16 Juli 2018
Spike missile sets on the launcher (photo : Mintfo)
MANILA -- The Philippine Navy (PN) is set to test its newly-acquired Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd Spike-ER surface-to-surface missile systems on July 17 to 18 and July 24 to 26 off Corregidor Island.
This was confirmed by Department of National Defense (DND) spokesperson Arsenio Andolong in a message to the Philippine News Agency Monday morning.
"Yes, tests will be conducted on the missiles and their platforms sometime on those dates and somewhere in the area of Corregidor Island. This is all part of the Technical Inspection and Acceptance procedure that all of our acquisitions undergo," Andolong said.
This includes live-test firing of the missiles now arming multi-purpose assault craft (MPACs) with bow numbers BA-488, BA-489, and BA-491.
The boats are the Navy's Batch 3 MPACs, which was constructed by the Subic-based Propmech Corporation and activated on May 22, 2017.
Andolong, however, declined to give the exact locations of the test sites for security reasons.
The Spike-ER system, which arrived in the country last April, is the PN's first missile weapon capable penetrating 1,000 mm (39 inches) of rolled homogeneous armor and having a range of eight kilometers.
Andolong's statements were confirmed by PN spokesperson Cmdr. Jonathan Zata.
"(The dates) are for the series of acceptance trials needed to ensure that the missile system is delivered and accepted in accordance with set standards. The additional dates are for flexibility should bad weather prevail," Zata said in a text message.
Zata also stressed that the PN is closely coordinating with the DND, through the project management team, to ensure that the missile undergoes acceptance trials on the mentioned dates.
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BalasHapusnulis apa hayo kok dihapus om hari
Hapus....isin aku😆
HapusMasukkan balasan Anda...awu eh,jangan komen negative bro kitani brothers...indonesia dan filipina,,
HapusMasukan buat DND agar direm sedikit belanjanya kasihan tetangga lagi puasa sampai 2055
BalasHapusPinoy udah rem blong gas pol om kah kah kah... salah sendiri punya hobi sombong dan congkak kok kompak satu negara
HapusLama-lama males juga nongkrong di lapaknya GI....makin kesini makin otoriter, makin kelihatan desperatenya
BalasHapusMirip sama wan abud...😌
Emang wan abud wes desperate tho mas..?
Hapusojo laah, isin karo kader lan kokoh sing milih menuntaskan tinimbang opsi potong masa hukuman...😁
Raine nyepeti ngono kae, ra nyongko tibake ambisine ra ketulungan, yen coro jowone....nyolong kethek🙄
Hapusfilipin mesen spike dlm jumlah mayan byk, dan jenisnya beda2.
BalasHapusjgn2 ada yg fesenan ghoib kita pulak haha!🤣🤣🤣
ini rudal, bedanya apa yach ama spike buat atgm ituw ato yg laen2, kyknya sakti banget bisa dibuat macem2?😉😉😉
Yang navalized mestinya punya range lebih jauh..
HapusMending guided rocket gak ya?
Kek yg dipake Chamsuri class punya Korsel..😎😊
yg ini buat cilukba2an kali om pedang, kan die jg negeri banyak pulau haha!🤗🤗🤗
Hapus130mm roket, kyk mlrs tp pake siker..blom perna liat hasilnya sich, cmn 8kg cukup gak tuch, harimo item aje gak tembus apalagi goyang dombret haha!🤣🤣🤣
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