22 Mei 2021

Airbus A330 MRTT Auto Refuelling System Completes Development Phase

22 Mei 2021

MRTT with RSAF F-16D (photo : Airbus)

Tanking goes automatic

In-flight refuelling operations are among the most demanding missions. Both the tanker and receiver pilots need to operate in close formation, flying aircraft with different flight envelopes and ranging speeds, in day-and-night and all weather conditions, and above the battlefield…. There are many factors that are unpredictable and could put the missions at risk.

The Airbus A330MRTT has a solid track record providing safe operational services to its customer base and other allies like the USAF. The Airbus aircraft gained its reputation as a tanker after seeing action in the Middle East supporting coalition war fighters during Operation Shader and Okra against Daesh, with interoperability, mission success and availability rates as a highlight of its performance.

But for Airbus’ engineers, the road to success does not end here.  They envisaged a new chapter where, under the name of SMART MRTT, the multirole tanker gained a new set of game-changing capabilities including enhanced maintenance solutions and the ability to carry out fully automated aerial refuelling operations.

The automatic refuelling system was called A3R and the idea behind it was clear: reduce air refuelling operator (ARO) workload, improve safety and optimise the rate of air-to-air refuelling (AAR) transfer in operational conditions to maximise aerial superiority. Everything at the ‘simple’ push of a bottom.

Two RSAF A330MRTTs during trials in Singapore (photo : Airbus)

Revealed to the public in 2018, the A3R has met every milestone, including several aeronautic ‘world firsts’ such as the first automated contacts. In a joint operation with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) an Airbus’ A310 company development tanker performed seven automatic contacts with a RAAF KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport. More recently, in 2020, Airbus announced the first ever fully automatic refuelling operation with a boom system. The flight test campaign involved an Airbus A310 tanker testbed aircraft with an F-16 fighter aircraft of the Portuguese Air Force acting as a receiver.

2020 also saw the announcement by Airbus to collaborate with the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) to develop the A330 SMART MRTT programme. Singapore became a key partner for the new automated aerial refuelling capabilities and under the agreement, an RSAF A330 MRTT took part in the development, flight test campaign and final certification programme. 

Successful trials in Singapore

Now the A3R has taken another important leap towards certification with the completion of the development phase after a successful flight test campaign.

The trials, performed with the RSAF and Singapore’s Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), took place in Singapore in early 2021. It marked participation of an A3R-equipped RSAF A330 MRTT acting as tanker and several receivers from the RSAF, including another A330 MRTT and fighter aircraft like the F-16 and F-15SG.

A330 SMART MRTT (image : Airbus)

During the trial, a total of 88 fully automated dry and wet contacts and transfers of nearly 30 tonnes of fuel were successfully executed, including the first fully automated operations with another A330 MRTT and RSAF F-16D/F-16D+ receivers.

All tests required for A3R Data Gathering with the F-15SG, including operational flights to demonstrate the A3R performances in a mission representative scenario were also completed.

Luis Miguel Hernández, Airbus SMART MRTT Manager, said: ‘We had the opportunity to test our system with different receiver types ensuring the right fit of our systems, while gathering extensive data key to completing the A3R development. The team were able to test the limits of the system successfully, verifying its robustness and ability to automatically track receivers with varying configurations’. 

Key to the mission success was the excellent cooperation with the RSAF and DSTA. ‘We have built an extraordinary relationship based on mutual trust.  Teams from all sides worked as a single unit during the test campaign and it is always a pleasure to fly with such a professional crew. They are the first partner nation involved in the development of the SMART MRTT, and we are honoured to have them on board’, added Hernandez. 

25 komentar:

  1. Selamat sore, para pemburu pertamax

  2. 01. Salam bina Monumen candi kebodohan LCS Maharogolela kapal darat Karat tak cecah air seharga RM 9 Billion
    02. Salam bina kereta kebal 8x8 GEMPITA Tambun tempel sticker tak boleh eksport
    03. Salam bina senapan tembak tupai VITA lendir BERAPI
    04. Salam bina tank ugly STRIDE bentuk KOTAK Turet Letoy
    05. Salam bina rudal antar Galaxy ugly TAMING SARI ROTI
    06. Salam bina jet PTM GEN 6 hasil mimpi basah onani insinyur 5 top university
    07. Salam bina drone ugly NYAMUK
    08. Salam bina KERETA TERBANG untuk angkutan antar Planet
    09. Salam bina kereta PROTON tak laku utk angkut manusia dan di jual ke gelly cina
    10. Salam Komando LETUPKAN wanita hamil
    11. Salam komando TEWAS saat DEMO, tembak Komandan sendiri
    12. Salam komando PINGSAN saat latihan berbaris
    13. Salam kapal selam SCORPANE tak boleh selam sebelum MRO
    14. Salam kapal KALENG Khong ghuan LMS hutangan dari CINA untuk lawan CINA
    15. Salam kapal RUSAK oleh JARING nelayan nguyen
    16. Salam kapal kargo untuk kapal militer BUNGA PASIR 5 (tai kucing)
    17. Salam jet hornet meletup guna parade aja tiada SOURCE CODE
    18. Salam Su30MKM 18 Ekor hanya 4 yg boleh terbang
    19. Salam Mig29 GROUNDED semua
    20. Salam kilang MRO AIROD lembab cem siput ahli salfie dan pasang baut je
    21. Salam heli NURI lapook selalu terhempas berkhidmad abadi tak ada ganti
    22. Salam heli kecik MD tak datang2 DP 30% hangus di GONDOLI untuk wang Kopi
    23. Salam engine jet HILANG di SONGLAP ke Argentina untuk beli nasi lemak
    24. Salam askar penjaga istana bagai ANJING british
    25. Salam EJECT KAT HANGGAR world record 2 kali
    26. Salam kapal militer Gagah Samudra kena sita MYBANK
    27. Salam PM tua bilang raknyatnya Malas,tak tahu malu,bodoh,tak mau bayar hutang
    28. Salam JUDI HALAL daulat tuanku
    29.Salam Pilihan Raya Abal - Abal, PM dari jalur belakang hasil pilihan raya di gondoli Agong
    30. Salam RFI dan KAJIAN banyak2 berbentang kertas putih, shopingnya HT dan Bot kecik pemintas
    31. Salam tak punya MARINIR, kapal LPD, HELI ATTACK, UCAV, Tank Amphibi dan SPH
    32. Salam TANK PENDEKAR MBT WW II 48 ekor, produsennya buang ke tong sampah dan lebih memilih pakai LEOPARD Second
    33. Salam Bayar hutang CINA pakai hutang JEPUN
    34. Salam BELI pespur MB339 BARU TANPA ENGIN
    35. Salam 88 bijik pespur GURUN A4 Skyhawk hilang setengah jd pisank
    36. Salam BOMBER Cina pusing - Pusing tidak berani Scramble
    37. Salam kapal Eksplorasi Petronas west capella di usir kapal Survei Haiyang Dizhi di laut sendiri
    38. Salam 89 kali perairan di rogol Cina, TLDM APMM dan MENTERI Pura pura Buta dan tuli bilang tak ada pencerobohan
    39. Salam CCG kekal 289 hari kat betting Ali, CCG sudah makan tido berak sedot ikan sedot minyak, Askar tak berani usir
    40. Salam Komando tewas kena tembak SENAPAN ANGIN penyelundup Perlis
    41. Salam heli telur SEWA, bot pemintas SEWA, ATV dan Motosikal SEWA
    42. Salam MERIAM TARIK LEMBU camo Digital, lembu hasil curian
    43. Salam LMS ompong berjumpa dengan saudara kandung CCG malah ngumpet di balik pulau
    44. Salam 9 APC Guardian di tolak PBB tiada RCWS hendak prank PBB dengan harga komplite RCWS
    45. Salam warga semenanjung guna PASPOR untuk ke SABAH SERAWAK
    46. Salam toy kid drone DJI di tempel dua senapan M4 untuk menakuti Kelalawar UCAV alakadarnya tentara miskin
    47. Salam di bully bekas Provinsi, bayar air murah, di ceroboh Apache, di ambil batu puteh, bayar denda kereta Cepat
    48. Salam tidak ada PERANG KEMERDEKAAN tak punya PAHLAWAN yg membunuh tentara penjajah, Merdeka hasil SEDEKAH
    49. Salam MERDEKA SEMU 999 tahun bayar upeti, jaga Istana Buckingham, dan siap sedia tanah di tempati kapan pun dimanapun
    50. Salam HMAV 4X4 TARANTULA satu unit, Tempel Sticker Hizir Turkey dan versi gagal nanjak
    51. Salam RADAR IMPOTEN tak bisa kesan MH370, terbang ke segitiga bermuda menurut BASKOM AIR Tok Bomoh
    52. Salam JERICAN MINYAK goreng untuk ponton tentara seberang sungai
    53. Salam latihan SEDEKAH MINYAK dan MELAMBAI di laut

    Salam terlemah ASEAN
    Salam SEWA ASEAN
    Salam Rank 44 di bawah kaki Myanmar
    Salam Budget di bawah kaki philipine

  3. Ooo kejap lagi prabowo akan beli jet ini wkwkw

    1. Terserah Prabowo mau beli jet apa....mat sabun colek wkwkwkwkwk

    2. Iri & dengki je mat sabun colek hehehe

  4. Salam 2x kurung pak cik....hikhikhik

  5. Rafale deals...

    Qatar- 36
    Egypt- 54 , might go for 46 more
    Greece- 18, wants 6 more
    Croatia- deal to be signed for 12
    Indonesia- wants 24-36

    Laris manis Rafale

  6. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=316261396530532&id=100044400220626

  7. Dengan bantuan cina, Indonesia bisa beli apapun

  8. Croatio beli 12 Rafle bekas seharga 1.0 billion Euro ... Gak kebayang berapa yang harus dibayar Indon nak beli 36 unit Rafale baru .. X wang katanya ..

    X dapat dikira ... 36 unit Rafale pasti akan tiba di Indon soon .. tetapi mungkin model minaturenay saja .. lumayan jika ditarus di Mabes TNI-AU untok dipamerkan .. Kikikikikiki


    Croatia Could Soon Buy 12 Used Rafale Jets for Euro 1 Billion

    The Croatian government is likely to buy 12 used French Rafale fighter jets and a decision could be announced on May 28, on the occasion of the country’s Armed Forces Day.

    The used planes are to be drawn from French Air Force inventory and are 10 year old, Croatian publication Jutarnji List reported basing its information on well-informed sources.

    Croatia would pay just under a billion euros for the package which includes planes, training and weapons. After the official decision of the Government to accept the French offer, negotiations on the contract could follow.

    In November 2020, the Croatian Defense Ministry had received bids for 12 multipurpose fighter jets from Sweden, U.S. and France. The US offered new F-16 model block 70 jets. An earlier deal with Israel to buy used F-16s worth $500 million had to be scuttled following opposition from Washington.

    At a session yesterday of the country’s Defense Council (which decides on procurement matters), support was given to the government for the purchase of a fighter jet, the publication reported.

    A later report quoting President Zoran Milanovic said that the government had not been given a recommendation on which type of aircraft to buy, but he hoped "that he and the prime minister understood each other well" (on the fighter jet purchase). Asked if he knew which plane the country is buying, he replied "No comment."


  9. Mana ada china kadrun bos yang ada asenk dan acong atau kampret

  10. INDON ini memang betol-betol lawak .. Mendonia ... Bual-bual nak beli 36 unit Rafale baru .. padahal SU-35 yang harganya lebih murah pun.. Indon hanya sanggup dan mampu beli 11 unit saja ...

    Jadi X terbayangkan dengan logika akal sehat .. ketika Prabowo ngePRANK rakyat Indon nak membeli 36 unit Rafale + 15 unit F15 EX .. dan memang kerana bodohnya .. ramaai pula rakyat Indon yang percaya berita X logik itu ... Hahahahahaha

    1. Anda lagi nongol.


    2. Ketik aja pake Huruf X
      Bocil bocil

    3. Biarin saja lah dia mau bicara apa

    4. Dan yang lebih lawak lagi, sejak kapan bahasa Melayu pake kosa kata awalan "nge" 😆

    5. Sok2 an pake kata Indon aja.

  11. If Indonesian want to buy rafale and F15... as a singaporean we should support that. Singapore
    And Indonesia has always be good neighbour. Salam
