Exercise Tasman Shield 2021 (all photos : RAN)
From the SEAS to the SKIES, Exercise TASMAN SHIELD 21 is on! Royal Australian Navy guided missile destroyer (DDG) HMAS Hobart has joined forces with Royal Australian Air Force's F35-A Lightning to conduct simulated missions over the east coast of Australia.
Hosted annually, Exercise Tasman Shield brings together Navy's DDG and aircraft from RAAF Bases Amberly, Edinburgh, Tindal and Williamtown.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapussehat om?
HapusKirain pinter, ga taunya Wungmos cosmos termos wkwkwkwkwkwk
Hapuskamu yang bodoh berarti...sejak kapan dia keliatan pinteran???
Hapuskomen ya gitu gitu aja dan gitu diulang ulang kok dikira pinter
Sing pengen pindah kewarganegaraan aussy dipersilahkan lho.....mumpung neng kono poro wedus-wedus wadone butuh lanangan 🤷
BalasHapusYang diatas tuh mungkin mau ��
Hapusdia nya mau ausinya yang engak mau nampung.
Hapusngomong ngomong om hary ini bukan cuma komen sering copy nick juga rupanya,setau saya "apa pun frigatenya rudalnya trtap buatan tempatan" itu komen orang lain😅😁😆
Hapus🤣🤣🤣🤣 ketuaan......eeeeeh ketauan 🙈
HapusAda negara yang cuman jadi beban FPDA
BalasHapusSuka bener deh bang unknown ni😆
HapusF35 dengan bermacam-macam "defect" dan masalah bagi USAF ..
BalasHapusUntunglah Indo X diperbolehkan membelinya ...
The Fighter Jet That’s Too Pricey to Fail
The F-35 is a boondoggle. Yet we’re stuck with it.
Last week, the new head of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Adam Smith, said in an interview that the F-35 fighter jet was a “rathole” draining money. He said the Pentagon should consider whether to “cut its losses.” That promptly set off another round of groaning about the most expensive weapon system ever built, and questions about whether it should — or could — be scrapped.
Conceived in the 1990s as a sort of Swiss army knife of fighter jets, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter was meant to come as a conventional fighter for the Air Force, as a carrier-based fighter for the Navy and as a vertical-landing version for the Marines. The problems, and there were lots of them, set in early. All three versions of the plane ended up at least three years behind schedule, and sharing less than a quarter of their parts instead of the anticipated 70 percent. Many of those already built need updates; hundreds of defects are still being corrected; the jet is so expensive to maintain that it costs around $36,000 per hour to fly (compared to $22,000 for an older F-16). At the current rate, it will cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion over its 60-year life span.
So, kill the monster and start looking for alternatives? Or declare it too big to fail and make the best of it?
Last month, the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Charles Brown Jr., gave his answer when he said that the F-35 should become the Ferrari of the fleet: “You only drive it on Sundays.” For other days, Air Force officials recently said they were exploring less expensive options, including new F-16s, low-cost tactical drones or building another fighter from scratch. But the F-35 was here to stay, General Brown insisted: “The F-35 is the cornerstone of what we’re pursuing. Now we’re going to have the F-35, we’re getting it out, and we’re going to have it for the future.”
Representative Smith — a Democrat whose Washington constituency includes Boeing, which was beat out for the F-35 contract by Lockheed Martin — acknowledged in an interview that there was no easy way to get rid of the F-35.
The reasons are many: Contractors on the project are scattered among so many states that Mr. Smith would find few congressional allies for scrapping it. Several NATO and Asian allies have already bought into the F-35. Developing a new fighter from scratch would be prohibitively costly, and the F-35 replaces too many older planes for which there is no ready alternative. Older fighters in the American fleet simply lack the stealth needed in modern warfare.
Plus, as more F-35 are churned out, the price is dropping — the tag on the Air Force version has already slid below $80 million, less than some other advanced fighter planes. As problems are eliminated, the fighter is arguably doing better than some of the criticism suggests — the Marines have used it in Afghanistan, the Air Force in Iraq and Israel in Syria. Whatever its flaws, the F-35 is a sophisticated plane, capable of generating a dynamic image of the battlefield that can be shared with friendly forces. Its cutting-edge helmet for the pilot melds imagery from many sensors into a single picture — though that, too, took a while to get right.
In short, the F-35, whatever one makes of it and however overpriced, is here to stay for a few more decades as a deterrent in the skies against a resurgent Russia and a rising China. But as General Brown suggested, the program should be scaled sharply down below the 1,763 planes the Air Force is supposed to get — especially as currently there are not enough available air bases for so many — and complemented with a mix of less expensive, older fighters and unmanned drones for more routine tasks like patrolling American skies or hammering insurgents who pose no threat to a high-flying jet.
There’s no need for a scapegoat. The F-35 was conceived in a different era when the notion of a one-size-fits-all fighter jet seemed a good way to save money. But after two decades of development, the fighter flew into a world whose geopolitics and military challenges were far different than those for which it was conceived. It is essential not to repeat the mistakes that led to the mess.
BalasHapusTrying to replace four different airframes for three different service branches with one fighter was an obvious mistake. Another was attempting to develop too many technologies at the same time, which resulted in long delays when progress on one front disrupted planning for others. Above all, the time for developing a fighter cannot be the decades it took to bring out the F-35. There will always be new battlefields to contend with and new technical problems to solve; all sorts of new concepts are already on the horizon, including A.I.-operated drones. A shorter schedule and smaller budget would allow for quicker innovation, and would prevent projects from becoming too pricey to fail.
Source: NYT
Negara di selatan harus mendapat perhatian khusus dari tni
BalasHapusYeah geng FPDA kita kepung yang satu tu...
Terus ATM tugasnya cuma jadi tukang pijit, angkut tas askar FPDA, lap2 pesawat, tank, kapal angota FPDA yg lain je gitu ya pur.. wkwkkwkwkwkwk.. gak ada Marwah jadi Negara.. Lembik, PONDAN, wkwkwkwkkwkwk
HapusWkwkwkkwkwkw.... MALAYSIA boleh jadi peneraju australia, brirish, newzealand untuk perang hutan...
HapusKepakaran MALAYSIA untuk perang dihutan tebal amat diperlukan ya.. Wkwkkwkwkwkw
Penempeju apaan si ruk?? Kepakaran pingsan itu ke??
HapusPeneraju itu yg bagian endus endus ke?? Malon kan beruk ko mau di suruh jadi anjing sie ama FPDA pur
HapusKata siapa bul, ingat kalabakan aja dimana tuan british dan anjing malon digorok sama KKO
HapusMalon jadi pengendus-ngendus cem anjing oleh osi, NZ, & british..
HapusKok mau mau aja sih.. wakakakak
Looseer malon beraninya dibelakang Fpda hahaha
HapusInfo Kebakaran Terkini
BalasHapusTepat nya di Jl.Kesambi-Cirebon.
Di dekat Kos Papandayan.
Sejak pukul 06.00 tadi pagi terjadi kebakaran dan menimbulkan Asap.
Asap tersebut semakin banyak dan belum berhenti sampai dengan pukul 08.00 pagi ini.
Satu persatu orang datang untuk melihat kebakaran tersebut,setiap orang yang lewat Jl.Kesambi tiba-tiba berhenti dan menghampiri titik dimana asap itu dan ingin menyaksikan area yang terbakar.
Orang silih berganti memadati tempat tersebut.satu demi satu mereka berdatangan ingin melihat kebakaran itu dan ingin mengetahui sebab kebakaran tersebut.
Tetapi tak ada satu pun yang tau asal muasal dari api dan asap tersebut.Tiba-tiba api sudah membara dan membakar kayu-kayu yang ada di sekitar nya sehingga menimbulkan asap yang pekat.
Setelah orang silih berganti beedatangan ketempat tersebut ternyata orang-orang yang ada dilokasi semua sedang makan sorabi.
Ternyata kobakaran api dan asap tersebut berasal dari Tukang Jual serabi yang tiap hari nongkrong di Jl.Kesambi-Cirebon yang membuat orang penasaran dan berkerumun sambil menikmati sarabi+gorengan.
Selamat mencari Rezeki dan Tetap semangat !!!
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusTidak lebih hebat dari latihan saudara haram malon "Perang Borneo dengan 10 kapal ompong dan heli kongsi pindah geser" wkwkwkwkwk
BalasHapusHeli keseringan digeser bakalan gesrek macam otaknya si gembulwaria gesrek
HapusPindak ke kaki om wkwkwk
HapusFPDA kita kepung yang satu tu... Wkwkkwkwkwkw
BalasHapusMalon jadi beban FPDA je
HapusBerati klo gak ada fpda malon macam ayam saur ya hahhaha
HapusKumpulan kacungnya british itu kee..
Erk tenang2 aja mau latihan 10 kapal atau cuman 5 kapal asal latihan
BalasHapusNgacung ke mat puteh kok bangga...
Tenang tenang aja bomber, CCG & sing menceroboh wilayah KL ya lon..?
Hahaha laut internasional ngak papa lah haha..
HapusYang kapal survei cina sampai ke selat sunda gimana om haha
HapusDi sisain 3 nm kai bilang laut internasional?? Bomber pusing pusing di udara internasional juga ka TOLOL
Hapusmahluk yg ituw emang 1 cc om unknow3088 haha!
Hapusdia gak tau jugak beda antara BERKAMPUNG ama NUMPANG LEWAT haha!
ada peraturan internasionalnya lho...gak bole ditangkep kalo jalan terus.
kecuali stop alias BERKAMPUNG
tapi kan beda...CCG, PLAN BERKAMPUNG ribuan hari pon gak perna ditangkepin gaesz haha!
malah nelayan KL ditangkepin gaesz ama yg punya laut haha!
Kepung yang satu tu... Ketakutan guys... Wkwkkwkwkwkw
BalasHapusMalon lah yg ketakutan....askar paling lembik dan tidak berpengalaman...punya MARUAH sikit lah
BalasHapusTahu ALKI gak lon?
Itupun ga nyalakan AIS di warning ICG, dikawal sampai keluar wilayah.
KL, diceroboh sana-sini no action..
Oooh..tak berani ya? Takut?
yang panas apa nya om setan???,kalou pAnas dalam berikut hati dan jeroan itu obat nya gampang tingal masuk prizer...😅😁😆
Hapussedjak 2012, LAUT ZEE KL disikat CCG ama PLAN aja, tiada respon dari FAIFDIFENS PAWA gaes, kesian KL ditifisin haha!🥳🥳🥳
BalasHapusmereka DIAM, ZEE KL LENYAP dari PETA DUNIYA gaesz haha!
Di sisain 3 nm dari daratan, wkwkwkwkkwkwk
Hapusnyooiihh janjinya 10% = 12 mil laut, alias laut teritori...ehh nyatanya 3 nm haha!
HapusKL=KALAH LAGI, kena tifu,
sedjak 2013, CCG+PLAN LEGO jangkar gaesz haha!⚓⚓⚓
BalasHapusBERKAMPUNG mereka, ratusan hari..ribuan hari..HM..selamat yach py tetangga baruw haha!🥳🥳🥳
antar BERKAMPUNG(LEGO JANGKAR) dan numpang lewat(PASSING) ituw beda sangat.
UNCLOS pon sebut, kebebasan melintas laut internasional.
tapi beda ama BERKAMPUNG
Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessels maintain a near-constant presence at Luconia Shoals off the coast of Malaysia’s Sarawak State. That uncomfortable fact does not garner much attention, either in the Malaysian or international press, but it speaks to Beijing’s determination to establish administrative control throughout the nine-dash line. The reefs, which are divided into the North and South Luconia Shoals, are located between the hotly contested Spratly Islands to the north and James Shoal, which China often calls its southernmost territory, to the south. Like James Shoal, the Luconia Shoals are underwater at high-tide, meaning they cannot be claimed as territory and constitute part of Malaysia’s continental shelf.
BalasHapusIn September 2013, a CCG vessel dropped anchor at South Luconia Shoals and reportedly did not leave until late November 2015
tak pegi2, asoooyyy dapet ZEE baruw 90% LCS,
KL disisain 10% sahaje kesian haha!
ASAL "BAIK DAN SOPAN" CCG+PLAN bole BERKAMPUNG gaesz ampe detik ini, tiada diusir..malah si LeMeS KABUR ktemu sodara seperguruannye haha!
BalasHapusmirip motto bengkel spuring ban guwe BOS, "HEMAT & BAIK" haha!
ASAL "BAIK DAN SOPAN" CCG+PLAN bole BERKAMPUNG gaesz ampe detik ini, tiada diusir..malah si LeMeS KABUR ktemu sodara seperguruannye haha!
BalasHapusmirip motto bengkel spuring ban guwe BOS, "HEMAT & BAIK" haha!
TOP Bagi yang Jomblo ..
wah gawat kamu ini dek gila tidak pada tempatnya...😅😆🤣
Hapusramai2 ke indonesia, next HONDA pindahkan pabriknya dr india ke indonesia,,yakin tesla masih mau teruskan niatnya bikin pabriknya di india, yakin gk pasokan bahan bakunya ada jaminan terpenuhi???? kita liat aja kedepannya 🤭🤗
tenang aja om tungkir...kita buat sendiri mobil listriknya...jangan kata cuma mobil pespur juga kita bisa buat...😅😁😆
Hapusmenjelang lewat tengah malam mobil masuk berbelok kesebuah penginapan, dan lampu mobil dinyalakan, kalau ada yang menoleh kebelakang pastilah melihat bagaimana berantakannya kami .....
Lumayan jiran selatan ini
BalasHapusPerlu perhatian buat armada yg d selatan semoga d tambah om wowo kapal2nya n penguatan udara d saumlaki ntb,nusakambangan sama merauke
Klo selatan jongkrokin barisin aja Coastal Defense nanti
HapusTerutama saumlaki
PT PAL kudu kejar tayang, sebelum 2024/25:
BalasHapus- Dah khatam bikin fregate
- Dah khatam bikin Kapal Selam
Sesudah 2025-30:
- mulai belajar bikin destroyer
- mulai belajar bikin LHD
RAN Conducts Exercise Tasman Shield 2021
osi latihan skaligus pengamanan, pespur ama frigat
ikut2 kita tuch yg duluan maren haha!
Atraksi tersebut merupakan pelaksanaan dari latihan operasi gabungan Garda Samudera-21 (Pam ALKI II) dengan melibatkan KRI Badau-841 sebagai unsur Satuan Tugas Laut (Satgasla) bersama unsur Satuan Tugas Udara (Satgasud) yaitu pesawat Sukhoi bertempat di sekitar perairan wilayah ALKI II.
KRI HIU 634 salah satu kapal perang Republik Indonesia jajaran Satuan kapal cepat ( satkat) Koarmada II yang saat ini sedang melaksanakan operasi Garda Paus-21 dibawah kendali Gugus Tempur Laut Koarmada II bersama dengan 2 (dua) jet tempur F-16 TNI AU pada Senin ( 1/3/2021) menggelar operasi bersama di Perairan Ambalat, Kalimantan Utara.
3. PKR + heli ASW murni, latihan sonar celup
latihan unsur gelar KRI dan Heli merupakan bentuk interoperabilty antar unsur sehingga dibutuhkan kerjasama taktis yang meliputi komando, pengendalian dan komunikasi.
latihan ini membuktikan pespur & kaprang kita mao barat & timur, smua bisa komunikasi aktip ama kapal perang dlm misi tempur sbnernya kelak.
Hapusbrikk..briikk..kijang satu masuk haha!
keknya cuman KL yg gak perna kliatan latihan pespur ama kaprang selama bertaon2 ada apa gerangan???
bisa terbang gak sich haha!
kalou komen gempur mah kasih jempol aja tapi dibalik kebawah....komen troll nya gitu gitu aja...engak bisa dipertangung jawabkan...😅😁😆
BalasHapusCommonality issue was the reason why Indonesian MoD and navy agreed to adopt Thales made equipment for Iver Huitfeldt class frigate variant. Babcock is proposing Arrowhead 140 with Thales solution for new frigate program. Babcock and Thales were on Team 31, Leonardo wasn't.
BalasHapusSetelah sign pendahuluan, sekarang Iver lagi diracik isiannya!
Hapus@gempur harap2 cemas.
Siap-siap kalo Naga mabok laut!
Yang takde latihan, tiarap, tidok, jom cari pohon tuk berlindung!
@gempur anih yg tda minta bukti thairung wkwkwkwkwkwkak
Oh iya ini hadil tampal stiker bangsa melayu