18 Juli 2018
Garden Island naval base (photo : Aus DoD)
$213 million wharf infrastructure project at Garden Island
Minister for Defence, Marise Payne, and Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, today launched an Indigenous joint-venture to deliver the $213 million Bayinguwa critical wharf works project at Garden Island Defence Precinct, the Royal Australian Naval Base in Sydney.
The Bayinguwa Delivery Team is a joint venture between Pacific Services Group Holdings Pty Ltd (PSG Holdings) and Lendlease Engineering Pty Ltd. PSG Holdings, a small to medium enterprise that is 100 per cent Indigenous owned, managed the design of the works. PSG Holdings has teamed with Lendlease for the construction of the works in a mutually beneficial venture that gives this Indigenous business a foot-in-the-door to deliver major infrastructure projects.
“This project was announced by the Prime Minister in his 2018 Closing the Gap speech and as he said ‘Bayinguwa’ is the Aboriginal name for Garden Island in Sydney,” Minister Payne said.
“The engagement of the Bayinguwa Delivery Team is first-and-foremost about delivering high quality works for Garden Island. The Garden Island Bayinguwa Delivery Team will be responsible for managing the demolition of two deteriorated wharves and constructing a single new wharf in their place.
“These works are essential to ensure the Royal Australian Navy can safely berth and maintain its ships at Garden Island, which is the major home-port on the east coast of Australia.
“By engaging an Indigenous joint venture to deliver these important works, the project will also support the Government’s commitment to creating economic opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and growing the Indigenous business sector.
Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion heralded today’s announcement as yet another example of the practical measures the Turnbull Government is taking to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians.
“The Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) has supercharged the Indigenous business sector, driving rapid growth in the demand for Indigenous goods and services across a diverse variety of industries. The IPP has resulted in more than 1000 Indigenous business across the country winning contracts worth over $1.084 billion since the IPP’s commencement in July 2015, up from just 30 Indigenous businesses winning $6.2 million in 2012-13 under the former Labor government’s policies,” Minister Scullion said.
“The Bayinguwa project is just one example of the potential the IPP is realising, in this case encouraging Lendlease to enter into a joint-venture with an Indigenous business because of the strong market signal the Turnbull Government is sending.
“This government is backing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island businesses all the way and we make no apology for the fact we are not only setting but also exceeding ambitious targets to do more business with Indigenous owned businesses.
“The IPP is a genuine win-win for taxpayers. All contracts under the IPP are delivered on a value for money basis, meaning the Commonwealth does not pay more for the goods and services it would otherwise be procuring, but by engaging an Indigenous business we get more Indigenous jobseekers off the misery of welfare and into the dignity of work.
“The average Indigenous workforce of IPP firms is 50 per cent, compared to non-Indigenous businesses which have an average Indigenous workforce of 0.7 per cent, meaning if we get more Indigenous Australians into business we get more Indigenous Australians into work.
The total project value is $213 million and construction is due to commence in September 2018 for completion in February 2022.
It is anticipated that the project will generate up to 150 jobs at the peak of construction with opportunities available for local industry and Indigenous involvement.
(Aus DoD)
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Contraktornya dari china kah??
BalasHapus"..is a joint venture between Pacific Services Group Holdings Pty Ltd (PSG Holdings) and Lendlease Engineering Pty Ltd. PSG Holdings, a small to medium enterprise that is 100 per cent Indigenous owned, managed the design of the works.."
HapusMestinya bukan, ada kalimat ini "..100 per cent Indigenous owned.."
Maksudnya 100% dimiliki oleh kontraktor "pribumi" ngunu yo mas?
Hapusemang pribumi ostrali apaan emang? bule ngaco dech haha!🤣🤣🤣
HapusWonge wes ra tau nongol mas'e..😁😂
HapusDadi bakul ra payu, tiwas serik, mending lirak-lirik sembari alon-alon mlipir minggir...😀😁😂
Lha emang kemarin yg memviralkan istilah "pribumi" apa bukan biangnya ngaco....yaman kok ngaku pribumi nusantara😏
Hapuscoba cek om woof2, brp jau markas al osi ini dari kita, trus brp lama waktu yg dibutuhkan kalo kapal yg py kecepatan 12-16 knot berlayar ke pulau taman ituw haha!😎😎😎
BalasHapuslalu coba itung jg brp lama kalo naik pesawat ke sydney ituw PP.
soalnye guwe mo bandingin doank ama harga tiket pesawatnya? murah mana ama di travel*ka haha!🤣🤣🤣
Mas ngitung jangan diganggu dulu ...beliau lg ngelarin revisi itung2an jumlah pesawat mpa yg kemarin bro😏
HapusMas Smili,
HapusTeori nomor 1 itu untuk pencarian korban bencana di mana darto tetap dibutuhkan.
Sedangkan teori nomor 2, walaupun ada radar yang dipasang di bawah body pesawat, tetap jangkauan pesawat ya segitu itu, sebab radarnya bisa muter ke kiri, kanan, depan, belakang. Radar mpa bisa menjangkau minimal beberapa puluh nm di luar batas ZEE.
Teori nomor 2 menentukan berapa banyak posisi di mana cn235 mpa ditempatkan. Terjawab 6 posisi.
Di teori nomor 2, panjang keliling 6295,7 nm bisa untuk 6 posisi mpa.
Panjang keliling 6295,7 nm dibagi 6 posisi itu pun bisa dijangkau oleh maximum radius tempur 1200 nm pesawat asw+mpa+maritim strike idaman palu gada p8 poseidon.
poseidoonnnnnkuh haha!😍😍😍
HapusDuh, mahal tuh poseidon....nih tak kasi poison aja buat kamu☠️
HapusHehehe...om TN,klo menurut Sy percuma banyak MPA kalau tidak di bantu dengan, Peran satelit,Coastal n Naval Radar,Kapal Patroli,MPA ( AU & AL ) sebanyak apa pun ttp akan menimbulkan titik kosong d wilayah perairan Indonesia,dan MPA sebanyak apapun tidak bs mengawasi wilayah Perairan secara 24 jam...dengan 1 ska MPA ( 12 atau 16 unit ) TNI AL
HapusCukup karena d bantu dengan radar Coastal n Naval,kapal patroli,dan satelit...sudah cukup saat ini...
Dengan 1 ska minimal 12 unit penyebaran pun bs d 3 armada,yg mana masing2 armada tersedia 1 flight ( 4 unit) MPA ...pake satelit bs 24 jam di awasi ,dan tidak ad titik kosong pengawasan...maap mas analisis gembel ,hehehe
Klo salah2 maap ya lagi belajar analisis...maklum masih kelas analisis gembel saya...hahaha
HapusMas Rian,
HapusKami itu hanya bicara tentang peran pesawat mpa saja, bukan pengawasan laut secara keseluruhan. Jadi lingkupnya hanya itu, jangan diperlebar.
Kalau pengawasan laut secara keseluruhan tapi yang pakai platform kapal bisa dibaca di seri 18 (ada beberapa blog yg mengkopi artikel ini). Artikel lain tentang keseimbangan kawasan dengan platform kapal bisa dilihat di balance navy.
Sedang kalau yang pakai satelit, lain lagi artikelnya, saya lupa seri berapa tapi yang ada gambar burung hantunya.
Kalau satelit maritim punya bakamla maupun kemhan sedang dalam pengadaan.
Untuk Poseidon kita juga perlu untuk keseimbangan kawasan, Aussie bakal punya (kalau tak salah) 8 unit, Enzie bakal punya 4 unit. Jadi kalau kita punya 6-8 unit Poseidon kesayangan mas Palu nggak masalah. Lebih bagus lagi kalau ada dukungan Viking atau CN235 ASW.
Satelit tak bisa sebar sonar dan torpedo tapi Poseidon bisa.
Malah dalam benak saya kalau ada 6 skuadron campuran terdiri dari 16 pesawat yang masing2 terdiri dari 4 cn235 mpa, 4 viking / cn235 asw, 4 cn235 gunship, 3 UAV MALE plus 1 poseidon maka kekuatan udara untuk maritim strike kita akan diperhitungkan. Nggak masalah kapal selam kita sedikit asal anti kapal selamnya banyak dan efektif.
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