13 Oktober 2020

First International Defence Expo in Vietnam Postponed to 2021

13 Oktober 2020

The three services expo postponed to 2021 (image : ViatnamDefenceExpo)

Unfortunately this can now be called "Vietnam International Defense Expo 2021" - the exhibition was confirmed to have been postponed to an undetermined date next year. Covid-19 has also disrupted a number of other planned Vietnamese-hosted events such as the ASEAN naval exercise that would of been conducted off Nha Trang.

Previously, Vietnam International Defense Expo 2020 will take place from October 25th-27th at Gia Lam airport in Hanoi. Not only will this be a chance for Vietnam to promote the new weaponry & equipment it has manufactured,it is also expected to feature aircraft flight demos - the first of their kind at any Vietnamese defense expo. Since a large variety of foreign companies are expected to be showcasing their wares we could maybe see foreign air forces such as those of the US, Russia, or Singapore demonstrating their assets.

This expo is occurring around the same time as the ADMM+ meeting. Therefore, the defense ministers/secretaries of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea, the United States, & other foreign delegations are expected to attend.

76 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Awas mas.. nanti dibilang pro Kuminis loh kalau jatuh cinta sama prestasi pietnam 🤣

    2. Maaaak.....lagi ngeh yen sikandar ki kuminis toh 🙆🙆🙆

    3. Loh baca di detik pak Bowo sudah bilang demo kemarin itu ada dalangnya lho pak... Kalau di pietnam demo langsung di Dorr.. makane usaha kondusif.. kalau disini demo silahkan dan diperbolehkan terus makane ekonomi naik turun.

      Kuminis hebat yoo ?? 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Itutuh yg mau nyapress 2024


    5. https://portalsurabaya.pikiran-rakyat.com/nasional/amp/pr-22824206/sudah-terlanjur-viral-ternyata-bukan-sby-yang-danai-aksi-demo-tetapi-tokoh-ini-saya-mengaku

  2. Selamat Pagi.. salam 5N selalu :

    - Ngunthal
    - Ngopi
    - Ngudut
    - Ngising
    - Nganu


    1. tumben mas@super sekarang mulai nakal


    2. Itu nakal yang tertunda.....biasa tuh kalo udah waktunya puber kedua 🏃💨💨💨

  3. Poster sesuai realita...semua poster yang dipampang sesuai realita

    1. Itu posternya ada gambar CV oom...😂😂😂

      Eeeh, Viet ga punya LPD kan?
      Kek KL..ga punya. 😂😂😂

    2. Kayane ada yg gak sama dgn di poster lho om. 🙄

    3. Itu siluet heli Blackhawk/bukan?



  4. @mas IRS.....Mas mbok dibagi link nya dong, kepengen ikutan baca nih 😁😁😁

    Unknown12 Oktober 2020 21.17
    Luar biasa kado tuk pak wowo,di undang ke amrik setelah menggagalkan proyek ifx..


    IRS12 Oktober 2020 21.34
    Masih bagus kalau cuman mampu menggagalkan IF-X saja. XD

    Dulu pernah baca artikel yg beliau tulis di Kompas. Shock waktu saya baca siapa penulisnya.

    1. yg nulis guwe om smilikity, mayan dapet gocenk per lembar haha!😷😷😷

    2. Kompas cetak antara tahun 2003-2007. Keyword harusnya kapal TNI dan kapal nelayan.

    3. Siaaaaap....laksanakeun 💪

    4. "Ketemunya malah yang ini je om @IRS .....udahlah mbok bagi disini aja kisahnya 🤗"


    5. Memang susah nyarinya. :P

      Mungkin harus buka arsip Kompas. Mumpung rentang waktu lebih dari setahun, kalau bukan buat tugas akhir males mencarinya. XD

  5. kesian jugak yaa..baru buka expo uda pospon.

    moga2 kovid-19 cepet berlaluw..uda gak tahan nich pengen zalan2 ke negeri fisank haha!🍌🍌🍌

  6. jiwasraya nipu nasabah, kerugian banyak, ditaksir 18 T, ga ada yang jadi tersangka, malah disuntik modal 22 T. jaman kog semakin edan

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Udah isi kuota mas hape nya ?
      Kan tinggal Gugel toh ?

      Mosok gak ada yg jadi tersangka?
      Jangan hoax lho mas.. dosa itu nanti di akhirat interogasinya lama lho sampiyan kalau hoax ? 🙄

    3. eiitt kok miring britanye, okelah guwe lurusin lagi:

      mangkenye kok dulu2 "DIBIARIN" aje, ampe jungkir balik om unknown200 haha!😋😋😋

      bagus skrg kasusnya di BONGKAR,
      kok yg dulu pura2 FLANGA-FLONGO haha!🤣🤣🤣

      bagus skrg disuntik 22T, ini kan BUMN, artinya pemerintah bertanggung zawab thd nasabah.

      beda di KL, RM 6 bilyun ato $ 2 milyar dolar ato sekitar rp 28 trilyun..
      buat bikin kapal perang LCS,
      pemerintah seberang tak mao bayar HUTANG2 BNS. hasilnya proyek TAMAT haha!😷😷😷

    4. Gini masalahnya kalau gak tau rasanya jadi korban

    5. https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5210991/eks-dirut-jiwasraya-hendrisman-rahim-juga-divonis-seumur-hidup-penjara

  7. Barusan baca berita yg judulnya kurleb "Kenapa ga ada AL yg berminat sama bekasan jerman....setidaknya AL dari Afrika 🤔"

    Dari kapal2 yg dipajang ada 3 FPB, 2 kapal penyapu ranjau, 1 kapal tanker dan 1 fregat bremen class 🕵️

    Ehhh, pas liat nolam nya fregat bremen class, baru ngeh kenapa pak Bowo menggebu banget, kepengin boyong nih fregat.......🏃💨💨💨💨

    1. Itu kapal udah full combat pak.. the best pokoke... Isinya persenjataan tingkat dewa semua itu sisa Bremen Class 🤣

    2. Tapi belum tau nomer lambungnya kaaaaan......🤣🤣🤣

    3. Belum pak 😁

      210 apa 212 pak ? Wkwkwkwk

    4. F-212..........itu nomer yg legendaris milik mantan sohib makane kudu buru-buru diamankeun biar ga dipake orang lain 😹😹😹

    5. Bakalan monumen masa depan tuh fregat...nancep tuh F-212


    6. "Yaaaaah sebagai mengingat......setidaknya dulu pernah berjuang bersama 🤧"


    7. Sudah..sudah cukup, hentikan.


    8. German garbage. They should give them to turkey. Their best friends 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇨🇾🇨🇾🇨🇾🇨🇾🇨🇾➕➕➕➕➕🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲 https://t.co/qJ1MGsuFbA

      Wkwk ada yg komen gini 🤣🤣 klo kita ambil nanti dibilang pengepul sampah ga ya 😩

    9. Bener kok komen diatas.....faktanya kapal-kapal jerman yg sudah dipekir larinya kalo gak ke turki ya ke asia selatan buat dikampak disana

    10. semua persenjataan amerika di kapal bekas Deutsche Marine dicopot, belum diijinkan kongres amerika untuk dijual ke indonesia.

    11. Jangan beli Rhön-class atau Elbe-class tanker udah ketuaan buatan tahun 1977 dan 1994, sebaiknya beli Berlin-class. FPB apaan? fast patrol boat mending bikin sendiri. buat apa beli bekas. Deutsche Marine nggak punya FPB.

    12. @Durandal, bagus tuh beli CIWS PHALANX dari kapal-kapal Amerika yang udah pensiun

    13. FPB itu istilah disini untuk FAC 😪

  8. ...lanjut ach, untuk si Iskandor nich ;


    ...yang banyak HUTANG kan waktu era Soeharto dan SBY

    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁


    Iskandar12 Oktober 2020 19.21

    Surat utang seri RI0470 sebesar US$1 miliar itu diterbitkan pada 7 April 2020 dengan tenor hingga 50 tahun. Tenggat utang ini akan jatuh tempo pada 15 April 2070 dengan nilai yield 4,5%.

    Hebatnya pak anu, dlm pemerintahannya mewariskan hutang 50 tahun lunas tahun 2070, REKOR. Selamat menikmati warisan, hehehe.

    Iskandar12 Oktober 2020 19.29

    "Jumlah penerbitan utang zaman presiden Jokowi tiga kali lipat. Utang tersebut 300 persen dari anggaran total SBY," kata Didik dalam sebuah diskusi virtual, Rabu (2/9/2020).

    Melihat situasi ini, Didik menambahkan akan menjadi beban selanjutnya bagi presiden yang akan terpilih nantinya,

    Sudah ditebar ranjau Jenderal, jangan nyebar hoax yaa dilarang pak anu lho. Hehehe

    Jenderal Civil 13 Oktober 2020 00.03
    ...nich bapak kau BAPAK HUTANG yach, Iskandor ?



    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁


    Iskandar13 Oktober 2020 01.02
    32 tahun dibandingkan dengan 6 tahun, situ waras? Yah begitulah pola pikir pemuja pak anu. Hehehe

    palu gada13 Oktober 2020 01.03
    hadeeeuuuu, sesama anak bangsa ngapaen sich ngabis2in energi negatip haha!😋😋😋

    musuh ada dibawah nohhh haha!👇👇👇

    Jenderal Civil 13 Oktober 2020 08.55
    ...kalau Soeharto kan sudah FINAL jadi BAPAK HUTANG, sementara Pak Jokowi belum tentu karena masa Jabatannya belum selesai...kemungkinan nanti diakhiri dengan KEJUTAN yang menggembirakan

    trus ngitung HUTANG harus juga dihitung RASIOnya terhadap GDP...bila GDP jauh lebih besar maka cicilan hutang pun lancar jaya

    sementara dulu Soeharto sampai KRISIS MONETER tuch ?

    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

    1. Persamaan keduanya kan bercita2 jadi bapak pembangunan nasional. Fokus bidangnya agak berbeda sih.

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. Alman Helvas
    @AHelvas. 2j

    Which CMS will be adopted by Indonesian OPV 90? MoD has give another OEM opportunity to offer their solution. Today CMS market not dominated anymore by a single OEM. Danish offered their solution on frigate program. If MoD approve the offer for OPV 90, it will give another blow.

  11. About INDO MARINE 2021 EXPO & FORUM
    In response to rapid growth of marine industry in Indonesia, Jakarta will host Indonesia's No.1 International Maritime Security Event - Indo Marine 2021 Expo and Forum from 7 - 10 April 2021 at JIExpo Kemayoran - Jakarta, Indonesia.

    The show will attracted trade and professional visitors from Indonesia and Asian region. Where long-term business relationships are still built on friendship, trust and handshakes, this is the one show you can’t afford to miss. Take advantage of the best selling opportunity and meet face-to-face with thousands of quality buyers looking for new products, innovative ideas and services.

    B2B Matchmaking Services
    What is B2B Matchmaking Services
    B2B matchmaking is a scheduled program that is provided by the organizer to facilitate business meetings that will be done by the exhibitors and visitors during the exhibition. The Exhibitor and visitor can also attend free technical product presentation .

    Business matchmaking is a highly focused form of B2B networking that has become a valuable and integral part of many business conferences. In as little as 20 minutes, entrepreneurs and business professionals can identify and launch potentially rewarding B2B cooperation and business partnerships. B2B matchmaking is a fast and easy way to introduce your business to both potential partners and new markets.

    if you had registered as Exhibitor or Visitor in one of our event below, please click on the image to be directed to the page for login into your account. if you dont have an account, you can create one and start to use the matchmaking services in the selected events you would like to attend.

    Link :


  12. Welcome to Indo Aerospace Expo & Forum
    INDOAEROSPACE 2021 EXPO & FORUM is going to be the 7th edition on April 7 - 10, 2021 at Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Indonesia. Held concurrently with the 9th INDODEFENCE 2021 Expo & Forum, and 6th INDOMARINE 2021 Expo & Forum, the expo will be one of the biggest aerospace, airport technology, commercial aviation and aviation security event in the region.
    The expo professionally connects you with the governments and state-owned companies such as Directorate General of Civil Aviation, AIRNAV Indonesia, Indonesian National Police, PT Angkasa Pura I, PT Angkasa Pura II, PT Dirgantara Indonesia; airlines, MROs, associations and reputable partners who can elevate your business opportunities in Indonesia and widely for Southeast Asia market. With one stop solution framework, the expo offers you a well-organized exhibition platform alongside with international forums and delegation program, technical product presentations, live demonstration as well as business matchmaking between industry’s players or visitors.
    As a leading event, INDOAEROSPACE 2021 EXPO&FORUM is your considerable platform to generate business opportunities and get updates on the foremost technologies, systems and solutions for aerospace, airport development, commercial aviation, and aviation security.
    Please drop your space inquiry by contacting our professional team addressed on the point of contact section.

    Link :


    1. Apabila Vietnam International Defense Expo di undur ke tahun 2021, jadi saingan Indonesia International Defense Expo 2021.

      Wah.. wah..

      Menariknya International Defense Expo ini dalam hal transaksi penjualan alutsista dan perkembangan alutsista di negara-negara ASEAN.

  13. US lets Indonesia’s Prabowo off the hook
    US lifts rights-related visa ban on Indonesia’s defense minister in a strategic mending of fences
    OCTOBER 12, 2020

    Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto takes aim in a file photo. Image: Facebook
    JAKARTA – The United States has after two decades finally issued a visa to Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, a diplomatic move that aims to mend fences as Washington seeks to build a regional coalition of like-minded allies against China.

    Currently the front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, Prabowo had in effect been blacklisted since taking command responsibility for the kidnapping and torture of pro-democracy activists in the dying days of the late president Suharto’s New Order regime.

    The rehabilitation of the retired special forces general has been pushed by two key figures in US President Donald Trump’s administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, in one of their last acts before the forthcoming US presidential election after which they may both be out of a job.

    Esper, who has developed a warm relationship with Prabowo, had announced last July his intention to visit Indonesia, but that was recently replaced by an invitation for the minister to travel to Washington instead for scheduled bilateral talks this week on future defense cooperation.

    Prabowo has prospered since President Joko Widodo surprisingly brought his presidential rival into the cabinet after last year’s bitterly fought campaign, which saw the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) leader lose by 10% of the vote.

    According to government sources, Widodo’s senior political adviser, Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Panjaitan, told Pompeo during a meeting after Prabowo’s appointment that Indonesia would never buy US military hardware as long as the visa ban remained in place.

    But that clearly comes second to Washington’s efforts to get Indonesia and other key members of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) to come on board in Washington’s growing struggle for power and influence with China in the South China Sea and beyond.

    1. Members of Indonesia's special forces Kopassus march during celebrations for the 72nd anniversary of the Indonesia military, in Cilegon, Banten province, October 5, 2017. Photo: Reuters/Beawiharta
      Members of Indonesia’s special forces Kopassus march during celebrations for the 72nd anniversary of the Indonesia military, in Cilegon, Banten province, October 5, 2017. Photo: Twitter
      “There’s a lot of pressure on Indonesia to take sides,” says one regional affairs specialist, noting that Esper heads at least one part of the Trump administration that appears to be functioning normally. “The Americans have really been pushing it.”

      Interestingly, as Prabowo headed for Washington, Panjaitan was meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Yunan for discussions on trade and investment, health, education and research and the development of a Covid-19 vaccine.

      Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi last month called on the US and China not to trap Indonesia in their rivalry. A day later, Pompeo urged ASEAN governments to cut ties to firms involved with Beijing’s military buildup of islands and features it controls in the South China Sea.

      Citing confidentiality issues, the US State Department has never disclosed whether Prabowo has been on an official blacklist. But it is understood the word was passed through back channels advising him not to apply for a visa to avoid embarrassment.

    2. Then Suharto’s ambitious son-in-law, which allowed him to behave in a way that earned him a host of enemies among superior officers, Prabowo had long been under a cloud over alleged human-rights abuses in East Timor, when he served there in the early 1980s.

      Most of the accusations centered specifically on the massacre of 55 people on Mount Bibileo, northwest of Viqueque, in September 1983, reportedly perpetrated by troops under Prabowo’s command during a sustained counterinsurgency campaign against Falintil guerrillas.

      Over subsequent years, he rose swiftly through the ranks on a career path that many thought marked him as a future president. But all that fell apart with the 1997-98 financial crisis and the subsequent downfall of the New Order government.

      A day after Suharto’s resignation on May 21, 1998, Prabowo barged into the office of interim president B J Habibie demanding the removal of his bitter rival, armed forces chief General Wiranto, and other changes in the military hierarchy he claimed were part of a deal he had reached with Suharto’s successor.

    3. He has always denied claims his actions at the time amounted to a coup attempt. In fact, in later years he bristled at suggestions that his inability to secure a US visa put him on the same level as Major-General Manoon Roopkachorn, the leader of Thailand’s abortive 1981 and 1985 coups.

      Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) shakes hands with Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto after Widodo was sworn in for a second term as president, October 20, 2019. Photo: AFP/Achmad Ibrahim/Pool
      Wiranto has always claimed he saved Indonesia’s democracy, but neither he nor Prabowo, then the head of the 25,000-man Army Strategic Command (Kostrad), had the support that would have been required to avoid a bloody standoff and a drift into civil war.

      Accused of insubordination and the abduction and mistreatment of political activists, none of whom presented a threat to the Suharto government, Prabowo was subsequently dismissed from the army by a military honor council and went into several years of self-exile in Jordan.

      Although he accepted responsibility for the actions of the so-called Team Rose, the special forces unit that carried out the abductions, Prabowo has always denied he exceeded his orders and says the kidnappings were intended to put a stop to a feared bombing campaign by radical elements in the protest movement.

      The real motivation, however, is believed to have been an effort to head off demonstrations disrupting the March 1998 People’s Legislative Assembly (MPR) session, which rubber-stamped a futile, short-lived extension to Suharto’s 32-year rule.

    4. Former student leader Pius Listrilunang, the first to be abducted and the last to be released, says no more than eight other activists were ever in Team Rose’s custody and that all were released during his eight-week confinement at a special forces base in South Jakarta.

      He has been unable to explain, however, what happened to three of the activists who disappeared after initially gaining their freedom. They are among nine other prisoners still listed as missing after apparently being seized by Jakarta Regional Command operatives about the same time.

      Listrilunang and Prabowo reconciled at a little-known meeting in Kuala Lumpur in 1999, where the general apologized for his mistreatment. The former detainee joined Gerindra when it was formed in 2008 and later served two terms in the House of Representatives between 2009 and 2019.

      In 2000, the State Department provided no explanation for denying Prabowo a visa to attend his son’s graduation in Boston. But he blamed it on allegations, again unproven, that he instigated the riots that killed as many as 1,000 people in the days leading up to Suharto’s resignation, many of them in burned-out supermarkets.

      Indonesian Pro-reform activists, some in masks resembling those worn by their kidnappers, gather at Jakarta's international airport 19 July with a wanted sign for General Prabowo Subianto, the former commander of the special forces and a son-in-law of ex-president Suharto. The activists were welcoming back kidnap victim Pius Lustrilanang from the Netherlands where he fled in fear of his life after exposing security forces involvement in the abduction of 23 activists, 14 of whom are still missing. Prabowo has said he will accept responsibility for the abductions. AFP PHOTO. Dadang Tri. . / AFP PHOTO / DADANG TRI
      Indonesian activists at Jakarta’s international airport with a wanted sign for General Prabowo Subianto in a file photo. Image: AFP/Dadang Tri
      Since his return to political life, Prabowo has in essence played by the rules, though some of his behavior and statements during one vice-presidential and two presidential campaigns have been seized on by his critics as evidence that he is a threat to democratic rule.

    5. Certainly, his alignment with conservative Muslim groups in last year’s presidential election demonstrated once again the lengths he is prepared to go to for political expediency. His initial refusal to accept the result led to several days of riots on Jakarta streets.

      By bringing Prabowo into his government, Widodo has cleared the way for him to become the frontrunner for the presidency in 2024, perhaps an additional reason senior US officials are now taking a more pragmatic view of his visa situation.

      But at home, the president stirred controversy recently by approving the appointment of two former Team Rose members to senior Defense Ministry posts. The disbanded unit’s commander, Chairawan Nusyirwan, who was also court-martialed in 1998, is one of Prabowo’s special assistants.

      As defense minister, Prabowo has pointedly refused to consider procurement of a late-model version of the F-16 fighter, which makes up three of Indonesia’s frontline strike squadrons. The fighters are currently carrying out regular patrols over the Natuna islands, the scene of a spate of Chinese incursions.

    6. Then Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto speaks on the defending Islam in Jakarta, December 2, 2018. Photo: NurPhoto via AFP/Anton Raharjo
      But with Widodo worried about drawing US sanctions, the minister has also deferred the planned purchase of new Russia-made Sukhoi-35 jets to add to the 15 Su-27/30s in the air force’s inventory, which Indonesia was forced to turn to during a 15-year US arms embargo imposed in response to rights abuses in East Timor.

      Officials say Prabowo’s interest now is in buying Boeing’s twin-rotor CH-47 Chinooks. Given their value in natural disasters, the heavy-lift helicopters would make a lot more sense than Indonesia’s most recent purchase of eight AH-64 Apache gunships, a $700 million deal that only seemed designed to keep up with the neighbors.

      Although he comes from strictly an army background, the Western-educated Prabowo is more of a strategic thinker than many of his predecessors, seeing upgraded equipment for the navy and air force as far more important to meeting Indonesia’s future defense needs.

      Link :


    7. Hmmm menarik untuk disimak pernyatan penulis dibawah ini


      Officials say Prabowo’s interest now is in buying Boeing’s twin-rotor CH-47 Chinooks. Given their value in natural disasters, the heavy-lift helicopters would make a lot more sense than Indonesia’s most recent purchase of eight AH-64 Apache gunships, a $700 million deal that only seemed designed to keep up with the neighbors.

      Sepertinya Osprey tidak jadi dibeli. Chinook untuk menggantikan Opsrey. Dan penambahan Apache serta F35

    8. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    10. 😹😹😹.....padahal yg dihapus tadi udah ku screenshot, cekrekkkkk

    11. @JDI, ngapain di SS padahal w tadi salah paham tulis komentar

  14. yaah..expo diundur
    Gak jadi beli radio brik brik lagi deh

    Pokoke kalo ada defense expo beli radio brik brik saja
    Biar kelihatan exis spt negeri yg katanya gred A itu.

  15. 8°11'28"S 114°22'55"E • 1 m

    Ternyata masih belum ada kenampakannya ....

  16. 7°11'37"S 112°45'26"E • -0 m

    Kalau yang ini sudah jelas sekali menampakkan

  17. Superstar13 Oktober 2020 07.37

    Selamat Pagi.. salam 5N selalu :

    - Ngunthal
    - Ngopi
    - Ngudut
    - Ngising
    - Nganu



    gemPOORwira by ESSEN 13 Oktober 2020 08.00

    tumben mas@super sekarang mulai nakal


    Just do it13 Oktober 2020 10.19

    Itu nakal yang tertunda.....biasa tuh kalo udah waktunya puber kedua 🏃💨💨💨
