23 September 2021

Loyal Wingman to be Built in Australia

23 September 2021

Boeing Loyal Wingman (photos : Boeing)

Boeing Selects Australia for Company's First Final Assembly Facility Outside North America

TOOWOOMBA, Queensland – Boeing [NYSE:BA], in partnership with the Queensland Government, has selected Toowoomba as the preferred site for the company’s first aircraft assembly facility of its kind outside of North America.

Boeing Australia will establish the facility in the Wellcamp Aerospace and Defence Precinct at Wellcamp Airport to produce and assemble the Boeing Airpower Teaming System (also known as Loyal Wingman), the first military combat aircraft designed, developed and manufactured in Australia in half a century. The aircraft made its first flight in February 2021.

The partnership to establish the facility will create new opportunities for Toowoomba, bringing jobs and skill development to the region and the state.

“In choosing Wellcamp Airport, Boeing have taken an important step towards delivering their purpose-built final assembly facility. This has the potential to greatly improve our state’s advanced manufacturing capability and help shape a workforce of Queenslanders with the skills to build some of the world’s most cutting-edge aircraft,” said Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Wagner Corporation expects that this facility will support approximately 300 jobs during construction and will create highly skilled jobs, furthering Queensland’s status as a centre for defence industries.

Treasurer and Minister for Investment Cameron Dick said today’s announcement reinforced the strength of the state’s almost 25-year relationship with Boeing.

“This announcement follows our success with Australia’s first commercial drone flight testing facility at Cloncurry Airport last December, of which Boeing was a first user. It’s the result of an arrangement our government entered into with Boeing Australia last year to support the establishment of the primary final assembly facility for the Boeing Loyal Wingman here in Queensland, subject to defence orders. It’s expected the project could generate up to $1 billion dollars for Queensland’s economy over 10 years, with more than just defence industries to benefit,” said Dick.

This project delivers on the vision of the Queensland Defence Industries 10-year Roadmap and Action Plan, which aims to significantly increase defence revenue and generate 3,500 new full-time jobs by 2028.

The uncrewed aircraft is designed to operate as a team, using artificial intelligence to extend the capabilities of crewed and uncrewed platforms.

Boeing Defence Australia Vice President and Managing Director Scott Carpendale believes the selection of Wellcamp Airport as Boeing’s preferred location for the company’s first final assembly production facility is indicative of Boeing’s global focus and support for Australia’s sovereign defence capability growth, supply chain and export opportunities.

“We are confident in the future production outlook for this world-class, innovative aircraft,” said Carpendale.

“We’re thinking long-term about this investment, which could assist Australia to gain future work share in other global defence and aerospace opportunities, in addition to the Loyal Wingman assembly.

“The Wellcamp Aerospace and Defence Precinct location is attractive due to its access to a flight line, clear flying days, commercial flight access from major cities and ability to support the rapid pace at which the Airpower Teaming System program is growing.

“Sustainable aerospace is a critical focus for Boeing, and Wagner Corporation’s use of sustainable construction methods supports our vision to create a leading sustainable aerospace manufacturing facility from the ground up, including renewable technologies and human-centric design,” Carpendale said.

Wagner Corporation Chairman John Wagner said Boeing’s selection of Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport for its newest uncrewed aircraft production facility was a major boost for the region.

“Attracting investment and global companies such as Boeing to Toowoomba is recognition of the strategic advantages the Wellcamp Airport site offers, including access to the future Inland Rail,” Wagner said. 

Boeing Australia is currently developing six aircraft in partnership with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), with flight testing ongoing.

55 komentar:

  1. Satgas pembangunan fregat Iver/Arrowhead PT PAL sudah resmi dikukuhkan dan diresmikan


    Berarti Kontraknya sudah efektif

  2. Pur lihat ni Pur PT PAL sudah bentuk Satgas untuk pembuatan Fregat Iver/Arrowhead yang proses pembuatannya selama 69 bulan dan Bukti ini semakin menunjukkan bahwa Kontrak frigat Iver Huitfeldt aka Arrowhead 140 sudah efektif,geng PEMBUAL tak Bisa elak dan reka-reka cerita lagi Guys Wkwkwkwkw


    1. Mantap Siap First Cutting Steel 10 November(Hari Pahlawan) di Surabaya(Kota Pahlawan)

    2. Tank Hartam,Anoa 3,EH UCAV mungkin 😂😂😂

  3. MALE DONALD DUCK bila mau terbang ya.. Wkwkkwkwkwkw

    Tahun depan... Tahun ini.. Bulan depan.. Bulan ini.. Tau tau.... PRANK...

    1. Uuuu dengki ya🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Sabar yaa..proyek aerokangkasa yang naik produksi di indonesia semua terbang kok. Walaupun perlu waktu lama.

    3. Pastinya cecah udara,gk kayak sebelah harus nya cecah air malah cecah di darat.


    4. https://www.facebook.com/181276675314017/posts/3949814208460226/?app=fbl

    5. male indonesia akn terbang lebih dahulu dari pada heli malonte

  4. Mau tanya ivernya sudah bayar atau belum... Begitu juga berita su35 versi GHOIB dulu... sign pun sudah ya tau tau wang tak cukup... Wkwkkwkwkwkw

    1. Bayar wang tapi terima foto🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Pur lihat ni Pur PT PAL sudah bentuk Satgas untuk pembuatan Fregat Iver/Arrowhead yang proses pembuatannya selama 69 bulan dan Bukti ini semakin menunjukkan bahwa Kontrak frigat Iver Huitfeldt aka Arrowhead 140 sudah efektif,geng PEMBUAL tak Bisa elak dan reka-reka cerita lagi Guys Wkwkwkwkw


  5. https://zonajakarta.pikiran-rakyat.com/internasional/pr-182652540/jakarta-diklaim-sudah-putuskan-media-prancis-sebut-36-jet-tempur-omnirole-rafale-akan-dibawa-indonesia-pulang

    Jadi d bawah pulang, bukan akan y lon malon

    1. Jangan di PHP in lagi,bisa2 prancis ngamukkk sampai napoleon idup lgi

  6. https://www.jejaktapak.com/2021/09/19/rusia-sendiri-masih-ragu-beli-checkmate-atau-tidak/

  7. Hari ini secara resmi Mbah Gono meresmikan satgas anti ngutang dan anti ninggal jaminan di padepokan kemukus demi terciptanya kondisi cash flow padepokan yg sehat dan dinamis 👌👍

    1. ...kalau COD ?

      ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

    2. ...waduuuuuuuuh, abot tenan songgone

      ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

    3. Yo Yen pengene sing Sarwo gampang Yo neng ger rel sepur kono 😂😂😂

  8. https://zonajakarta.pikiran-rakyat.com/internasional/pr-182656681/bertahun-tahun-pendam-hasrat-ingin-beli-rafale-seperti-indonesia-namun-malaysia-dapatnya-cuma-tejas
    Yang ngaku grade A dpt tejas
    Aca aca nehi nehi

    1. Belum dikontrak kok tejasnya,masih tender🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. Manakala sebelah tu mau beli C130 J mesti tunggu 2040. Padahal tahun 2040 sudah keluar versi yang J2 galaxy premium. 😂


    24 Su-57 FELON
    36 Su-35 Flanker E
    16 Su-27/30 Flanker D
    36 Dassault Rafale
    18 F-15 EX
    48 IFX
    48 F-16 Falcon/Viper <----- ( diganti The Check Mate )
    16 Super Tucano
    20 T50 G. Eagle
    20 Yak-130
    125 Heli tempur # Varian
    24 Pesawat Intai/Patroli Maritim
    1001 Pesawat Angkut/Log
    16 Pesawat pem-BOM
    101 Pesawat DRONE # Varian
    1550 Tank tempur # Varian
    1750 Peluncur MLRS # Varian
    1250 Panser tempur # Varian
    1250 Meriam tempur # Varian
    75 Amphibious trackway
    750 KRI tempur # Varian
    50 Heli Anti Kapal Selam
    04 Kapal Hidro Oseanografi
    04 Kapal Rumah Sakit
    02 Kapal Submarine Rescue
    02 Kapal Induk
    50 Kapal Selam

    Rudal Serbu Udara ;
    250 Antar Benua, 750 Balistik, 2500 Petir, 2000 Brahmos, 2000 Yakhont...dll.

    Rudal Perisai Udara ;
    500 Unit PANTSIR S-1
    750 Unit S-500
    500 Unit S-400
    500 Unit S-350
    500 Unit BUK M3E
    500 Unit BUK M2E
    500 Unit NASAMS 2

    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

  11. OGOS dah nak sampai..patutlah di video terlihat pilot memakai CAMO MALAYSIA...ahhhhhh ada yang DENGKI guys....wkwkwkwkk



  12. Yang jelas loyal wingman bukan milik malon walaupun anggota FPDA konon... Krn PM Malon minta pendapat elder brother jin ping mengenai masalah Kasel Nuklir Australia.... Sementara masalah utama Malon yg wilayah nya diceroboh PLA tidak dibahas... Fix malon propinsi China.... Wkwkwkwk

    1. Malon mana bisa buat loyal wingman xaxaxaxxa.....bisanya cma tempel sticker

  13. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  14. Kontol si gempur suka lobang jubornya si malaya.. Kl.. Gay semenanjung..

  15. Woooooa anggora FPDA pinter pinter y bisa buat loyal wingman jga

    Tpi ad 1 nefara anggora FPDA yg katanya keliatanya pinter tapi bodonya minta ampun xaxaxaxaxxa

    Siapakaj negara itu

  16. Loyal Wing Man namanya Membosankan.

  17. Hellooo..Heli lolipop nan kecik comel gmn kabarnya..agos..agos dah lewat ni..ahhh BUAL SAJA KAU FUR..

  18. https://www.beritasatu.com/dunia/831823/produsen-kapal-selam-prancis-tetap-akan-kirim-tagihan-ke-australia

    1. 50 milyar dolar melayang
      Kena sleeding takle mami eli sama paman sam

  19. Bagus buat gandengan sm IFX guuys

  20. tni_angkatan_laut TNI Angkatan Laut memperkuat Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista) dengan membangun kapal jenis frigate. PT. PAL Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Babcock Inggris dalam hal desain Kapal Frigate Arrowhead 140, sedangkan untuk kegiatan produksi akan bekerja sama dengan PT. Batamec. Pembangunan kapal jenis frigate ini ditandai dengan pengukuhan Project Officer dan Komandan Satuan Tugas (Dansatgas) pembangunan kapal frigate oleh Kepala Dinas Pengadaan Angkatan Laut (Kadisadal) Laksamana Pertama TNI Maman Rohman, S.T., M.Han bertempat di Wisma Elang Laut, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Kamis (23/09).

    #jalesvevajayamahe #tnial #indonesiannavy

    Link :


  21. Rupanya PT PAL bekerjasama dengan PT Batamec SHIPYARD untuk proses produksi Fregat Iver/Arrowhead 140

  22. PT Batamec SHIPYARD BATAM Lebih berpengalaman dalam membuat kapal BCM/Tanker untuk TNI AL tapi mengapa tidak melibatkan PT Palindo marine sphipyard yang lebih berpengalaman dalam Membuat Kapal dengan dimensi fregat yaitu KN Tanjung Datu Bakamla yang berukuran 110 meter ? 🤔🤔🤔

  23. Geng MALON Semakin KOYAK guys tak lama lagi Fregat aka Arrowhead 140 akan first steel cutting yang mana Proses pembuatannya selama 69 bulan serta melibatkan 3 perusahaan pembuat kapal yaitu PT PAL dan PT Batamec SHIPYARD yang akan terlibat dalam proses produksi serta Babcock Inggris yang akan terlibat dalam Desain kapal Wkwkwkwkw

  24. Yang LCS MANGKRAK tu harap tepi sikit Wkwkwkwkw

  25. LCS MANGKRAK, Heli kecik MANGKRAK, OPV Damen MANGKRAK, tender MPA MANGKRAK, tender LCA MANGKRAK,....PMnya MANGKRAK disuruh lengser ama rajanya.


  26. Xaxaxaxaxaxa arrowhead 2 unit estimasi pembuatan 69 bulan padahal lebih besar,panjang n berat dari maharajalelah yg sign 6 unit tp 10tahun tak satupun yg jadi xxaaaaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxa sungguh terlalu...xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa padahal bastard d dukung 8000 tenaga terampil n berpengalaman serta d dukung dgn peralatan canggih yg lengkap...K O N O N....xxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa yyyuuuhhhuuuu maloners nih🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
