15 Oktober 2020

Rheinmetall Opens Australian Plant for Boxer 8x8 CRV

15 Oktober 2020

Boxer 8x8 CRV (all photos : Rheinmetall)

MILVEHCOE Opening establishes new Australian sovereign Military Vehicle Capability

Rheinmetall is pleased to confirm the opening of its Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence (MILVEHCOE) in Redbank, Queensland, Australia and the establish¬ment of a new national sovereign military vehicle capability that enables the design, development and local manufacture of military vehicles, platforms and turrets for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and export to like-minded nations.

The Prime Minister of Australia the Hon Scott Morrison MP officially opened the MILVEHCOE at a ceremony attended by a delegation of Federal MPs and Senators from across Queensland, representatives from Defence and Australian Defence industry.

The MILVEHCOE is an 11ha precinct incorporating a regional headquarters for Rheinmetall and a major manufacturing hub that will deliver vehicles into the ADF including Boxer 8×8 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (CRV) under Australia’s billion project Land 400 Phase 2 and high mobility logistics trucks under the Land 121 Phase 3B/5B program.

Rheinmetall AG Chief Executive Armin Papperger said the MILVEHCOE heralded a new era in Australian manufacturing as the company transferred technology and systems from Germany to establish a global hub for the continuous design, manufacture, export and support for military vehicles, platforms and turrets.

Mr Papperger said the MILVEHCOE’s export focus would also drive the sustainable growth of a military vehicle industry in Australia that would draw on an expanding supply network across the nation to deliver products and services from local industry into Rheinmetall’s Global Supply Chain.

“This state of the art MILVEHCOE establishes a leading edge military vehicle capability that will build on the strong partnership between Rheinmetall and the ADF,” Mr Papperger said.

“Moreover, it will enable Australian developed technology and systems to be exported to the world and opens the way for Australian companies to deliver into our programs for current and future nations including NATO members such as Germany and Hungary,” Mr Papperger said.

The MILVEHCOE precinct includes:

– Engineering and manufacturing for vehicles, turrets, weapons, armour, electronics and electro-optics and simulators;
– A vehicle test track and electromagnetic test chamber – used to confirm that vehicles meet the agreed performance specifications prior to delivery to the Australian Army;  
– An indoor firing range – a fully-enclosed, state of the art firing range;
– A systems integration laboratory – used to integrate and optimise performance of Australian Army systems and equipment into the vehicles; and
– Facilities for engineering, training, procurement, project management, finance, legal, marketing and management.
Rheinmetall Defence Australia Managing Director Gary Stewart said the MILVEHCOE would transform the company’s ability to deliver for the ADF and Rheinmetall customers globally.

“This facility has dramatically advanced our business in Australia and the way we engage with the Australian Defence Force and industry,” Mr Stewart said.

“Once fully operational, it will enable the manufacture and sustainment of the Australian Army vehicle fleet of BOXER vehicles and provide a sovereign facility where Defence, industry and research organisations can innovate and collaborate on the Australian Boxer and other defence programs.

Rheinmetall is establishing an advanced manufacturing workforce of more than 450 employees within the MILVEHCOE precinct including highly skilled and qualified workers across a range of specialist disciplines.

“We are hiring welders, vehicle mechanics, systems and integration engineers, electro-optics technicians, software coders and developers and other specialisations,” Mr Stewart said.

“Rheinmetall continues to invest in people, technology, infrastructure, program management, supporting functions and industry networks so we can deliver some of the most complex and advanced programs in the world and meet the demands of customers for military vehicles, electronic systems, simulation, training and support.”

These programs will see the design, development, manufacture and sustainment of a world class military vehicles and a focus on research and development of vehicle technologies including autonomous systems and new civilian vehicle capabilities.

Rheinmetall is currently delivering 211 Boxer vehicles to the Australian Army under Land 400 Phase 2. The Boxer’s key purpose is to find the enemy; to identify them and choose how and when to engage.

The company is also delivering more than 2500 protected high mobility trucks to the Australian Army under the Land 121 Phase 3B program and building on this logistics backbone for the ADF by supplying a further 1000 trucks to the Commonwealth through the Land 121 Phase 3B/5B program.

Rheinmetall has also offered the Lynx KF41 – a tracked, highly protected Infantry Fighting Vehicle – to meet the stringent military requirements of the $15 billion Land 400 Phase 3 program. The Australian Army needs a new IFV for close combat – to close in and defeat an enemy in the most dangerous and lethal environments for Australian soldiers.

“Design, development and manufacture of the in Australia for the ADF will also build on the advanced manufacturing jobs at the MILVEHCOE as well as a strong industrial network of SMEs across Australia,” Mr Stewart said.

65 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. ...hoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamz, NGANTUK poll

      ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

    2. Ndelok sing seger2 sek lah.. Ben melek motho

  2. Boxer mengingatkan ku pada RIDER GTMAN 😂😂😂

    1. Oooooo....kalo jaman mbah Gono kala itu modenya pelepah pisang dipakein ala pampers trus diikatin ke pinggang 🤔

    2. Yoiii... anti dhi rubeng laler lhoo🤭

    3. Malah ora ono merek, tukune neng pasar legi 10000 entuk 3

    4. Sar legi 😂😂😂.....yen rung ditumbaske sate gajih ra gelem wangsul 🤦

  3. Ooooowh punya australala..kirain punya melon..wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

  4. Mbah bakalan tertarik barang kayak gini gak ya, waktu pergi ke Jerman 🤔

    1. ...mbuh, Inyong ra ngerti Jun...takonono dewek ngono karo wonge ?

      ... Xixixixixixixi ��

    2. ...heuheuy deudeuh

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Komentar ini melok2 ikut dhi hapus

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Jangan mau ditipu, ini cuma contoh ...

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. ...sekarang kan hari Kamis, jadi jangan dijawab dulu...itu kemungkinan ada yang di ambil SOAL nya buat hari Sabtu


  7. https://www.indomiliter.com/modernisasi-alutsista-armada-kapal-patroli-tni-al-akan-diperkuat-meriam-seahawk-lw30m-a1/

    Seahawk buat TNI Al berarti smash buat BAKAMLA ya 😌

    1. Saya kan sudah bilang dari kemarin.

      Smash 30mm Aselsan di pakai untuk Bakamla dan KPLP. Ga percya di bilangin.

  8. Ooh..boxer ini udh ad beritany sebelumnya di DS ini

  9. "Ini nih 👇 yg lagi dilirik sama bung mentri.....pesennya siy cuma satu, jangan jantungan kalo datang beneran 😱😱😱"


  10. Phalanx CIWS adalah sistem senjata dekat dalam untuk pertahanan terhadap rudal anti-kapal. Ini dirancang dan diproduksi oleh General Dynamics Corporation, Pomona Division.

    Knp ngak beli ini ya

  11. Phalanx CIWS adalah sistem senjata dekat dalam untuk pertahanan terhadap rudal anti-kapal. Ini dirancang dan diproduksi oleh General Dynamics Corporation, Pomona Division.

    Knp ngak beli ini ya

    1. LHAAA..kalo phalanx bisa dipakei ke boxer, mungkin bisa dipertimbangin osi om unknown355 haha!������

      sayangnya PHALANX ciws ntuw gde pisan.
      liat aja c-ram punya amrik, pake trek trailer

    2. Katanya kita ngak dapat izin beli ini om@palugada

    3. Katanya kita ngak dapat izin beli ini om@palugada

    4. Katanya kita ngak dapat izin beli ini om@palugada

    5. Bisa aja mungkin Indonesia beli CIWS PHALANX buat perisai LHD 😁

  12. Rheinmetall Opens Australian Plant for Boxer 8x8 CRV


    nah berita ini, bagus banget buat ostrali...
    bakal ada RHEINMETAL OSTRALI....

    dan nyambung banget ama artikel maren, yg mengulas pendapat menhan bumi datar kesayangan om smilikitik-kitik eh skrg JDI lhoo haha!✅✅✅

    "Connie bilang masuknya industri swasta tersebut akan mendorong pencapaian teknologi industri pertahanan. Hal itu akan dicapai dalam waktu yang singkat mengingat teknologi telah dimiliki oleh perusahaan. "Karena dimungkinkannya teknologi dimiliki oleh swasta nasional atau Internasional namun tetap butuh banyak sekali pembelian," terang Connie."

    Bila Swasta Masuk Industri Pertahanan, Negara Dinilai Bisa Berhemat

    1. Australia memang cocok buat Rheinmetall

    2. lha emangnye kita gak cocok ape? om junior,

      ploduk mreka byk kite beli, dari ciws ampe tank lho haha!❕❕❕

    3. W ini emangnya setua apa sampai dipanggil om 😩

    4. Kalau Rheinmetall buka cabang disini Singaparna bakalan koar-koar ...

    5. Koar-koar ya silakan aja.

      Yang penting bisnis.

      Aku malah ngebayangin Oerlikon buka pabrik di sini sebab kita butuh banyak banget AA gun untuk 3 matra.

    6. @Tukang Ngitung

      Yups. AA si mbah 60mm sudah harus di ganti dan masuk museum.

  13. Namanya keren sih BOXER tpi u bentuk lbh keren dan garang panser 8×8 CSG ceko kmarin yg d bahas d DS

  14. Pindad..pindad..mana panser 8x8 mu?huhuhuhu..

    1. "Ini prototype 8x8 yg terbaru....tapi belum final desainnya, masih butuh penyempurnaan 🤗"


    2. Masih berbentuk siluman sekarang, gak semua orang bisa ngelihat kenampakannya 😌

    3. @JDI, minta ditabok marinir nih ��

    4. Om similing..itu yg di bikin mbulet dibagian bawah buat apa?
      Bukanya nnti malah gampang kesandung toh?atau itu tanki bensiny?

    5. Sebenare ane mau jawab.....tapi sekarang ane lagi nyamar jadi lutung 🙊🙊🙊

  15. S&T KKCB 30 mm dual-barrelled autocannon

    Dipasang di prototipe MT bagus nih 👍🏻

  16. sempet nulis gini maren disebelah,
    ehh skrg rheinmetall.
    LM ama navantia jugak ada keknya.

    herki kita kan dari sono apgrednya, iyak kan gaesz haha!✅✅✅


    palu gada14 Oktober 2020 20.40

    CSG dari Ceko pernah menawarkan untuk pendirian pabrik kendaraan tempur di Indonesia (photo : czdjournal)


    maren guwe sempet singgung, knp di ostrali byk prinsipal militer dari eropa dan asia buka cabang disono,
    macam: thales ostrali sampe hanwa ostrali.

    investor militer asing penting banget,
    kerna gak mungkin apa2 dipegang pemerintah lewat BUMN.
    duwit BUMN kan terbatas, kalo ada swasta lokal dan swasta asing, sangat membantuw banget gaesz.

    apalagi kalo investor asing dpt kemudahan di tanah air. ini bagus banget, selaen naekin pendapatan daerah tentuw, gaji pegawainya bisa standar dolar kyk didunia perminyakan hore haha!✅✅✅

    kalo investasi di negeri kita gampang, yang takut ituw, NEGARA2 KECIL disekitar kita, cem KL, UPIL bahkan VanuatuW haha!✅✅✅


    kerna peluang bisnis mereka kita sikat tak berbekas. dari hulu sampe hilir.
    dikita, skrg smuanya ada..lahan, tenaga kerja ampe infrastruktur okeh oceh✅✅✅

    1. Kan masih baru diizinkan industri militer asing buka cabang disini 😌

  17. Jika MHI sama HHI buka cabang di Indonesia bakalan seru bersaing 🤣

  18. @palu gada, jangan lupa smash sama seahawk dimasukkan ke daftar belanjaan bulanan 🤣

  19. On Jakarta’s wish-list is a “roadmap” to procuring the F-35 fighter jet, an Indonesian government official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity, adding officials were not optimistic.

    “We don’t expect much to be honest,” the Indonesian official said.
