cakap lagi, being the first doesn't mean it's the best. Geng Konoha yang sembang kencang cakap lebat dan kutuk kita sebab kita batalkan HSR hari tu, mungkin akan refleksi pada diri mereka, kenapa mereka ni selalu sangat nak tunjuk dia ni abang besar pada kita, padahal selalu buat economic blunder.

    Percayalah, lepas Jokowi letak jawatan nanti dan digantikan oleh Prabowo, ia akan kembali macam dulu balik. Sebab mindset jeneral ni tak sama macam mindset peniaga macam Jokowi.

    Kita tengok je lah nanti.

      Antara perkara yang dibincangkan adalah berkenaan hasrat negara untuk memperoleh jet-jet pejuang F/A-18 Legacy Hornet milik Tentera Udara Kuwait (KAF) setelah KAF menerima Super Hornet baharunya.
      Kegagalan Anwar untuk bertemu putera mahkota Mohammed bukanlah kegagalan diplomatik pertama yang dialami oleh seorang pemimpin Malaysia sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.
      Malaysia says EU palm oil curbs may undermine France's fighter jet bid.......
      on Thursday the European Union's decision to curb imports of the commodity could undermine France's hopes of winning one of Asia's biggest fighter plane deals.
      The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, or Royal Malaysian Air Force) ordered 88 A-4s (25 A-4Cs and 63 A-4Ls), Only 40 PTM Skyhawks, 34 single seat versions and six two-seat trainers, were delivered....
      2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
      2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
      2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
      2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
      2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
      The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
      2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
      Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
      Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
      2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
      2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

    2. BENDERA DI CELANA DALAM AUSSIE = Celana dalam bergambar bendera Malaysia “Jalur Gemilang” yang dipakai sembilan pemuda Australia di Formula 1 Grand Prix Sepang, Malaysia, ternyata dijual secara online seharga 174 ringgit Malaysia.
      To support its F/A-18D fleet, Kuala Lumpur acquired a number of spares and other equipment from the Royal Australian Air Force when the latter retired its fleet of F/A-18A/Bs in favour of the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
      PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
      BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
      2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
      2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
      2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
      2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
      2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
      The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
      2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
      Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
      Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
      2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
      2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

    3. Cuma mau tertawa lihat bahasa yg digunakan Malon.wk.wk.wk

    4. Jangan panjang2 klo tulis komen lon.. Bahasamu norak lon.. Gak enak dibaca.. Apalagi di denger..

    5. wkwkwkwkkwwkkkk.....gak usah bicara feasible study.....shinkasen aja sampe skrg blum BEP.....intinya itu iktikad baik negara utk menyediakan alternatif pilihan moda transportasi ke publik....coba ente itung brp ratus ato ribu mobil yg gak ke bdg gara2 WHOSSH....brp ribu liter bbm yg dihemat....dsb.....gak nyampe otak melayu malon moron utk mikir kesitu....

      ini link analisis HSR Malon - Singapore :

      berbeda dgn WHOSSH khan....

  8. Terlalu cara Ausie menghina sekutunya sendiri. Sekutu yg jadi beban ... yg gak dianggap lagi

  9. Sedikit Cerita motifasi dari sebuah daerah, tentang cita cita menjadi kesatria Tentara Negara Indonesia
    Calon Prajurid Satra Marga
    Semoga Proses tidak mengkhianati hasil✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊

  10. BENDERA DI CELANA DALAM AUSSIE = Celana dalam bergambar bendera Malaysia “Jalur Gemilang” yang dipakai sembilan pemuda Australia di Formula 1 Grand Prix Sepang, Malaysia, ternyata dijual secara online seharga 174 ringgit Malaysia.
    To support its F/A-18D fleet, Kuala Lumpur acquired a number of spares and other equipment from the Royal Australian Air Force when the latter retired its fleet of F/A-18A/Bs in favour of the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
    PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

  11. Wkwwkwk pelatih bulutangkis malon orang Indonesia,apa kalian TDK punya malu 🤣🤣🤣, baru mau merasa dapat emas saja , sombong nya SDH selangit 🤮

  12. Wkwwkwk pelatih bulutangkis malon orang Indonesia,apa kalian TDK punya malu 🤣🤣🤣, baru mau merasa dapat emas olimpiade saja , sombong nya SDH selangit 🤮

  13. Wkwwkwk pelatih bulutangkis malon orang Indonesia,apa kalian TDK punya malu 🤣🤣🤣, baru mau merasa dapat emas olimpiade saja , sombong nya SDH selangit 🤮. Indonesia SDH lama dapat emas olimpiade lon ,update informasi dong orang hutan

  14. Naaahhh....MALON dah se level vanuatu 😜

  15. Vanuatu pun dah diatas level Malon nih. Malon makin tertinggal sendiri di kawasan.

  16. Lah Parah.. Vanuatu saja di anggap oleh australia masa MALON tak di anggap... Hahahahahaha

    Teryata vanuatu lebih berarti dari negara MALON ...hahahaha


  17. 2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    Tengku Razaleigh, better known as Ku Li, dismissed the label which was claimed by many, including former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
    Ku Li said Malaysia could not claim to being an Asian Tiger as the country had financed most of its projects, including dams and highways, because foreign investors had skirted around Malaysia.
    “You call yourself an Asian Tiger, but you’re actually a monkey. You’re not developed,” he was quoted as telling Free Malaysia Today.

  18. ANCAMAN INI kalo PANUASU sampai punya LCU......setidaknya mereka bisa menyusup ke port moresby utk memberi bantuan senjata bagi pihak-pihak yg bertikai dan geng bersenjata yg pada ujungnya, senjata-senjata tsb bisa berakhir ke tangan para simpatisan KKB 👇👇👇


    1. senjata favorit kkb berdasar temuan dim intel TNI :





  20. postur kekuatan TNI sampai dengan tahun 2035 :
    udara :
    pesawat tempur :
    F 16 all varian = 72 unit
    Raffale = 72 unit
    F 15 = 48 unit
    Sukhoi 30 = 32 unit
    Sukhoi 27 = 32 unit
    Sukhoi 57/75 = 48 unit
    FA 50 = 32 unit
    super tucano = 24 unit
    Hawk Family = 30 unit
    Yak 130 : 36 unit

    Pesawat angkut :
    Hercules J 130 = 18 unit
    Hercules A /B/ H = 30 unit
    A 400 = 12 unit
    KC 130= 5 unit
    MRTT = 6 unit
    CN 235 transport = 24 unit
    CN 295 Transport = 24 unit
    CN 235 MPA = 9 unit
    CN 295 AEW = 6 unit
    Boeing 737 Awacs = 6 unit

    Helicopter :
    Caracal : 48 unit
    Black Hawk : 36 unit
    Ka 50 : 36 unit
    Chinook : 18 unit

    kalau postur nya seperti diatas,malingsial,tidak akan macam macam sama Indonesia,macam macam langsung libas,minimal yang ada di Kalimantan...
    semoga bisa terwujud..

    1. Tambahin om...... Rudal yang banyak long dan medium pasti kicepppp sebelah

  21. iya rudal lagi disusun dulu yang cocok utk hajar malaydes

  22. malaydes negara gagal tanpa marwah.merdeka give away,buat apapun tidak bisa,beli alat perang tidak ada dana,hutang tidak ada yang percaya dan kasih,hanya mampu sewa,lama lama seragam,senjata perorangan,semuanya sewa,ngaku pintar,tapi buat kapal 14 tahun tidak selesai,ngaku kaya,tapi tidak mampu beli,hanya sewa.itulah malaydes negara tanpa identitas kebangsaan yang jelas,bahasa persatuan pun tidak ada,hanya bisa hina,iri dengki dengan negara tetangga..tidak lama lagi malaydes akan tinggal nama.liat aja

  23. Kabarnya baryaktar tb2 siap dikirim?

  24. Wah.. Ternyata kapal BUATAN MALAYSIA.... HOREYYYY

    1. Yg bikin kapal mangkrak ngamuk guys dah termiskin gak dianggap sama Ausie.Cuma beban FPDA hornet usang pun tiada terbang di PB.Kasihan.

  25. Baca ayat paling last..... SIGN KONTRAK KOSONG guys... 🔥🔥🤣🤣

    Terlepas dari itu, sejauh ini Kemhan RI baru meneken kerja sama pembelian 12 unit Anka dengan Turkish Aerospace Industries pada 3 Februari 2023. Kerja sama itu mencakup
    pembelian 12 unit ANKA yang disertai dengan beberapa program pelatihan, alih teknologi, dan dukungan untuk integrated logistic support (ILS), ground support & test equipment (GS&TE), flight simulator, infrastruktur hanggar, dan masa garansi selama 24 bulan/600 jam terbang.

    Walaupun demikian, kontrak pembelian itu belum efektif, atau masih menunggu aktivasi dari Kementerian Keuangan. (Genta Tenri

  26. Patutlah hingga kini ANKAnya tidak kelihatan... 🔥🔥🤣🤣

    Ternyata SIGN KONTRAK KOSONG je.... 🔥🔥🤣🤣

    1. Yang belum punya UAV saja bual. Lah TNI kan sudah ada CH 4 dll. ANKA dan TB2 segera diterima kok Pork. Sabar. Tuh LCS usang dan mangkrak dah 14 tahun lom ada yg diserahkan malah dibinasakan beruk sabar.bahan lawakan sejagat.

  27. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  28. Santai, yang sudah masuk MEF pasti diakuisisi 😊,semua tinggal menunggu pak Prabowo dilantik menjadi presiden, dan turki lebih paham Indonesia bukanlah Malaysia, yang angggaran militernya terbatas dan hanya bisa sewa alutsista 😁

    Sambil menunggu akuisisi Anka S yang memiliki kemampuan satcom, indonesia sudah meluncurkan satelit dan membangun infrastrukturnya ☺️




    To support its F/A-18D fleet, Kuala Lumpur acquired a number of spares and other equipment from the Royal Australian Air Force when the latter retired its fleet of F/A-18A/Bs in favour of the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
    PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi

    To support its F/A-18D fleet, Kuala Lumpur acquired a number of spares and other equipment from the Royal Australian Air Force when the latter retired its fleet of F/A-18A/Bs in favour of the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
    PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    Ku Li said Malaysia could not claim to being an Asian Tiger as the country had financed most of its projects, including dams and highways, because foreign investors had skirted around Malaysia.
    “You call yourself an Asian Tiger, but you’re actually a monkey. You’re not developed,” he was quoted as telling Free Malaysia Today.

    To support its F/A-18D fleet, Kuala Lumpur acquired a number of spares and other equipment from the Royal Australian Air Force when the latter retired its fleet of F/A-18A/Bs in favour of the Lockheed Martin F-35A.
    PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    Ku Li said Malaysia could not claim to being an Asian Tiger as the country had financed most of its projects, including dams and highways, because foreign investors had skirted around Malaysia.
    “You call yourself an Asian Tiger, but you’re actually a monkey. You’re not developed,” he was quoted as telling Free Malaysia Today.

  32. TERLEMAH DI KAWASAN = the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are higher than they have been since the days of the Vietnam War....
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    Ku Li said Malaysia could not claim to being an Asian Tiger as the country had financed most of its projects, including dams and highways, because foreign investors had skirted around Malaysia.
    “You call yourself an Asian Tiger, but you’re actually a monkey. You’re not developed,” he was quoted as telling Free Malaysia Today.


    Sebuah kapal perang Prindaoan ngglimpang kekiri saat sedang melakukan tahapan perawatan berkala di galangan kapal di pelabuhan Kochin, Prindapan.

    Satu orang menjadi korban dalam peristiwa ini, saat berusaha menarik ganjal lunas kapal....beruntung korban hanya tergencet pada bagian kaki dan mengalami kesulitan bicara.

    Sampai saat ini tim penyelamat masih berusaha mengevakuasi korban.....berita selengkapnya bisa disimak di link berikut


  34. THE REGION'S WEAKEST = the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are higher than they have been since the days of the Vietnam War....
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    2024 RINGGIT LOSSES = The ringgit extended its losses to end lower against the US dollar today despite weaker United States economic data, an economist said. At 6 pm, the ringgit depreciated to 4.7110/7145 versus the greenback from yesterday’s close of 4.7080/7110.
    2023 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit has fallen to its lowest level since the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, with the currency weighed by the US dollar’s rise and a widening rate differential with the United States.
    2022 RINGGIT DEPRECIATION = The ringgit experienced a period of sustained depreciation against the US dollar in 2022 amid the US Federal Reserve raising its policy interest rate aggressively by 425 basis points to address inflation, said Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
    2021 RINGGIT FALLS = The Malaysian ringgit fell to a one-year low on August 16 in response to a possible change in the leadership of the Government of Malaysia.
    2024 DEFICIT 4.3% 2023 DEFICIT 5%
    The reality is that, due to budget constraints, Malaysia’s military will continue to struggle to procure the equipment needed. With Budget 2024, Malaysia’s military will get some but not all of what it wants, as the government runs a tight budget focused on uplifting the socio-economic well-being of citizens while trying to ensure fiscal discipline as it aims to narrow the deficit to 4.3% of GDP by end-2024 (from 5%)
    2022 DEFICIT 5,6% 2021 DEFICIT 5,6%
    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Ekonomi Malaysia Rafizi Ramli menyatakan pengeluaran negara cukup besar yang dipicu oleh pandemi untuk melindungi ekonomi memperlebar defisit menjadi 6,4 persen dari PDB pada 2021
    Kemudian pada 2022 berkurang menjadi 5,6 persen, ketika pemerintah juga meningkatkan pagu utang dari 60 persen menjadi 65 persen dari PDB
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO - MENUNGGU 2053 = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Kalau dikira daripada peratus, (hutang) 82 peratus daripada KDNK (Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar) dan untuk hutang kerajaan persekutuan sudah mencecah 60.4 peratus. “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    Ku Li said Malaysia could not claim to being an Asian Tiger as the country had financed most of its projects, including dams and highways, because foreign investors had skirted around Malaysia.
    “You call yourself an Asian Tiger, but you’re actually a monkey. You’re not developed,” he was quoted as telling Free Malaysia Today.
