03 Desember 2020

Amphibious, Island Defense Phase of 'DAGIT-PA' Successful

03 Desember 2020

Philippines Joint Exercise "DAGIT PA" (all photos : DAGIT PA)

MANILA – The amphibious landing and island defense phase of this year's Armed Forces of the Philippines Joint Exercise (AJEX) "DAGIT PA" has been successfully completed in San Antonio, Zambales on Wednesday.

"Our joint forces were able to successfully complete the amphibious landing and island defense exercises here in San Antonio, Zambales, this is part of the joint interoperability exercises being conducted (and) geared towards better performing our mandate to protect the people and the state," Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) head Lt. Gen. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos Jr. during an online press conference on "DAGIT-PA” exercises.

The military drills started November 23 and will conclude on December 4.

"DAGIT-PA" or “Dagat-Langit-Lupa” is a unilateral exercise that aims to further enhance the joint force interoperability and cohesiveness of the AFP across defense mission areas.

"We were able to meet the objectives of this amphibious landing (and) the island defense exercises which seek to develop the military skills, techniques and capabilities during rapid deployment of troops, from ship-to-shore, whether or under hazardous circumstances or during natural disasters or hostile enemy actions," Burgos said.

The Nolcom chief said the AFP has gained more knowledge and further beefed up its proficiency in sea-to-land operations in these joint exercises.

"We will be sure to use these new skills and techniques in future operations from which no other than the Filipino people will benefit in times of need," Burgos said.

Meanwhile, "DAGIT-PA" exercise director and AFP spokesperson Maj. Gen. Edgard Arevalo said the amphibious phase of the exercise highlights the capability of the military to launch operations from ship-to-shore using the amphibious capabilities of the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC).

Formerly, such capabilities of the PMC were carried out using "LDCP" or small motorized vessels.

With the advent of the amphibious or armored assault vehicles (AAVs), which were delivered in 2019, Arevalo said it gives him "goosebumps" to see Marines going ashore aboard these AAVs which were launched from BRP Tarlac (LD-601) at a speed of five knots and proceeding towards their beachhead and launching their operation further inland.

Also demonstrated was the mine-clearing capability of Naval Special Operations Group in the water and "intelligence, surveillance and recon" (ISR) capabilities of Philippine military aircraft.

Arevalo said AFP demonstrated the capabilities to seize objectives inland while land forces, particularly the infantry, managed to show their ability to counter-attack against a group that invaded the island.

The capabilities of the Special Operation Command (SOCOM) personnel such as operations in urban terrain were shown while the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT) showed its ability to launch tank-infantry operations, among others.

"It is now a matter of us being able to make all these assets and personnel and work seamlessly to attain the AFP mission," Arevalo said. 


53 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Tengok la tuuuu. . Kau punya tak kapal macem tuuuu . . .

    2. Benar2 siap mendarat di sabah.

  2. Balasan
    1. Lbh cepat lbh baik om..
      Sptnya bulan desember byk berita yg akan dipost.
      Atau admin mau liburan akhir taon

    2. Y gpp sih mmg bener cma tumben cepet amat gk sprti biasanya xixix..ok deh sip

  3. sebentar lagi philipina akan mengambil alih dan merebut SABAH dari malon idiot!!!

    dan sebentar lagi ada negara anggota baru ASEAN yaitu, negara serawak, negara sabah dan sulu.

    selamat bergabung

  4. Xaxaxaxaxaxa emejing phillipina xaxaxaaxaxaxa

  5. Wihhh LVT nya pinoy keren punya.
    Latihan nya juga sama gunakan LPD hihi

  6. Kapan2 boleh lah latihan Bareng pendaratan marinir sama pinoy dgn LPD

    1. Boleh..boleh om yang punya LPD dan punya marinir bisa latihan bareng...yg gk punya nongkrong aj d jamban aj

  7. Siap siap ni buat menangkal agresi cina sekaligus siap siap invasi pembebasan sabah serawak dr tangan maloners

  8. Hibah dari korsel sebenarnya berlanjut atau tidak ?

    1. Masih ada sisa sekitar 30 unit kan.

    2. Total hibah yg ditawarkan korsel sebanyak 35 unit.

    3. Terhambatnya hibah ini, denger2 katanya ada komplain dari US.

    4. Kira2 komplain nya mslh apa ya tuh us? Apa gara2 LVt dipake terjun loncat dri dermaga wktu demo hut RI tahun lalu

    5. Mungkin koryo tidak speak2 dulu sama us bung@Nomad,kalo lvt mo dijadikan gula2 dlm pembelian alutsista besar2an Indo dr koryo.😁

    6. US komplain kalo RI dikasi hibah kebanyakan ga jadi beli produk baru dari mereka @bae

    7. yaa kalo LVT7 gak lanjut gegara amrik,
      gak masalah kok...
      kan koryo masi ada BMP-3...ituw aja dikirim sini, pasti marinir lebih sumringah haha!🥳🥳🥳

    8. Bmp 3 gak bisa buat loncat-loncatan 😄

    9. Beli aja LVT7 lisensi "K" siapa tahu ada harga promo

    10. Bisa mas.....ada videonya di youtube, tuh linknya minta saja sama mas @PG biar ga ngambeg dia

  9. Byk berita yg blm di post sama mimin ni
    Sentry gun
    Uji coba Rudal Cirnov

  10. Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Mayjen TNI Dadang Hendrayudha bersama Mayjen TNI Nugroho Sulistyo Budi, Staf Ahli Menhan Bidang Politik dan Tim dari Direktorat Teknologi dan Industri Pertahanan Pothan melaksanakan kegiatan kunjungan ke beberapa Industri Pertahanan yang berada di wilayah Malang dan Surabaya, antara lain ke PT. Sari Bahari memproduksi bom dan Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA), PT. Pindad Turen memproduksi Munisi Kaliber Kecil (MKK) dan granat, dan PT. PAL memproduksi kapal laut.

    Kunjungan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kesiapan Alpalhankam dalam rangka mendukung kekuatan Pertahanan Negara, di samping itu akan diperoleh informasi tentang kendala yang dihadapi dan upaya untuk mengatasi. Hal ini penting mengingat Pemerintah selalu mendorong industri pertahanan dalam negeri untuk lebih maju dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan alutsista TNI.

    Kunjungan akan dilanjutkan ke Industri Pertahanan di wilayah Bandung dan kota-kota lainnya. (Red. Bagdatin/Dittekindhan).

  11. Marinir dan LPD, tak terpisahkan!

    LPD tanpa tank amphibi/lvt bak sayur kurang garam!

    Tapi, LPD yg dilengkapi:
    +heli serang
    +tank boat
    +tank amphibi

    tentu akan bikin seseorang kejang2!

  12. tau tau die ...nongol..


  13. Philippine should re order again 2 Tarlac Classs and 1 hospital ship...Next year they will visit the PT PAL shiptard for post qualification for 2 additional LPD....advance...Congrats Indonesia PT PAL

    1. Masya Allah, Alhamdulillah

      You seriously Philippine will re order again 2 Tarlac Class in PT PAL Indonesia? Because In Indonesia this news are rumour.

    2. Mau order kapal LPD jenis BRS mungkin philipine

  14. Ditunggu;

    Momen latihan Tank Boat Pindad keluar dari LPD, meluncur cepat ke pantai sambil menembakkan canon membabat musuh di pantai dgn lincah, bersama2 tank amphibi.

    Di udara heli serang (baru) TNIAL, memuntahkan roket dan canon.

    (Sementara di belakang berenang secara tenang lcv,bt3f/lvt)


  15. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  16. "DAGIT-PA" or “Dagat-Langit-Lupa”


    langit lupa? kok bisa yak?
    mabuhay filipin, ditunggu orderan LPD..hore haha!👏👏👏

    1. Kalo lupa bayar,

      Ya tetangga kesayangan om😅

  17. ada KL-PA = KL Lupa bayar cicilan kapal WuHaN haha!🤭🤭🤭

    maren si LeMeS pas asyik2 kucink2an eh pas dikasi liat tagihan bulanan ama CCG
    njosss lgs ngacir gaesz...ngumpet ke pulau kecik..pura2 tidoo amann haha!😉😉😉

  18. Good news for Philipines. Almost every country in South East Asia already have Amphibious Ships. Beside the Philipines; Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar already have Amphibious Ships.

  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVWTNtHKLB/?igshid=bcuth2qh9h88

    Pt Pal dpt kunjungan resmi dru Dubes Dennmark meninjau langsung galangan kapal.
    Ada harapan

  20. Tldm angkatan laut terlemah di SEA...Lembik...wakakakak

    1. Akhirnya meroket setara angkatan laut Timor Leste 😀

  21. terlemah di asean tapi bebaskan kapal yang dibajak tanpa bayar tebusan wkwkw

    1. Iya keh.. nanti reka-reka cerita lagi.. wkwkwkwkwwkwkwk

    2. https://m.merdeka.com/dunia/malaysia-ingin-kerja-sama-dengan-ri-bebaskan-sandera-abu-sayyaf.html

  22. PH, South Korea discuss corvettes, light fighter jet upgrades
    By: Frances Mangosing - 18 hours ago
    MANILA, Philippines—The Philippines and South Korea started discussions on the Philippine Navy’s corvette acquisition program and upgrades to the Philippine Air Force’s FA-50 light fighters at a recent online conference on bilateral defense logistics cooperation.

    The 23rd Joint Committee Meeting (JCM) on Logistics and Defense Industry Cooperation between the Philippines and Republic of Korea was held last Dec. 9, the Department of National Defense (DND) said in a statement on Wednesday (Dec. 16).

    The JCM intends to uphold mutual interests of the Philippines and South Korea in the areas of logistics and defense industries.

    Some South Korean defense contractors have supplied military equipment to the Philippines in recent years. Hyundai Heavy Industries built two frigates for the Philippine Navy at P16 billion. The PAF’s 12 FA-50 light fighters were previously procured from Korea Aerospace Industries for P18.9 billion.

    The DND has yet to announce the chosen shipbuilder for the Philippine Navy’s future corvettes, but South Korea’s HHI is considered as one of the potential suppliers.

    The Philippine delegation at the JCM was headed by Jesus Rey Avila, assistant defense secretary for logistics, acquisitions and self-reliant defense posture, while the South Korean delegation was led by Vice Minister Seo Hyeung-Jin of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration.

    Other issues discussed during the conference included South Korea’s security policy on defense science and technology.

    Capt. Armil Angeles was also recognized for his “invaluable contributions” to the defense acquisition system, the AFP modernization program and to the JCMs conducted during his tenure as Philippine military attache in South Korea.
