Picture of the M-346 trainers against the blue skies of Cazaux, France. Here, with air space 32 times larger than Singapore (photo : RSAF)
Since the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) set up a training detachment in the south-western French town in 1998, more than 190 pilots have trained there. At the same time, 191 babies have also been born to staff and their families based in Cazaux.
"So for every one pilot, one baby. That's not a bad ratio," said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen yesterday at an event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the RSAF's Cazaux detachment.
To mark the milestone, an RSAF M-346 aircraft and a pair of French Air Force (FAF) Alpha Jets performed a combined flypast in front of delegates from both countries.
Dr Ng is also in France for the French national day parade in Paris on Saturday, and will join Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who will attend as a guest of honour.
Expressing his gratitude to the French government, its armed forces and people for giving the RSAF the opportunity to train in Cazaux, Dr Ng said France has played a "crucial role in helping Singapore train pilots to defend Singapore and our airspace".
RSAF M-346 Master (photo : Eric Tammer)
The large airspace in Cazaux - 32 times the size of Singapore - offers the RSAF pilots sprawling skies to hone their skills. And training alongside their French counterparts "allows the RSAF to learn from and peg itself against a world-class air force", Dr Ng added.
"The RSAF's presence in Cazaux is a physical testament to the strong and growing ties between our two countries. It is developed on a shared foundation of ideals and values for both our countries, built on liberty, equality and fraternity."
Cazaux Air Base, about 60km from the city of Bordeaux, is home to 150 Squadron and where fighter aircrew undergo the Advanced Jet training programme. Pilots fly the M-346, a stepping stone before they operate sophisticated warplanes like the F-15SG and the F-16.
Dr Ng was accompanied by Chief of Air Force Mervyn Tan on his visit. The French delegation included Secretary of State to the Minister for the Armed Forces Genevieve Darrieussecq and FAF's General Officer Commanding the South West Defence and Security Zone and Air Forces Commander, Lieutenant-General Jean Rondel. In 2011, Singapore and France agreed to extend the Cazaux detachment to 2035.
Asked how both countries will further their military cooperation, Dr Ng said there is also collaboration in areas such as defence technology and cyber security.
Of the many babies born in Cazaux, Dr Ng quipped: "Somehow I think the air, the Arcachon oysters, the French wine make for very fertile ground for babies."
(Straits Times)
Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Advanced Jet Trainer Aircraft
The M-346 Advanced Jet Trainer aircraft replicates the flight performance and avionics of advanced modern-day fighter aircraft. It allows fighter aircrew trainees to train in a more realistic operational environment, handle sophisticated systems, and be better equipped for fighter operations.
Embedded Tactical Training System. The M-346 has an embedded tactical training system that can generate a realistic battlefield with both airborne and ground threats. It can also simulate on-board sensors and weapons that are representative of the RSAF's fighters.
High Power. Powered by two Honeywell F-124-GA-200 engines, each producing 6,280 pounds (or 2,850kg) of thrust, the M-346 can pull up to 8Gs and reach transonic speeds (close to that of the speed of sound) without the use of afterburners.
The Delta Wing. The M-346 also features a state-of-the-art aerodynamic design with a delta wing to provide greater manoeuvrability and control. Coupled with a fly-by-wire flight control system, the M-346 provides a highly accurate representation of modern fighter jets' performance.
(Sing Mindef)
Pagi...pagi...luar biasa
BalasHapussiang om pit, numpang gosip dbawah gak kliatan haha!😅😅😅
Hapusheran jau2 amat, kan kesian om ben gak bisa tengok kalo rindu haha!😆😆😆
tp iyaloh, knp singapur gak coba minjem lokasi ama tetangga kesayangan. kan mrk sesama anggota faif difens pawa jugak. trus klo ostrali kok dikasi, nach loh(manas2in critanye) haha!🙄🙄🙄
Walaupun malay n singa anggota fpda,tetapi hubungan mereka cem tom n jerry om,gk akur om
Hapuswaa itu pelem paporitkuh, gosok teruss haha!🤣🤣🤣
HapusGilaa negara satu ini asetnya di taruh dimana2 dr nz, ausit, papa frank, paman sam, formosa, brithish.
BalasHapusTrainer fighter pun sama ama 'gurunya'...😂
BalasHapusEnak ya di sono, masih CaPil dah jalan-jalan ke French, bayaran gede pula..😂
Tunggangannyapun ga ada yg lawas..dan bejibun...😂😁😀
Berita bantingannya pedes... Dibandingin tetangganya yang latian terbesar 10th..??? Ckckckc
HapusBaru tahu, diatas air intake M-346 itu ada sirip tegaknya..😀
HapusDan menurut rumor yg berkembang singapur rela merogoh kocek dalam2 supaya pilot2 mereka bisa dilatih oleh pilot legendaris perancis....kapten tanguy dan laverdure👮
HapusSuper Strong Country in ASEAN.. hebat Singapore euy. Susah mau nyaingin negara ini.
BalasHapusGuys baru baca biaya akuisisi Freeport 51 persen, Indonesia keluar duit $ 3,85 Bil ($ 3,850,000,000) atau Rp 54 Trilyun.
Andai tahun ini Indonesia gak usah capek2 ribet mbayarin Freeport spt rezim2 sebelumnya kebayang konversinya kalau digunakan beli Alutsita baru kosongan duit segitu bisa dapet barang :
- Abrams Tank : 250 unit
- Leopard Tank : 193 unit
- M113 APC : 550 unit
- Armata Tank : 480 unit
- T72 Tank : 964 unit
- BMP3 APC : 1,250 unit
- BTR80A : 3,200 unit
- F22 : 18 unit
- F35 : 28 unit
- F15 : 32 unit
- F16F : 43 unit
- F18E/F : 70 unit
- SU35 : 64 unit
- SU30MK : 102 unit
- Rafale : 30 unit
- Typhoon : 26 unit
- FA50 : 96 unit
- Tejas : 86 unit
- Apache Helis : 101 unit
- S400 Rusia : 10 unit
- Kilo Sub : 11 unit
- Frem Fregate : 6 unit
- Dokdo LHD : 12 unit
- AIM9X : 7,000 unit
- GBU-12 Pave2 : 110,000 unit
Ngilerr yaa... yuklah kita ngayal andai AKAN diatas dijadiin beneran sambil ngopi dan ngudut dipojokan opis... Hahahahaha
Ralat M113 APC : 5,500 unit !!! wkwkwk
HapusBeegh..mas super mo nyaingin tukang ngitung..😂
HapusSolar, avtur, bengsin-nya abis berapa tuh..? 😀
Mending dibeliin Sutuc semua..strong deeh sejagat..😂😁😀
Kalo dibeliin Sutuc semua kecamatan dapet satu mas 😅😅😅😅😅
Hapus...bro Super @...54 Trilyun ? dapat segitu banyaknya, nggak salah bro !
Hapus18 F-22 x 2,1 Trilyun = 37,8 Trilyun
28 F-35 x 1,2 Trilyun = 33,6 Trilyun
...itu yang 2 jenis ajach harganya 71,4 Trilyun...
...Xixixixixixi :D
maksudnya dipilih salah satu @akang kasep
HapusHahahaha iya pilih salah satu padanannya mas... :-)
Hapus...Xixixixixixi :D
HapusBiar makin bombastis dikit 😁
Hapus-Rp 54T buat freeport
- belasan dermaga dan landasan udara yang naik kelas.
- belasan ribu km trans kalimantan & papua
- full inhan kcr 40&60
Udah berapa duit tuh?? 😁😎
buat fansboy, klo nanti bener belanja 2018 & 2019 ?? Selapas itu bisa teriak hasil rezim kemaren klo ga jadi 2 periode. Wkwkwk
"CN295 MPA Pesanan TNI AU Akan Diserahkan PTDI Akhir November 2018"
BalasHapusWoow kakak...😁
Ini lebih woow...
"..Ke depan, TNI AU sepertinya juga akan memproyeksikan tiga skadron intai/patroli maritim di kawasan barat (Jakarta), tengah (Makassar), dan timur (Biak).."
Manthap djiwaa...😊
Bye-bye poseidon....emange duwit kari nyuwek🤔
Hapus"Tjintailah...ploduk...ploduk... Iinndddoooneeeesiaaa..."
#Tim bangOra...😁
HapusDapat lebih banyak, lebih baik dari pada dikit, fungsinya sama aja, karya anak bangsa, multirole, mau perang ama siapa....#karakter
Jaman sekarang gimana caranya bisa survive di iklim persaingan dunia yang super keras mas..
HapusSebisa mungkin jangan bawa devisa dollar keluar negeri alias beli bikinan lokal aja kecuali kita memang gak punya teknologi dan ilmu untuk membuat... banyakin export lebih baik daripada banyakin import, mayan dollarnya jadi banyak yang masuk ke Indonesia..
Lagian mau perang sama siapa ?
Buat mas ngitung: "itungannya tolong direvisi lagi....nanti jam 2 serahin saya"
HapusKenapa mas smiling?
HapusMergo Su-SKM rung mlebu itungan...?
Buyer aku, duwe asisten perencanaan siji be, analisane meleset terus...nganti kebak tipexan proposale😏
HapusTenane da d akusisi 51%
BalasHapusLa jare kubu oposisi berita g bener?
Hemmm kok sik ono ae sing g seneng yo
#Kejamnya politik 😁
HapusAhaaiiyyy...liat nih pintunya
Pintu belakanya ukuran 3/4 kan...?, bau-bau Gunship niih, bandingin deh ama C295 Gunship yg di display Airbus di Doha Airshow ini..
Suiit...suiit...cool 😀😁😂😎
Eh beneran tuh CN235 TNI AL bakal jadi "Death From Above" mode pake tembakan dibelakang ? Ngeriii
HapusTepatnya C295 MPA TNI AU mas bro..😎
HapusDulu pernah diberitakan bakal spek "special mission" tanpa nyebut detailnya.
Mulai ada titik terang nih rupanya..hwihihi..😁
gunship, hore maree om pedang haha!🤗🤗🤗
Hapuspake meriam 76mm ato 105mm nich, tamba minigun, torpedo, roket..begh tukino bisa lgs pengsiun haha!😂😂😂
Perkiraan ane 30mm aja om pal..😊
HapusPlus FFAR..😊
Kegedean om kalo versi yg diawaki manusia....paling banter oerlikon 20 mm atau kloningannya dr SA
HapusAC-235 Jordan pake 30mm mas bro..😊
HapusOke mbak.. selamat yaa...
BalasHapusOoh gitu ya mbak...
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
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