09 Juli 2018
P8A Poseidon aircraft (image : NZ DoD)
The coalition Government has agreed to purchase four Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft from the United States Government.
The four aircraft will replace the aging six P-3K2 Orion maritime patrol aircraft that have been operated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force since the 1960s. The current Orion fleet will reach the end of their expected operational life in 2025.
“The purchase ensures the Defence Force can continue to deliver the country’s maritime surveillance, resource protection, humanitarian and disaster response around New Zealand and across the South Pacific,” says Ron Mark.
“This decision strengthens the coalition Government’s Pacific Reset by providing a maritime patrol capability with the significant range and endurance needed to assist our partners in the region.
“The purchase enables New Zealand to continue to deploy in a wide range of airborne maritime situations independently, and when required, work effectively with partners including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which all operate, or will operate, the aircraft,” says Ron Mark.
The role of maritime patrol aircraft includes:
-Supporting maritime surveillance, humanitarian aid and disaster response, and resource protection around NZ and in the South Pacific;
-Contributing to the international rules based order through participation in global peace and security operations;
-Search and rescue in New Zealand’s region, which stretches from the South Pole almost to the Equator and covers 1/11th of the earth’s surface;
-Environmental and marine resource monitoring.
“One example of the requirement for a fully capable maritime patrol aircraft is simply the number of lives that can be saved,” Mr Mark said.
“In the last seven years of search and rescue operations in our region, Orion maritime patrols have contributed to saving 119 lives.
“Other tasks the Orions have undertaken recently have included participation in international operations to counter piracy and illicit smuggling off the Horn of Africa, surveillance of the volcano in Vanuatu, assessing damage from Cyclones Winston and Gita in the Pacific, surveillance of critical infrastructure after the Kaikoura earthquake, and fisheries monitoring.
“Maintaining a maritime patrol capability is essential for New Zealand’s national security, and for our ability to contribute to global security efforts,” says Ron Mark.
The new P-8As, training systems, infrastructure and introduction into service costs will total $2.346 billion. They will be delivered and begin operations from 2023.
The capital cost will be spread over a number of financial years out to 2025/26. This is an investment decision that has fallen on this Government to make, but will be spread over the medium term and will deliver for New Zealand for many decades to come. The P-8A was the most cost-effective maritime patrol aircraft option available.
No. 5 Squadron, which currently operates the Orions, will shift from Whenuapai to Ohakea air force base to operate the P-8As.
The Government will also consider options for a complementary maritime surveillance capability during the forthcoming Defence Capability Plan review, due to be completed by the end of 2018.
“The complementary capability will consider smaller manned aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) or satellites, for additional maritime surveillance tasks within New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone and near region. This will free up the new P-8A fleet to fly more missions, in the South Pacific and further afield,” says Ron Mark.
(NZ DoD)
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BalasHapusNek ngguyu aja kekamban mas smili, mengko selak kelebon laler...
HapusKok ming laler to mas...pucukan SKM be tak mut kok🤗
HapusRusuh...qiqiqi 😂
HapusSuper stres
Hapusyach kita beli jugak achh 1-2 bijiklah yg penting punyak oke oceh👌👌👌 haha!😉😉😉
Hapus1,2,3 & 4...wewww moga2 datang ghoibnya haha!😇😇😇
Hapuskayak barang ghoib ini haha!🤗🤗🤗:
sabda om ayam kukuluyuk taon laluw terbukti maknyus om smilikity haha!🐔🐔🐔
"pasti muncul paladin di 5 oktober. bakal nambah atuh paladin mlh kini lagi nego dgn aussie slain dgn belgia cari paladin + m113"
indonesia msh perlu poseidin atau gk yaa kira"? krn skrg cn235mpa lg under develop biar bisa di pasang senjata
BalasHapusKok under develop to mas....versi cn-235/220 mpa sayapnya memang udah diperkuat buat gotong rudal/torpedo/depth charge
HapusLinknya minta sama mas palugada aja ya....soalnya dia yg punya lapak kliping koran
Hapusow ternyata sudah yaa. kmren berita ny msh di kembangin😁😁
HapusBerita darimana om....indomil, ya?
Hapushusss huss, minta ama om smiling aje, kan die lg jaga kandang haha!😅😅😅
Hapussoalnye guwe lg refot strimingan ama awewe oke oceh👌👌👌 haha!😍😍😍
Kemungkinan setelah#2019 baru indonesia bisa beli
BalasHapusKenyot-kenyot, kenyot-kenyot.....
HapusShoping trus salam 2 periode
BalasHapusharus bisa buat seperti ini, jangan terbiasa beli dan membeli,,,terbiasalah membuat meski harus menjiplak dan menjiplak.
BalasHapusKalo menjiplak mah udah biasa om....sejak SD malah😂
Hapussayangnya CN 235 MPA kita belum selengkap punya turki. masih minus tail boom MAD sensor, sonobuoy launcher plus gotong senjata (light torp/missile). selain itu keterbatasan ruang yg d miliki CN235 membuat kemampuannya d level medium. seandainya saja punya narrom body kaya ATR 72 tentunya akan punya kemampuan yg lebih sbg long range patrol with full armed and system.
BalasHapusnarrow fuselage body
HapusAtr-72 endurance sepadan dg cn-235 winglet om....cuma menang di volume kabin yg lebih lega.
HapusPadanan pasnya ya c-295 winglet
Sing do komen wes kesel....
BalasHapuswkwkwk.. makane, nyante disik om hari, iki lg nyruput kopi sambil muter brown sugar Rolling stones.. maksnyoos☕😉😉
HapusDibakar dalam api neraka mau loe!
BalasHapusIndonesia itu cuma bisa AKAN gak bakalan realisasi alias Omdo.
- Paul "kecele mulu" Baggio
Yang datang berapa ekor mas bro..?😁
HapusDeal nih barang agak gelap, sama kek M113, gak jelas mo datang berapa/kapan...tau-tau nongol..😁
HapusBeda ama si Leo..😊
Hahahahaha gak tau mas.. gak ada berita AKAN tau2 dah nongol aja.. emang emejing dah hahahahaha
HapusM109 itu dari Belgia diorder 20 biji.
HapusM113 dari Amrik 80 biji.
Sedangkan yang dari Belgia dan Italia totalnya MUNGKIN 100 biji atau lebih.
Masih ngincer lebih banyak lagi dari Aussie.
Peruntukannya untuk yonkavmek dan yonralasuntai.
Kenapa mengincar banyak m113 ?
Sebab butuh ribuan APC dalam 15 tahun MEF ini, sedangkan kapasitas produksi Anoa di Pindad terbatas.
M113 harganya sangat murah bahkan ada yang gratisan/hibah.
M113 adalah pengisi stop gap APC kita.
Nanti kalau pabrik di Lampung udah jadi dan ada lebih banyak pekerja baru bisa meningkatkan produksi APC Anoa jauh lebih banyak.
Belgia sudah ada kontrak Turret dengan Indonesia.. dengan stok M113 sebanyak 525 unit rasanya bisa jadi opsi pengadaan another batch M113 dari sini mas.
HapusSeputar M113 Indonesia. Delivered 50 on 30 May 2016.[66] Up to 150 may eventually be acquired.
HapusBeda kan ama Leo?
HapusTuh Leo kan dulu rilis beritanya jelas, beli sekian, konversi ke Revo A4Ri sekian, deliver gelombang 1,2,3sekian,dateng ke Priok tanggal sekian..jadi bisa mantengin CCTV Priok..😂
Lha kalo yang ini? Bisa lumutan mantengin barang ga dateng-dateng..pas ga dipantengin eeeh..doi dateng..😂
Hahahahaha artinya banyak pembelian barang2 yg gak terdetect pak wartawan dan forumer militer ya mas ??? Ini kalau gak ada yg sempet moto pun bisa jadi gak ketahuan ada pembelian lagi...hihihi
HapusJadi udah tahu mas brp jumlah total Leopard, Marder, M109 dan M113 yg sudah diterima angka pastinya ?
Kalo dah tau dari awal ga seru mas, ga ada rasa penasarannya kek pengantin..qiqiiqi.. 😁
Hapus#Penasaran-tau-crot 😍😋
Teman2 coba lihat skema Armored Brigade Combat Team punya Amrik.
HapusDi skema itu ada 7 batalyon :
1 brigade engineer batallion.
3 combine arms batallion
1 cavalry squadron
1 fires batallion
1 brigade support batallion.
Fires batallion pakai sph m109 155 mm sebanyak 3 baterai x 2 peleton x 2 meriam = 3 x 4 = 12 unit m109.
1 armored brigade combat team isinya 112 m113, 90 ifv bradley, 90 mbt abrams, 12-20 sph m109 155 mm.
Coba sekarang ganti ifv bradley dengan marder, mbt abrams diganti mbt leopard / black tiger.
Batalyon mekanis dan batalyon kavaleri kita akan dibikin setara armored brigade combat team.
Dan mau dibikin berapa armored brigade combat team ?
Sebab ada 3 divisi kostrad, maka akan dibentuk 1 brigade untuk tiap divisi, sehingga akan ada paling sedikit 3 brigade.
3 brigade x 90 tank = 270 tank
3 brigade x 90 ifv = 270 ifv
3 brigade x 112 m113 = 336 m113
Leopard ada 103 unit.
Black tiger mau dipesan 100 unit.
103 + 100 = 203 unit
270 - 203 = 67 unit
Kekurangan tank mbt 67 unit.
Marder ada 42 unit.
270 - 42 = 228 unit
Kekurangan ifv roda rantai 228 unit
336 apc m113, yang datang sudah berapa ? Masih kurang banyak.
12-20 m113 x 3 = antara 36 - 60 m109.
Sudah dibeli 20 unit, masih kurang 36 - 20 = 16 unit lagi minimal.