26 Juli 2018

Rheinmetall MAN to Supply New 1,044 Logistics Trucks to ADF

26 Juli 2018

ADF logistic truck (photo : Aus DoD)

New trucks for the ADF

The Australian Defence Force’s land capabilities will be further enhanced with the purchase of 1044 additional new-generation medium and heavy trucks, 872 modules and 812 trailers, worth $1.4 billion.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP said the additional medium and heavy trucks and their associated modules and trailers would facilitate logistics support through the movement of assets and supplies in combat, humanitarian, natural disaster relief and training.

"These modern trucks will be used for a broad range of military contingencies, from resupplying combat operations to supporting the ADF’s assistance to Australian and regional communities after natural disasters such as floods, fires and cyclones, " Minister Pyne said.

“We’ve already got more than 1,000 of these trucks in service and they have proved their value, exceeding user expectations in disaster relief, training and on exercises.

“This project marks the final Government approval for the LAND 121 Program, which is replacing the ADF’s legacy fleet of ageing vehicles and trailers, many of which are in excess of 30 years old and becoming increasingly costly and difficult to maintain.”

Minister Pyne said that while the trucks themselves would be manufactured on an existing production line in Austria, Australian industry would play a vital role in the project with Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Australia partnering with a range of Australia-based companies like Varley in Newcastle, Holmwood Highgate in Brisbane, and ECLIPS in the ACT to supply the modules and trailers.  

“Haulmark Trailers Australia, a trusted and proven Australian Defence industry partner, will manufacture and sustain the trailers for the project," Minister Pyne said.

“LAND 121 Phase 5B will sustain over 100 jobs with Haulmark in Brisbane, as well as over 100 more with Rheinmetall, its subcontractors and supply chain across Australia.

“This project presents an exciting opportunity for Australian industry to continue delivery of new-generation capability in support of the ADF.

"Australian industry involvement is in the order of half a billion dollars for acquisition, with ongoing sustainment being carried out by Australian or Australia-based companies.”

(Aus DoD)

20 komentar:

  1. ....
    Cara kaya
    Cepat kaya
    Gampang dapat uang

    Mbak, make ada nggak cara cepat dan gampang ngrabeni via vallen....(aku cuma disuruh sama klien yg gak mau disebut namanya)

    1. iki mesti kliene jenenge PG si tukang pentung

    2. Ngrabeni mah gampang, sing dowo urusane nek fregat..πŸ˜‚

    3. Kui nek sugih bondo...lha nek mung modal dengkul karo aurat, opo meneh sing arep didawakke

    4. Cocok yen nggono ujare pepatah:"tak ada (a)urat, ilat pun jadi...."😌

    5. Dan tak ada daster, waring pon jadi..πŸ˜‚

      Iku koyo kloset yo mas'e, demi menghindar bau, disentor lan ditutupi..kok ra dikosek karbol sisan wae...πŸ˜‚

      #opo tumon

    6. Ngurusi kali sing barang mati be ra becus....kok ngimpine ngurus negoroπŸ€”

      Nek ngene iki gek sopo sing picik sakjane...

    7. Lebih parah lagi kalo para pemilihnya pilih diam....memendam rasa malu yg gak tertanggungkan.

      Njur neng endi roso tanggung jawabmu...🀦

  2. Ausy jg ada zeni kontruksinya ya...woww

    1. ...banyak amat yach, kayanya itu buat ngangkut SAPI2 dan GANDUM dech

      ...Xixixixixixi :D

    2. Mungkin buat menginvasi cina kang...

      Di aussy,alutsista yg sudah habis umur ekonomisnya diganti total dg yg baru biar gak beratin biaya perawatannya

    3. ...och githu yach, mas bro Smile

      ...Xixixixixixi :D

  3. Satelit Militer kapan ?


  4. pengembangan IFX/KFX ditunda dikarenakan amerika tidak mengijinkan indonesia mengetahuin beberapa bagian ilmu teknologi yg sentsitif yg berhubungan dengan amerika,,,sudah kubilang, korea hanya memanfaatkan ilmu kedirgantaraan indonesia setelah itu mereka akan tendang indonesia perlahan lahan dr proyek ini' secara politik aku tak pernah percaya ame mamarika bangsat dan skutunya.

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