27 Juli 2018
HMAS Brisbane (photo : RAN)
In a moving ceremony, Navy’s second Air Warfare Destroyer, Brisbane, has officially been handed over to Defence.
Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, attended the acceptance ceremony at the Osborne Naval Shipyard in Adelaide.
Minister Pyne said Brisbane is the second of three ships being delivered by the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance which comprises the Department of Defence, Raytheon Australia, and ASC Shipbuilding supported by Navantia Australia.
“Today’s milestone is a further demonstration of the success of the Turnbull Government’s Naval Shipbuilding Plan,” said Minister Pyne.
“The AWD Program has met all budget and schedule targets since the implementation of the Government’s reform initiative.”
“Brisbane will enter into service later this year and with her sister-ships, they will be the most potent warships ever operated by the Royal Australia Navy.”
“By using a combination of Australian and globally proven technologies, these highly capable warships will contribute directly to our maritime security and allow us to work even closer with our allies.”
Over the past decade more than 5,000 skilled Australians have worked on the three Air Warfare Destroyers.
“This has laid the foundation for an Australian shipbuilding and systems integration industry which will construct the new Hunter class frigates in South Australia.”
“The AWD Program has also built a vast Australian supply chain, comprising more than 2,700 suppliers.”
“Over 500 of these are from South Australia, stimulating strong economic growth and job creation.”
The first Air Warfare Destroyer, HMAS Hobart, was accepted and commissioned into service last year.
The third ship, Sydney, was launched at Osborne in May this year and will be delivered to the Navy next year.
(Aus DoD)
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BalasHapusSampeyan due dagangan parfum ora...ndhang tawakno karo wan abud, sebab miturut tim pakare wan abud, kali item bakal digrujug parfum ben ilang pengukke
Sentor karbol rak uwes mas..
HapusLagian yen mung parfum wan abud ra kurang kurang, wong tanah leluhure nggone parfum kok..saking dheweke rung kepikiran wae kuwi..😌😔😖
Wkwkwk...ade2 aja wan abud...gk kebayang ribuan botol parfum yg dibuang ke sungai item wkwkwk
HapusEh temenan iki....wong tim pakare wes bersabda neng koran yen arel uji coba.
HapusNgaku Tim pakar kok coba-coba....🤦
Parfum diguyur ke sungai....apa bukan mencemari lingkungan yg kek gitu....halo tim pakar🤓
HapusKuwi mesti dikeruk dhisik trus digelontor banyu nganggo debit sing kenceng.
HapusTrus dikei ikan sapu-sapu lan lele sarta teritip ben iso mangan bakteri lan kotoran sing marakke mambu.
Kudune ngeruke lan nggelontore pas musim udan, nanging kui ora ditindakake karo si sinis plonga plongo kuwi, bareng wis cedhak wektune lagi kalang kabut.
Lha nek saiki wis ora cukup wektune dadi dikei wae nang pinggirane wong2 dodolan buah2 sing mambune tajem kaya duren, cempedak, pete, jengkol, ben mambu kaline iso dikamuflase.
Sekalian dodolan wedhus uga ben mambu penguke kali keslimur karo penguke wedhus.
Hapusdestroyer osi yg masi kala gde dibanding calon frigat kelas hunter milik sendiri haha!😅😅😅
BalasHapusAda yg ngajakin belajar bersama tuh bro....
Hapusawewe bukan om haha!😍😍😍
HapusSayang bukan....om panjul tuh yg ngajakin, xixixi
HapusBaru dapat maklumat yang radar kapal Diponegoro hanya MW08 yang berjarak HANYA 30km??!!!
BalasHapusSkrg ni radar frigate dan korvet sudah 100km ke atas,radar Kedah class pun dah 120km.
Hahahahahahahahah...Exocet jarak 72km tp radar Diponegoro hanya 32km.radar opv/kapal.cepat tu.belum kesan musuh dah kena tembak hancur dulu kapal buruk tu.😂😂😂😂😂
Kesian.tp ok la drpd takde radar mcm Apache.
Cem mana radar kedah class dah 120 km bila kedah class pun ompong tiada missile,lawaknye ko lon wkwkwk
Hapusyg ini yg terpenting om pit, om tentera gak punya CIWS haha!🤣🤣🤣
Hapuskesian tentera delay gak punya SU-35 apalagi UCAV haha!😤😤😤
ke pitch black aja uda ngos2an, nabong 10 taon sekali baru pigi. uda gt ngarep subsidi sperpart hornet osi, ini kata temen2muh nich loh haha!😉😉😉
nich spek LMS kapal masa depan om tentera delay alias unknown, menyedihkan bok cuman 22knot ama panjang kata om tentera 70meter ternyata disunat 2 meter jadi 68 meter...dasar bul bul ependi haha!😆😆😆
kalo cuman spek kyk gituch mah, kalah jau ama sekelas PC 28 ato 40meter kitah, kesian om tentera delay jau2 ngimpor bot kecik haha!😂😂😂
inget PC itu, kafal patroli bkn sekelas KCR yg termasyurrrr ituwww pake CIWS n rudal c705 haha!👍👍👍
nyoih om pit radar bagus ituw, ampe skrg dipake kapal2 termasyurrrrr haha!😇😇😇
HapusSouth Korea: 3 Gwanggaeto the Great-class destroyer, 4+2 Chungmugong Yi Sun-shin-class destroyer(will be replaced by SPS-540K, 1 Dokdo-class amphibious assault ship(will be replaced by SPS-540K)
Greece: 4 Hydra class frigates, 7 Roussen Class FACM
Portugal: 3 Vasco da Gama-class frigate
Turkey: 7 Kilic class fast attack craft
Oman: 2 Qahir class corvettes
Indonesia: 4 Sigma class corvettes
dan sekarang pon mereka ikut2 kita, pake radar smart s ama vl mica sampe VDS buuuuhhh, takde imajinasi, dasar polower kaboorr aahhh haha!🤣🤣🤣
mana ada radar mw08 30km? coba pake kacamata plus, yg bner brp hayooooo
Hapusno link = tung tunng tunggg haha!🔨🔨🔨
Yoi ompal,kedah class laksana patrol boat ompong tak de missile wkwkwk
Hapusradar cuman 120km aja dibanggain, lah kelas VS nan perkasa aja punya 2 radar yg lebih jauuuuuuu dr sekedar kelas kedah. dan smua kafal kleaian tak punya 200 NM(bukan KM lhoo haha!🤠🤠🤠) cem punya kelas VS, begh...makanya cucooo gendong yakunn setronkkkk haha!😅😅😅
Hapusdan kita xlaluw berkate jujur om pit, gak sperti sonowatuw(vanuatu) haha!😋😋😋
HapusIdiot Navy.White people loves to run everytime their is a gun battling.
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