18 Juli 2018

Taylor Bros Marine Signs OPV Contract

18 Juli 2018

12 OPV 80 will be built in Australia (photo : Lürssen Defence)

In a win for Tasmanian defence industry, Taylor Bros Marine has today announced the signing of a major contract with Luerssen Australia.

Taylor Bros will be involved in the design, production and installation of the accommodation spaces on Australia’s 12 Offshore Patrol Vessels.

“I’m pleased Luerssen Australia has brought Taylor Bros Marine on board for the 12 vessels,” Minister Pyne said.

“This marks the ongoing involvement of Taylor Bros in Australia’s continuous naval shipbuilding enterprise which has seen the company work on projects such as the LHD Amphibious Assault Ships and Air Warfare Destroyers.”

“This latest announcement provides Taylor Bros employee’s ongoing security and allows the company to retain its expertise in naval outfitting.”

The company currently employs 90 personnel with around 60 per cent of its work Defence related.

Luerssen Australia was selected by the Turnbull Government in November 2017 to design and build the Navy’s 12 OPVs.

The project, which is worth $3.6 billion, will be delivered by Australian workers, in Australian shipyards, using Australian steel.

Minister Pyne said it’s estimated the OPV project will employ up to 1000 Australian workers - 400 direct and 600 in the supply chain.

“Construction of the first OPV will commence this year at Osborne in South Australia using ASC.”

“The investment in our Navy, such as the OPVs, is a key part of the Turnbull Government's commitment to a safe and secure Australia.”

“The OPVs will have an important role protecting our borders with greater range and endurance than the existing patrol boat fleet.”

(Aus DoD)

8 komentar:

  1. Kok fotone sing iki...🤔

    Yen re kliru ono teleskopik hanggare

    1. diatas kan contoh, punye yg mulia raja diraja


      mang osi py pake hanggar?
      prasaan smua pnawarannya gak pake dech, termasuk disain damen opv haha!😎😎😎

      padahal kerenan damen, kok bisa kalah yak om smiling haha!😊😊😊

    2. Pakeklah....minimal teleskopik hanggar yg bisa dijembreng mulur-mungkret kayak akordion

    3. kyknya engga om smil, guwe barusan baca di forum osi, ada bbrp netijen sono yg kuciwa, trus katanya kalo yg 80m tanpa hanggar. yg pake ituw yg ukuran 85m-90m tp gak kefilih haha!😅😅😅.
      kerenan kita donk yak kn tj.datu uda gede, murmer pulak..harusnya osi pesen ke kitah, kan sodara dekat haha!😙😙😙

    4. Oiya ding, yg pake hangar teleskopik itu yg tipe 85 dan 90....tks bro

  2. Taylor bros kena rok...

    Tempat penjahit langganan bidababi 2000 itu toh yang menang kontrak

    1. ...rok na logor teuing Xixixixixixi :D

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