31 Desember 2024

TNI AU Kerahkan "Drone" Anka untuk Jaga Kawasan Natuna

31 Desember 2024

TAI Anka UCAV MALE (photo: Chris England)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Mohamad Tonny Harjono mengatakan pihaknya akan mengerahkan pesawat nirawak atau drone Anka untuk mengawasi kawasan Natuna Utara yang berdekatan dengan kawasan Laut China Selatan.

Drone Anka itu dikerahkan ke wilayah tersebut lantaran saat ini situasi di kawasan Laut China Selatan tengah memanas disebabkan oleh konflik perbatasan antarbeberapa negara ASEAN.

"Angkatan Udara dalam waktu dekat akan mendapatkan PTTA, pesawat terbang tanpa awak Anka buatan Turki. Kita akan tempatkan di Natuna, untuk mengawasi Laut Natuna Utara," kata Tonny di Mabes AU, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Senin.

Tonny menjelaskan drone dari Turki itu merupakan barang baru yang dibeli Kementerian Pertahanan dan akan datang dalam waktu dekat.

Tonny melanjutkan, kehadiran drone buatan Turki itu akan menggantikan posisi drone CH4 buatan China yang saat ini masih dipakai menjaga kawasan yang berbatasan dengan Laut China Selatan tersebut.

Walau digantikan, Tonny memastikan kualitas drone buatan Turki tidak akan jauh berbeda dengan drone yang telah digunakan TNI AU.

Tidak hanya menyediakan drone, TNI AU juga akan mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang terlatih untuk mengawaki drone tersebut.

"Sekarang sudah ada, Skuadron Pendidikan 103 yang berada di Tasikmalaya. Nanti pesawat (drone) yang ada di Pontianak akan kita pindahkan ke Tasikmalaya menjadi pesawat latih," jelas dia.

Dengan adanya drone baru dan awak dengan kemampuan teknis tinggi, Tonny yakin pihaknya akan semakin maksimal dalam mengawasi wilayah perbatasan Indonesia dengan Laut China Selatan.

KSAU Sebut TNI AU Kedatangan Jet Tempur T-50 Asal Korsel pada 2025

31 Desember 2024

Pesawat T50 Skadron Udara 15 TNI AU. Tahun 2025 TNI AU akan menerima 6 pesawat T50 lagi (photo: Arvin Lienardi)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Mohamad Tonny Harjono mengatakan pihaknya akan kedatangan beberapa unit pesawat tempur T-50 buatan Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) tahun 2025.

"Saya sudah melihat sendiri ke KAI, Korea Airspace Industry, bagus sekali dan ini sudah kita gunakan juga pesawat ini, dan kita akan mendapatkan lagi mulai dari kedatangannya di tahun 2025-2026," kata Tonny saat membuka acara forum diskusi bertajuk "Sambung Rasa" dengan para pemimpin redaksi media massa di Mabes AU, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Senin.

Dalam sambutannya, Tonny tidak menjelaskan berapa unit pesawat yang akan datang pada masa waktu 2025-2026 nanti.

Tonny juga tidak menjelaskan secara rinci nilai kontrak pembelian pesawat tempur itu. Dia hanya menjelaskan pesawat tersebut dihadirkan untuk ditempatkan di beberapa skuadron demi memperkuat pertahanan udara Indonesia.

Lebih lanjut, tidak hanya pesawat tempur T-50, Tonny mengatakan TNI AU juga akan kedatangan beberapa unit pesawat dalam kurun waktu beberapa tahun ke depan.

Beberapa unit yang akan datang di antaranya jet tempur jenis Rafale dari Dassault Aviation Prancis pada 2026.

Kementerian Pertahan tercatat telah membeli 42 unit jet tempur pabrikan Prancis itu setelah kontrak pembelian tahap ketiga untuk 18 unit terakhir efektif.

Pesawat T50 Skadron Udara 15 TNI AU (photo: Rachmat DP)

Selain itu, TNI AU juga akan kedatangan pesawat tanpa awak Anka sebanyak 12 unit yang dibeli dari Turkish Aerospace tahun ini.

Dalam kontrak kerja sama yang telah diteken Kementerian Pertahanan tahun ini, dijelaskan enam pesawat akan dirakit di Indonesia sedangkan sisanya dikirim selama 32 bulan setelah kontrak berlaku.

Dengan adanya penambahan alat utama sistem senjata itu, Tonny berharap pertahanan udara Indonesia semakin kuat.

Telah membeli T-50
Sebelumnya, Kementerian Pertahanan telah meneken kontrak pembelian pesawat T-50 pada 2021 lalu. Pesawat tersebut dibeli dengan nilai kontrak sebesar 240 juta dolar AS untuk digunakan sebagai pesawat latih para penerbang tempur TNI AU.

Jika berdasarkan kontrak yang disetujui antara Kemhan dan KAI kala itu, pengiriman pesawat dilakukan secara bertahap mulai 16 Desember 2021 hingga 30 Oktober 2024.

Pembelian tersebut bukanlah yang pertama dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia. Di tahun 2011 pemerintah juga telah membeli 16 unit pesawat tempur asal negeri ginseng itu dengan nilai kontrak sebesar 400 juta dolar AS.

TLDM Latih Kesiapsiagaan dengan INDEX 26 MCMV

31 Desember 2024

Latihan INDEX MCMV TLDM (all photos: TLDM)

Kesiapsiagaan Skuadron Penangkis Periuk Api ke-26

Latihan Individual Exercise 26th Mine Countermeasure Vessel (INDEX 26 MCMV) 2024 telah berjaya dilaksanakan di perairan Kepulauan Sembilan dan Pulau Pangkor pada 15 dan 16 Disember 2024.

Latihan berkonsepkan Field Training Exercise (FTX) ini melibatkan aset Skuadron Penangkis Periuk Api (SPP) Ke-26 iaitu KD MAHAMIRU, KD JERAI dan KD KINABALU.

Pelaksanaan INDEX 26 MCMV bukan sahaja meningkatkan tahap kesiapsiagaan operasi Skuadron Penangkis Periuk Api (SPP) Ke-26, tetapi turut memperkukuhkan keupayaan TLDM dalam menjaga keselamatan perairan negara.

Menurut Portal Rasmi TLDM, Skuadron Penangkis Periuk Api ke-26 mempunyai armada 4 kapal yang terdiri dari KD Mahamiru - 11, KD Jerai - 12, KD Ledang -13, dan KD Kinabalu - 14.

Kapal penangkis periuk api Lerici class ini dibina oleh Syarikat Intermarine di Itali dan dilancarkan pada 30 Oktober 1984 oleh Puan Zabidahtul Mansur, isteri kepada Tuan Yang Terutama Duta Besar Malaysia.

30 Desember 2024

Vietnam Displayed Spyder Air Defense System at Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024

30 Desember 2024

Spyder air defense missile system on display at Gia Lam airport (photo: QDND)

Spyder will be a modern air defense missile system introduced by the Air Defense - Air Force at the Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024.

Following the first Vietnam International Defense Exhibition  in 2022, the Air Defense - Air Force continues to bring to this exhibition the Spyder air defense missile system developed and manufactured by contractor Rafale (Israel).

The Air Defense - Air Force displayed a complex including a command center vehicle (CCU), Spyder-SR short-range combat vehicle, Spyder-MR medium-range combat vehicle, and training ammunition.

The Spyder air defense missile system is mobile, responsive, and can operate day/night in all weather conditions. In combat, it can quickly detect and destroy short and medium-range aerial targets such as: aircraft, helicopters, low-altitude targets, cruise missiles, unmanned attack aircraft, and remote-controlled precision weapons.

The Spyder-SR carries four short-range surface-to-air missiles that can intercept aerial targets from a distance of 20km at an altitude of 9,000m, while the Spyder-MR carries eight medium-range surface-to-air missiles with a maximum range of up to 50km at an altitude of 16,000m. The missiles of the Spyder air defense missile system are designed to be immune to electronic interference, with dual-band infrared thermal imaging homing missiles and active radar homing missiles.

Spyder-SR short-range combat vehicle (front) and Spyder-MR medium-range combat vehicle (rear) of the Spyder air defense missile system (photo: QDND)

Thus, with the Spyder-SR and Spyder-MR missiles, a Spyder crew can protect a target with a diameter of up to 120km. Not only that, the open design of the Spyder air defense missile system also allows for coordination with other air defense systems in the same air defense network.

In addition, we must also mention the surveillance radars for the launchers, including the ELM-2016 for Spyder-SR and the ELM-2084 for Spyder-MR. These are modern multi-purpose 3D radars that can perform many different tasks including aerial surveillance; anti-aircraft missile fire control or missile interception; detecting artillery, mortars, rockets and locating their positions.

Finally, the CCU vehicle is responsible for connecting the mobile launchers and the ELM-2084 radar. The combat deployment time of the Spyder air defense missile system is only about 15 minutes with a crew of 4 people on each launcher.

The mobile launchers and combat component vehicles of the Spyder air defense missile system in service with the Air Defense - Air Force are all mounted on the HX58 (6x6) and HX77 (8x8) tire-wheeled off-road truck chassis manufactured by MAN (Germany), with high mobility.

In addition to Vietnam, the Spyder air defense missile system  is currently in service with the armies of Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic, Ethiopia, India, Peru, the Philippines, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Morocco.

Perkuat Sistem Pertahanan Udara, TNI AU Tempatkan Rudal Jarak Menengah di Sekitar IKN Kaltim

30 Desember 2024

DanKosek IKN ketika melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Satuan Rudal jarak menengah di Teluk Naga, Tangerang (photo: TNI AU, Kemhan)

TRIBUNKALTIM.CO - Pemerintah melalui TNI terus memperkuat sistem pertahanan untuk melindungi Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) di Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim).

Sistem pertahanan udara menjadi sorota, mengingat ancaman udara merupakan tantangan tersulit dalam konteks pertahanan.

Selain itu, pertahanan udara juga menjadi isu besar terkait banyak konflik yang terjadi di dunia disebabkan karena adanya tekanan di wilayah udara.

Dari tiga konsep matra pertahanan, yaitu darat, laut, dan udara, yang paling sulit adalah menghadapi ancaman udara.

Karena memang sifat dari serangan ini adalah sangat cepat.

Jika Indonesia bisa menghadapi serangan yang sangat cepat, maka dapat dipastikan bisa menghadapi serangan laut dan darat.

Komandan Lanud Dhomber Kolonel Penerbang Fata Patria menuturkan, pertahanan udara IKN dan sekitarnya akan menghadapi tantangan yang cukup besar ke depan ketika ibu kota baru itu sudah resmi beroperasi.

Memang dalam konteks IKN, Lanud Dhomber hanya sebagai satuan pelaksana, sementara yang menetapkan kebijakan adalah Mabes TNI AU.

Namun, karena lanud yang terdekat dengan IKN adalah Lanud Dhomber, secara operasional maupun taktisnya akan membantu kebijakan Mabes TNI AU dalam menyiapkan pertahanan udara di IKN.

Oleh karena itu, Lanud Dhomber akan menyiapkan infrastruktur, personil, dan sumber daya lainnya, untuk bersama-sama mendukung dan mengimplementasikan smart air defense system.

"Peran kami sebagai Lanud pendukung, akan sangat penting mendukung IKN, dan kami berencana menempatkan beberapa pesawat untuk pertahanan udara di sana," ungkap Fata menjawab pertanyaan Kompas.com, di Mako Lanud Dhomber, Balikpapan, Senin (16/12/2024).

Kendati berfungsi hanya sebagai pendukung, namun Lanud Dhomber dipastikan akan menyiapkan segala sesuatunya sampai ada kebijakan lain yang mengharuskan secara langsung berada di garda depan pertahanan udara IKN.

Adapun smart air defense system IKN tertuang dalam sistem pertahanan negara (Sishanneg) melalui Keputusan Menteri Pertahanan Nomor 1746/M/XII/2023.

Dalam keputusan tersebut, rencana Sishanneg diarahkan dapat memadukan kekuatan militer dan nirmiliter yang smart, kuat, tangguh memiliki daya tangkal dan tindak tinggi.

Hal ini agar mampu melindungi ibu kota negara dari berbagai macam ancaman.

Rencana ini juga menunjukkan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan terintegrasi untuk pertahanan nasional, menggabungkan elemen-elemen tradisional pertahanan dengan teknologi dan diplomasi modern.

Dengan demikian, dapat memperkuat kemampuan pertahanan Indonesia dan memperkuat posisinya di tingkat internasional.

"Nah, di sini kami sebagai pelaksana operasional di Balikpapan yang terdekat dengan IKN, kami mencoba menyiapkan dari sisi udaranya sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan," imbuh Fata.

Diharapkan, nanti pada saat IKN sudah mulai dioperasionalkan, pertahanan dari sisi udara sudah bisa diandalkan.

Kendati demikian, Fata menegaskan, pembangunan sistem pertahanan udara tidak hanya Lanud Dhomber, melainkan keseluruhan.

Seperti di Banjarmasin melalui pembangunan dari sisi mata (radar) baru, dan penggantian radar di Tarakan, serta beberapa wilayah lainnya.

"Jadi, yang sementara kami bangun adalah kemampuan radar. Ke depan kami juga akan mencoba menempatkan peluru kendali (rudal) jarak menengah di sekitar IKN," cetus Fata.

Saat ini, lini masa (timeline) pengadaan radar dan rudal sedang dalam proses di Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan).

Meskipun smart air defense system dirancang untuk melindungi IKN, konsep tersebut bisa dikembangkan untuk seluruh Indonesia.

Decommissioning of the OV-10 Bronco and AH-1S Cobra in the Philippine Air Force

30 Desember 2024

Decommissioning of OV-10 Bronco and AH-1S Cobra (photos: PAF)

On 28 December 2024, the 15th Strike Wing conducted the Decommissioning Ceremony of the AH-1S Cobra and OV-10 Bronco headed by the Wing Commander, BGEN JULIANO C LLARENAS PAF, at the Four-Bay Hangar, Major Danilo Atienza Air Base, Sangley Point, Cavite City. Graced by MGEN ARAUS ROBERT F MUSICO PAF, Commander of the Air Combat Command, MGEN DENNIS G ESTRELLA PAF, Commander of the Air Logistics Command, as well as active and retired pilots and crew of both aircraft - the event marked the end of an era for these venerable aircraft that have served the Philippine Air Force with distinction.

The AH-1S Cobra, the Philippine Air Force's first dedicated attack helicopter, arrived on 26 November 2019, donated by King Abdullah II of Jordan to support internal security and counter-terrorism efforts. Before its arrival, pilots and maintenance crew were trained both locally and abroad. The Cobra played a vital role in various combat missions, providing Close Air Support (CAS) during the “Oplan Polaris II” operation in Baggao, Cagayan, and participating in Battlefield Air Interdictions during the “Oppord Kilo Uno” operation in Pantabangan, Nueva Vizcaya. The Cobra also carried out additional CAS missions in the regions of Abra and Cagayan, aiding ground troops in counter-insurgency operations. From its first mission to its final flight, the Cobra symbolized strength and resilience, playing a crucial part in defending peace and security in the Philippines.

Meanwhile, the North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco, a twin-turboprop, multi-role aircraft, served the Philippine Air Force for nearly four decades, having been introduced on 12 November 1991. The Bronco played a key role in CAS, counterinsurgency operations, and campaigns against insurgent groups like the NPA, MILF, and Abu Sayyaf. The OV-10 was instrumental in pursuing the objective of Operation Thunder Bolt in 2000, helping dismantle the MILF's stronghold, and in subsequent campaigns, including the 2001 Basilan mission and the 2006 Sulu Archipelago offensive. One of its very significant contributions came during the 2017 Battle of Marawi, where it carried out 88 surface strikes, providing vital close air support to ground troops. The OV-10 Bronco’s 33 years of service, adaptability, and precision made it a symbol of resilience and dedication, remembered for its critical role in defending our nation.

The service of the Bronco and Cobra is marked by countless missions and operations, this firmly stands as a testament to the dedication and bravery of the pilots and crew who flew and maintained them. As they end their era in the skies of the Philippine Air Force, we positively move forward, building on the lessons learned and the successes achieved during the distinguished careers of these reputable platforms. They will remain symbols of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to the nation’s defense. 


29 Desember 2024

Briged 10 Para Adakan Latihan Amfibi dan Serbuan Udara

29 Desember 2024

Latihan amfibi dan serbuan udara Briged 10 Para TDM (photos: Briged 10 Para)

Mobile Training Team - Train The Trainer Kursus Amfibi dan Kursus Serbuan Udara Perintis Keupayaan Dinamik 10 Briged (Para) 

MELAKA – Markas 10 Briged (Para) telah menganjurkan Program mobile Training Team- Train For Trainer bagi Kursus Asas Amfibi dan Kursus Asas Serbuan Udara yang berlangsung mulai 9 hingga 20 Dis 2024 di Pos Pantai dan PARAWOOD, Kem Terendak yang melibatkan seramai 20 Peg dan 108 anggota LLP.

Program ini bertujuan untuk menubuhkan Mobile Training Team (MTT) atau jurulatih yang berkelayakan bagi melatih peserta Kursus Asas Amfibi dan Asas Serbuan Udara yang akan dianjurkan oleh formasi ini pada tahun 2025. 

Program ini merupakan salah satu daripada rancangan way forward 10 Bgd (Para) yang bertujuan untuk melatih pegawai dan anggota 10 Bgd (Para) dengan pengetahuan serta kemahiran yang bersesuaian dengan aturgerak bagi kedua-dua jenis operasi ini.

Terdahulu, program yang diadakan adalah bersandarkan kepada manual Doctrine Rapid Deployment Operations - Air Assault and Amphibious Operations dan juga Rancangan Pengurusan Latihan (RPL) Operasi Serbuan Udara dan Amfibi yang yang telah diluluskan oleh Jawatan Kuasa Doktrin dan Jawatan Kuasa Latihan Tentera Darat.

Turut hadir Timbalan Panglima 10 Bgd (Para) Kol Mohd Azral bin Manan, Ketua Staf Am MK 10 Bgd (Para) Lt Kol Zulkifli bin Raub, PS 1 Latih MK 10 Bgd (Para) Lt Kol Zain Azrai bin Hj Karia, Para Pegawai dan Anggota 10 Bgd (Para). 

(Briged 10 Para)

Bakamla RI Resmi Terima Hibah Kapal dari Jepang

29 Desember 2024

Penandat-tanganan kontrak antara Bakamla dan Misubishi Shipbuilding (photo: Bakamla)

Bakamla RI secara resmi menerima Hibah Kapal dari Pemerintah Jepang melalui Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), yang disahkan melalui Penandatanganan Kontrak Pengadaan Kapal yang ditanda tangani oleh Kepala Bakamla RI Laksdya TNI Dr. Irvansyah, S.H., M. Tr., Opsla., dengan President and CEO Japan Marine Science Inc. (JMS) Tomoyuki Koyama, serta President and CEO Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Shin Ueda, di Minato, Jepang.

Kapal patroli 85,6 meter sekelas dengan Hateruma class di JCG (photo: Wiki)

Hibah Kapal tersebut sebagai bagian dari upaya pembangunan kapasitas keamanan maritim yang lebih memadai. Kapal yang diterima Bakamla RI berukuran 85,6 meter dengan kecepatan 22 knot dan akan selesai masa pembangunan pada 2027 mendatang.

Kiprah AESC, Perusahaan Kedirgantaraan Vietnam

29 Desember 2024

Booth AESC di Pameran Pertahanan Internasional Vietnam pertama tahun 2024 (photos: AESC)

AESC (Aerospace Engineering Services Joint Stock Company) didirikan pada tahun 2008 oleh tim insinyur penerbangan yang memiliki semangat kewirausahaan dan pengalaman teknis yang luas. Lingkup bisnisnya adalah pada industri bisnis manufaktur dan perbaikan suku cadang pesawat udara dan peralatan penerbangan.

AESC menjadi perusahaan swasta pertama di Vietnam yang meraih sertifikasi dari CAAV, EASA, dan FAA untuk aktivitas perawatan penerbangan.

Berpartisipasi dalam Pameran Pertahanan Internasional Vietnam untuk kedua kalinya, AESC 
berharap dapat memperkenalkan solusi teknik penerbangan yang efektif untuk keperluan pertahanan dan sipil.

Pada Pameran Pertahanan Internasional Vietnam 2024, AESC memiliki stan yang lebih besar dan lebih luas daripada pameran pertama pada tahun 2022. Di sini, staf perusahaan akan mempromosikan dan berkonsultasi mengenai berbagai layanan perbaikan, perawatan, dan pemeriksaan menyeluruh untuk peralatan seperti mesin, baling-baling, rotor helikopter, rakitan rem, baterai, pengujian non-destruktif, pengecatan pesawat, dan berbagai perlengkapan serta peralatan yang dipasang pada pesawat. Ada beberapa perangkat yang diperbaiki AESC di dalam negeri dan sisanya dikirim ke mitra asing.

AESC memiliki kapasitas untuk menyediakan layanan perbaikan, pemeliharaan dan pemeriksaan menyeluruh untuk peralatan penerbangan (photos: AESC)

Selain itu, pada pameran ini, AESC akan memperkenalkan untuk pertama kalinya layanan jaminan untuk kursi lontar pilot yang dipasang pada pesawat latih.

Mr Tran Hai Dang, Direktur Jenderal AESC menyampaikan bahwa sebagai penyedia solusi, AESC mengembangkan kemitraan yang erat dengan banyak produsen terkenal di dunia seperti Airbus Group, Thales, Safran, Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, Collins, ISD untuk menyediakan layanan bagi sejumlah model pesawat yang saat ini sedang dieksploitasi di Vietnam seperti C212, C295, DHC-6, dll. Solusi teknis penerbangan yang dilakukan AESC akan memecahkan masalah dalam memastikan kemampuan penerbangan berkelanjutan untuk model pesawat di atas.

Oleh karena itu, dengan hadir di Pameran Pertahanan Internasional Vietnam 2024, AESC bertujuan untuk belajar, bertukar pikiran, dan terhubung guna memperluas bisnis, dan pada saat yang sama menunjukkan kemampuan teknis dalam negeri untuk mendorong transfer teknologi dengan para mitra. 

Belakangan ini, para mitra yang datang ke Vietnam sangat menghargai bahwa di Vietnam terdapat perusahaan seperti AESC yang telah memperoleh sertifikasi ketat dari Badan Penerbangan Federal AS (FAA) dan Badan Keselamatan Penerbangan Eropa (EASA).

 Dengan demikian, para mitra memahami bahwa banyak perusahaan dan tim teknis Vietnam juga secara bertahap mendekati standar internasional, yang berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap eksploitasi model pesawat yang efisien dan aman.

“Ketika produsen internasional memercayai kami, mereka bersedia melatih staf kami, menyediakan manual, dan menjual suku cadang untuk perbaikan dan pemeliharaan,” tegas Direktur Jenderal AESC.

Sebagai perusahaan saham gabungan swasta Vietnam dengan 16 tahun pengalaman dalam industri teknik penerbangan, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam desain, manufaktur, perbaikan, pemeliharaan, dan perombakan peralatan pesawat, yang digunakan dalam penerbangan militer dan sipil, AESC selalu membangun strategi khusus untuk meningkatkan skala, mengatasi hambatan teknis guna meningkatkan kapasitas perbaikan dan pemeliharaan peralatan penerbangan, serta memberikan dukungan yang semakin baik kepada pelanggan domestik dan internasional.

28 Desember 2024

Myanmar Navy Also Commissions Two Domestically Built Submarine Destroyers

28 Desember 2024

The two newly commissioned domestically constructed Yan Nyein Aung class submarine destroyers UMS Yan Min Aung (445) and UMS Yan Zwe Aung (450) length 63m are docked at No 3 Naval Jetty (photo: GNLM)

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said that Tatmadaw (Navy) has been upgraded to the Three-Dimensional Combat Ready Navy to fully protect the exclusive economic zone of the Myanmar Sea.

He continued that it is necessary to strive to shape Tatmadaw (Navy) as an Adjacent Force Projection Navy or Regional Navy.

He stressed that vessel building must be done with momentum to produce full-power war vessels to enable Tatmadaw (Navy) to have the capability of covering the adjacent sea areas.

He underlined that Tatmadaw (Navy) must be capable of readiness for vessels, weapons, weaponry systems and naval men.

The Senior General urged all Tatmadaw (Navy) members to have skills in handling weapons and weaponry systems.

Chief of Staff (Navy) Vice-Admiral Aye Min Htwe reported on facts about the vessels. The commander of Naval Dockyard Command Headquarters handed over documents related to the vessels to the commander of the Naval Fleet.

The Commander-in-Chief (Navy) presented scale models of the vessels to the Senior General.

The Chief of Staff (Navy) declared the commissioning of the war vessels and performed hoisting the State flag and the naval flag as well as the flag to mark the commissioning of the vessel, beating the bell eight times and conducting work procedures.

The Senior General and party viewed round two newly-commissioned 63-metre (about 207 feet) submarine destroyers.

The Senior General from the dais aboard War Vessel Mottama took the salute of the Guard of Honour. Meanwhile, the Senior General was saluted with a 21-gun fire by War Vessels Yan Taing Aung and Yan Gyi Aung.

Frigate Kyansittha, Frigate Hsinbyushin, Covette Tabinshwehtee, Offshore Patrol Boat Inlay and Submarine Destroyer Yan Ye Aung led by Frigate Aungzeya in a single line formation and two war vessels and four fast patrol vessels led by the 49-metre fast attack missile vessel 491 in a lineabreast formation saluted the Senior General.

See full article GNLM

S-125-VT Modernized by Viettel has a Target Hitting Rate of 90%

28 Desember 2024

The S-125-VT still uses the old missile of the S-125-M1 complex, but has many improvements to increase the target hitting rate and the ability to guide multiple missiles at the same time with a slightly increased range of more than 20km (photo: BaoQDND)

As one of the weapons first introduced by the Military Industry-Telecoms Group (Viettel) at the Vietnam International Defense Exhibition 2024, the modernized S-125-VT air defense missile system has many outstanding features compared to the original version.

As a modernized version, the S-125-VT has superior features compared to the standard version of the Pechora complex, even some features are several times higher (photo: BaoQDND)

What is more special is that for complex weapons systems such as air defense missiles  , Viettel has gradually mastered the technology to modernize the "magic crossbow" for the Vietnam People's Army.

In addition to radar guidance and surveillance, the S-125-VT also incorporates an electro-optical observation unit that detects and locks onto low-flying targets or in the event of complete radar suppression (photo: BaoQDND)

Below are some images of the S-125-VT complex recorded by reporters of the People's Army Newspaper.

The UNK-VT control vehicle acts as the heart of the S-125-VT complex. According to Viettel's announcement, thanks to the improved control system, the S-125-VT can guide 2 missiles at 2 targets at the same time. The hit rate against tactical aircraft is up to 90%. This is a high rate for air defense weapons (photo: BaoQDND)

The UNV-VT radar guidance system of the S-125-VT complex has been deeply improved, meeting the ability to operate well in a strong electronic suppression environment. The system has a maximum surveillance range of up to 90km (photo: BaoQDND)

The control vehicle and power supply vehicle components are also mounted on a highly maneuverable field transport vehicle chassis (photo: BaoQDND)

The UNV-VT PDU power supply vehicle is responsible for supplying power to the entire combat complex (photo: BaoQDND)

Indonesia Peroleh Sejumlah Offset dalam Kontrak untuk Kapal PPA Italia

28 Desember 2024

KRI Brawijaya 320 dan KRI Prabu Siliwangi 321 (photos: Keris)

Jakarta telah mengamankan sejumlah pengaturan offset dalam kontraknya untuk dua kapal patroli lepas pantai multiperan (Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura: PPA) dengan pembuat kapal Italia, Fincantieri.

Dokumen yang diberikan kepada Janes pada tanggal 22 Desember oleh sumber yang dekat dengan masalah tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan ini mencakup penyediaan simulator angkatan laut skala penuh dan bantuan bagi Indonesia untuk mengembangkan desain kendaraan listrik dalam negeri dan kemampuan produksi di dalam negeri.

Fincantieri pertama kali mengungkapkan pada Maret 2024 bahwa mereka telah menandatangani kontrak senilai EUR1,18 miliar (USD1,23 miliar) untuk dua PPA dengan Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia, dan kapal-kapal ini akan dioperasikan oleh Angkatan Laut Indonesia.

PPA adalah kelas kapal perang seperti fregat sepanjang 143 m yang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk berbagai misi mulai dari operasi pengawasan maritim bertempo rendah yang (ringan) hingga skenario pertempuran tingkat tinggi (pertempuran penuh).

Angkatan Laut Italia sejauh ini telah menugaskan tiga kapal sebagai PPA kelas Thaon di Revel, dan kapal-kapal perang ini dilantik antara Maret 2022 dan September 2023.

Untuk kontrak yang ditandatangani dengan Indonesia, PPA yang akan dipasok awalnya ditujukan untuk Angkatan Laut Italia dalam konfigurasi ‘light plus’.

Dalam konfigurasi ini, kedua kapal akan dilengkapi untuk operasi anti-air warfare (AAW) selain misi perang permukaan.

Fincantieri kini mengalihkan kapal-kapal ini untuk kebutuhan Angkatan Laut Indonesia, tetapi kedua kapal akan mempertahankan konfigurasi 'light plus' mereka.

27 Desember 2024

Tatmadaw (Air) Marks 77th Anniversary with Aircraft and Helicopter Commissioning Ceremony

27 Desember 2024

Commissioning ceremony of fighter aircraft Su-30SME, JF-17, transport aircraft Y-8, helicopter Mi-17 and trainer aircraft MTX-1A, MTX-1B (photos: CINCDS) 

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attends 77th Founding Anniversary of Tatmadaw (Air) and commissioning ceremony of aircraft

The commissioning ceremony of air planes and helicopters to increase the air  power of Tatmadaw and the nation marking the 77th  Founding Anniversary of Tatmadaw (Air) of the Republic of Union of Myanmar was held at Aviation Training School in Meiktila Station this morning, graced by Chairman of State  Administration Council Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, Chief of General  Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and wife, retired commanders-in-chief (Air) and wives, Commanderin- Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Htain Win and wife, Commanderin-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung and wife, union level officials and wives, union ministers and wives, the Mandalay Region Chief Minister and wife, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in- Chief and wives, the Central Command commander, air base commanders, war veterans, students and honoured guests.

In his address, the Senior General said today marks the 77th Founding  Anniversary of Tatmadaw (Air). On such auspicious days, air planes and helicopters were commissioned into service to enhance air power in  shouldering the national defence duties. Hence, it is an honourable day for the nation, Tatmadaw and Airforce.

The Air Force has already held aircraft commissioning ceremonies for 14 times. Today, the commissioned aircraft will be transferred to the Airforce. The reinforcement of new aircraft enhances the performance of the Air Force, the essential part of its military campaigns and aerial missions, as well as its fighting ability and combat power.

A study of the modern-day battles and armed conflicts all over the world indicates the pivotal role of aerospace power for battle victory. It is visible that air superiority can control and crush the enemy and raise the morale and  fighting capacity of their own troops.

In this regard Tatmadaw (Air) must always keep in touch with the latest developments and adapt to the changes. Members of the Air Force are required to be well trained to fully utilize the power of aircraft and weapon systems. As a single training session is not adequate for handling the ever-advancing technology, Air Force members must follow the process of constant studying, training and compliance.

Today, rivalry between powers is increasing, followed by the attempts to interfere in the multiple sectors of small countries, and the occurrence of territorial disputes, terrorist attacks, and internal instability all over the world.

In reflecting on the history of the Tatmadaw (Air), it is evident that, despite  numerous challenges, they persevered  their efforts to achieve their objectives with the aircraft and weapons at their disposal, motivated by a deep love for their country, patriotism, and unwavering determination.

It is important to emphasize the value of preserving and upholding these noble  and honorable traditions, ensuring that they are passed down to future generations. The Tatmadaw (Air) must continue to play an active role in the national defense, nationbuilding, and development efforts undertaken by the Tatmadaw. It is crucial to value and maintain the aircraft including helicopters currently commissioned into service, thereby enhancing the honor of the Tatmadaw. Furthermore, he urged the Tatmadaw to work diligently in building a modern air force that is capable of effectively safeguarding the nation.

Following this, Commanderin-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung expressed his  gratitude for the aircraft commissioned into service. Chief of Staff (Air) Lt-Gen Zaw Win Myint then officially declared the aircraft and helicopters  commissioned into service.

Afterward, General Tun Aung presented miniature models of aircraft and  helicopters to the Senior General. Subsequently, airplanes and helicopters conducted a demonstration flight salute and aerobatic display. As part of the synchronized flight salute program, two transport helicopters hoisted the national flag and the military flag, while two light transport helicopters flew in formation to salute the Senior General.

Four light transport helicopters flew in a composite box formation of different types; Two reconnaissance aircraft and one trainer aircraft, developed and tested by the Tatmadaw (Air), flew in a composite trail formation of different types; One transport aircraft and two medium transport aircraft flew in a composite arrowhead formation of different types; Three jet fighters flew in the composite trail formation, emitting yellow, white, and blue smoke representing the Tatmadaw (Air); Two interceptor aircraft and two multirole fighter jets flew in a composite box formation of different types; Three fighter jets flew in a composite arrowhead formation, flying straight ahead in a split-winged pattern; One trainer aircraft, one multirole fighter jet, and one post-4th generation multirole heavy fighter jet, representing three types of aircraft in different sizes and flight speeds, flew in a composite arrowhead formation and saluted the Senior General.

Then, a fighter jet conducted a high speed flight at 900 kilometre per hour and the zoom climb maneuver featuring an upward vertical flight while a 4th generation multi-role heavy fighter SU-30 SME performed the oblique loop maneuver, dodging possible enemy air defence weapon fires by turning left or right and reappearing at the back of enemy aircraft, the multi-roll flight to deceive enemy aircraft and the high AOA loop, which cannot be performed by an ordinary fighter jet, and reappearing from the backward before firing rockets.

Then, birds were released for life saving donations to mark the 77th Anniversary  of the air force and the Senior General and party released 77 birds before sprinkling scented water on newly commissioned aircraft.

Afterwards, the Senior General and party inspected the aircraft and posed for  documentary photographs. Afterward, the Senior General greeted the pilots, who participated in the fleet demonstration, and presented cash rewards to them.

The MTX-1A and MTX-1B, which participated in the commissioning ceremony today, were reconnaissance aircraft developed by officers and other ranks of the air force. They were produced on a trial basis with the aim of gaining  experience in production of aircraft by using the reverse engineering techniques. The designs for the cockpit flight system and the communication  and navigation system of the MTX-1A were produced and the system integration was carried out before test flights were conducted successfully on 25 March, 2021.

Based on experience gained from production of MTX-1A, officers and other ranks of the air force produced MTX-1B by upgrading the cockpit display system, the communication system and the fuselage.

The aircraft were produced by de-signing the fuselage, electric and engine parts, the navigation system, the communication system and the control system. During the production process, functional and operational tests were conducted at every stage and MTX-1B with turboprop engines and the glass cockpit system were produced. Test flights for the aircraft were successfully conducted in March, 2024.

In the evening of 14 March, the Senior General and party observed the exhibition commemorating the 77th Anniversary of the air force and the commissioning ceremony. The exhibition displayed the history of the air force, uniforms used by the air force in successive eras, photographs depicting the history of the air force, documentary photographs of commanders-in-chief of the air force, historic aircraft and battles they fought, avionics equipment used in aircraft, miniatures of new generation aircraft and equipment used by pilots, weapons and ammunition used by the air force, photographs of air force personnel who won medals for the their capabilities, photographs of commissioning ceremonies of aircraft, documentary photographs of training for officers, other ranks and substitutes of air force, photographs depicting the international relations and development of the air force, photographs of prize  presentation ceremonies for pilots by commanders-in-chief and aviation electronic equipment produced by the air force.

Then, the Senior General and wife and party signed the commemorative book of the 77th Anniversary of the air force and inspected shops selling souvenirs, traditional food, books and consumer products manufactured by respective air force bases before cordially greeting officers, other ranks and families.

Vietnam Close to Reaching Deal on BrahMos Purchase

27 Desember 2024

Inclined Brahmos missile for frigate (photo: Indian Navy)

The Vietnamese Ministry of Defense has approved the technical and commercial requirements for the purchase of BrahMos missile systems. In accordance with the established procedures, the requirements were forwarded to India. Negotiations are currently underway on the details of the contract - the delivery schedule, prices and payment terms. Its signing is planned for the coming months. The supplier of the systems will be the Russian-Indian company Brahmos Aerospace.

Land Brahmos for coastal defence (photo: Brahmos Aerospace)

The BrahMos systems are to be delivered - in various versions - to the Vietnamese land forces and navy. According to media reports, the value of the contract is to be USD 700 million. If the contract is signed, Vietnam will become the second buyer of BrahMos hypersonic cruise missile systems after the Philippines (First BrahMos delivered to the Philippines, 2024-04-20).

Vietnamese-Indian negotiations are ongoing amid a dispute over the leadership of Brahmos Aerospace, a legal case being resolved by the Court in Hyderabad.

LIG Nex1 Begins Flight Test of AESA Radar for FA-50

27 Desember 2024

ESR-500A AESA radar (photos: LIG Nex1)

[Seoul Economic TV] LIG Nex1 announced on the 20th that it has begun flight testing the air-cooled AESA radar for the FA-50, the 'ESR-500A', in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Center. It has been about five months since the 'MOU for cooperation on flight tests of the FA-50 air-cooled AESA radar' was signed at the '2024 Farnborough Air Show' in July.

In this flight test, LIG ​​Nex1 plans to further increase the perfection and reliability by repeatedly conducting test flights applying various scenarios. Through intensive tests for two years until 2026, it will verify whether it has performance that meets various requirements such as detection and tracking of air, ground, and sea targets, maximum detection range, and simultaneous operation mode.

The AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar guarantees combat power that is 3 to 4 times higher than the mechanical radar mounted on the existing T/FA-50. Depending on the type of cooling device that controls heat generation due to high performance, it is divided into air-cooling and water-cooling types. The air-cooling type is more suitable for light attack aircraft as it can reduce volume and weight compared to the water-cooling type. Upon completion of the test, conditions will be established to mount the air-cooled AESA radar on the FA-50.

NLR, a Dutch state-run research institute with a history of approximately 100 years, mainly cooperates with the Royal Netherlands Air Force and has secured specialized technologies in aerospace research and development, various maintenance, and test evaluation. For this flight test, NLR mounted ESR-500A on its test aircraft (Cessna Citation II, PH-LAB).

Malaysia could be the first export customer for FA-50 equipped with AESA radar (photo: EDR Magz)

The 'ESR-500A', the first domestic air-cooled AESA radar for the FA-50 developed by LIG Nex1, electronically controls approximately 500 transmit/receive modules to provide faster beam steering, expanded area detection capability compared to existing ones, and multi-mission capability through simultaneous operation mode. Accordingly, simultaneous engagement with multiple targets is also possible.

If the ESR-500A is mounted on the FA-50, it is expected to greatly contribute to expanding overseas markets such as securing price competitiveness and diversifying export countries. In addition, it is expected to become an excellent example of K-defense exports through overseas market conquest through cooperation between domestic mission equipment and platform companies. 
