One of the two Harpoon missiles launched from the Republic of Singapore (RSN)'s Formidable-class frigate RSS Tenacious, in a Simultaneous Time-on-Target Harpoon surface-to-surface live missile firing conducted by the RSN. (photos : Sing Mindef, US Navy)
Singapore Navy Participates in High-end Naval Warfare Training at Multinational Rim of the Pacific Exercise 2018
Comprising RSS Tenacious, Australia's HMAS Toowoomba, Malaysia's KD Lekiu, Peru's BAP Ferre, South Korea's ROKS Dae Jo Young, and the United States (US)' USS Sterett, the RSN's Task Unit will conduct training and scenario-based missions across the surface, air and sub-surface dimensions of naval warfare. Also taking on duties as Commander Task Group, the RSN will lead Peru's BAP Ferre, Chile's CNS Lynch, the US' USS Lake Erie and USS William P Lawrence, as well as multinational helicopters and aircraft in the conduct of anti-submarine warfare training. The RSN will also participate in a multinational escort of five mission-critical ships four countries, to defend against submarine attacks.
On 20 July (Singapore time), RSS Tenacious also conducted a successful Simultaneous Time-on-Target (STOT) Harpoon surface-to-surface live missile firing, which involved the firing of two missiles to hit a target at the same time.
Commanding Officer of RSS Tenacious, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Lee Jan, highlighted the value of the RSN's participation in large-scale exercises like Ex RIMPAC. He said, "Exercise RIMPAC is a useful platform for the RSN to train with established navies from around the world and hone our warfare capabilities. With the involvement of many air and sea platforms, participation in this exercise allows the RSN to improve our interoperability with partner navies and to better understand how they operate. Most importantly, the exercise gives us the opportunity to forge friendships and build closer cooperation with the multinational navies involved."
Commenting on RSS Tenacious' participation in the exercise, Commander of the US Third Fleet Vice Admiral John D. Alexander said, “We are all maritime nations, we all prosper through trade, and the majority of the trade goes through the Indo-Pacific region. Exercise RIMPAC is an opportunity to build invaluable relationships and partnerships. The relationships we are building here with Singapore and many others will enable us to work together to provide disaster relief, combat piracy, or conduct a wide range of maritime contingency operations when the need arises."
Hosted by the United States Navy, the biennial Ex RIMPAC is the world's largest international maritime exercise. This is the sixth Ex RIMPAC that the RSN has participated in over the last 10 years.
(Sing Mindef)
Ngisorku ki poro alumnus Monas University....
BalasHapusAku jek maba, rung lulus, berarti aman, lan ra melu ngemuli kali..opo tumon mas'e..?😁😂😂😂
HapusHalah, ra sah baper Mas...
HapusKali dikemuli manut wae. @PS dikemuli satpol PP, mlayu nggendring...
barang mahal dibuang
BalasHapusDimana lagi bisa buang stok yang bejibun?
HapusTiap Rimpac aja Fregat doi yg ikut digilir kok, biar tau rasanya buang barang mahal..😁😀
Sepertinya klub fpda plus pada latihan bareng cara mengeroyok musuh hehe....memang mereka senengnya keroyokan
BalasHapuskok pada pakai cadar gitu ya?
BalasHapusKarena....yg duduk disebelahnya biar gak nafsu
HapusSingapura bawa kapal halimunan canggih. Bukan seperti malaysia dan indonesia bawa kapal buruk tiada rudal! Cuma berlatih tembak canon sahaja!
BalasHapusMakanya sering2 banyak lon,ko tak tau keh missile exocet block 3 sudah di install ke PKR indonesia
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusAda hall yng menarik dri komen beruk @ajaj trnyata mmang dia mengakui kalau aset tldm itu ompong...
HapusBukan seperti malingbabi dan indonesia yng hnya bawa kapal buruk tiada rudal!!!
Pdahal kapal yng d kirim untuk rimpac 2018 itu lekiu class nampak nya para beruk sudah mulai bangun dan mengakui kalau aset tldm itu ompong....
Keknya rudal yg ada difoto gagal kenain target....lantaran moncong rudalnya yg ke rumah radar ketutupan waring😂
BalasHapusthat Island Singapore is belong to Indonesia. That is part of Indonesia.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusCame and get it😎
HapusBig red chilli.. looks big but not spicy.
Chili padi looks small.. but super spicy.
Says the clown!
HapusClown is your daddy idiot.
Hapuslet see Ben. sooner Indonesia will going to get whats lost a time ago.
HapusUr claiming that Singapore belongs to u only based on historical grounds. Meaning it's in the past. It's as good as saying that Singapore belongs to Malaysia just because we were part of them.
Hapusyour so genius Ben. It came on your own mouth already.
HapusPrecisely. Stop bringing up the past. It is no longer relevant. Learn to move on. If u r unhappy with the state the region is. Blame it on the British Empire.
HapusIts as good as being china claiming their 9-dash line based on old mapping.
Hapuskapal made in prancis, buat anti kapal permukaannya & heli made in amrik, mayan dapet oleh2 dr negerinya om ben buat upeti opa donal bebek haha!😆😆😆
BalasHapus2 rudal 1 target, buuumm..ssttt tenggelam gak yach?haha!🤫🤫🤫
Singapore Navy Frigate RSS Tenacious Firing Two Harpoon Missiles In RIMPAC 2018
dari video diatas, dek buat tube launcher lapang jugak yach, tp smua arah kanan, knp yach, kan rata2 smua silang. refot jugak kalo ada musuh diarah berlawanan, rudalnye muter dolo cuy makan waktu haha!😋😋😋
Hapuskapal singapo bolelah pada jamannya, tp komentar guwe buat om ajaj, takde CIWS tak sempurnah, intinya kagak asyik & syantique haha!🤣🤣🤣
Betul om,tak de CIWS ibarat masakan tanpa garam ompal
Hapusnyoih om pit, hambar haha!😋😋😋
HapusBe warned. CIWS won't be able to keep up for long when dealing with supersonic anti ship missiles like the NSM. Read an article recently. Speed is overwhelming the CIWS to react quickly.
Hapuslah di kawasan yg punya rudal anti kapal supersonik kan hanya kami om ben..ituloh yakhont strong haha!🚀🚀🚀
Hapusmasa om ben lufa, tnang guwe ada pedeonya haha!😋😋😋
Hapusyihaaa haha!🤠🤠🤠
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