An effector from Aselsan’s Zoka range of torpedo countermeasure jammers and decoys (photo :
A consignment of acoustic torpedo countermeasure jammers and decoys meant for the Indonesian Navy’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL’s) Nagapasa (Type 209/1400)-class diesel-electric submarines has arrived in-country.
The equipment, which was delivered by Turkish defence company Aselsan as part of a contract signed in 2019, arrived in Indonesia on 22 October, Janes has confirmed with an industry source close to the matter.
Citing an official from Aselsan, Janes first reported in March 2019 that Indonesia had selected the Zoka range of jammers and decoys for the Nagapasa class.
The jammers work by emitting noises that saturate the acoustic operating frequencies of known torpedoes on the market, while the decoys can be programmed to simulate the acoustic and hydrographic characteristics of its host submarine.
These effectors are launched from Aselsan’s Zargana dispenser system, which can deploy up to 24 decoys or jammers in single-shot or salvo modes, without generating any air bubbles that may compromise the host submarine’s position.
This dispenser system is platform- and system-agnostic, and can be integrated into the host vessel’s existing combat management systems without the need for dedicated consoles.
State-owned shipbuilder PT PAL will be working with engineers from Aselsan to integrate the system onboard all three Nagapasa-class boats.
Indonesia signed for three Type 209/1400 boats with South Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) in 2011. The TNI-AL has inducted two boats in the class, Nagapasa (403) and Ardadedali (404), and is awaiting the commissioning of the final boat, Alugoro (405).
Tarik sist
BalasHapusSemongkoooooo 😂
HapusJek esuk, ora cocok😁
HapusBuah melon saingane, nganti bleber tetap kenyal 😀
HapusSemongko gantung aku doyane😗😗😗😘
BalasHapusShoping trus
BalasHapusKasihan malaysia kapal baru beli dah rusak..
BalasHapusTentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) telah menerima kapal Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) yang pertama daripada empat dipesannya daripada China pada awal Januari lepas.
Bagaimanapun hanya beberapa bulan selepas menerimanya, TLDM telah pun mengesan beberapa kerosakan (deficiencies) pada KD Keris (LMS 111) yang baru diterimanya daripada China itu dan sedang berusaha untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah terbabit.
TLDM sebagaimana didedahkan oleh majalah pertahanan antarabangsa, Janes, sedang berbincang dengan beberapa kontraktor di dalam usaha mereka untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang berlaku itu.
Mereka juga berusaha untuk memastikan masalah yang sama tidak dihadapi oleh tiga buah kapal LMS yang kini sedang dibina di China pada ketika ini.
Majalah pertahanan antarabangsa, Janes
Malaysia menandatangani perjanjian pembelian empat buah kapal LMS dengan China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) pada April 2017 bernilai RM1.17 billion.
Ia adalah pembelian kapal perang yang pertama daripada China kerana sebelum ini kesemua kapal-kapal TLDM sama ada dibina di limbungan kapal tempatan atau negara-negara Barat.
"..sebelum ini kesemua kapal-kapal TLDM sama ada dibina di limbungan kapal tempatan atau negara-negara Barat.."
Maklum udah simkin, maka kapal kecilpun hanya mampu beli kelas KW dari china..😂😂😂
Sistem LMS cacat ternyata karna banyak menggunakan sparepart cina 😂😂😂
HapusTapi knp om punya pakistan, bangla bagus2 aja ngak ada berita rusak
HapusIni kan kapal kebanggaan gempur.. 😂😂😂
HapusUnknown@ punya bangla dan Pakistan belinya tdk dgn cara rasuah
HapusIni trik malon biar ga ditagih koko panda licik memang malon
HapusKasihan malaysia kapal baru beli dah rusak..
BalasHapusTentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) telah menerima kapal Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) yang pertama daripada empat dipesannya daripada China pada awal Januari lepas.
Bagaimanapun hanya beberapa bulan selepas menerimanya, TLDM telah pun mengesan beberapa kerosakan (deficiencies) pada KD Keris (LMS 111) yang baru diterimanya daripada China itu dan sedang berusaha untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah terbabit.
TLDM sebagaimana didedahkan oleh majalah pertahanan antarabangsa, Janes, sedang berbincang dengan beberapa kontraktor di dalam usaha mereka untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang berlaku itu.
Mereka juga berusaha untuk memastikan masalah yang sama tidak dihadapi oleh tiga buah kapal LMS yang kini sedang dibina di China pada ketika ini.
Majalah pertahanan antarabangsa, Janes
Malaysia menandatangani perjanjian pembelian empat buah kapal LMS dengan China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) pada April 2017 bernilai RM1.17 billion.
Ia adalah pembelian kapal perang yang pertama daripada China kerana sebelum ini kesemua kapal-kapal TLDM sama ada dibina di limbungan kapal tempatan atau negara-negara Barat.
Min,angkat beritanya 😂😂😂
HapusIya om mimin nya takut gempur
HapusWira stress
...selingan ach DJ KENTRUNG dulu, TARIK SIS...SEMONGKOOOOO ;
BalasHapus...Aku hanya bisa berkata sayang
Jangan tinggalkan aku
Aku hanya bisa berharap sayang
Jaga hatimu untukku
Tiada cinta yang seindah kamu
Tetaplah di sisiku
Kuharap kau bisa terima aku
Dengan apa adanya
Sungguh aku tak bisa
Bila harus menjauh dari kamu
Tiada yang sempurna
Tiada yang seindah cinta kamu
Aku hanya bisa berkata sayang
Jangan tinggalkan aku
Aku hanya bisa berharap sayang
Jaga hatimu untukku...
... Xixixixixixixi 😁
...enak banget buat JOGET, asli dech...ini penyanyi ASLI nya itu adalah Nazia MarwianA berasal dari Aceh - Indonesia
Hapus... Xixixixixixixi 😁 – Pertahanan laut Indonesia semakin kuat dengan hadirnya kapal selam KRI Nagapasa-403. Secara kualitas, dibandingkan dengan kapal selam milik tetangga di kawasan Asia Tenggara, Indonesia layak membusungkan dada. Apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan dua kapal selam milik Malaysia, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman dan KD Tun Abdul Razak, KRI Nagapasa-403 unggul jauh!
BalasHapusJika berbicara soal ketangguhan kapal selam, dua komponen penting yang harus dimiliki adalah ketahanan menyelam dan daya jangkau operasional. KRI Nagapasa-403 punya keunggulan pada dua poin tersebut. Kapal selam buatan Daewoo Ship Building Marine Engineering ini bisa bertahan menyelam selama 50 hari dan punya daya jangkau hingga 10.000 mil atau 16.093 km.
Nah, angka tersebut jauh lebih unggul ketimbang dua kapal selam milik Malaysia, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman dan KD Tun Abdul Razak. Berdasar data tahun 2017 yang dikutip dari, rata-rata kapal selam yang dimiliki negara Asean bisa bertahan menyelam selama 45 hari. Sedangkan untuk daya jangkau operasional, dua kapal selam milik Malaysia cuma mampu melaju sejauh 6.500 mil atau 10.461 km.
Daya jangkau KRI Nagapasa-403 juga unggul dari armada kapal selam Vietnam. Negara Republik sosialis itu punya enam kapal selam Kilo Class buatan Rusia. mencatat, daya jangkau kapal selam tersebut sejauh 7.500 mil atau 12.070 km.
Di Asia Tenggara sendiri, ada empat negara yang memiliki armada kapal selam. Selain Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Vietnam, Singapura juga memilikinya. Singapura disebut memiliki enam buah kapal salam, hanya saja tidak disebutkan secara spesifik jenisnya di situs tersebut.
Berdasar penelusuran, ada dua kapal selam yang dimiliki Singapura. Keduanya adalah vastergotland class yang merupakan bekas pakai angkatan laut Swedia. Selebihnya, Singapura disebut telah memesan dua kapal selam type 218SG dari Jerman. Masih belum diketahui berapa daya jangkau kapal selam tersebut.
Dari segi kecepatan, KRI Nagapasa-403 bisa melaju hingga 21 knot di bawah laut. Itu setara dengan kemampuan kapal selam scorpen class milik Malaysia. Kecepatan 21 knot itu juga selevel dengan kapal selam Collins Class milik Australia.
Terlepas dari peta kekuatan kapal selam tersebut, Pangarmatim Laksda TNI Darwanto mengatakan bahwa kebutuhan kapal selam Indonesia berjumlah 12 buah. “Pemenuhan kebutuhan ini akan dilakulan secara bertahap,” ujarnya saat menyambut kedatangan KRI Nagapasa-403, Senin pagi (28/3).
Editor : Ilham Safutra
Reporter : (did/JPC)
Changbogo, bukan kaleng2 bro!
Kalau memang bukan kaleng2 knp batch 2 dibatalkan om ??
HapusNaik semester lah ...
HapusGanti SCP ...
HapusNgincar yg ada aip. Mosok 6 biji semuanya tanpa aip?
HapusMasyuk akal.
Ada uangnya ngak ??
HapusAda uangnya ngak ??
HapusAih berita shopping2 alutsista lagi, nanti ada yg sesak napas dgr indonesia shopping2 saat pandemi lg, lbh baik diam2 saja ya tak enak hati aku🙂
BalasHapusGood news from Indonesia ..
BalasHapusIndonesian test rudal balistik berpandu laser.mp4 - YouTube
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is planning to launch a three-digit rocket, with a range of 100km to 900km, to strengthen its artillery system. Indonesia is planning to launch the rocket next year.
"Next year, we will conduct static and dynamic tests on a three-digit rocket," said Goenawan Wybiesana, who works as an assistant to the deputy minister for research and technology - strategic, scientific and technological research productivity, on Thursday.
In the initial stages, he said, the focus will be on the development of 10 to 20 units of a 350mm-caliber ballistic rocket, with a range of 100 kilometres, which will be followed by the development of bigger calibre rockets and guided rockets.
The ministry of research and technology, which is a part of a rocket consortium, will fund (Rp10 to Rp15 billion) the project in 2013.
Other members of the consortium include PT Pindad, PT Dahana, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Lapan, BPPT, LIPI, ITB, UGM and ITS.
Goenawan said the development of rocket technology is dependent on material technology, control-system technology, explosives and propulsion technology, and mechanical electronic technology.
He said the national rocket programme had begun in 2005, involving various institutions. These institutions had come up with an initial design and a prototype in 2010.
In 2011, he said the rocket consortium had launched a freeze prototype 1 (R Han 122), purchased by the ministry of defence. It was mass-produced, and it was a part of the `1,000 rockets' programme.
"Initially, R Han 122 had a 122 mm calibre and a range of 15 kilometres. In 2011, the range of R Han 122 had been stepped up to 25 kilometres. In 2012, its calibre had been increased to 200mm and its range had been increased to 35 kilometres," he said.
Before the launch of the rocket programme for defence purposes, the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) had mastered rocket technology for the purpose of launching satellites.(*)
From isroil via brazil with love 😂😂😂
HapusDaftar belanja Indonesia sebesar US$1,4 billion DCSA dari USA:
BalasHapus8 AH-64D APACHE Block III LONGBOW Attack Helicopters
19 T-700-GE-701D Engines (16 installed and 3 spares),
9 Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors,
4 AN/APG-78 Fire Control Radars (FCR) with Radar Electronics Units (Longbow Component),
4 AN/APR-48A Radar Frequency Interferometers,
10 AAR-57(V) 3/5 Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) with 5th Sensor and Improved Countermeasure Dispenser,
10 AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting Sets,
10 AN/APR-39A(V)4 Radar Signal Detecting Sets,
24 Integrated Helmet and Display Sight Systems (IHDSS-21),
32 M299A1 HELLFIRE Missile Launchers, and
140 HELLFIRE AGM-114R3 Missiles.
Ini pembelian lama atau tambahan?
HapusMantep terpedo OPO rudal mase
BalasHapusWoow ... Target pencapaian akhir MEF yang semula tahun 2024 akan dipercepat selesai di tahun 2019 ..
BalasHapusIngat akselerasi .. bukannya jalan di tempat ..
JAKARTA - Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said on Wednesday that government planned to cut short the period set to develop the country's military.
"We will cut short the military empowerment period from three to two strategic plan (Renstra) periods. We have enough funds to finance the efforts to develop our military... Hopefully it can be settled in 2019 instead of 2024 we set earlier," Purnomo told a press conference in his office here.
The renstra is the Indonesian military's plan in developing its strategic force. Indonesia began massive development of Indonesian military in 2010 by procuring modern armaments, military vehicles and high technology instruments aimed at significantly improving its military might. All of those efforts were expected to be completed within 15 years.
The minister said the cutting short of the military development period would be the country's particular achievement, adding that it was fully endorsed by the government by allocating more funds to finance the efforts.
In the first renstra period ending in 2015, Indonesian government has allocated 150 trillion rupiah ($16.7 billion) to finance military equipment aimed at empowering the might of its air, army and navy forces.
Many kinds of modern armaments that Indonesia ordered from several producers had been delivered into the country. Among others Sukhoi Su 30 fighter jets, KT 1 Wongbee trainer/light attack planes from South Korea, Tucano anti-insurgency planes from Brazil and Leopard main battle tanks from Germany.
For the navy, Indonesia also purchased several new warships and submarines. It set up cooperation with South Korean producers in procuring submarines under transfer of technology scheme.
Indonesia also established a joint cooperation with South Korean producers in designing and producing the so-called 4.5 generation fighter jet codenamed KFX. The joint project with South Korea initiated in 2009, worth $2 billion. The initial prototypes of the plane is expected to roll-out from the production facility in South Korea by 2020.
Approximately 200 KFX fighter jets will be manufactured for both the Indonesian and South Korean Air Forces.
Indonesia is now expecting the delivery of remaining order on Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia and 24 F-16 C/D fighter jets from the US to reinforce its fleet this year. The largest country in Southeast Asia region had also allocated funds to procure AH 64 Apache helicopters for its army.
Indonesia speeds up military modernization |Asia-Pacific |
Surprise .. Akhirnya tambahan F16 tiba juga di Indonesia ..
BalasHapusIndonesia will receive 8 F-16 C / D grants that have been regenerated By United States starting in 2014. Thus implied from the Head of the Defense Facilities (Kabaranahan) Kemhan RI Ediwan Maj. Gen. Prabowo, as do interviews with reporters after attending a meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Defence Wednesday 9 January 2013.
It is Explained that 8 aircraft F-16 is currently being upgraded at 309th Maintenance Wing at Hill Airforce Base, the state of Utah, United States. Standard electronics armaments and aircraft will be upgraded from the original block 25 to on par to the block 52 .
According to the plan. Replacement to the aircraft engines will be carried out by Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford, Connecticut.
309th Maintenance Wing is a maintenance depot for the U.S. air force fighter aircraft, in this depot serves in maintaining and repair of the F-22A Raptor, F-16 Fighting Falcon, A-10 Thunderbolt, and C-130 Hercules.
According to the plan one squadron (16 aircraft) F-16 grant will be placed in Pekanbaru, while the remaining 8 are placed in Madison with F-16 A / B block 15 which is currently operated by the Air Force.
The addition of one fighter squadron in Pekanbaru is consistent with the strategic plan (Strategic Plan I) the period of 2005-2014. Air Force plans to add a third fighter squadron again on Strategic Plan II (2015-2024) So it brings the total of an Air Force fighter to 11 squadron .
South Korea was reportedly offered to donate 16 fighter aircraft F-5E / F to Indonesia, on the other side, the U.S. also offers grants of 10 additional F-16 C / D block 25, but until now there is no news regarding the admissibility of the offer planes of the two countries.
Betul-betul mengejutkan dan mengguncang kawasan asia tenggara ...
RI to Purchase Three Frigates from Britain
Jakarta - The Indonesian government, through the ministry of defense will purchase three multi-role light frigates from Britain, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said.
"The purchase of the armament system from Britain will include the transfer of technology (TOT) so that Indonesia would be able to develop the same system," Purnomo said after receiving British Defense Minister Philip Hammond here on Wednesday.
The Indonesian defense minister has yet to decide when the purchase will be realized because it is still in the planning stage.
He said that Indonesia would send a team first to look at the sea ship's specification.
Purnomo said that the courtesy call made by Minister Philip Hammond at his office was part of the efforts to strengthen relations of both nations which had been well established since a long time ago.
The visit was to follow up the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Indonesia and Britain in London on November 1, 2012.
In the meantime, Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin said the meeting between the two defense ministers was held to strengthen the two nations' cooperation in the defense sector, which covered among others the purchase of armament system and military exercises.
He said that in 2013 a total of Rp81 trillion of budget was allocated for the Indonesian defense ministry. (*)
RI to Purchase Three Frigates from Britain | ANTARA JATIM : Portal Berita Daerah Jawa Timur
Pak Pur bukanya menteri jaman pak SBY ?
HapusIni kapal yang kata malon rusak padahal misquen setelah datang baru nyesel sampai 2020 aset ta tambah2 nambah dr china eeh rusak sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga terus tertimpa mesin cuci ,😂😂😂
Hapusloss doll pokoke lanjut shoppingnya.
ASELSAN MOKA...scorpene punya tak..?? Wakakakakak MRO dulu lah biar bisa menyelam...
...Quisnya nanti yach di Artikel ke 2 atau ke 3, soalnya Ane lagi SIBUK nich ?
BalasHapus... Xixixixixixixi 😁
Hapus... Xixixixixixixi 😁
Unknown yang diatas itu mau apa sebenarnya, berita udah kadaluarsa malah dibawa-bawa kesini ...
HapusAkhirnya pinjaman lunak untuk pembelian Sukhoi disetujui oleh Putin ... Selamat
A Russian bank will handle a $400 million loan to Indonesia for the purchase of six more Su-30 jet fighters. The Russian government is guaranteeing the seven year loan. Indonesia agreed to this purchase a year ago but sorting out details delayed closing the contract until recently. Indonesia already has ten Su-27s and Su-30s but wants at least 16 of these modern aircraft, so they will have a full squadron. Although expensive, the Russian fighters are modern and look great. They are also relatively cheap to maintain.
This was all part of a plan to switch from American fighters (ten F-16s and 16 F-5s) to Russian Su-27s and 30s. But used F-16s are so much cheaper than Su-27s, and the public pressure forced the Indonesian politicians to hang on to the F-16s and upgrade existing F-16s, an expensive proposition that appeals to corrupt Indonesian officials.
Although Indonesia originally wanted to buy 180 Su-27 and Su-30 fighters from Russia, they found that there was not enough money for that and are now rebuilding their older force of early model F-16s. In addition, Indonesia has ordered 24 used, but modernized, F-16Cs for $31 million each. The ten older F-16s will also be modernized to the same standard.
Indonesian Air force generals opposed the acquisition of the F-16s because they fear this will lead to a reduction in the procurement of new Russian fighters. The generals believe the Russian fighters are a better match for the F-18Es and MiG-29s that neighboring Malaysia is acquiring and the F-35s that Australia is buying. But the F-16s have a proven combat record that the Su-27s and Su-30s lack.
Six years ago Russia broke into the Indonesian market by guaranteeing a billion dollars in loans so Indonesia could purchase eight Su-30 fighters, two submarines, and four Mi-26 assault helicopters over five years. The U.S. had not sold weapons to Indonesia for a while because of human rights issues. The Russians stepped in with low prices, immediate delivery, and, most importantly, attractive credit terms. Many Indonesian military leaders preferred Western equipment and that attitude proved a constant obstacle to additional Russian sales. But the Russians have their foot in the door and will use easy credit and fast delivery to remain competitive.
Procurement: Russia Buys Its Way In
Padahal ini berita udah kadaluarsa malah dibawa-bawa ...
HapusU edan kowe
HapusU edan kowe
HapusIf I'm crazy why can I be a doctor ?
HapusYou are weird
HapusJunior bisa ngak jgn terlalu begok..
HapusItu coment gua buat unknown
Mangkanya namanya jangan sama persis ...
HapusUnknown vs unknown 😌😌
HapusFuuuuuuurrr ada salam dari si LEMES...kapal baru koq udah cacat fuuuuuuurr,udah di bilang si lemes itu ugly fuuuuuuurrrr..wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk..kapal ugly utang 25 taun..wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkkwk
BalasHapus@unkown, yang diatas jangan ditanggapi omongannya, dia udah ngawur pikirannya ....
BalasHapusBerita jaman pak SBY dibawa kesini, heran sama orang satu ini ...
BalasHapusKarena dia fans jaman SBY & sakit hati ama yg jaman sekarang.
HapusEmang norak kok dia orang...
Interview deputy minister of defense and Head of the Defence Planning Ministry of Defence about alutsista
Skarang tahun 2020 menjelang akhir bambang.. bkn thn 2013, please deh.. 🤣🤣🤣
Hapus"Selamat....atas pembelian alutsista terbaru diera mehan Sukiwil👍. Kiwil memang bukan kaleng-kaleng 💪💪💪"
waahhh lepas satu, masuk satuw....jendez emang gak ada duanya yaa om smilikity...tiga pon hayoooo haha!🤭🤭🤭
HapusSelamat to PT DI .. Akhirnya C 212 sepenuhnya diproduksi di PT DI kebanggaan kita ...
BalasHapusProduction of the Airbus Military C212 light transport is being transferred to Indonesia. The company signed a “strategic collaboration agreement” with PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) in mid-2011. The last aircraft to be assembled in Spain–a C212-400 version–was delivered to the Vietnam Marine Police in late December.
The C212 “provided the basis for the development of CASA into the world-class company that it is today in the form of Airbus Military,” said Domingo Urena-Raso, CEO of Airbus Military. A total of 477 C212s have been produced over a 42-year period for 92 operators. They have been used in a “variety of roles ranging from transport to rain-making, ultra-sophisticated surveillance to search and rescue,” according to the manufacturer. But production at Seville slowed to just four aircraft in the last two years. Urena-Raso said in 2010 that Airbus Military could no longer afford to produce the C212 in Europe.
Today, 290 C212s are flying in 40 countries. The largest population–70–is in Indonesia, where predecessors to PTDI assembled the type under license at Bandung during the 1970s and 1980s. The state-owned manufacturing company has been supplying subassemblies for the CN235 to Airbus Military. It will now build the NC-212, a further upgrade of the aircraft from the C212-400, which was introduced in 1997 with a glass cockpit and more powerful Honeywell TPE331 engines. The NC212 will have new digital avionics and autopilot systems and a new civil interior option for up to 28 passengers.
Airbus Military Transfers C212 Production to Indonesia | Aviation International News
Citing an official from Aselsan, Janes first reported in March 2019 that Indonesia had selected the Zoka range of jammers and decoys for the Nagapasa class.
Assooooyyy BARUW lagiii
WARGANYET TERBAKAR lagi donk haha!🔥🔥🔥
duhh shopping soping 2019 negh
bajet hepi2 75T haha!🤑🤑🤑
jom shopping soping 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina, Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh 👌👌👌
selaen jeroan penangkis torpedo ASELSAN ZOKA
BalasHapusini dia kecangggihan kapal kelas nagapasa kita gaesz haha!😉😉😉
ternyata kelas NAGAPASA(RI)-kelas VIRGINIA(USA) jugak BESODARA
kan sama2 pake OMS-100 buatan ERBAS jerman hore haha!🤖🤖🤖
apalagi periskop sero 400nye yg MANTAB punyak
kasel kita mah TOP, SODARANYA BANYAK haha!⚓⚓⚓
ada type 212, type-209,type 214, ula
sila brita si janes dibawah ini
ps: kasel virginia, adalah kapal selam serang nuklir amrik paling mutakhir buatan tahun 2004-skrg produksi
KL mao nyamain pencapaian manufaktur kapal perang ama kapal selam kita?
Hapuswahh KL butuh 1000 taon cahaya cuy haha!🛸🛸🛸
gak punya mesin kating stil...
gak punyak las sambung kapal selam
gak bisa bikin KCR haha!🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusmantab diaspora indonesia dimana2 berhasil termasuk di amrik hore haha!🥳🥳🥳
ada yg jadi perwira di amerika, calon jendral gaesz
ada yg jadi polisi di amrik, jago tilang pokonya haha!🤭🤭🤭
yang ini seorang hakim cantik, HORAS!
blom lagi om antiembalgo, chef lucu rasa budi handuk haha!🤣🤣🤣
Tidak banyak diaspora Indonesia di AS yang memegang jabatan publik, salah satunya adalah Marissa Hutabarat yang baru saja menduduki jabatan hakim di pengadilan perdata (First City Court) kota New Orleans, Louisiana. Ia meraih jabatan ini melalui pemilu lokal yang digelar tanggal 15 Agustus 2020.
Hakim Keturunan Indonesia di Amerika
Jadi inget opung di kaskus formil dulu, putra jawa-batak yg jd gembala kodok di US klo ga salah waktu sudah kolonel.. Ga tau lg kabar beliau..
Hapusmanteb om, diaspora kite ada disegala lini
Hapusapalagi ditetangga kesayangan, dari level bawah ampe puncak uda berhasil kite kuasai haha!🤭🤭🤭
A good Job by PT DI..HA Apache rancangan/buatan Indonesia ... Betul-betul kerja hebat dan membanggakan kita semua ...
BalasHapusInilah gambar dan spesifikasi Heli Tempur/Serang asli buatan Indonesia yang sangat membanggakan kita semua ....
Ada wang ada barang tak da wang jangan harap barang datang DP kurang barang melayang 😂😂😂😂
BalasHapusSat lagi produk buatan perusahaan lokal yang sangat membanggakan ..
BalasHapusPT. Royal Advanced Fiber (RAF Boats) was displaying its VITESSE Mark II Interceptor boat during IndoDefence 2012. The VITESSE Mark II is a high speed military delta conic airventilated triple step hull interceptor type vessel. It was designed following a special request from Indonesian Special Forces for Anti-terror and interception missions.
RAF Boats' VITESSE Mark II Interceptor. Indonesian Navy ordered six vessels similar to this one.
(Picture: RAF Boats)
dron ANKA lahir di TANAH AIR BETA hore haha!🥳🥳🥳
BalasHapusANKA-ELANG HITAM Besaudara...
lahir lewat fasilitas wintunel kite yg termasyurrrr
2008-2018, Satu Dekade Kerjasama Antara Indonesia Dan Turki Dalam Pengujian Terowongan Angin Untuk Pengembangan Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
KL mana punyak fasilitas TOP kelas DuniYA cem punya kita haha!👏👏👏
Hapusbutuh 50 tahun cahaya buat capai apa yg kita punyak gaesz
Produk alutsista lokal baru buatan anak bangsa ..SELAMAT
BalasHapusARNAWAMA, a special vehicles that have a compact design so it can go faster, have higher mobility and maneuverability and is not detected in the water. This vehicle can go in the water or dive to a maximum depth of 30 meters. The vehicle is also capable of carrying eight special forces personnel and are protected by a canopy cover. Although closed, the mini-submarine occupants still have to use an oxygen mask for their safety during diving. Arnawama also equipped with advanced navigation and communication equipment. Arnawama can be operated continuously for 5 hours under water or 10 hours on the surface of the water. However, in the water this boat will operate using batteries that can be charged back if the vehicle surfaced. For successful reconnaissance mission, the vehicle can also be hidden under water.
Titah Hitam (BLACK Edict) RI-1, a fast boat for landing and interdiction missions. Designed to enhance effectiveness, the performance of the special forces to conduct patrols and pursuit inside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia waters. The vessel is capable of driving up to 40 knots with a sharp maneuver and landed troops at once in a short time without the need for special dock. In the domestic production of composite and aluminum construction with a very strong and lightweight. Can be operated for 8-11 hours or within 350 nautical miles. At the bow of the ship, can be installed a machine gun that can be operated automatically or manually.
GANENDRA RI-1, is a Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) it's light, strong and compact. Being able to pull a load of large equipment and can make 1-2 nimble maneuvering combat divers in the water. Made with robust construction using aluminum with top-quality rust-resistant coatings, waterproof, heat resistant and scratch-resistant.
Shopping ... Shopping terus .... Maklum wong sugih ..
BalasHapusIndonesia Ordered 36 Astros II Rocket Systems
TSAMTO - Brazil's "Avibras Industria Aerospacial" signed a contract to supply Indonesia with two batteries MRLS "Astros-2” (ASTROS - Artillery Saturation Rocket System).
According to "Jane's Defence Weekly" in the exhibition held in Jakarta "IndoDefence 2012" representative "Avibras", an agreement was signed with the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia "recently" and provides for the production and supply of two batteries, "Astros" as well as the transfer of technology and their service Indonesian repair industry. Earlier, Indonesian online media reported that one of the MLRS "Astros-2" version Mk.6 was demonstrated during the past 5 October in Jakarta military parade.
Under the agreement Indonesia will receive 36 launchers and a similar number of transport-charging machines, fire control, mobile repair shops, mobile weather stations, control vehicle battery commander. "Avibras" will also provide training facilities, simulators and a package of spare parts.
The Astros system and related vehicle (photo : Defense Studies)
Despite the fact that the cost of the agreement were not disclosed, it can be estimated at 350 million dollars. In June this year, Brazilian Army signed a contract for the purchase of three batteries MLRS "Astros 2020" worth 525 million dollars. In addition, the MLRS "Astros" were delivered in 2002 and 2007 to Malaysia.
According to the signed November 8 Indonesia and "Avibras" memorandum of understanding, a Brazilian manufacturer of the Indonesian state-owned companies will give “PT Pindad” and “PT Dirgantara" as well as the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space Technology and the necessary "know-how".
According to the statement of the Executive Director of "Avibras" Sami Youssef Hassuani (Sami Youssef Hassuani), a technology transfer agreement will strengthen cooperation in Indonesia and Brazil in the field of defense.
Earlier Indonesia signed a contract to buy Brazil 16 light combat / training aircraft EMB-314 (A-29) "Super Tucano". The first four aircraft were delivered in August 2012.
walo dlm keadaan kovid-19,
BalasHapusyang fenting kita HEPI slaluw BELI yg ter-BARUW gaesz CHUKUP dalem 2 minggu doank nich
ceria bingit britanye haha!😍😍😍
✅ada MAUNG 40 bijik
✅ada 2 LST BARU
✅ada 2 KOZAK II
✅ada 1 LPD BRS
eitt masi ada;
ehh nambah lagi...
nunggu2 menhan abis keliling DUNIYA, kira2 apa yach yg bikin WARGANYET KL pengsan 7 kliling haha!👻👻👻
wahh cem boiben kita nich SM*SH haha!🥳🥳🥳
KL mana punyak BOI-BEN, kesian yakkk..slaluw ktinggalan jaaauuuuuhhhh
jom shopping soping 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN: Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapur, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina, Xlalu shoping bersama okeh oceh 👌👌👌
"Welcome Waiver?"
BalasHapusIni kaitannya...😯
Dari pembicaraan dengan sejumlah sumber yang tidak bersedia disebutkan namanya, Airspace Review memperoleh informasi bahwa sesungguhnya Indonesia masih berpeluang memperoleh jet tempur Su-35 dari Rusia. Yaitu, dengan meminta pengecualian (waiver) dari sanksi CAATSA kepada Amerika Serikat.
Klausul pengecualian (waiver) ini dimungkinkan jika Indonesia bisa memberikan tawaran balik yang menguntungkan pihak AS.
Dengan kata lain, Jakarta harus mampu menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia punya peran penting dan strategis bagi kepentingan geopolitik AS, sehingga tidak perlu dijatuhi sanksi CAATSA sekalipun membeli senjata bernilai strategis dari Rusia.
Meski opsi memberikan AS akses kepada sejumlah wilayah Indonesia untuk kepentingan militernya tidak bisa dilakukan karena Indonesia menganut politik bebas aktif, masih ada beberapa opsi lain yang bisa ditempuh.
Pertama, kata sumber Airspace Review, bisa saja Indonesia membeli sejumlah besar persenjataan dari AS (misalnya 48 jet tempur F-16V Block 72) dengan mengajukan syarat bahwa pembelian itu akan direalisasikan jika waiver CAATSA untuk pembelian Su-35 diberikan oleh AS kepada Indonesia.
Kedua, Indonesia bisa menawarkan kesediaan untuk latihan militer bersama (joint military exercise) secara rutin yang diprogramkan bersama dalam jangka waktu tertentu.
Sebagai negara berdaulat dan dengan potensi sebagai kekuatan ekonomi dunia yang sudah diperhitungkan banyak negara, sudah seharusnya Indonesia percaya diri dan berani terang-terangan meminta waiver CAATSA.
Kayaknya oleh-olehnya pak Menhan tuh...😯
HapusItu dia...
HapusSu35 with f16v..andai di combo?wiih..malon ketar ketir..
HapusJustru kita sering latihan ama mereka ketimbang china n rusia, terutama AD. Kita terakhir RIMPAC tahun 2018
HapusKalo gasalah USMC-Marinir juga barusan latihan tahun lalu 🤔
OSPREY duluan donk...
Hapusf-16 kite kan uda banyak yg baruw OPLAS, ntar 2035 keatas lgs f-35 haha!🤑🤑🤑
tapi kalo mo buat blajar koleksi dikit2 jugak bole nich si halilintar
dicicipin 8 bijik bolehlah, sekenan gpp, gratis apalagi haha!😍😍😍
eeittt sesudah tni au latihan ama BOMBER!
Hapusangkatan laut kite ada jadwal ama ruski tahun ini loh,
latgab gde2an haha!🦾🦾🦾
Lightning itu kilat ompal 🤣
HapusKalo halilintar/petir itu kesayangan tetangga, JF-17 "THUNDER" 🤣🤣
@palu f-35 "flying lemon" kgk boleh deket2 ama petir 😀
Hapusaduuww makloum lama di pentagon...amit amiytt dah sulfur haha!⚡⚡⚡
HapusLatihan bareng itu jg bisa jdi cara amerika untuk menanamkan pengaruhnya di tubuh TNI, makanya latian bareng aja dianggap bernilai hehe imo
BalasHapusbuat KL
eh ada lagi SALAM si LeMeS ROSAK haha!🤭🤭🤭
🤣🤣🤣 NOL BESAR ompal
Hapuskasi fisank biar cumungud haha!🍌🍌🍌
Hapus"Mbah gono le nangis nganti gulung koming 😭😭😭.......sing sabar ngih ki, mungkin niku pancen pun jodone, cup, cup, cup 🤷"
Wes, wes.....suwe-suwe yen beritane nggene terus rak klakon dibredel tenan korane kambi mbah Gono 🙄
Hapus"Mbah Gono ki gor menang brewu.....ning kalah prigel lan telaten gone lelacak nganti papan sing nylempit-nylempit 😁😂🤣"
Istri keberapa ya itu 🤔
Hapus78, ga jau donk dr om smilikitikitik haha!😵😵😵
BalasHapusIni buat kapal permukaan bisa ga ya?? 🤔
BalasHapusSebagian besar alutsista sekarang yg di unggul kan TNI masih peninggalan SBY boss , gua tegaskan di sini mef II sudah lewat terus bagaimana hasily ? 🤔🤔🤔,Jujur loe gak usah asumsi
BalasHapusBetul-betul membangakan ...Salah satu karya GENIUS anak bangsa - FMPV Trimaran ...
The Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (FMPV) Trimaran was designed by North Sea Boats, an Indonesia based shipyard, with input from New Zealand and Swedish engineers as well as the Indonesian Navy. The vessel employs a modern “Wave Piercing” trimaran design and some "stealth" characteristics.
An export version of the 63 meters FMPV Trimaran is available. North Sea Boats partnered with SAAB for this version, as a consequence most weapons and sub-systems are provided by the Swedish Defence group as shown in the picture below which was displayed on SAAB booth during Indodefence 2012.
FMPV Trimaran in export configuration would come with:
» Saab RBS15 Mk3 anti-ship missiles
» BAE Systems Bofors 40Mk4 40mm main gun
» Saab Sea Giraffe LT radar
» Saab CEROS 200 radar and optronic tracking system
» Saab 9LV Combat management system
» 8x CASIC C-705 anti-ship missiles
» Chinese 6 barrelled gatling type gun
Tanpa ribut-ribut.. Alutsista ini datang secara senyap di HLP ..
JAKARTA - Two type truck mounted howitzer 155mm caliber arrived at Halim Perdana Kusumah airport, jakarta transported by Russian aircraft Il-76 type. French Nexter Caesar howitzer made this classified as Self propelled howitzer / howitzer that can move itself to a more innovative than the previous howitzer type chain wheel (Tracked).
In line with the acceleration of the military modernization, the Army planned to get two this Caesar howitzer battalion. A Field Artillery battalion consists of three batteries, one of which consists of six artillery batteries, with such amount to TNI AD Caesar howitzer will reach 36 units.
TNI AD currently have two howitzer battalion own motion, respectively Yon Armed 7/105 GS in Cikiwul Bekasi (Kodam Jaya), and Yon Armed 5/105GS Cimahi West Java (Kodam Siliwangi). Used Howitzer is the AMX-61 Mk former Dutch totaling 50 units acquired in the late 1970s to 1982. Wheeled howitzer weighing 13.7 ton chain has a 105mm caliber cannon.
TNI AD also has a pull type 155mm caliber howitzer (towed) derived from Singapore in 1997. FH-88 Howitzer this (in Indonesia often called FH-2000) has a weight of 12.9 tons and is used by Armed Battalion 9 Kostrad in Sadang, Purwakarta.
Judging from the range of the howitzer firing the choice Caesar makes Field Artillery corps has dramatically increased the range of shots. When AMX Mk-61 only has a 15km range shots, and FH-88 has a maximum firing range of 30 km, then Caesar can do shots with a range of up to 42-50 km. Far-close range shots also determined by the choice of projectiles he wore.
Howitzer Caesar also used by Thailand, the land of the white elephant is buying 6 units in 2006 and all units have been received in 2010. Purchase by Thailand is the first export order of acquisition times for Caesar.
Caesar howitzer is water-Transportable, can be transported by aircraft such as the C-130 Hercules or the A-400M, it's very easy for these howitzers to be deployed to conflict areas quickly.
Two Caesar howitzer that has come in Indonesia will follow the military parade on the anniversary of TNI on October 5, 2012. After the military parade, Caesar can be seen up close by the public in defense equipment exhibition in Monument Square on December 6-8 October 2012.
(Defense Studies)
Hasil nyata kunjungan Prabowo ke AS ... Hormat Jendral ..
BalasHapusBANDA ACEH, - the Army will purchase 24 Bell 412 helicopters units and 20 units of Black Hawk. Procurement of the helicopter was part of the organization of the weapons systems (alusista) army.
This was conveyed by Chief of Army Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo Military Area Command Headquarters in Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh, on Monday (02/11/2013).
"The procurement for the upcoming program I will hold a sales for 24 bell 412. Of the 24 bell 412 only 10 are delivered, which we have already operate," he said.
The Army, , will continue to communicate with the helicopter maker. "If permitted, and the funds available, we will buy 20 Black Hawk helicopter from the U.S.," he said.
Some of the helicopters will be used for major units, including the Army reserve center in Jakarta. From there will be some that will be sent to the front, for example attack helicopter, making it easier to control security, - 'said brother-in-law of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Betul-betul kabar baik ...hasil gebrakan Prabowo sebagai Menhan..
BalasHapusIndonesia earmarks 1.56 bln USD for army modernization
JAKARTA, The Indonesian House of Representatives has approved a military budget worth 1.56 billion U.S. dollars to update Indonesia’s weapons system this year, aiming to strengthen and modernize the country’s military arsenal, an army general said Wednesday.
Army Chief of Staff Pramono Edhie Wibowo said the 1.56 billion U.S. dollars budget approved was to buy new weapons and replace the old ones simultaneously by phase in 2013.
“The army will acquire 24 units of helicopters of 412 type, Leopard tanks, cannons and rockets with a firing range of up to 100 kilometers,” Pramono said, adding that negotiations are in progress for the purchase of 20 units of helicopters of black hawk type.
Indonesia’s Antara news agency quoted the General Pramono as saying that the army would start buying the equipment directly from the producing countries in line with the procedure and the equipment would be distributed by phase to various regions which need modernization of weapons system.
As the biggest country and economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has begun to leverage its growing economy to overhaul its aging military hardware. Indonesia raised its defense budget to 8 billion U.S. dollars for 2013, a 6.6 percent increase from last year.
Kopet mabluk....😷
HapusPak Prabowo ke Turki lagi.