15 Desember 2024

Schiebel Camcopter S-100 Successfully Demos New Radar Capability

15 Desember 2024

Schiebel S-100, equipped with the IMSAR NSP radar (photo: Schiebel)

Vienna – Schiebel, in collaboration with MDA Space, has successfully demonstrated IMSAR’s NSP Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Ground and Maritime Moving Target Indication (GMTI and MMTI) capabilities during a one-week intensive trial at the Foremost UAS Test Range in Western Canada.

The successful integration of the IMSAR NSP radar system to the CAMCOPTER® S-100 was completed ahead of schedule, with all radar electronics housed within the antenna pod. The radar’s installed software allows for seamless mission planning, enabling the operator to upload radar flight plans directly to the S-100 platform.

During the trial, the fully integrated system showcased its unique capabilities during both day and night operations out to ranges exceeding 100 nm. The S-100, equipped with the IMSAR NSP radar, Wescam’s MX-8 EO/IR sensor, a GPS Anti-Jam System and an Automatic Identification System (AIS), successfully conducted a series of simulated land and maritime tasks. The system provided high-resolution SAR imagery, as well as Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) detections and tracks, all while demonstrating its versatility in challenging weather conditions. This capability highlights the IMSAR radar as a key sensor, enhancing the platform's performance and situational awareness in complex operational environments.

“The integration of IMSAR’s radar with the S-100, in combination with a powerful EO/IR, significantly expands the platform's surveillance and detection capabilities, allowing for wide-area coverage at impressive distances in all weather conditions,” said Neil Hunter, Head of Global Sales for Schiebel. “This trial underlines the continuing operational effectiveness of the CAMCOPTER® S-100 as a multi-sensor platform, capable of delivering actionable intelligence in real-time, day and night.”


32 komentar:

  1. Dapat bot TUG TUG pun jadi lah..... 🔥🔥🤣🤣

    1. Tugboat pun bikin MALON IRI, DENGKI dan NGAMUK

    2. NO TUG BOAT = Abdul Aziz also said he wanted the navy’s ships to use tug boats whenever they leave or enter ports to ensure that the grazing incidents involving KD Kelantan and KD Mahawangsa at the Lumut Naval Base not be repeated.....
      PRANK TURKI - PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
      PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
      PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
      PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
      LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
      SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
      SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
      SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
      SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
      SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
      SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
      SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
      RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
      RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
      RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
      RETIRED CONDOR Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
      RETIRED SIBMAS = Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
      RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)

      2. RUSIA
      3. TIONGKOK (CINA)
      4. TURKI
      5. UNI EROPA
      6. PERANCIS
      7. INGGRIS
      8. JERMAN
      9. INDONESIA
      10. POLANDIA
      RELAX EKSPOR MRSS UEA The United Arab Emirates (UAE) anNOunced it had awarded the Indonesian shipyard PT PAL an AED1.5 billion (USD408.32 million) contract to supply a “multimission vessel” during the IDEX 2023 show being held in Abu Dhabi from 20 to 24 February.
      RELAX EKSPOR B2 SSV FILIPINA Dipercayakannya PT PAL Indonesia dalam pengadaan 2 (dua) unit kapal perang jenis Landing Dock oleh Angkatan Laut Filipina, karena kepuasan Pemerintah Filipina dan Angkatan Laut Filipina atas pengoperasian 2 unit Landing Dock atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) yang telah diserahterimakan oleh PAL beberapa tahun lalu.
      RELAX BUILD FRIGAT On August 25, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two Red White frigates was held at Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia’s facility in Surabaya City, East Java. Based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design, it is said that with a 140-metre length and a displacement of 5,996 tons, the Red White frigate will be the largest and most advanced surface combatant ever constructed in Indonesia.
      PT Dirgantara Indonesia (atau biasa disingkat menjadi PTDI) adalah produsen pesawat terbang pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia dan di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Dirgantara Indonesia tidak hanya memproduksi berbagai jenis pesawat terbang.
      Indonesia currently is the only country in Southeast Asia that produces its own combat tanks. This tank was made Pindad, an Indonesian state- owned military equipment manufacturing company.
      LCS 2024-2011 = 13 TAHUN OMPONG
      LCS 2024-2011 = RM 12.4 BILLION
      NO RADAR
      LCS DIBAYAR 6 RM 12.4 BILLION NOT YET DELIVERED = The cost of the project is now RM12.4 billion. This is because Ocean Sunshine Bhd (OSB) – the government owned company set up to take over BNS will be paying the BHIC and LTAT (the previous owner of BNS) some RM1.2 billion in liabilities and debt.
      A $919 million contract was signed between KAI and the Malonnn Ministry of Defense for the supply of the FA-50 light combat aircraft. According to the contract, deliveries of the aircraft should begin in 2026.
      On the other hand, South Korea aims to sell another 18 FA-50s to Malonn in the future. Malonn announced that at least half of the payment would be made in palm
      2024 NGEMIS 4x F18 BEKAS.....
      2024 NGEMIS 4x F18 BEKAS.....
      2024 NGEMIS 4x F18 BEKAS.....
      Malon masih lagi menunggu keputusan daripada kerajaan Kuwait tentang hasratnya untuk memperolehi pesawat-pesawat pejuang F/A-18C/D HORNET MALONN milik tentera udara negara Timur Tengah itu
      PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
      PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
      PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm

      FNSS Showcases the Newest Member of the Tracked Vehicle Family, KAPLAN APC’s Conceptual Design; Joint Development and Production Program with PT PINDAD
      Pada tanggal 1 November 2016, selama Indo Defence Expo 2016 , model pertama tank tersebut diluncurkan, bersama dengan beberapa spesifikasi teknis.
      Pada tanggal 9 Mei 2017 di pameran IDEF 2017, prototipe pertama tank tersebut diperkenalkan. Tank tersebut dapat dipasangi turret konsep Cockerill XC-8 105mm atau turret modular Cockerill 3105.
      Pada tanggal 5 September 2018, manajer umum FNSS mengatakan kepada Kantor Berita Anadolu Turki bahwa tank tersebut telah melewati uji kualifikasi....
      Pada 7 Februari 2020, diumumkan bahwa produksi massal MMWT telah dimulai
      the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) does not record domestically produced weapons in its Arms Transfers Database: Arms Transfers Database.
      Locally known as Cobra 8x8. The variant includes APC, IFV (30mm), and FSV (105mm) and will be manufactured locally by PT Pindad. 4 The APC and FSV variant pandur units were purchased in 2017. 15 vehicle Used by the army in 2024. 23 more Vehicles are being handed over in October 2024
      Pada bulan Juni 2011, Perusahaan Turki FNSS membatalkan menandatangani 'surat penawaran dan penerimaan' oleh DRB-Hicom Defense Technologies (DefTech) untuk bantuan desain dan pengembangan kendaraan. Kendaraan AV8 yang dipilih oleh militer Malon didasarkan pada teknologi kendaraan lapis baja beroda 8×8 yang dirancang oleh FNSS Pars 8×8. Kontrak tersebut mencakup pengaturan transfer teknologi ke Deftech dan dukungan logistik untuk tentara Malon, memposisikan kendaraan dan 12 variannya untuk menjadi keluarga asli pertama di Malon dengan kendaraan roda lapis baja 8×8.
      Selain itu, 2 ujian balistik telah dilakukan iaitu Ujian balistik Tembakan yang dilaksanakan di The Defence Technology Institute, Bangkok, Thailand dan Ujian Balistik Letupan (Mine/Underbelly Test) di Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, Afrika Selatan.
      PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
      PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
      PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm

      PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
      PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
      PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
      PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
      PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
      2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
      LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
      SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
      SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
      SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
      SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
      SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
      SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
      SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
      RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
      RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
      RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
      RETIRED CONDOR Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
      RETIRED SIBMAS = Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
      RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)

    6. 2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
      The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
      In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
      “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
      2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
      2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
      2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
      2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
      2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
      2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
      2018 RASIO HUTANG 80% DARI GDP : OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malon pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang untuk membantu negara membayar utang yang mencapai 1 triliun ringgit (US$ 250,8 miliar) atau 80 persen dari PDB.
      Malon's military equipment is old due to a number of factors, including:
      • Outdated equipment
      The majority of the Malonn Armed Forces' (MAF) equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
      • Low and erratic allocations
      The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) has many ships that are older than the HTMS Sukhothai, which sank in 2022.
      • Government's inability to provide modern equipment
      The government is unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
      • Defense industry issues
      The defense industry is controlled by the government, but some say it lacks accountability and determination. Some issues include the import of critical components, local companies acting as intermediaries for foreign companies, and a lack of research and development
      Some factors that contribute to the Malonn Army's perceived weakness include:
      • Political instability: Frequent government changes since 2018 have made it difficult for the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) to receive the support it needs.
      • Corruption: The MAF has been plagued by corruption.
      • Poor planning: The MAF has been criticized for poor planning.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in the MAF's procurement process.
      • Outdated equipment: Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government has been unable to provide modern equipment.
      Lack of military knowledge: Military personnel have struggled with decision-making and problem-solving during military operations

    7. Malon's combat equipment has several weaknesses, including:
      • Ageing equipment: The Malonn military's equipment is aging due to small procurement budgets over the past 25 years.
      • Lack of modern assets: The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) lacks modern military assets, which puts them at risk from both internal and external threats.
      • Russian-made weapons: Malon has been struggling to keep its Russian-made Su-30MKM ground-attack aircraft operational. The country is also wary of Russian-made weapons due to sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.
      • Local production: The MAF is reluctant to use locally produced products. Local companies have produced prototypes of pistols and rifles, but none have materialized.
      • Procurement system: The Malonn procurement system needs reform.
      Political interference and corruption: Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
      The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
      • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
      • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
      • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
      • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
      • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
      Other challenges include:
      • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
      • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
      Malonn has faced several crises, including political, financial, and economic crises:
      • Political crisis
      From 2020–2022, Malonn experienced a political crisis that led to the resignation of two Prime Ministers and the collapse of two coalition governments. The crisis was caused by political infighting, party switching, and the refusal of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to transition power to Anwar Ibrahim. The crisis ended in 2022 with a snap general election and the formation of a coalition government.
      • Financial crisis
      Malonn experienced a financial crisis when the country's economic fundamentals appeared strong, but the crisis came suddenly. The government's initial response was to increase interest rates and tighten fiscal policy, but this was not enough to correct the external imbalances.
      • Economic crisis
      Malonn's economy has faced challenges due to weak global demand and a dependence on exports. In 2020, Malonn's economy shrank by the most since the Asian crisis. In 2023, weak global demand for electronics and a decline in energy prices weighed on the economy.
      • Household debt crisis
      As of the end of 2023, Malonn's household debt-to-GDP ratio was 84.2%, with household debt reaching RM1.53 trillion
      • Malonn has faced several rice crises in the past, including in 1973–1975, the 1980s, 1997–1998, 2008, and 2023. These crises are often caused by price hikes, which are driven by supply and demand, as well as market player behavior....

  2. Posisi dimana, posisi.......📢📢📢


  3. Hahahaha... Geng MALAYDESH mulai PANIK...

    Mana wooiii MALON heli BLAK HAWK yang SEWA...??? HAHAHAHAHA

    MALON SEWA pun versi PRANK... Wkwkwkwkw😄😄😄😄

  4. SiLemes Jilid 2 ternyata Kopongan Guys..Jimat Kos lah tuh bhuahahaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🩲🇲🇾🩲

    Haiqal mengatakan:
    5 Desember 2024 pukul 22.23
    “di mana bisa memangkas biaya”

    Saya pikir jawabannya adalah LMSB2 kami tidak akan memiliki kemampuan ASW
    Hulubalang mengatakan:
    6 Desember 2024 pukul 12:25 siang

    “Sampai saat ini masih belum jelas jenis radar apa yang akan digunakan”

    Spesifikasinya jelas.

    Kapal ini merupakan variasi dari HISAR OPV, karena tidak memiliki turbin gas

    Tidak ada rencana untuk kemampuan ASW untuk korvet ini
    Qamarul mengatakan:
    7 Desember 2024 pukul 12:10
    Hanya tertulis Radar Pengawasan 3D Cenk tetapi tidak menyebutkan yang mana. Cenk 100/200/400? Namun saya pikir kemungkinan besar itu adalah Cenk 200N. Yang ada di fregat kelas Istanbul adalah Cenk 400

    Joe mengatakan:
    7 Desember 2024 pukul 12:37
    “Kapal ini adalah variasi dari HISAR OPV, karena tidak memiliki turbin gas”
    Saya pikir lebih logis untuk mengatakan bahwa itu adalah “Ada tanpa turbin gas” daripada “Hisar tanpa semua persenjataan & sensor & perlindungan.

  5. Joe mengatakan:
    7 Desember 2024 pukul 12:37
    “Kapal ini adalah variasi dari HISAR OPV, karena tidak memiliki turbin gas”
    Saya pikir lebih logis untuk mengatakan bahwa itu adalah “Ada tanpa turbin gas” daripada “Hisar tanpa semua persenjataan & sensor & perlindungan
    Lebih jelasnya versi DOWNGRADE sedown - downnya 😂😅🤣😅😂😅

  6. NO TUG BOAT = Abdul Aziz also said he wanted the navy’s ships to use tug boats whenever they leave or enter ports to ensure that the grazing incidents involving KD Kelantan and KD Mahawangsa at the Lumut Naval Base not be repeated.....
    PRANK TURKI - PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
    PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
    PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
    PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
    PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
    PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED SIBMAS = Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)

  7. Balasan
    1. Bahas sesuai blognya saja yah, militer tak usah elak topik kemana2 😅😂🤣

      LMS B1 = OMPONG
      LMS B2 = GHOIB
      STM, in its role as main contractor, will turn to the Turkish defence sector for such equipment as the Combat Management System; the Gun Fire Control System, to be supplied by HAVELSAN; and the 3D Search Radar, Fire Control Radar, IFF, 30mm Gun, ESM and Chaff Decoy System, as well as other electronic sensors, to be supplied by ASELSAN. ROKETSAN will be supplying its ATMACA Surface-to-Surface G/M System.
      The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
      • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
      • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
      • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
      • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
      • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
      Other challenges include:
      • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
      • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
      Malonn has faced several crises, including political, financial, and economic crises:
      • Political crisis
      From 2020–2022, Malonn experienced a political crisis that led to the resignation of two Prime Ministers and the collapse of two coalition governments. The crisis was caused by political infighting, party switching, and the refusal of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to transition power to Anwar Ibrahim. The crisis ended in 2022 with a snap general election and the formation of a coalition government.
      • Financial crisis
      Malonn experienced a financial crisis when the country's economic fundamentals appeared strong, but the crisis came suddenly. The government's initial response was to increase interest rates and tighten fiscal policy, but this was not enough to correct the external imbalances.
      • Economic crisis
      Malonn's economy has faced challenges due to weak global demand and a dependence on exports. In 2020, Malonn's economy shrank by the most since the Asian crisis. In 2023, weak global demand for electronics and a decline in energy prices weighed on the economy.
      • Household debt crisis
      As of the end of 2023, Malonn's household debt-to-GDP ratio was 84.2%, with household debt reaching RM1.53 trillion
      • Malonn has faced several rice crises in the past, including in 1973–1975, the 1980s, 1997–1998, 2008, and 2023. These crises are often caused by price hikes, which are driven by supply and demand, as well as market player behavior....

    3. Malon's combat equipment has several weaknesses, including:
      • Ageing equipment: The Malonn military's equipment is aging due to small procurement budgets over the past 25 years.
      • Lack of modern assets: The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) lacks modern military assets, which puts them at risk from both internal and external threats.
      • Russian-made weapons: Malon has been struggling to keep its Russian-made Su-30MKM ground-attack aircraft operational. The country is also wary of Russian-made weapons due to sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.
      • Local production: The MAF is reluctant to use locally produced products. Local companies have produced prototypes of pistols and rifles, but none have materialized.
      • Procurement system: The Malonn procurement system needs reform.
      Political interference and corruption: Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
      The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
      • Logistics
      A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
      • Budgeting
      Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      • Personnel
      The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
      • Procurement
      The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
      • Political interference
      Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
      • Territorial disputes
      Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
      • Transboundary haze
      Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
      • Fleet sustainment
      The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
      • Technological obsolescence
      Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
      • Modernization
      The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited
      The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
      • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
      • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
      • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
      • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
      • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
      • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
      Other challenges include:
      • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
      • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling

  8. NO TUG BOAT = Abdul Aziz also said he wanted the navy’s ships to use tug boats whenever they leave or enter ports to ensure that the grazing incidents involving KD Kelantan and KD Mahawangsa at the Lumut Naval Base not be repeated.....
    PRANK TURKI - PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
    PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
    PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
    PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
    PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
    PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED SIBMAS = Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)

  9. Joe mengatakan:
    7 Desember 2024 pukul 12:37
    “Kapal ini adalah variasi dari HISAR OPV, karena tidak memiliki turbin gas”
    Saya pikir lebih logis untuk mengatakan bahwa itu adalah “Ada tanpa turbin gas” daripada “Hisar tanpa semua persenjataan & sensor & perlindungan
    Lebih logisnya versi DOWNGRADE sedown - downnya 😂😅🤣😅😂😅

  10. 2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
    2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
    2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
    2018 RASIO HUTANG 80% DARI GDP : OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malon pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang untuk membantu negara membayar utang yang mencapai 1 triliun ringgit (US$ 250,8 miliar) atau 80 persen dari PDB.
    Malon's military equipment is old due to a number of factors, including:
    • Outdated equipment
    The majority of the Malonn Armed Forces' (MAF) equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s.
    • Low and erratic allocations
    The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) has many ships that are older than the HTMS Sukhothai, which sank in 2022.
    • Government's inability to provide modern equipment
    The government is unable to provide the MAF with modern defense assets.
    • Defense industry issues
    The defense industry is controlled by the government, but some say it lacks accountability and determination. Some issues include the import of critical components, local companies acting as intermediaries for foreign companies, and a lack of research and development
    Some factors that contribute to the Malonn Army's perceived weakness include:
    • Political instability: Frequent government changes since 2018 have made it difficult for the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) to receive the support it needs.
    • Corruption: The MAF has been plagued by corruption.
    • Poor planning: The MAF has been criticized for poor planning.
    • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in the MAF's procurement process.
    • Outdated equipment: Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government has been unable to provide modern equipment.
    Lack of military knowledge: Military personnel have struggled with decision-making and problem-solving during military operations

    PRANK MKE : The Malaysian Ministry of Defence has reportedly reviewing its planned acquisition of Yavuz 155mm
    PRANK FRANCE - PRANK NEXTER : LoI is signed during day three of DSA 2016. 20 units are to be supplied, which include the supporting vehicles, and will boost the Malaysian Army's firepower inventory
    PRANK INDONESIA - PRANK PT PAL : "The contract with Malaysia’s Navy will be inked next August. There is a possibility that they will order more than one MRSS.
    PRANK FRANCE - PRANK DASSAULT : Malaysia, which wants to buy up to 18 combat planes in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, is now talking to only one supplier, France's Dassault Aviation, about its Rafale jets,
    PRANK SLOVAKIA - PRANK KDS : Malaysia is expected to conclude a deal with Slovakia for the supply of EVA 155mm
    PT91 DISCONTINUING THE PRODUCTION According to Hisham, this decision raises questions because the Polish original equipment manufacturer Bumar Laberdy has stopped producing spare parts for Twardy.discontinuing the production of some main MBT components.
    2025 F18 STOP PRODUCTION stop production of the F/A-18 Super Hornet in late 2025 after delivering the last of the fighter jets,.
    LCS DETAIL DESIGN NOT COMPLETED = Defence Minister secretary-general DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament on March 12 as the detail design has not been completed.
    SEWA HELI 4 buah Helikopter Leonardo AW 139 yang diperolehi secara sewaan ini adalah untuk kegunaan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM)
    SEWA HELI = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    SEWA MOTOR The Royal Military Police Corp (KPTD) celebrated the lease of 40 brand-new BMW R1250RT Superbikes for the Enforcement Motorcycle Squad on December 22nd, 2022
    SEWA BOAT sewaan Bot Op Pasir merangkumi 10 unit Fast Interceptor Boat (FIB); 10 unit Utility Boat; 10 unit Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB); 10 unit Rover Fiber Glass (Rover).
    SEWA HIDROGRAFI tugas pemetaan data batimetri bagi kawasan perairan negara akan dilakukan oleh sebuah kapal hidrografi moden, MV Aishah AIM 4, yang diperoleh menerusi kontrak sewaan dari syarikat Breitlink Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (BESSB)
    SEWA PESAWAT ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ontario. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39
    SEWA 4x4 Pejabat perusahaan mengatakan kepada Janes di pameran bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia sedang mencari untuk menyewa Tarantula.
    RETIRED MIG29 Malaysia recently retired the MiG-29 Fulcrum due to its inability to maintain them.
    RETIRED MB339CM the Aermacchi MB-339CM trainer jets that are currently grounded
    RETIRED SCORPION Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues.
    RETIRED CONDOR Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED SIBMAS = Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
    RETIRED V150 = . It was used by the Malaysian Army in Second Malayan Emergency (now retired)

  12. The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Logistics
    A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    • Budgeting
    Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
    • Personnel
    The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
    • Procurement
    The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
    • Political interference
    Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
    • Territorial disputes
    Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
    • Transboundary haze
    Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
    • Fleet sustainment
    The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
    • Technological obsolescence
    Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
    • Modernization
    The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited
    Malon's combat equipment has several weaknesses, including:
    • Ageing equipment: The Malonn military's equipment is aging due to small procurement budgets over the past 25 years.
    • Lack of modern assets: The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) lacks modern military assets, which puts them at risk from both internal and external threats.
    • Russian-made weapons: Malon has been struggling to keep its Russian-made Su-30MKM ground-attack aircraft operational. The country is also wary of Russian-made weapons due to sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.
    • Local production: The MAF is reluctant to use locally produced products. Local companies have produced prototypes of pistols and rifles, but none have materialized.
    • Procurement system: The Malonn procurement system needs reform.
    Political interference and corruption: Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness
    While the Malaysian Navy continues to work on the choice of the anti-ship missile system of LMS, Naval News has learned that the Atmaca missile, developed by Roketsan, has emerged as a leading contender.
    Malonn has agreed in principle to purchase medium-range missiles from China, which in return will transfer technology on very short-range air defence to the country, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak said Tuesday.
    The procurement of the surface-to-air missiles was part of the armed forces modernisation program and would be made under the Ninth Malonn Plan from 2006-2009, he was quoted as saying by Bernama news agency.
    CNPMIEC president Wang Bingyan said China had also offered to conclude the KS-1A transaction on flexible payment terms, including counter-trade, barter and deferred payments.
    The procurement division of the Defence Ministry has issued a tender for the supply, delivery, and commissioning for eight Very Short-Range Air Defence (VSHORAD) ground-based air defence system for the Army. The VSHORAD system is listed as the Army’s main asset and equipment for 2024.
    The 23-day tender published on November 20 closes on December 19. As usual the public specifications for the tender are limited.

  13. The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
    • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
    • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
    • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
    • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
    • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
    Other challenges include:
    • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
    • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
    Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
    • Fiscal limitations
    Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Public debt
    A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
    • Exchange rate
    The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
    • Military imports
    The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
    • Military aid
    The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
    • Non-conventional security issues
    These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
    • Corruption
    Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
    • Competition between the U.S.A. and China
    The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
    • Conflicts and potential conflicts
    Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Logistics
    A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    • Budgeting
    Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
    • Personnel
    The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
    • Procurement
    The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
    • Political interference
    Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
    • Territorial disputes
    Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
    • Transboundary haze
    Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
    • Fleet sustainment
    The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
    • Technological obsolescence
    Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
    • Modernization
    The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited

  14. The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
    • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
    • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
    • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
    • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
    • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
    Other challenges include:
    • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
    • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
    Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
    • Fiscal limitations
    Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Public debt
    A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
    • Exchange rate
    The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
    • Military imports
    The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
    • Military aid
    The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
    • Non-conventional security issues
    These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
    • Corruption
    Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
    • Competition between the U.S.A. and China
    The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
    • Conflicts and potential conflicts
    Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Logistics
    A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    • Budgeting
    Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
    • Personnel
    The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
    • Procurement
    The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
    • Political interference
    Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
    • Territorial disputes
    Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
    • Transboundary haze
    Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
    • Fleet sustainment
    The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
    • Technological obsolescence
    Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
    • Modernization
    The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited

  15. 171 ASET USANG 30 TAHUN =
    108 TDM
    29 TUDM
    34 TLDM
    "The total number of Malonn Armed Forces (ATM) assets exceeding 30 years in service comprises 108 units for the Army, 29 units for the Royal Malonn Air Force (RMAF), and 34 units for the Royal Malonn Navy (RMN)," the Malonn Defence Minister.
    BUDGET 2025
    RM 5,8 BILION : USD 1,34 MILYAR
    USD 440 JUTA = LAUT
    USD 440 JUTA = UDARA
    USD 440 JUTA = DARAT
    Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, kerajaan akan terus memastikan kesiagaan penuh Angkatan Tentera Malon (ATM) dengan RM5.8 bilion dikhususkan untuk kerja-kerja senggara dan pembaikan serta perolehan aset-aset ketenteraan baharu.
    13. Indonesia US$ 25 Billion = SHOPPING
    22. Vietnam US$ 7,9 Billion = SHOPPING
    25. Thailand US$ 7,7 Billion = SHOPPING
    30. Singapura US$ 13,493 Billion = SHOPPING
    42. Malon US$ 4,370 Billion = LEASE
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
    • Fiscal limitations
    Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Public debt
    A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
    • Exchange rate
    The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
    • Military imports
    The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
    • Military aid
    The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
    • Non-conventional security issues
    These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
    • Corruption
    Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
    • Competition between the U.S.A. and China
    The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
    • Conflicts and potential conflicts
    Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes.
    The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Outdated equipment
    Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern assets. For example, the KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge due to technical issues in 2010.
    • Misappropriation of funds
    There have been multiple instances of public funds being misappropriated under the guise of meeting defense needs.
    • Army-centric mindset
    Malon has an army-centric mindset, even though the country is surrounded by water.
    • Double budgetary allocation
    The army receives more of the budget than the other services.
    • Lack of standard operating procedures
    There are issues with standard operating procedures, from the e-procurement process to inventory receipts.
    • Tension between public and military
    There is tension between the public's right to know and the military's "need-to-know" policies


  16. The Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) faces several challenges, including:
    • Aging fleet: More than half of the RMN's fleet is past its prime, and the country has only received four of the 18 new vessels it planned to acquire. The last time the RMN acquired a combat ship was in 1997.
    • Delayed replacements: The RMN's plans to replace its aging fleet have been stalled due to mismanagement.
    • Insufficient defense budget: Malon's defense budget is less than one percent of its GDP, while neighboring Singapore spends six percent.
    • Lack of coordination: There is a lack of coordination among agencies.
    • Outdated assets: The RMN's ships and assets are outdated.
    • Combat system issues: The RMN has observed deficiencies with the combat system of its LMS type vessels.
    • Low endurance: The LCS's endurance was too low to stay with a carrier strike group or amphibious ready group without significant refueling.
    • Lack of air and surface warfare capabilities: The LCS lacked significant air and surface warfare capabilities
    LCS 2024-2011 = 13 TAHUN OMPONG
    LCS DIBAYAR 6 RM 12.4 BILLION NOT YET DELIVERED = The cost of the project is now RM12.4 billion. This is because Ocean Sunshine Bhd (OSB) – the government owned company set up to take over BNS will be paying the BHIC and LTAT (the previous owner of BNS) some RM1.2 billion in liabilities and debt.
    LCS BAYAR HUTANG NGPVs = seperti didedahkan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) dan CEO LTAT, syarikat BNS menggunakan RM400 juta daripada bayaran pendahuluan bagi projek LCS untuk menjelaskan hutang lapuk bagi projek NGPV," syarikat PSC-Naval Dockyard pada Disember 2005 sebelum dijenamakan semula menjadi syarikat Boustead Naval Dockyard Sdn Bhd....
    1 × 76 mm Oto Melara
    1 × 30 mm Breda Mauser
    The Kedah-class offshore patrol vessels of the Royal Malonn Navy (RMN) are six ships based on the MEKO 100 design by Blohm + Voss. Originally, a total of 27 ships were planned, but due to programme delays and overruns, only six were eventually ordered. Their construction began in the early 2000s, and by 2009, all six were in active service. The six vessels are named after Malonn states
    Former Royal Malonnn Navy (RMN) chief Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor failed to quash his three counts of criminal breach of trust totalling RM21 million over the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) project scandal.
    High Court judge Datuk Azhar Abdul Hamid made the decision today on grounds that the issue of the 80-year-old accused's mental fitness to stand trial should be investigated by the trial judge.
    The High Court also ordered the case to be remitted back to the Sessions Court before judge Suzana Hussain.
    Malon's household debt-to-GDP ratio
    December 2023 = 84.2%
    December 2020 = 93.1% (all-time high)
    December 2008 = 60.4% (record low)
    Some factors that have contributed to the growth in household debt include:
    • Government and private sector home ownership incentives
    • Sales and service tax (SST) incentives for the purchase of motor vehicles between 2020 and 2022

  17. Malon's household debt-to-GDP ratio
    December 2023 = 84.2%
    December 2020 = 93.1% (all-time high)
    December 2008 = 60.4% (record low)
    Some factors that have contributed to the growth in household debt include:
    • Government and private sector home ownership incentives
    • Sales and service tax (SST) incentives for the purchase of motor vehicles between 2020 and 2022
    2023 : SETTLED IN 2053 = IF NO NEW LOANS
    2023 : SETTLED IN 2053 = IF NO NEW LOANS
    2023 : SETTLED IN 2053 = IF NO NEW LOANS
    The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF).
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023. In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018). “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    2024 OVER LIMIT DEBT 65,6%
    Malon Government debt accounted for 65.6 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Mar 2024, compared with the ratio of 64.3 % in the previous quarter. Malon government debt to GDP ratio data is updated quarterly, available from Dec 2010 to Mar 2024.
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
    2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
    2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
    2018 RASIO HUTANG 80% DARI GDP : OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malon pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang untuk membantu negara membayar utang yang mencapai 1 triliun ringgit (US$ 250,8 miliar) atau 80 persen dari PDB.
    SCANDALS = Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malon Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm

  18. Malonn's defense budget is considered not in accordance with its objectives. Some of the things to consider are:
    • The allocation of salaries and allowances for 2024 reaches 40% of the total defense budget.
    • The allocation for procurement has increased slightly from 2023, but there may be no real benefit due to the depreciation of the ringgit.
    • The Ministry of Finance assesses the availability of funds for programs and procurement requirements in private.
    • Hundreds of Malonnn military assets have exceeded the 30-year service limit.
    Malonn has faced several crises, including political, financial, and economic crises:
    • Political crisis
    From 2020–2022, Malonn experienced a political crisis that led to the resignation of two Prime Ministers and the collapse of two coalition governments. The crisis was caused by political infighting, party switching, and the refusal of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to transition power to Anwar Ibrahim. The crisis ended in 2022 with a snap general election and the formation of a coalition government.
    • Financial crisis
    Malonn experienced a financial crisis when the country's economic fundamentals appeared strong, but the crisis came suddenly. The government's initial response was to increase interest rates and tighten fiscal policy, but this was not enough to correct the external imbalances.
    • Economic crisis
    Malonn's economy has faced challenges due to weak global demand and a dependence on exports. In 2020, Malonn's economy shrank by the most since the Asian crisis. In 2023, weak global demand for electronics and a decline in energy prices weighed on the economy.
    • Household debt crisis
    As of the end of 2023, Malonn's household debt-to-GDP ratio was 84.2%, with household debt reaching RM1.53 trillion
    • Malonn has faced several rice crises in the past, including in 1973–1975, the 1980s, 1997–1998, 2008, and 2023. These crises are often caused by price hikes, which are driven by supply and demand, as well as market player behavior
    Malonn has several issues related to assault rifles, including:
    • Smuggling
    Malonn's long and porous borders make it difficult to stop the smuggling of firearms and ammunition into the country. The border between Malonn and Thailand is particularly vulnerable to gun smuggling.
    • Outdated inventory
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) has outdated inventory stock, which can be a stumbling block for ongoing operations.
    • Wary of Russian-made weapons
    Malonn is becoming wary of its Russian-made weapons
    Malonn telah mengalami beberapa krisis, termasuk krisis politik, krisis beras, dan krisis mata uang:
    • Krisis politik
    Malonn mengalami krisis politik berkepanjangan sejak 2020 hingga 2022. Beberapa penyebabnya adalah:
    1. Pertikaian dalam Pakatan Harapan dan Perikatan Nasional
    2. Penolakan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad untuk menentukan tanggal peralihan kekuasaan
    3. Dampak politik pandemi COVID-19
    4. Proklamasi Darurat 2021
    5. Pengunduran diri Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin
    • Krisis beras
    Malonn mengalami krisis beras ketika harga beras impor naik sebesar 36% pada September 2023. Hal ini menyebabkan konsumen beralih ke beras lokal yang lebih murah.
    • Krisis mata uang
    Ringgit Malonn mengalami penurunan nilai yang signifikan pada tahun 2024. Beberapa penyebabnya adalah:
    1. Kinerja ekspor yang buruk
    2. Kenaikan suku bunga bank sentral Amerika Serikat (Federal Reserve)
    3. Kekhawatiran geopolitik
    4. Ketidakpastian mengenai prospek ekonomi China

  19. HASIL STUDI ........
    The results reveal a robust positive association between Public Debt and Defence Spending, substantiated by the significant coefficient of 0.7601 (p < 0.01). This suggests that an increase in Public Debt corresponds to a substantial rise in Defence Spending. Additionally, the study underscores the influence of Gross Domestic Saving and Exchange Rate on Defence Spending, with coefficients of 1.5996 (p < 0.01) and 0.4703 (p < 0.05), respectively. These findings contribute valuable insights into the fiscal dynamics of Malon's defence budget, shedding light on the interplay between Public Debt and strategic resource allocation. The incorporation of control variables enhances the robustness of the analysis, providing a nuanced understanding of the factors shaping defence spending in the Malonn context.
    The Malonnn army has several weaknesses, including:
    • Limited defense budgeting: The Malonnn government has been unwilling to fund defense by cutting other government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
    • Outdated equipment: Most of the Malonnn Army's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern equipment.
    • Corruption: The Malonnn military has been plagued by corruption.
    • Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in procurement.
    • Lack of authority: The armed forces are generally given authority to assist relevant authorities, such as the police, in dealing with non-traditional security challenges.
    • Low ranking in military capability: According to the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index, Malonn ranks 16th in military capability in Southeast Asia.
    Other challenges include:
    • The need to replace the Nuri helicopter fleet, which has seen 14 crashes with many fatalities
    • The need for the Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency to patrol the country's maritime expanse to combat piracy, human trafficking, and smuggling
    The Malonnn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
    • Logistics
    A study noted that the MAF's rapid development has raised questions about its readiness to face threats.
    • Budgeting
    Malonn's defense budget and spending has been limited by fiscal constraints. The government has been unwilling to cut spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
    • Personnel
    The MA has identified that military personnel struggle with thinking skills, decision-making, and problem-solving during military operations.
    • Procurement
    The Malonnn procurement system needs reform. The LCS program has been delayed and reduced in scope.
    • Political interference
    Political interference and corruption are undermining combat readiness.
    • Territorial disputes
    Malonn faces territorial disputes and intrusions in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
    • Transboundary haze
    Transboundary haze has had a grave impact on economic and social activities in MalonnThe Royal Malonnn Air Force (RMAF) faces several problems, including:
    • Fleet sustainment
    The RMAF has faced challenges maintaining its fleet of aircraft. For example, in 2018, only four of the RMAF's 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft were able to fly due to maintenance issues and a lack of spare parts.
    • Technological obsolescence
    Some aircraft in the RMAF's fleet are reaching technological obsolescence. For example, the Kuwaiti HORNET MALONNs are an earlier block of the HORNET MALONN, which may cause compatibility issues with spare parts.
    • Modernization
    The RMAF has ambitious plans to modernize its air capabilities to address current and future threats. However, the government's defense modernization budget is limited
