28 Juli 2018
The United States government committed, under the Obama administration through Maritime Security Initiative (MSI), to provided the Philippines with palletized intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) kit for Philippine Air Force (PAF)’s C-130 aircraft.
The implementation of this commitment by US was raised through a photo that appeared first in Philippine Plane Spotters Group (PPSG) social networking group this week.
The implementation was further confirmed by MaxDefense Philippines in an article.
PAF’s C-130T aircraft with tail number 5040 was utilized for the project. The said aircraft is one of the two C130Ts provided by US government through Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Program.
“The US military made use of the Canadian-built SABIR (Special Airborne Mission Installation and Response) system, that allows the mounting of modular pods externally without the need for modifications on the airframe except for the rear paratrooper doors,” MaxDefense said.
“Several systems were installed to convert the aircraft into a dual use surveillance/maritime patrol – heavy tactical transport platform,” it added. More information about ISR equipment used for the C130 aircraft is available at https://maxdefense.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-philippine-air-force-finally-got.html
US government’s Maritime Security Initiative also facilitated the delivery of several naval assets to Philippine Navy like the third Del Pilar class frigate BRP Andrés Bonifacio (FF-17) and research vessel BRP Gregorio Velasquez (AGR 702).
TNI AU dulu pernah punya Hercules MPA, sayang crash..😔
BalasHapusDi saat negara lain ada ratusan ranpur setiap jenis ranpur,indon hanya ada puluhan unit je setiap jenis ranpur.itu pun bnyk usang dan dah dikanibal.hahahaha.navy jauh sekali tertinggal dan miris.begitu juga army.
Indon miskin dan miris
Lon,itu link tahun jepun ye wkwkwk...kau nak aq kasi link terbaru thn 2017 tentang aset TUDM banyak yg lapuk,ko mau tak lon biar aq hantar lon wkwkwk
HapusIya deeh...lebih hebat ente, selamat yaa..😊
HapusRanpur malon banyak yg usang si condor,sibmas....pendekar lapuk tak de tenaga,gempita ria,adnan cuma mainan sitting duck bagi apache & sutuc..wkkkwkkwkkk
Hapusdisaat tim elit shoping soping, om tentera delay sibuk baca link jebot haha!😂😂😂
Hapusbetewe nyari suaka dia ke negerinya om ben, ciyeee..pengen jd warga negara sono ditolak om ben, luhh haha!🤣🤣🤣
gini aja biar digabong pon gak ada marinirnya mereka haha!🤣🤣🤣
kesian tentra delay gak punya yg baru cem heli atak, gak punya pesawat coin, gak punya pesawat latih baru, gak punya baracuda, gak punya pesawat MPA, gak punya medium SAM(NASSAMS), gak punya oerlikon, gak py millenium gun, gak punya LPD, gak py Kapal Hidro-Oseanografi yg baru, gak punya kapal rumah sakit, gak punya LST baru, gak punya kapal komando(KMC), gak py SPH, gak punya kapal tiang tinggi yg baru, gak punya marinir, gak punya tank amfibi, gak punya PONTON, gak punya tivi banyak lagi gak punya haha!😆😆😆
ama satu lagi, gak punya maluwww, baca brita huks mlulu salah lagi haha!👎👎👎
yg ini yg terpenting om tentera gak punya CIWS haha!🤣🤣🤣
Hapuskesian tentera delay gak punya SU-35 apalagi UCAV haha!😤😤😤
ke pitch black aja uda ngos2an, nabong 10 taon sekali baru pigi. ngarep subsidi sperpart hornet osi, kata temen2muh nich haha!😉😉😉
nich spek LMS kapal masa depan om tentera delay alias unknown, menyedihkan bok cuman 22knot ama panjang kata om tentera 70meter ternyata disunat 2 meter jadi 68 meter...dasar bul bul ependi haha!😆😆😆
kalo cuman spek kyk gituch mah, kalah jau ama sekelas PC 28 ato 40meter kitah, kesian om tentera delay jau2 ngimpor bot kecik haha!😂😂😂
inget PC itu, kafal patroli bkn sekelas KCR yg termasyurrrr ituwww pake CIWS n rudal c705 haha!👍👍👍
Malon Ini betul betul miris MBT hanya T72 kw3 Poland itu pun hanya 48 biji kalah dengan Singapura yang
Hapuskecil 😆😆😆😆😆
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