19 Juli 2018
Tasmania to established as location for trials and test facility for submarine and surface ship sonar systems (image : Naval Group)
Sonar Trials and Testing Facility in Tasmania
Thales Australia is looking to make Tasmania the home of a state-of-the-art trials and test facility for submarine and surface ship sonar systems.
Thales Australia, the University of Tasmania, Australian Maritime College and AMOG Consulting today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to investigate the establishment of the facility.
The potential locations being investigated for the facility are located in the federal seat of Braddon and will create jobs and develop world leading expertise for the region.
The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, who witnessed today’s signing, said this initiative further demonstrates the Turnbull Government’s investment in shipbuilding capability and sustainment is a truly national enterprise.
“Sonar systems are the eyes and ears of our submarines and ships and are key to giving them the edge they need,“ Minister Pyne said.
“The Collins class sonar upgrade program is boosting defence industry confidence around Australia.”
“Contributions to Australia’s military capability from our defence industry come from all around the country and are not confined to our big cities.”
“Congratulations to everyone involved in delivering this great opportunity for the region.”
“Initiatives like this help build Australia’s capability to deliver the Turnbull Government’s Naval Shipbuilding Plan,” said Minister Pyne.
Thales Australia advises the use of Tasmania’s deep, cold and acoustically quiet lakes for the proposed acoustic testing capability could enable sonar systems, including those currently delivered by Thales to be tested to new levels of accuracy.
(Aus DoD)
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BalasHapusMas TN, phd diblog sebelah nawarin f-16 c/d ex RSAF...
BalasHapusMemangnya amerika ngijinin ya, soale menurutku amrik bakal mengutamakan dapur industri aviasinya tetep ngebul, dg mengarahkan RI membeli F16 brand new
Nawarin ke siapa mas?
HapusRI or Thailand?
F16 nya ke kita, kalo c/d nya....emang sampeyan butuh🙄
HapusSelama kita juga beli yang brand new yang lebih banyak, dan juga selama kita juga libatkan amrik dalam pembelian second fighter ex RSAF, saya kira nggak masalah tuh.
Hapusskak mat ala mas smiling nih..😀
Jian.. Gery Kasparov tenan iki..😁
#Garry Kasparov
HapusHuahahahahaha cd
HapusNgakak sambil guling guling
@mas ngitung
HapusSekarang ini kan amerika lg menghidupkan lini produksi f16 blok 70....dan RI adalah salah satu konsumen potensialnya.
Ada beberapa orang yg mau berbagai suami, bahkan katanya mas PS mau berbagi 3😘...tapi apakah amerika mau berbagi rejeki dengan singapura dg merelakan RI membeli f16 sekenan singapur dan kehilangan potensi penjualan f16/70?
Saya gak tau mana yg akhirnya akan dibeli RI, tapi katanya dalam tiap alutsista strategis buatan amerika, terdapat "pengkastaan" spesifikasi berdasar pd kedekatan hubungan d amerika. Misalnya pembedaan spek perangkat pernika, atau pengurangan radius tempur dll.
Padahal kita tau, singapura adalah sekutu dekat amrik dan spek alutsistanyapun "konon" kastanya lebih tinggi dibanding yg kita miliki.
Nah nantinya apa tidak menjadi kendala baru jika RI beli sekenan f16 ini?
Ngelihat sampeyan bisa ketawa lebar gitu aja, saya sudah seneng mas....
BalasHapusbuatan rusia? lah mreka aja fesan dari ferancis haha!😂😂😂
Hapusada2 aja yg bikin judul, viral virall dech, yg 244m ditunggu haha!🤪🤪🤪