13 Desember 2024

Indra Secures Contract to Supply Lanza Radar to RTAF

13 Desember 2024

Indra Lanza long-range radar (photo: Indra)

Indra strengthens its standing in Asia after winning a new air defense radar contract

Indra will continue to expand its operations in the Asian defense market after being awarded a project to supply the Thai Air Force with a long-range Lanza radar, having competed with some of the leading companies in the sector.

This radar excels in that it’s extremely reliable; it’s a system that must remain operational at all times to guarantee the surveillance of the airspace entrusted to it. 

It’s also a system that’s capable of detecting fifth-generation aircraft, ballistic missiles and drones and it’s particularly suited to detecting targets in rainy areas such as Thailand, where other radars may be hindered.

The system incorporates the latest algorithms to withstand the adversary’s attempts to interfere with its functioning, as well as the ability to mitigate the effects of wind turbines and solar plants, which cause reflections that can also affect detection.

This will be the second radar delivered to the Thai Air Force by Indra. The company has already put a long-range radar of similar characteristics into service, accompanied by an advanced system known as Airdef to monitor the status of the airspace and conduct air missions.

Francisco Jiménez, Indra’s Defence Systems Business Development director, declared that “we take great pride in the fact that the Thai Air Force has once again placed its trust in us and our ability to adapt our systems to their specific operational requirements. Our systems have been designed to operate around the clock to ensure that we play a critical role in the country’s security”.

Indra is a trailblazing company in the development of cutting-edge radars, having delivered them to 30 countries on the five continents and NATO. Its systems cover all the functions and ranges required by a modern army, including space surveillance in near-Earth orbits, long and medium-range surveillance, anti-aircraft defense, naval combat and protection from drones.

20 komentar:

  1. PPA semakin hampir hore haha!👏👏👏

  2. Radar Punya malon lebih canggih, bisa melihat pokok pisang dari planet namex


    negeri🎰kasino genting tunggu rancangan di ReMeK 13, bila ada wang haha!🤣🤣🤣

  4. Radar malaysialan hanya bisa memantau warga malay malas dan otak tak ada duduk2 di kedai kopi je....

  5. Radar Malon mampu mengesan MH370 sampai ke segitiga bermuda

  6. Gara-gara masuk angin, jadi masuk anu......🤪


    1. Bisa juga kejadian sebaliknya...


  7. MALAYSIA shoping GM400 ALPHA saja rileks...bukan macam negara MISKIN versi radar GM ngeprak konon 13 buah hingga kini GHOIB...HAHAHAHHA

    1. Minggir lu miskin 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Gorilla malaya hobby ngibul

    3. Si miskin menghibur diri 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

    4. Military equipment in Malon has broken down for a variety of reasons, including:
      • Engine problems
      In August 2022, a Malonn Army PT-91M Pendekar tank broke down on a highway near Parliament due to engine problems. The tank was being used for rehearsals for the country's Independence Day parade.
      • Aging aircraft
      Malon's Royal Malonn Air Force (RMAF) has a fleet of legacy Hornets that are becoming technologically obsolete. The RMAF has faced fleet sustainment problems, and some say that the government's defense modernization budget should be used to expand the LCA program or accelerate the MRCA program.
      • Limited defense budget
      Malon's defense progress has been limited since 2018 due to fiscal limitations. Malonn governments have been unwilling to cut government spending elsewhere or reduce the size of the armed forces.
      • Russian-made weapons
      Malon has become wary of its Russian-made weapons, and is looking to buy elsewhere. The West's sanctions against Russia have prevented Malon from buying the Su-30 directly from the Kremlin.
      The procurement division of the Defence Ministry has issued a tender for the supply, delivery, and commissioning for eight Very Short-Range Air Defence (VSHORAD) ground-based air defence system for the Army. The VSHORAD system is listed as the Army’s main asset and equipment for 2024.
      The 23-day tender published on November 20 closes on December 19. As usual the public specifications for the tender are limited.
      The indicative cost for the eight VSHORAD system is RM150 million. It is therefore unclear whether the VSHORAD system is meant for the four Starstreak carrier vehicles or Kenderaan Pembawa Misil Starstreak (KPMS) which tender was published last August.
      It may well be that the Starstreak LML NG VSHORAD SAM being sought are for the KPMS. And if it’s meant to be for the KPMS it may well be the setting up of a GBAD unit for 1 Division which is based in Kuching, Sarawak. The Fifth Division based in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah has a single GBAD unit, 35 RAD (Ad-hoc) which got its Starstreak KPMS, missiles, and launchers from the disbanded RMN GBAD unit.
      The other Starstreak unit is 32 RAD which is based at the Terendak camp in Malacca. It is also interesting to note that the 361 Battery of RAD – the GBAD unit- with 10th Para Brigade are still equipped with the Anza Mk2 VSHORAD system procured some 20 years ago. The Thales Starstreak missiles, launchers, vehicles, and a single radar system were procured in 2015

    5. RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
      RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
      RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
      PEMBIAYAAN SWASTA DAN SIMULATOR KOMERSIAL = Menurutnya pusat simulasi itu dibangunkan menerusi inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) di mana HeiTech Padu Berhad dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengurus operasi serta penyelengaraan bagi tempoh 10 tahun sehingga tahun 2020.
      Beliau berkata sistem simulasi yang dibangunkan itu juga mampu melakukan pemindahan teknologi ke negara-negara yang memerlukan dan ia bukan hanya khusus untuk pesawat tempur semata-mata malah boleh digunakan bagi simulasi pesawat komersial, dan menurutnya sejak dibangunkan pusat simulasi itu sudah melatih 28 juruterbang dan pegawai TUDM.
      SEWA SIMULATOR MKM = Five-year contract for Sukhoi’s simulators. Publicly listed HeiTech Padu Bhd has announced that it had been awarded a RM67 million, five-year contract to operate and maintain the Su-30MKM flight simulators at the RMAF airbase in Gong Kedak. The company made the announcement to Bursa Malaysia on September 9, 2022.
      SEWA SIMULATOR = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
      MENERUSI KAEDAH SEWA HELI LYNX = Dari segi perolehan kata Panglima TLDM, terdapat kemungkinan angkatan itu mendapatkan helikopter itu menerusi kaedah sewa apabila perkhidmatan helikopter Super Lynx Mk300 yang kini menjangkau usia 20 tahun dihentikan secara berperingkat.

  8. Gempur alias gorila malaya hobby ngibul



  10. RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    PEMBIAYAAN SWASTA DAN SIMULATOR KOMERSIAL = Menurutnya pusat simulasi itu dibangunkan menerusi inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) di mana HeiTech Padu Berhad dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengurus operasi serta penyelengaraan bagi tempoh 10 tahun sehingga tahun 2020.
    Beliau berkata sistem simulasi yang dibangunkan itu juga mampu melakukan pemindahan teknologi ke negara-negara yang memerlukan dan ia bukan hanya khusus untuk pesawat tempur semata-mata malah boleh digunakan bagi simulasi pesawat komersial, dan menurutnya sejak dibangunkan pusat simulasi itu sudah melatih 28 juruterbang dan pegawai TUDM.
    SEWA SIMULATOR MKM = Five-year contract for Sukhoi’s simulators. Publicly listed HeiTech Padu Bhd has announced that it had been awarded a RM67 million, five-year contract to operate and maintain the Su-30MKM flight simulators at the RMAF airbase in Gong Kedak. The company made the announcement to Bursa Malaysia on September 9, 2022.
    SEWA SIMULATOR = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    MENERUSI KAEDAH SEWA HELI LYNX = Dari segi perolehan kata Panglima TLDM, terdapat kemungkinan angkatan itu mendapatkan helikopter itu menerusi kaedah sewa apabila perkhidmatan helikopter Super Lynx Mk300 yang kini menjangkau usia 20 tahun dihentikan secara berperingkat.

  11. Radar
    LANZA lansiran Indra ini speknya setara radar RL-3D/M yg dipasang di Pacitan.....radar 3D berteknologi AESA yg bekerja pada L band.

    Kehebatannya walopun bekerja pada rentang frekuensi medium tapi masih bisa membedakan isi kantong 👇


  12. 2024 RASIO HUTANG 84,2% DARI GDP
    The Finance Ministry stated that the aggregate national household debt stood at RM1.53 trillion between 2018 and 2023.
    In aggregate, it said the household debt for 2022 was RM1.45 trillion, followed by RM1.38 trillion (2021,) RM1.32 trillion (2020), RM1.25 trillion (2019) and RM1.19 trillion (2018).
    “The ratio of household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2023 also slightly increased to 84.2% compared with 82% in 2018,” it said.
    2024 HUTANG JATUH TEMPO = The federal government's debt is expected to be fully settled in 2053 if no new loans were to be taken to finance the deficit and to refinance maturing debts from 2024 onwards, said the Finance Ministry (MoF)
    2023 TIDAK BAYAR HUTANG = “Ini bermakna bayaran khidmat hutang banyak…hanya membayar faedah bukan bayar hutang tertunggak,” kata Anwar lagi
    2022 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 52,4% = Kah Woh menjelaskan pada tahun lalu, kerajaan ada membuat pinjaman yang meningkat sebanyak 11.6 peratus daripada RM194.5 bilion pada tahun sebelumnya. Daripada jumlah itu, beliau berkata 52.4 peratus atau RM113.7 bilion digunakan untuk membayar prinsipal pinjaman matang.
    2021 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 50,4% = Sejumlah RM98.058 bilion atau 50.4 peratus daripada pinjaman baharu berjumlah RM194.555 bilion yang dibuat kerajaan pada tahun lalu digunakan untuk bayaran balik prinsipal pinjaman yang matang.
    2020 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 60% = Jabatan Audit Negara (JAN) bimbang dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan hampir 60 peratus pinjaman baharu untuk membayar hutang .
    2019 HUTANG BAYAR HUTANG 59% = Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mengenai Penyata Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan 2018 mendapati sejumlah 59 peratus pinjaman baharu kerajaan dibuat untuk membayar hutang kerajaan terdahulu
    2018 RASIO HUTANG 80% DARI GDP : OPEN DONASI = Kementerian Keuangan Malon pada hari Rabu membuka rekening donasi supaya masyarakat dapat menyumbang untuk membantu negara membayar utang yang mencapai 1 triliun ringgit (US$ 250,8 miliar) atau 80 persen dari PDB.
    Malonn has faced several crises, including political, financial, and economic crises:
    • Political crisis
    From 2020–2022, Malonn experienced a political crisis that led to the resignation of two Prime Ministers and the collapse of two coalition governments. The crisis was caused by political infighting, party switching, and the refusal of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to transition power to Anwar Ibrahim. The crisis ended in 2022 with a snap general election and the formation of a coalition government.
    • Financial crisis
    Malonn experienced a financial crisis when the country's economic fundamentals appeared strong, but the crisis came suddenly. The government's initial response was to increase interest rates and tighten fiscal policy, but this was not enough to correct the external imbalances.
    • Economic crisis
    Malonn's economy has faced challenges due to weak global demand and a dependence on exports. In 2020, Malonn's economy shrank by the most since the Asian crisis. In 2023, weak global demand for electronics and a decline in energy prices weighed on the economy.
    • Household debt crisis
    As of the end of 2023, Malonn's household debt-to-GDP ratio was 84.2%, with household debt reaching RM1.53 trillion
    • Malonn has faced several rice crises in the past, including in 1973–1975, the 1980s, 1997–1998, 2008, and 2023. These crises are often caused by price hikes, which are driven by supply and demand, as well as market player behavior
