27 Juli 2018

Marsun Launches Five M21 Boats for Royal Thai Navy

27 Juli 2018

The launch ceremony of five M21-class patrol boats, 270-274, at Samutprakan, Thailand on 24 July 2018. (photos : Marsun)

Thai shipbuilder Marsun Company Limited has launched another five M21-class patrol boats for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN).

The vessels, which bear pennant numbers from 270 through to 274 respectively, were launched on 24 July at Marsun’s facilities in the country’s Samut Prakan province, said the RTN in an announcement the following day.

The service is now anticipating the delivery of 10 M21 patrol vessels. An earlier batch of five boats in the class was launched by Marsun in February 2018.

The M21 class has an overall length of 21.4 m, an overall beam of 5.56 m, and a hull draught of 1.05 m. It is powered by two MAN diesel engines driving two fixed pitch propellers, and can attain top speeds of more than 30 kt and a range of more than 350 n miles (648 km) at economical speed.

The vessel has carrying capacity for up to 4,000 litres of fuel, 1,200 litres of water, and can accommodate a crew of nine. It can operate up to Sea State 2.

Images of the launch ceremony released by the RTN confirm that each of the five vessels launched on 24 July have been equipped with a 20 mm cannon in the primary position. The class is also armed with one 12.7 mm machine gun with a co-axial 81 mm grenade launcher in the aft section.

The M21 class has also been equipped with one crane-launched rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) at stern, and one inflatable life raft canister on the port side at aft.

Once delivered, all five vessels are expected to be deployed with the RTN’s coastguard squadron and take on duties such as VIP escorts, fishery resources protection, and other maritime constabulary duties in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand.


24 komentar:

  1. Wuiii, Thailand juga berlomba bikin kapal2 kecil dengan kita.

    1. Dashboard te rapih yo om...

      Lha iku sing nylekanthuk werna ijo sing koyo robot jenenge: kompas magnetik

    2. Om, ternyata kontrake wan abud utk perbaikan trotoar itu smp bulan desember, padahal asian games berlangsung bln agustus....mulane di take over karo pupr, semono ugo anggone nguras kali, yen nunggu dikokobi kapan rampung?

    3. Tergantung sing ngokop wong piro dhisik mas'e...kae kan akeh poro bolo kurowone rojo singosari..😷😛

    4. Ra usah dikokobi...cukup dinei waring

    5. Yen ra dicepaki nasi bungkus....sengoro do kerjo

    6. Waring ra bakal awet mas rul, gara-gara mas smiling gawe ide nggo bahan daster..podho niru..😌

  2. Defense studies knp jdi sindir sindiran politik sihh 😑😑
    Udah kyk jkg aja ..ckckckck

    1. Eya...kitorang kan buka cabang jkg disini bang

      Lagian kalo ada yg teriak2 babi, anjing, osang-aseng kok sampeyan gak terusik....njul, panjul😤

    2. Halahh ..sma aja emgnya kaum kamprettt ama cebongers ini bkin kisruh aja di smua web, ampe web militer jga pda ngejunk..
      Mending diskusi terkait topik dah, biar belajr sma2, ato debat breng maloners snoh

    3. Yowes sampeyan gek komen opo kono, mengko tak nyimak....yen mutu komene

    4. Giliran diaturi komen malah mendel wae...mas panjul ki

    5. Oke..
      Ane tanya nyantai, seberapa efektif fungsi nii boat sehingga bisa diganti ama drone aja?


    6. Om ogut blh jawab ga om...biar kaya org2 kekuatan pinter nya...hehhe

    7. Sangat boleh laah..
      Mau kritik pedas aja hayuk kok..😊

    8. Urik....le komen nek pas sepi penonton🙄

    9. Klo salah maap ye om...maklum newbie...hehehe
      Ni boat sangat efektif om...buat peran penindakan org yg suka nyelonong masuk tanpa ijin om...klo drone menurut Sy ga bs buat penindakan....maap klo salah,maklum ye...hehehe

      Waduh klo Sy ga bs kritik pedas om....saya mah sukanya kripik pedas ...campur kopi sama udud...xixixi

    10. Menurut ane, yg soft bisa ditindak ama Coast Guard/Bakamla/Beacukai..AL buat yg lebih berat.
      Dimari, banyakin kelas PC40/KCR40 keatas dah oke tuh, dilengkapi drone tentunya, efektif-efisien..😊

    11. Mas smiling,
      Ente kramas dulu laah..baru komen..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. bagus dech kawasan berlomba2 bikin kafal sendiri, dari ukuran 20 ampe 125 m...hore haha!😎😎😎

    mungkin hanya bbrp yg masi impor kapal kecil, cem filipin tp masi bisa dimaklumilah. slain sumber daya mrk jg gak beli program tot kan haha!😊😊😊
    tp ada yg doyan transper2an tp masi kuat impor2an juga, bijimane ini haha!😋😋😋

    1. Yg doyan transper2an tp masi kuat impor2an juga itu siapa ya ?

      Tolong kasitau dong.

    2. sebnernya mao diem2 aja om woof2, rupanya ada yg kerasa, doi ngamuk. kena pancing pancing rupanya haha!😁😁😁

      hadir2 dsini:




      gituw aja ngambek, apalagi guwe beri list hasil mef yak...minta grab ke pluto dia haha!🛸🛸🛸

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